public void pdfTest() { RawImage rawImage = gameObject.AddComponent <RawImage>(); string sentence = bipSeed; QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator(); QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(sentence, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q); UnityQRCode qrCode = new UnityQRCode(qrCodeData); Texture2D qrCodeAsTexture2D = qrCode.GetGraphic(20); rawImage.texture = qrCodeAsTexture2D; byte[] bytes = qrCodeAsTexture2D.EncodeToJPG(); // .EncodeToPNG(); pdfDocument myDoc = new sharpPDF.pdfDocument("qr_pdf_test", "qr tester"); pdfPage myPage = myDoc.addPage(500, 500); myPage.addImage(bytes, 1, 150, 200, 200); myPage.addText("Your seed entropy is: ", 10, 470, sharpPDF.Enumerators.predefinedFont.csCourier, 15); myPage.addText(hexSeed, 10, 450, sharpPDF.Enumerators.predefinedFont.csCourier, 15); myPage.addText(bipSeed, 10, 425, sharpPDF.Enumerators.predefinedFont.csCourier, 10); // need to change this code depending on the current operating system/build type myDoc.createPDF("qr_pdf_test.pdf"); myPage = null; myDoc = null; }
public LogProcessorEngine(string fileName, IList<string> titlePageStrings, string headerRow, IList<string> data, int timeColumn) { this.fileName = fileName; this.titlePageStrings = titlePageStrings; this.headerRow = headerRow; = data; this.timeColumn = timeColumn; logDocument = new pdfDocument("Race Data Test", "John Roach"); }
public void PrintPDF() { pdfDocument myDoc = new pdfDocument(this.title,, false); pdfPage myFirstPage = myDoc.addPage(); myFirstPage.addText(this.firstPageText, 100, 660, predefinedFont.csHelveticaOblique, 30, new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csCyan)); /*Table's creation*/ pdfTable myTable = new pdfTable(); //Set table's border myTable.borderSize = 1; myTable.borderColor = new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csDarkBlue); CreateHeaderRow(myTable); /*Create table's rows*/ pdfTableRow myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "1"; myRow[1].columnValue = "Andrew Red"; myRow[2].columnValue = "898-0210989"; myRow[3].columnValue = "*****@*****.**"; myTable.addRow(myRow); myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "2"; myRow[1].columnValue = "Andrew Green"; myRow[2].columnValue = "298-55109"; myRow[3].columnValue = "*****@*****.**"; myTable.addRow(myRow); myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "3"; myRow[1].columnValue = "Andrew White"; myRow[2].columnValue = "24-5510943"; myRow[3].columnValue = "*****@*****.**"; /*Set Header's Style*/ myTable.tableHeaderStyle = new pdfTableRowStyle(predefinedFont.csCourierBoldOblique, 12, new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack), new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csLightCyan)); /*Set Row's Style*/ myTable.rowStyle = new pdfTableRowStyle(predefinedFont.csCourier, 8, new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack), new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csWhite)); /*Set Alternate Row's Style*/ myTable.alternateRowStyle = new pdfTableRowStyle(predefinedFont.csCourier, 8, new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack), new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csLightYellow)); /*Set Cellpadding*/ myTable.cellpadding = 20; /*Put the table on the page object*/ myFirstPage.addTable(myTable, 100, 600); myTable = null; myDoc.createPDF(PDFName); }
public void pdfTest() { string sentence = "ugly call give address amount venture misery dose quick spoil weekend inspire"; QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator(); QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(sentence, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q); UnityQRCode qrCode = new UnityQRCode(qrCodeData); Texture2D qrCodeAsTexture2D = qrCode.GetGraphic(20); rawImage.texture = qrCodeAsTexture2D; byte[] bytes = qrCodeAsTexture2D.EncodeToJPG(); // .EncodeToPNG(); pdfDocument myDoc = new sharpPDF.pdfDocument("qr_pdf_test", "qr tester"); pdfPage myPage = myDoc.addPage(500, 500); myPage.addImage(bytes, 1, 150, 200, 200); myPage.addText("Your seed entropy is: ", 10, 470, sharpPDF.Enumerators.predefinedFont.csCourier, 15); myPage.addText("0x3720B025A102812744F830F55DDA275C5", 10, 450, sharpPDF.Enumerators.predefinedFont.csCourier, 15); myPage.addText("ugly call give address amount venture misery dose quick spoil weekend inspire", 10, 425, sharpPDF.Enumerators.predefinedFont.csCourier, 10); myDoc.createPDF("qr_pdf_test.pdf"); myPage = null; myDoc = null; }
