/// <summary> /// Create a project file for the given source file by group comment that is with each table: /// for example: /// -- my table description /// -- GROUP: account /// CREATE TABLE a_ledger ... /// </summary> static void DumpProjectAllTablesByGroup( string sqlfilename) { ParserSQL sql = new ParserSQL(); if ( sql.readSQL( sqlfilename )) { DataBaseHTML db = new DataBaseHTML(sql.getDatabase()); List<string> groups = db.getGroupNames(); Console.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" ?>"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("<database>"); foreach (string itGroup in groups) { Console.WriteLine("\t<group name=\"" + itGroup + "\">"); // For all tables in that group dump their names here List<string> tableNamesInGroup = db.getTableNamesInGroup(itGroup); foreach (string itTable in tableNamesInGroup) { Console.WriteLine("\t\t<tablename name=\"" + itTable + "\"/>"); } // End of this group Console.WriteLine("\t</group>"); } Console.WriteLine("</database>"); db.writeMenus(); } }
static void RunProject( string szProject, string szDBSqlfile, string strPathDiaOutput) { // Open the project file and check the structure XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load (szProject); if (doc.DocumentElement.Name != "database") { Console.WriteLine("document " + szProject + " of the wrong type, root node != database but " + doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild.Name); Environment.Exit (-3); } // Read all the source-files Console.WriteLine("Reading source-files..."); ParserSQL sql = new ParserSQL(); Console.WriteLine("Source: " + szDBSqlfile); if ( !sql.readSQL( szDBSqlfile )) { Console.WriteLine("\tProblem reading sql file: " + szDBSqlfile); Environment.Exit (-3); } // Group the tables. Console.WriteLine("Grouping tables..."); DataBaseHTML db = new DataBaseHTML(sql.getDatabase()); db.prepareLinks(); db.prepareDisplay( "", false); XmlNode cur = doc.DocumentElement; // on the diagram, tables that don't have all links displayed on that diagram get a special color marking // but sometimes, one table is referenced by each table; this table can be excluded (eg. s_user); use format [s_user],[s_other] string strColorTableIgnoreReferencedTables; if (((XmlElement)cur).HasAttribute("ColorIgnoreReferencedTables")) { strColorTableIgnoreReferencedTables = cur.Attributes["ColorIgnoreReferencedTables"].Value; } cur = cur.FirstChild; while ( cur != null) { if ( cur.Name == "group") { Console.WriteLine ("Group: " + cur.Attributes["name"].Value); string strGroup = cur.Attributes["name"].Value; XmlNode tables = cur.FirstChild; // Run over tables... string strTableList = String.Empty; while ( tables != null) { if ( tables.Name == "tablename") { if ( strTableList.Length > 0) { strTableList += ","; } strTableList += "[" + tables.Attributes["name"].Value + "]"; } tables = tables.NextSibling; } // TODO processDia( strPathDiaOutput, strGroup, strTableList, strColorTableIgnoreReferencedTables); } cur = cur.NextSibling; } }
static void DumpProjectAllTables( string sqlfilename) { // Create a sample project file for the given source file(s) Console.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" ?>"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("<database>"); ParserSQL sql = new ParserSQL(); Console.WriteLine("\t<group name=\"all\">"); if ( !sql.readSQL( sqlfilename)) { Console.WriteLine("Problem reading sql create script file: " + sqlfilename); Environment.Exit( -1); } DataBase db = sql.getDatabase(); // For all tables read, dump their names in this group Console.Write(db.ToString()); // End of this group Console.WriteLine("\t</group>"); Console.WriteLine("</database>"); }