private void pb4_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { int n = listBox4.SelectedIndex; if (n == -1) { return; } int m = listBox5.SelectedIndex; if (m == -1) { return; } Level l = Cartridge.level_list[n]; byte[] blockdata = l.blockMapping.blocks[m]; byte x = (byte)(e.X / 9); byte y = (byte)(e.Y / 9); TileChooser tc = new TileChooser(); tc.levelIndex = n; tc.blockIndex = m; tc.subBlockIndex = x + y * 4; tc.tileIndex = blockdata[tc.subBlockIndex]; int maxY = 16; if (l.tileset.tiles.Count == 128) { maxY = 8; } Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(256, 256); for (int ty = 0; ty < maxY; ty++) { for (int tx = 0; tx < 16; tx++) { Color[,] tile = l.tileset.tiles[tx + ty * 16]; for (int dy = 0; dy < 8; dy++) { for (int dx = 0; dx < 8; dx++) { bmp.SetPixel(tx * 16 + dx * 2, ty * 16 + dy * 2, tile[dx, dy]); bmp.SetPixel(tx * 16 + dx * 2 + 1, ty * 16 + dy * 2, tile[dx, dy]); bmp.SetPixel(tx * 16 + dx * 2, ty * 16 + dy * 2 + 1, tile[dx, dy]); bmp.SetPixel(tx * 16 + dx * 2 + 1, ty * 16 + dy * 2 + 1, tile[dx, dy]); } } } } tc.pb1.Image = bmp; tc.ShowDialog(); Cartridge.memory[l.blockMappingAddress + m * 16 + tc.subBlockIndex] = (byte)tc.tileIndex; Cartridge.ReadLevels(); RefreshAll(); listBox4.SelectedIndex = n; listBox5.SelectedIndex = m; }
private void openROMToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog d = new OpenFileDialog(); d.Filter = "*.sms|*.sms"; if (d.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { Cartridge.Load(d.FileName); rtb1.Text = Cartridge.MakeSummary(); RefreshAll(); } }
private void tv1_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { TreeNode t = tv1.SelectedNode; int n = listBox4.SelectedIndex; if (t == null || t.Parent == null || t.Parent.Text != "Objects" || n == -1) { return; } ObjectChooser objc = new ObjectChooser(); objc.comboBox1.Items.Clear(); objc.comboBox1.Items.AddRange(LevelObjectSet.LevelObject.objNames.Values.ToArray()); LevelObjectSet.LevelObject obj = Cartridge.level_list[n].objSet.objs[t.Index]; if (LevelObjectSet.LevelObject.objNames.Keys.Contains(obj.type)) { string s = LevelObjectSet.LevelObject.objNames[obj.type]; for (int i = 0; i < objc.comboBox1.Items.Count; i++) { if (objc.comboBox1.Items[i].ToString() == s) { objc.comboBox1.SelectedIndex = i; break; } } } objc.textBox1.Text = obj.X.ToString(); objc.textBox2.Text = obj.Y.ToString(); objc.textBox3.Text = obj.type.ToString(); objc.ShowDialog(); if (objc._exit_ok) { int offset = Cartridge.level_list[n].offsetObjectLayout + 0x15581; offset += t.Index * 3; try { byte x, y, tp; x = Convert.ToByte(objc.textBox1.Text); y = Convert.ToByte(objc.textBox2.Text); tp = Convert.ToByte(objc.textBox3.Text); Cartridge.memory[offset] = tp; Cartridge.memory[offset + 1] = x; Cartridge.memory[offset + 2] = y; Cartridge.ReadLevels(); RefreshAll(); listBox4.SelectedIndex = n; } catch { } } }
private void pb3_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { int n = listBox4.SelectedIndex; if (n == -1) { return; } if (!blockGridToolStripMenuItem.Checked) { MessageBox.Show("Please select block as render mode to edit blocks"); return; } int x = e.X / 33; int y = e.Y / 33; int minX = x < lastX ? x : lastX; int maxX = x > lastX ? x : lastX; int minY = y < lastY ? y : lastY; int maxY = y > lastY ? y : lastY; Level l = Cartridge.level_list[n]; Blockchooser bc = new Blockchooser(); bc.levelIndex = n; int selection = bc.selectedBlock =[x + y * l.floorWidth]; bc.ShowDialog(); byte[] temp = new byte[]; for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++) { temp[i] =[i]; } if (bc.selectedBlock != selection) { for (int row = minY; row <= maxY; row++) { for (int col = minX; col <= maxX; col++) {[col + row * l.floorWidth] = (byte)bc.selectedBlock; } } byte[] newData = l.floor.CompressData(l); if (l.floorSize < newData.Length) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot compress level enough to fit into ROM."); = temp; return; } else { for (int i = 0; i < l.floorSize; i++) { if (i < newData.Length) { Cartridge.memory[l.floorAddress + i] = newData[i]; } else { Cartridge.memory[l.floorAddress + i] = 1; } } Cartridge.ReadLevels(); RefreshAll(); listBox4.SelectedIndex = n; } } }
private void listBox6_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { int n = listBox6.SelectedIndex; if (n == -1) { return; } GameText text = Cartridge.gameText[n]; string input = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("Please enter new game text, format X;Y;TEXT\n(TEXT can be 'A'-'Z', ' ' and '©')", "Edit game text", text.X + ";" + text.Y + ";" + text.text); if (input != "") { input = input.ToUpper(); string[] parts = input.Split(';'); if (parts.Length != 3) { MessageBox.Show("Please check your input, there should be 3 parts seperated by a ';' !"); return; } bool allOk = true; foreach (char c in parts[2]) { if (!GameText.lowChars.ContainsValue(c)) { allOk = false; break; } } if (!allOk) { MessageBox.Show("Please check your input, there was an invalid character!"); return; } if ((n < 6 && parts[2].Trim().Length > 12) || (n >= 6 && parts[2].Trim().Length > 13)) { MessageBox.Show("Your input is too long!"); return; } byte x, y; try { x = Convert.ToByte(parts[0].Trim()); y = Convert.ToByte(parts[1].Trim()); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Your input has wrong coordinates!"); return; } if (n < 6) { text.WriteToMemory(0x122D + n * 0xF, x, y, parts[2].Trim()); } else { text.WriteToMemory(0x197E + (n - 6) * 0x10, x, y, parts[2].Trim(), 13); } Cartridge.ReadGameText(); Cartridge.ReadLevels(); RefreshAll(); } }