public void GenBank2Pdf() { string line = ""; short index = 0; string[] tokensGenBankFlatFile = {"LOCUS","//"}; char[] token = {' '}; string ContigName = ""; string BlockGenBankStart = ""; string BlockGenBankEnd = ""; string newPdfFile = ""; pdfDocument pdfGenBankFile = null; pdfPage pdfGenBankFileFilePage = null; int pagePositionTextY = 0; Console.WriteLine("Parsing...."); do { try { line = sr.ReadLine(); index = (short)line.IndexOf(tokensGenBankFlatFile[0]); if(index!=-1) { //found LOCUS? BlockGenBankStart = line; line = line.Substring(5,(line.Length-5)); line = line.Trim(); index = (short)line.IndexOf(token[0]); ContigName = line.Substring(0,index); //start to generate a new PDF Gen Bank Flat File newPdfFile = saveDirectory + "/" + ContigName + ".pdf"; pdfGenBankFile = new pdfDocument(ContigName,"Jacob Israel Cervantes Luevano"); pdfGenBankFileFilePage = pdfGenBankFile.addPage(); //sw = File.CreateText(newPdfFile); //sw.WriteLine(BlockGenBankStart); pagePositionTextY = 150; pdfGenBankFileFilePage.addText(BlockGenBankStart,5,pagePositionTextY,predefinedFont.csHelveticaBold,10); Console.WriteLine("Extracting data block with identifier: {0} on file:{1}",ContigName,newPdfFile); continue; } index = (short)line.IndexOf(tokensGenBankFlatFile[1]); if(index!=-1) { //found end block BlockGenBankEnd = line; //sw.WriteLine(BlockGenBankEnd); //sw.Close(); pagePositionTextY = pagePositionTextY + 10; pdfGenBankFileFilePage.addText(BlockGenBankEnd,5,pagePositionTextY,predefinedFont.csHelveticaBold,10); pdfGenBankFile.createPDF(newPdfFile); pdfGenBankFile = null; pdfGenBankFileFilePage = null; continue; } if(line != "" && line != " " && line != string.Empty) { //sw.WriteLine(line); pagePositionTextY = pagePositionTextY + 10; pdfGenBankFileFilePage.addText(line,5,pagePositionTextY,predefinedFont.csHelveticaBold,10); } }//end_try catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); }//end_try_catch }//end_while while(line!=null); sr.Close(); }
// Update is called once per frame public IEnumerator CreatePDF() { Prix_Script _prix_Script = GetComponent<Prix_Script> (); attacName = Path.GetRandomFileName(); attacName = attacName.Substring(0,6); attacName = attacName.ToUpper(); dosName = attacName; attacName = attacName + ".pdf"; Data_Client_Script _data_Client_Script = _menuFormulaire.GetComponent<Data_Client_Script>(); string nom = _data_Client_Script._lastName; string prenom = _data_Client_Script._firstName; string adresse = _data_Client_Script._address; string mail = _data_Client_Script._email; string commentaire = _data_Client_Script._commentaire; pdfDocument myDoc = new pdfDocument("Sample Application","Me", false); pdfPage myFirstPage = myDoc.addPage(); pdfPage mySecondPage = myDoc.addPage(); //pdfPage myThirdPage = myDoc.addPage(); //pdfPage myFourthPage = myDoc.addPage(); int longueur = MySingleton.Instance._length; int largeur = MySingleton.Instance._width; bool _Wall_Main = MySingleton.Instance._Wall_Main; bool _Wall_Left = MySingleton.Instance._Wall_Left; bool _Wall_Right = MySingleton.Instance._Wall_Right; bool _Wall_Behind = MySingleton.Instance._Wall_Behind; bool _Enseigne = MySingleton.Instance._Enseigne; int longueur_Enseigne = MySingleton.Instance._longueur_Enseigne; int largeur_Enseigne = MySingleton.Instance._largeur_Enseigne; bool _Reserve = MySingleton.Instance._Reserve; int longueur_Reserve = MySingleton.Instance._longueur_Reserve; int largeur_Reserve = MySingleton.Instance._largeur_Reserve; //width = 612 //height = ? myFirstPage.newAddImageV4 (bandeau, 180,myFirstPage.height - 130); //myFirstPage.addText("Devis",10,650,predefinedFont.csHelveticaOblique,30,new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlueStandExpo)); myFirstPage.addText("Nom : " +nom,55,650,predefinedFont.csHelveticaOblique,11,new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack)); myFirstPage.addText("Prénom : " +prenom,55,630,predefinedFont.csHelveticaOblique,11,new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack)); myFirstPage.addText("Nom de la société: " +adresse,55,610,predefinedFont.csHelveticaOblique,11,new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack)); myFirstPage.addText("Email : " + mail, 55, 590, predefinedFont.csHelveticaOblique, 11, new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack)); if (commentaire != "") { string newParagraph = "Commentaire : \n" + commentaire; myFirstPage.addParagraph (newParagraph, 306, 660, predefinedFont.csHelveticaOblique, 11, myFirstPage.width / 2 - 20, 12, new pdfColor (predefinedColor.csBlack)); } /* pdfTable remarqueTable = new pdfTable(); remarqueTable.borderSize = 1; remarqueTable.tableHeader.addColumn(new pdfTableColumn("", predefinedAlignment.csLeft, myThirdPage.width - 50)); remarqueTable.cellpadding = 60; myThirdPage.addTable(remarqueTable, 20, 150); remarqueTable = null; */ yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); /*Table's creation*/ pdfTable myTable = new pdfTable(); //Set table's border myTable.borderSize = 1; myTable.borderColor = new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack); /*Create table's header*/ int nbrRow = 0; myTable.tableHeader.addColumn(new pdfTableColumn("Stand",predefinedAlignment.csCenter,160)); myTable.tableHeader.addColumn(new pdfTableColumn("Mesure",predefinedAlignment.csCenter,120)); myTable.tableHeader.addColumn(new pdfTableColumn("Prix unit",predefinedAlignment.csCenter,120)); myTable.tableHeader.addColumn(new pdfTableColumn("Prix",predefinedAlignment.csCenter,100)); //Create table's rows pdfTableRow myRow; /* * Si erreur : taille de la cellule trop petite par rapport au texte */ float _prixObjet = 0; myRow = myTable.createRow();//myRow[0].columnSize myRow[0].columnValue = "Sol"; myRow[1].columnValue = (longueur*largeur) + "m²"; myRow[2].columnValue = _prix_Script.prixSol[0] + " Euros/m² HT"; myRow[3].columnValue = _prix_Script.pSol + " Euros HT"; myTable.addRow(myRow); _prixObjet += _prix_Script.pSol; nbrRow = 2; if (_Wall_Main || _Wall_Left || _Wall_Right) { int longueurGaineCoton = 0; int longueurMelamineeBlanc = 0; int longueurMelamineeNoir = 0; int longueurPersonnalise = 0; float prixGaineCoton = 0; float prixMelamineeBlanc = 0; float prixMelamineeNoir = 0; float prixPersonnalise = 0; if( _Wall_Main ) { if( _prix_Script.matiereMur[0] == "Gainée coton" ) { longueurGaineCoton += longueur; prixGaineCoton += _prix_Script.pMurMain; } else if( _prix_Script.matiereMur[0] == "Mélaminée blanc" ) { longueurMelamineeBlanc += longueur; prixMelamineeBlanc += _prix_Script.pMurMain; } else if( _prix_Script.matiereMur[0] == "Mélaminée noir" ) { longueurMelamineeNoir += longueur; prixMelamineeNoir += _prix_Script.pMurMain; } else if( _prix_Script.matiereMur[0] == "Personnalisée" ) { longueurPersonnalise += longueur; prixPersonnalise += _prix_Script.pMurMain; } } if( _Wall_Left ) { if( _prix_Script.matiereMur[1] == "Gainée coton" ) { longueurGaineCoton += largeur; prixGaineCoton += _prix_Script.pMurGauche; } else if( _prix_Script.matiereMur[1] == "Mélaminée blanc" ) { longueurMelamineeBlanc += largeur; prixMelamineeBlanc += _prix_Script.pMurGauche; } else if( _prix_Script.matiereMur[1] == "Mélaminée noir" ) { longueurMelamineeNoir += largeur; prixMelamineeNoir += _prix_Script.pMurGauche; } else if( _prix_Script.matiereMur[1] == "Personnalisée" ) { longueurPersonnalise += largeur; prixPersonnalise += _prix_Script.pMurGauche; } } if( _Wall_Right ) { if( _prix_Script.matiereMur[2] == "Gainée coton" ) { longueurGaineCoton += largeur; prixGaineCoton += _prix_Script.pMurDroite; } else if( _prix_Script.matiereMur[2] == "Mélaminée blanc" ) { longueurMelamineeBlanc += largeur; prixMelamineeBlanc += _prix_Script.pMurDroite; } else if( _prix_Script.matiereMur[2] == "Mélaminée noir" ) { longueurMelamineeNoir += largeur; prixMelamineeNoir += _prix_Script.pMurDroite; } else if( _prix_Script.matiereMur[2] == "Personnalisée" ) { longueurPersonnalise += largeur; prixPersonnalise += _prix_Script.pMurDroite; } } if( prixGaineCoton > 0) { myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "Cloison Gainée