public void AddRevision(WikiRevision rev) { tl curr = null; if (root.children.Count == 0) { List <tl> l = new List <tl>(); tl t = new tl(); t.type = 0; t.count = 1; t.rand = Tools.FullRandom(); t.revision = rev; l.Add(t); RevisionGroup(l); } else { curr = root.children[root.children.Count - 1]; if (!curr.user.Equals(rev.user)) { curr = new tl(); curr.type = 0; } tl t = new tl(); t.type = 1; t.revision = rev; t.rand = Tools.FullRandom(); curr.children.Add(t); curr.count++; } }
public void AddRevision(WikiRevision rev) { list.Add(rev); curr = rev; last_flagged = rev.flagged; if (!is_flagged && rev.flagged) { is_flagged = true; } }
public void UpdateRwStatus() { stable = null; for (int a = 0; a < list.Count; a++) { if (list[a].flagged) { if (stable == null) { stable = list[a]; } else if (stable.revid < list[a].revid) { stable = list[a]; } } } if (stable != null) { flagged_rev = stable.revid; is_flagged = true; } else { is_flagged = false; last_flagged = false; } if (stable != null) { for (int a = 0; a < list.Count; a++) { if (list[a].revid <= stable.revid) { list[a].flagged = true; } else { list[a].flagged = false; } } } }
public void SetReviewed(long revid) { for (int a = 0; a < list.Count; a++) { if (list[a].revid == revid) { if (stable != null && stable.revid < revid) { stable = list[a]; flagged_rev = revid; } is_flagged = true; list[a].flagged = true; if (a == list.Count - 1) { last_flagged = true; } break; } } }
public static DiffTemporaryResult __GetDiff(CoreOperations aw, WikiRevision from, WikiRevision to, Element el, bool pro_info = false) { DiffTemporaryResult result = null; try { String title = el.title; title = title.Replace(' ', '_'); SweepNetPage page =; if (page.list.Count == 0) { return(result); } String data = ""; long start_id, end_id; if (from == null) { from = to; to = null; } bool textflag = false; if (from == null || to == null || from.revid == to.revid) { data = aw.HTTP_W_REQUEST("index.php?oldid=" + (from != null ? from.revid : to.revid) + "&action=raw&ctype=text/css"); if (data.Equals("") || data.Equals("/* Empty */")) { return(result); } data = "<tr width=\"100%\"><td width=\"100%\" colspan=\"4\">" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(data).Replace("\n", "<br />") + "</td></tr>"; start_id = -1; end_id =; } else { data = aw.HTTP_W_REQUEST("api.php?format=xml&action=query&prop=revisions&titles=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(title) + "&rvstartid=" + from.revid + "&rvlimit=1&rvdiffto=" + to.revid); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(data); XmlNode currentNode; currentNode = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("query"); if (currentNode == null) { return(result); } currentNode = currentNode.SelectSingleNode("pages"); if (currentNode == null) { return(result); } currentNode = currentNode.SelectSingleNode("page"); if (currentNode == null) { return(result); } currentNode = currentNode.SelectSingleNode("revisions"); if (currentNode == null) { return(result); } currentNode = currentNode.SelectSingleNode("rev"); if (currentNode == null) { return(result); } currentNode = currentNode.SelectSingleNode("diff"); if (currentNode == null) { return(result); } data = currentNode.InnerText; start_id = page.flagged_rev + 1; end_id =; } String diffrez = "<html><head>" + i18n.GetText("diff_head" + Options.GetOption("diff_style")) + "</head><body width=\"100%\">"; if (pro_info) { diffrez += "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" valign=\"top\"><tr>"; diffrez += "<td width=\"" + (to != null ? "50" : "100") + "%\" valign=\"top\">" + DateTime.Parse(from.timestamp).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm") + " " + from.user + "" + (to != null ? "<br />" : "") + " [" + from.size + " байт]" + (from.minor ? " [m] " : "") + " (" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(from.comm) + ")" + "</td>"; if (to != null) { diffrez += "<td valign=\"top\">" + DateTime.Parse(to.timestamp).