Esempio n. 1
        public string sendSMS_webPost(DataTable ds, string content, string sendername, string loginName)
            DateTime dtNow               = System.DateTime.Now;
            string   sender              = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ServiceMode"].ToString();
            string   strHeader           = dtNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " " + sender;
            string   SMSGatewaySever     = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SMSGatewaySever"].ToString();
            int      SMSGatewaySeverPort = Int32.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SMSGatewaySeverPort"]);
            string   url = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SMSGatewaySever_url"].ToString();

            //string SMSGatewaySever = "";
            //int SMSGatewaySeverPort = 2257;
            byte[]       data = new byte[1024];
            string       str = string.Empty;
            string       TRANSID = "BULK";
            string       FROM = "GasControl";
            string       TO = "66896213113";
            string       CONTENT = "Test from automation" + strHeader; // MSG;
            string       error = "";
            OracleQuery2 cc2 = new OracleQuery2();
            int          counttotal = 0, countsuc = 0, counterr = 0;

            #region sendSMS
            if (ds != null && ds.Rows.Count > 0)
                content = content.Trim() + " " + sendername;
                CONTENT = ConvertToHex(content);

                for (int i = 0; i < ds.Rows.Count; i++)
                    string Employee_ID   = ds.Rows[i]["EMPLOYEE_ID"].ToString();
                    string TO_Original   = ds.Rows[i]["MOBILE"].ToString();
                    string Department_ID = ds.Rows[i]["Department_ID"].ToString();
                    string GROUP_ID      = ds.Rows[i]["GROUP_ID"].ToString();
                    string name          = ds.Rows[i]["NAME"].ToString();
                    string unit          = ds.Rows[i]["COMPANY"].ToString();
                    TO = CleanNumber(TO_Original);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TO))
                        counttotal = counttotal + 1;

                            string _data = String.Format("TRANSID={0}&CMD=SENDMSG&FROM={1}&TO={2}&REPORT=Y&CHARGE=N&CODE=PTTNGV_BulkSMS&CTYPE=UNICODE&CONTENT={3}"
                                                         , TRANSID, FROM, TO, CONTENT

                            string      response = SendPost(url, _data);
                            XmlDocument xDoc     = new XmlDocument();
//                                            xDoc.LoadXml(@"<XML>
//                                                            <STATUS>OK</STATUS>
//                                                            <DETAIL></DETAIL>
//                                                            <SMID>1501019168651</SMID>
//                                                            </XML>");
                            string xpath = "XML";
                            var    nodes = xDoc.SelectNodes(xpath);
                            foreach (XmlNode childrenNode in nodes)
                                string status = childrenNode.SelectSingleNode("//STATUS").InnerText;
                                string DETAIL = childrenNode.SelectSingleNode("//DETAIL").InnerText;
                                string SMID   = childrenNode.SelectSingleNode("//SMID").InnerText;
                                LogToFile("LOGDATE:" + DateTime.Now + ": " + status + " " + DETAIL + " " + SMID + "," + TO);
                                if (status == "OK")
                                    countsuc = countsuc + 1;
                                    cc2.insertLog(Employee_ID, Department_ID, TO_Original, content, loginName, 1, DETAIL, SMID, GROUP_ID, name, unit);
                                else if (SMID != "")
                                    countsuc = countsuc + 1;
                                    cc2.insertLog(Employee_ID, Department_ID, TO_Original, content, loginName, 1, DETAIL, SMID, GROUP_ID, name, unit);
                                    counterr = counterr + 1;
                                    cc2.insertLog(Employee_ID, Department_ID, TO_Original, content, loginName, 0, DETAIL, SMID, GROUP_ID, name, unit);

                            //LogToFile( response+"," + TO);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Console.WriteLine("Unable to connect to server." + e.ToString());
                            str = String.Format("{0}|ERR" + "|Connect server error||", e.Message.ToString());
                            LogToFile("LOGDATE:" + DateTime.Now + ": " + " Error connect  " + str + " " + DateTime.Now);
                            //เขียน event log เพิ่มเติมเ
                            //   this.LOG(stationid, str, "");
                            // turn off event log

                            if (!System.Diagnostics.EventLog.SourceExists("SMS_Auto"))
                                System.Diagnostics.EventLog.CreateEventSource("SMS_Auto", "MyLog");
                            // configure the event log instance to use this source name
                            error += "fail:" + TO + ";";
                            //LogToFile(e.ToString() + " " + DateTime.Now);
            if (counterr == 0)
                return(error + " TOTAL : " + counttotal + " SUCCESS : " + countsuc + " FAIL: " + counterr);