coton"; myRow[1].columnValue = longueurGaineCoton+" m"; myRow[2].columnValue = _prix_Script.prixMur[0] + " Euros/m HT"; myRow[3].columnValue = prixGaineCoton + " Euros HT"; myTable.addRow(myRow); _prixObjet += prixGaineCoton; nbrRow++; } if( prixMelamineeBlanc > 0) { myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "Cloison Mélaminée blanc"; myRow[1].columnValue = longueurMelamineeBlanc+" m"; myRow[2].columnValue = _prix_Script.prixMur[1] + " Euros/m HT"; myRow[3].columnValue = prixMelamineeBlanc + " Euros HT"; myTable.addRow(myRow); _prixObjet += prixMelamineeBlanc; nbrRow++; } if( prixMelamineeNoir > 0) { myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "Cloison Mélaminée noir"; myRow[1].columnValue = longueurMelamineeNoir+" m"; myRow[2].columnValue = _prix_Script.prixMur[2] + " Euros/m HT"; myRow[3].columnValue = prixMelamineeNoir + " Euros HT"; myTable.addRow(myRow); _prixObjet += prixMelamineeNoir; nbrRow++; } if( prixPersonnalise > 0) { myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "Cloison Personnalisée"; myRow[1].columnValue = longueurPersonnalise+" m"; myRow[2].columnValue = _prix_Script.prixMur[3] + " Euros/m HT"; myRow[3].columnValue = prixPersonnalise + " Euros HT"; myTable.addRow(myRow); _prixObjet += prixPersonnalise; nbrRow++; } } if( _Reserve ) { myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "Reserve " + _prix_Script.matiereReserve; myRow[1].columnValue = longueur_Reserve * largeur_Reserve + "m²"; myRow[2].columnValue = _prix_Script.prixReserve[_prix_Script._reserve.GetComponent<Texture_Script>().tex] + " Euros/m² HT"; //myRow[3].columnValue = _prix_Script.matiereReserve; myRow[3].columnValue = _prix_Script.pReserve + " Euros HT"; myTable.addRow(myRow); _prixObjet += _prix_Script.pReserve; nbrRow++; } if( _Enseigne ) { myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "Enseigne"; if( !_sceneManager.GetComponent<SceneManager_Script>()._isCarre ) myRow[1].columnValue = longueur_Enseigne + "m "; else myRow[1].columnValue = longueur_Enseigne + "m * 4"; myRow[2].columnValue = _prix_Script.prixEnseigne[_prix_Script._enseigne[0].GetComponent<Texture_Script>().tex] + " Euros/m HT"; //myRow[3].columnValue = _prix_Script.matiereEnseigne; myRow[3].columnValue = _prix_Script.pEnseigne + " Euros HT"; myTable.addRow(myRow); _prixObjet += _prix_Script.pEnseigne; nbrRow++; } int nbrBecSigne = 0; int nbrPelleTarte = 0; if( _Wall_Main ) { nbrBecSigne += _prix_Script._lightManager_Script.nbrLightWallMain; } if( _Wall_Left ) { nbrBecSigne += _prix_Script._lightManager_Script.nbrLightWallLeft; } if( _Wall_Right ) { nbrBecSigne += _prix_Script._lightManager_Script.nbrLightWallRight; } if( _Reserve ) { nbrBecSigne += _prix_Script._lightManager_Script.nbrLightWallReserve; } if( _Enseigne ) { nbrPelleTarte += _prix_Script._lightManager_Script.nbrLightWallEnseigne; } if (nbrBecSigne > 0) { myRow = myTable.createRow (); myRow [0].columnValue = "Col de cygne"; myRow [1].columnValue = nbrBecSigne + " Lampe(s)"; myRow [2].columnValue = _prix_Script.prixLampeStand [0] + " Euros HT"; myRow [3].columnValue = ( _prix_Script.pLightMurDroite + _prix_Script.pLightMurMain + _prix_Script.pLightMurGauche + _prix_Script.pLightReserve ) + " Euros HT"; myTable.addRow (myRow); nbrRow++; } if (nbrPelleTarte > 0) { myRow = myTable.createRow (); myRow [0].columnValue = "Pelle à Tarte"; myRow [1].columnValue = nbrPelleTarte + " Lampe(s)"; myRow [2].columnValue = _prix_Script.prixLampeEnseigne [0] + " Euros HT"; myRow [3].columnValue = _prix_Script.pLightEnseigne + " Euros HT"; myTable.addRow (myRow); nbrRow++; } myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "Total"; myRow[1].columnValue = ""; myRow[2].columnValue = ""; myRow[3].columnValue = (_prixObjet + _prix_Script.pLightTotal) + " Euros HT"; myTable.addRow(myRow); nbrRow++; /*Set Header's Style*/ int sizeRowTitle = 10; myTable.tableHeaderStyle = new pdfTableRowStyle(predefinedFont.csCourierBoldOblique,sizeRowTitle,new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack),new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlueStandExpo)); /*Set Row's Style*/ int sizeRow = 9; myTable.rowStyle = new