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm") + " " + to.user + "<br /> [" + to.size + " байт]" + (to.minor ? " [m] " : "") + " (" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(to.comm) + ")" + "</td>"; } diffrez += "</tr></table>"; } else { diffrez += "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\"><tr><td colspan=\"2\">" + String.Format("{0} edits have been made by: {1}".T(), (page.GeCountOfEdits(start_id, end_id)), Tools.GetColoredListOfUsers(page.GetHashtableofcontributors(start_id, end_id))) /*page.GetContributors(1).ToArray())*/; if (page.unflagged_count == 1) { diffrez += "; " + "Summary".T() + ": \"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(page.GetLastRevision().comm) + "\""; } diffrez += @"<span id=""authors""></span>";//"<!--SPACE_FOR_AUTHORS_BEGINNING--><!--SPACE_FOR_AUTHORS_ENDING-->"; diffrez += "</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"bottom\">" + (page.is_flagged ? "Stable revision".T() : "First revision".T()) + " — " + Tools.ConvertTimestampToDate(page.list[0].timestamp) + "</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"bottom\">Текущая — " + Tools.ConvertTimestampToDate(page.list[page.list.Count - 1].timestamp) + "</td></tr></table>"; } if (!WBcallback.CheckVisbleChanges(data) && !data.Equals("")) { diffrez += "<div align=\"center\"><b>" + "No noticeable changes".T() + "</b></div>"; } diffrez += "<table width=\"100%\" style=\"border-top: solid #000000 1px;\">"; diffrez += "<col width=\"2%\" valign=\"top\"><col width=\"46%\" valign=\"top\"><col width=\"2%\" valign=\"top\"><col width=\"46%\" valign=\"top\">"; List <DiffPiece> pieces = DiffEditor.SplitIntoPieces(ref data); diffrez += data.Equals("") ? "<td colspan=\"4\"><!--diff_is_empty-->" + "These revisions are the same".T() + "</td>" : data; diffrez += "</table>"; diffrez += "<br/><script>"; diffrez += "</script></body></html>"; diffrez = Tools.ReplaceFirst(diffrez, "<span class=\"diffchange", "<span id=\"first_difference\" class=\"diffchange"); diffrez = (Options.GetOptionInt("check_links") == 1 ? WBcallback.ProcessPage(diffrez) : diffrez); return(new DiffTemporaryResult(diffrez, pieces)); } catch (Exception) { return(result); } }
public static String __GetView(CoreOperations aw, WikiRevision rev, Element el, bool pro_info = false) { try { String title = el.title; title = title.Replace(' ', '_'); SweepNetPage page =; if (page.list.Count == 0) { return(""); } String data = ""; long start_id; if (el.stable_id < 1) { data = aw.HTTP_W_REQUEST("api.php?format=xml&action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&titles=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(title) + "&rvlimit=1&rvparse=1"); start_id = -1; } else { data = aw.HTTP_W_REQUEST("api.php?format=xml&action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&titles=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(title) + "&rvstartid=" + el.stable_id + "&rvlimit=1&rvparse=1"); start_id = page.flagged_rev; } XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(data); XmlNode currentNode; currentNode = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("query"); if (currentNode == null) { return(""); } currentNode = currentNode.SelectSingleNode("pages"); if (currentNode == null) { return(""); } currentNode = currentNode.SelectSingleNode("page"); if (currentNode == null) { return(""); } currentNode = currentNode.SelectSingleNode("revisions"); if (currentNode == null) { return(""); } currentNode = currentNode.SelectSingleNode("rev"); if (currentNode == null) { return(""); } data = currentNode.InnerText; if (data.Equals("") || data == null) { data = "-1"; } String diffrez = "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"></head><body>"; if (pro_info) { diffrez += "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" valign=\"top\"><tr>"; diffrez += "<td width=\"100%\" valign=\"top\">" + DateTime.Parse(rev.timestamp).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm") + " " + rev.user + " [" + rev.size + " байт]" + (rev.minor ? " [m] " : "") + " (" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(rev.comm) + ")" + "</td>"; diffrez += "</tr></table>"; } else { if (page.unflagged_count == 1) { diffrez += "; " + "Summary".T() + ": \"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(page.GetLastRevision().comm) + "\""; } diffrez += "</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"bottom\">" + "Stable revision".T() + " — " + Tools.ConvertTimestampToDate(page.list[0].timestamp) + "</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"bottom\">Текущая — " + Tools.ConvertTimestampToDate(page.list[page.list.Count - 1].timestamp) + "</td></tr></table>"; } diffrez += "<table width=\"100%\" style=\"border-top: solid #000000 1px;\">"; diffrez += "<tr width=\"100%\"><td>" + data + "</td></tr>"; diffrez += "</table><br/></body></html>"; return(diffrez); } catch (Exception) { /*MessageBox.Show(e.Message+"\r\n\r\n"+e.StackTrace);*/ return(""); } }