pdfTableRowStyle(predefinedFont.csCourier,sizeRow,new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack),new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csWhite)); /*Set Alternate Row's Style*/ myTable.alternateRowStyle = new pdfTableRowStyle(predefinedFont.csCourier,sizeRow,new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack),new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csLightYellow)); /*Set Cellpadding*/ myTable.cellpadding = 13; //Put the table on the page object myFirstPage.addTable(myTable, 55, (myFirstPage.height/2)); myTable = null; int ligne = (mySecondPage.height - 20) - ((13*3) * nbrRow); //yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); /* pdfTable myTableLight = new pdfTable(); //Set table's border myTableLight.borderSize = 1; myTableLight.borderColor = new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack); / nbrRow = 0; myTableLight.tableHeader.addColumn(new pdfTableColumn("Lampe",predefinedAlignment.csCenter,130)); myTableLight.tableHeader.addColumn(new pdfTableColumn("Nombre",predefinedAlignment.csCenter,130)); myTableLight.tableHeader.addColumn(new pdfTableColumn("Prix unitaire",predefinedAlignment.csCenter,150)); myTableLight.tableHeader.addColumn(new pdfTableColumn("Prix",predefinedAlignment.csCenter,130)); nbrRow ++; //Create table's rows pdfTableRow myRowLight; float _prixLight = 0; if( _Wall_Main ) { myRowLight = myTableLight.createRow(); myRowLight[0].columnValue = "Cloison 1"; myRowLight[1].columnValue = _prix_Script._lightManager_Script.nbrLightWallMain + " lampe(s)"; myRowLight[2].columnValue = _prix_Script.prixLampeStand[0] + " Euro"; myRowLight[3].columnValue = _prix_Script.pLightMurMain + " Euros"; myTableLight.addRow(myRowLight); _prixLight += _prix_Script.pLightMurMain; nbrRow++; } if( _Wall_Left ) { myRowLight = myTableLight.createRow(); myRowLight[0].columnValue = "Cloison 2"; myRowLight[1].columnValue = _prix_Script._lightManager_Script.nbrLightWallLeft + " lampe(s)"; myRowLight[2].columnValue = _prix_Script.prixLampeStand[0] + " Euros"; myRowLight[3].columnValue = _prix_Script.pLightMurGauche + " Euros"; myTableLight.addRow(myRowLight); _prixLight += _prix_Script.pLightMurGauche; nbrRow++; } if( _Wall_Right ) { myRowLight = myTableLight.createRow(); myRowLight[0].columnValue = "Cloison 3"; myRowLight[1].columnValue = _prix_Script._lightManager_Script.nbrLightWallRight + " lampe(s)"; myRowLight[2].columnValue = _prix_Script.prixLampeStand[0] + " Euros"; myRowLight[3].columnValue = _prix_Script.pLightMurDroite + " Euros"; myTableLight.addRow(myRowLight); _prixLight += _prix_Script.pLightMurDroite; nbrRow++; } if( _Reserve ) { myRowLight = myTableLight.createRow(); myRowLight[0].columnValue = "Reserve"; myRowLight[1].columnValue = _prix_Script._lightManager_Script.nbrLightWallReserve + " lampe(s)"; myRowLight[2].columnValue = _prix_Script.prixLampeStand[0] + " Euros"; myRowLight[3].columnValue = _prix_Script.pLightReserve + " Euros"; myTableLight.addRow(myRowLight); _prixLight += _prix_Script.pLightReserve; nbrRow++; } if( _Enseigne ) { myRowLight = myTableLight.createRow(); myRowLight[0].columnValue = "Enseigne"; myRowLight[1].columnValue = _prix_Script._lightManager_Script.nbrLightWallEnseigne + " lampe(s)"; myRowLight[2].columnValue = _prix_Script.prixLampeEnseigne[0] + " Euros"; myRowLight[3].columnValue = _prix_Script.pLightEnseigne + " Euros"; myTableLight.addRow(myRowLight); _prixLight += _prix_Script.pLightEnseigne; nbrRow++; } myRow = myTableLight.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "Total"; myRow[1].columnValue = ""; myRow[2].columnValue = ""; myRow[3].columnValue = _prixLight + " Euros"; myTableLight.addRow(myRow); nbrRow++; sizeRowTitle = 15; myTableLight.tableHeaderStyle = new pdfTableRowStyle(predefinedFont.csCourierBoldOblique,sizeRowTitle,new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack),new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlueStandExpo)); sizeRow = 12; myTableLight.rowStyle = new pdfTableRowStyle(predefinedFont.csCourier,sizeRow,new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack),new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csWhite)); myTableLight.alternateRowStyle = new pdfTableRowStyle(predefinedFont.csCourier,sizeRow,new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack),new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csLightYellow)); myTableLight.cellpadding = 13; //Put the table on the page object mySecondPage.addTable(myTableLight, 10, ligne); myTableLight = null; ligne -= (10 + ((13*3) * nbrRow )); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); pdfTable myTableTotal = new pdfTable(); //Set table's border myTableTotal.borderSize = 1; myTableTotal.borderColor = new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack); nbrRow = 0; myTableTotal.tableHeader.addColumn(new pdfTableColumn("Total",predefinedAlignment.csCenter,130)); myTableTotal.tableHeader.addColumn(new pdfTableColumn(_prixLight + _prixObjet + " Euros",predefinedAlignment.csCenter,130)); sizeRowTitle = 15; myTableTotal.tableHeaderStyle = new pdfTableRowStyle(predefinedFont.csCourierBoldOblique,sizeRowTitle,new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack),new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csVertStandExpo)); sizeRow = 12; myTableTotal.rowStyle = new pdfTableRowStyle(predefinedFont.csCourier,sizeRow,new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack),new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csWhite)); myTableTotal.alternateRowStyle = new pdfTableRowStyle(predefinedFont.csCourier,sizeRow,new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack),new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csLightYellow)); myTableTotal.cellpadding = 13; //Put the table on the page object mySecondPage.addTable(myTableTotal, 10, ligne); myTableTotal = null; */ yield return new WaitForSeconds(3.0f); mySecondPage.newAddImageV2 (GetComponent<Capture_Script>()._texture, mySecondPage.width/ 2 - ((GetComponent<Capture_Script> ()._texture.width/2)/2), mySecondPage.height - 10 - (GetComponent<Capture_Script> ()._texture.height)/2); mySecondPage.newAddImageV2(GetComponent<Capture_Script>()._texture2, mySecondPage.width / 2 - ((GetComponent<Capture_Script>()._texture2.width / 2) / 2)/*25*/, mySecondPage.height - 20 - (GetComponent<Capture_Script>()._texture.height)); /* pdfTable remarqueTable = new pdfTable(); remarqueTable.borderSize = 1; remarqueTable.tableHeader.addColumn(new pdfTableColumn("", predefinedAlignment.csCenter, mySecondPage.width-50)); remarqueTable.cellpadding = 60; myFirstPage.addTable(remarqueTable, 20, 150); remarqueTable = null; myFirstPage.addText("Remarque : ", 23, 130, predefinedFont.csHelveticaOblique, 15, new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack)); */ //print (myFirstPage.width);->612 myDoc.createPDF(attacName); buffer = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(attacName); WWWForm form = new WWWForm(); form.AddField("action", "createPDF"); form.AddField("add", "*****@*****.**"); form.AddField("file","file"); form.AddField("Dos",dosName); form.AddBinaryData( "file", buffer, attacName,"pdf"); WWW www = new WWW("",form); yield return www; print("SenMail"); //_menuFormulaire.SetActive (true); _sceneManager.GetComponent<Select_Object_Script> ()._block = false; //_sceneManager.GetComponent<Select_Object_Script> ()._cacheBool = false; _cam1.SetActive (true); //_cam2.SetActive (true); //_slider.SetActive (true); _messVALIDATION.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Text>().text = "Merci pour votre montage"; timerMessValidation = 3.0f; _messVALIDATION.SetActive(true); /* if (www.error != null) { print (www.error); } else { //print (www.uploadProgress); if(www.uploadProgress == 1 && www.isDone) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); //change the url to the url of the folder you want it the levels to be stored, the one you specified in the php file WWW w2 = new WWW("" + dosName + "/" + attacName); while(!w2.isDone){yield return w2;} if(w2.error != null) { print("error 2"); print ( w2.error ); } else { //WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload print("SenMail"); //GetComponent<mono_gmail>().SendMail(myDoc._myFileStream); } } } */ }