public String GetRevFlags(WikiRevision rev) { return("[" + (rev.diffsize > 0?"+":"") + rev.diffsize + "]" + (rev.minor?" [m]":"")); }
public bool LoadRevision(long start, bool withstart = true, bool loadtext = false) { prev_opt.updated = true; prev_opt.start = start; prev_opt.withstart = withstart; prev_opt.loadtext = loadtext; list.Clear(); List <WikiRevision> l = new List <WikiRevision>(); WikiRevision tmp; WikiRevision prev = null; long first_start = start; try { long next = -1; start = -1; st: String data = mysite.GetPageHTM(mysite.indexPath + "api.php?format=xml&action=query&prop=revisions|flagged&rvdir=older" + (start < 1 ? "" : "&rvstartid=" + start + "") + (first_start < 1?"":"&rvendid=" + first_start) + "&rvlimit=500&titles=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(title) + "&rvprop=ids|timestamp|user|comment|flags|size" + (loadtext ? "|content" : "")); // Process.Start("" + "api.php?format=xml&action=query&prop=revisions|flagged&rvdir=older" + (start < 1 ? "" : "&rvstartid=" + start + "") + (first_start<1?"":"&rvendid="+first_start)+"&rvlimit=500&titles=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(title) + "&rvprop=ids|timestamp|user|comment|flags|size" + (loadtext ? "|content" : "")); // MessageBox.Show(data); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(data); XmlNode currentNode; // updating = false; currentNode = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("query"); if (currentNode == null) { return(false); } next = -1; XmlNode cn = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("query-continue"); if (cn != null) { cn = cn.SelectSingleNode("revisions"); next = Convert.ToInt64(cn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("rvstartid").Value); } currentNode = currentNode.SelectSingleNode("pages"); if (currentNode == null) { return(false); } currentNode = currentNode.SelectSingleNode("page"); if (currentNode == null) { return(false); } XmlNode fr = currentNode.SelectSingleNode("flagged"); if (fr != null) { flagged_rev = Convert.ToInt32(fr.Attributes.GetNamedItem("stable_revid").Value); } if (flagged_rev > 0) { is_flagged = true; } ns = currentNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("ns").Value; currentNode = currentNode.SelectSingleNode("revisions"); if (currentNode == null) { return(false); } bool enought = false; foreach (XmlNode el in currentNode.SelectNodes("rev")) { tmp = new WikiRevision(); tmp.revid = Convert.ToInt64(el.Attributes.GetNamedItem("revid").Value); if (tmp.revid == start && withstart == false) { continue; } tmp.rand = Tools.FullRandom(); if (tmp.revid > maxid) { maxid = tmp.revid; } tmp.comm = el.Attributes.GetNamedItem("comment").Value; tmp.user = el.Attributes.GetNamedItem("user").Value; tmp.timestamp = el.Attributes.GetNamedItem("timestamp").Value; tmp.minor = el.Attributes.GetNamedItem("minor") != null; tmp.size = Convert.ToInt32(el.Attributes.GetNamedItem("size").Value); if (prev != null) { prev.diffsize = prev.size - tmp.size; } prev = tmp; if (loadtext) { tmp.text = el.InnerText; } if (tmp.revid <= flagged_rev) { tmp.flagged = true; } l.Add(tmp); if (tmp.flagged) { enought = true; break; } /* */ } if (next != -1 && enought == false) { start = next; goto st; } } catch (Exception) { list.Clear(); } for (int a = l.Count - 1; a >= 0; a--) { tmp = l[a]; if (tmp.revid == flagged_rev) { flagged_size = tmp.size; } last_flagged = tmp.flagged; last_size = tmp.size; if (tmp.flagged == false) { unflagged_count++; } if (tmp.flagged == true && (stable == null || stable.revid < tmp.revid)) { stable = tmp; } if (curr == null || curr.revid < tmp.revid) { curr = tmp; } list.Add(tmp); } return(list.Count > 0); }