private static void SaveImage(int x, int y, int w, int h, MemoryStream ms, Bitmap b, bool pdf) { Rectangle r = MainForm.getRectangle(b, x, y, w, h); if (!r.IsEmpty) { b = b.Clone(r, b.PixelFormat); } if (pdf) { pdfDocument doc = new pdfDocument("Image scanned", "ScanIt by Martin Dobias"); ScanHandler.DrawPage(doc, 1, b); doc.createPDF(ms); } else { b.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png); } }
private static void SaveImage(int x, int y, int w, int h, MemoryStream ms, List<Bitmap> bs, bool pdf) { int count = 1; if (pdf) { pdfDocument doc = new pdfDocument("Images scanned", "ScanIt by Martin Dobias"); foreach (Bitmap b in bs) { DrawPage(doc, count++, b); } doc.createPDF(ms); } else { using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile()) { foreach (Bitmap b in bs) { using (MemoryStream mst = new MemoryStream()) { ScanHandler.SaveImage(x, y, w, h, mst, b, false); zip.AddEntry("" + count++ + ".png", mst.ToArray()); } } zip.Save(ms); } } }
private static void DrawPage(pdfDocument doc, int count, Bitmap b) { pdfPage page = doc.addPage(); int bw = b.Width; int bh = b.Height; if (bw > page.width) { bh = (int)((float)bh / ((float)bw / page.width)); bw = page.width; } if (bh > page.height) { bw = (int)((float)bw / ((float)bh / page.height)); bh = page.height; } doc.addImageReference(b, "img" + count); pdfImageReference rf = doc.getImageReference("img" + count); page.addImage(rf, 0, page.height - bh, bh, bw); }
private void Main() { try { string source; using (var client = new WebClient()) { source = client.DownloadString("" + CurrentChapter.Link); } _pages = int.Parse(Regex.Match(source, TotalRegex).Groups["pages"].Value); _link = Regex.Match(source, LinkRegex).Groups["link"].Value; } catch (Exception ex) { LogError("Error occured while gathering information.",ex.Message); goto DONE; } for (var page = 1; page <= _pages; page++) { download.Invoke(new Action<int, int>((current, total) => { download.Text = string.Format("Downloading {0} of {1}", current, total); }),page,_pages); var rTime = 0; RETRY: try { if (!(Profile.Settings.Resume && File.Exists(GetPath(page)))) { if (rTime <= Profile.Settings.Retries) { Http.Download(GetLink(page), GetPath(page)); } else { LogError("Error occured while downloading the image","Unable to download within given number of retries."); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogError("Error occured while downloading the image",ex.Message); rTime++; goto RETRY; } Invoke(new Action<int>(progress => { Tag.Text = string.Format(ProgressFormat, CurrentChapter.Name, progress); Text = string.Format(ProgressFormat, CurrentChapter.Name, progress); progressBar.Value = progress; }),(int)(((double)page/_pages)*100)); } if (Profile.Settings.CreatePdf) { try { using (var pdf=new pdfDocument(CurrentChapter.Name,"Abdullah Saleem")) { for (var page = 1; page <= _pages; page++) { var file = GetPath(page); if (!File.Exists(file)) { LogError("Error occured while creating the PDF","File not found."); continue; } try { pdf.addImageReference(file, page.ToString("00")); var refrenceImage = pdf.getImageReference(page.ToString("00")); var currentPage = pdf.addPage(refrenceImage.height, refrenceImage.width); currentPage.addImage(refrenceImage, 0, 0, refrenceImage.height, refrenceImage.width); } catch (Exception ex) { LogError("Error occured while creating the PDF[Internal]", ex.Message); } } var pdfPath = Path.Combine(_directory, CurrentChapter.Name + ".pdf"); pdf.createPDF(pdfPath); if (Profile.Settings.OpenPdf) { Process.Start(pdfPath); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogError("Error occured while creating the PDF", ex.Message); } } if (Profile.Settings.DeleteImages) { for (var page = 1; page <= _pages; page++) { var file = GetPath(page); if (!File.Exists(file)) { LogError("Error occured while deleting the images","Image not found."); continue; } try { File.Delete(file); } catch (Exception ex) { LogError("Error occured while deleting the images", ex.Message); } } } DONE: Invoke(new MethodInvoker(Close)); }
private void AddTable(string tableName, Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, object>>> items, ref pdfDocument doc) { var page = doc.addPage(predefinedPageSize.csA4Page); page.addText(tableName, 40, page.height - 30, doc.getFontReference(predefinedFont.csHelvetica), 8); var table = new pdfTable(doc, 1, pdfColor.Black, 2) { coordX = 40, coordY = page.height - 40 }; //tableName == "Mat 2a" || tableName == "Mat 7" if ( (items.Count == 1 && items.First().Value.Count < 1) || documentCertficate[tableName.Replace(" ", string.Empty)] == "No Credit") { table.tableHeader.addColumn(255); table.tableHeader.addColumn(255); if (items.Count > 0) { var nameRow = table.createRow(); nameRow[0].addText(items.First().Key); table.addRow(nameRow); } var footerRow = table.createRow(); footerRow[0].addText("Score", doc.getFontReference(predefinedFont.csHelveticaBold), 10); footerRow[1].addParagraph(documentCertficate[tableName.Replace(" ", string.Empty)], 10, predefinedAlignment.csLeft); table.addRow(footerRow); page.addTable(table); return; } var columnCount = items.First().Value != null && items.First().Value.Any() ? items.First().Value.First().Keys.Count + 1 : 2; for (var i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { table.tableHeader.addColumn((int)Math.Floor((decimal)(510 / columnCount))); } foreach (var item in items) { if (item.Value.Count > 0) { var row = table.createRow(); row[0].addParagraph(item.Key, doc.getFontReference(predefinedFont.csHelveticaBold), 10, 10, 255, predefinedAlignment.csLeft); var i = 1; foreach (var key in item.Value[0].Keys) { row[i].addParagraph(key, doc.getFontReference(predefinedFont.csHelveticaBold), 10, 10, 255, predefinedAlignment.csLeft); i++; } table.addRow(row); foreach (var elementGroup in item.Value) { row = table.createRow(); row[0].addText((item.Value.IndexOf(elementGroup) + 1).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); i = 1; foreach (var kvp in elementGroup) { if (kvp.Key == "Green Guide Rating") { var point = (decimal)kvp.Value; string grade; if (point > 2) { grade = "A+"; } else if (point > 1) { grade = "A"; } else if (point > (decimal)0.5) { grade = "B"; } else if (point > (decimal)0.25) { grade = "C"; } else if (point > 0) { grade = "D"; } else { grade = "E"; } row[i].addText(grade); } else if (kvp.Key == "Tier Level") { if (kvp.Value.ToString().Contains("Excellent")) { row[i].addText("Excellent"); } else if (kvp.Value.ToString().Contains("Very Good")) { row[i].addText("Very Good"); } else if (kvp.Value.ToString().Contains("Good")) { row[i].addText("Good"); } else if (kvp.Value.ToString().Contains("Certified")) { row[i].addText("Certified EMS"); } else if (kvp.Value.ToString().Contains("Verified")) { row[i].addText("Verified"); } else { row[i].addText(string.Empty); } } else { row[i].addParagraph(kvp.Value != null ? kvp.Value.ToString() : string.Empty, 10, predefinedAlignment.csLeft); } i++; } table.addRow(row); } } } if (documentCertficate.ContainsKey(tableName.Replace(" ", string.Empty))) { var footerRow = table.createRow(); footerRow[columnCount - 2].addText("Score", doc.getFontReference(predefinedFont.csHelveticaBold), 10); footerRow[columnCount - 1].addParagraph(documentCertficate[tableName.Replace(" ", string.Empty)], 10, predefinedAlignment.csLeft); table.addRow(footerRow); } page.addTable(table); }
/// <summary> /// Exports the chart to the specified output stream as binary. When /// exporting to a web response the WriteToHttpResponse() method is likely /// preferred. /// </summary> /// <param name="outputStream">An output stream.</param> internal void WriteToStream(Stream outputStream) { switch (this.ContentType) { case "image/jpeg": CreateSvgDocument().Draw().Save( outputStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg); break; case "image/png": // PNG output requires a seekable stream. using (MemoryStream seekableStream = new MemoryStream()) { CreateSvgDocument().Draw().Save( seekableStream, ImageFormat.Png); seekableStream.WriteTo(outputStream); } break; case "application/pdf": SvgDocument svgDoc = CreateSvgDocument(); Bitmap bmp = svgDoc.Draw(); pdfDocument doc = new pdfDocument(this.Name, null); pdfPage page = doc.addPage(bmp.Height, bmp.Width); page.addImage(bmp, 0, 0); doc.createPDF(outputStream); break; case "image/svg+xml": using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(outputStream)) { writer.Write(this.Svg); writer.Flush(); } break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format( "ContentType '{0}' is invalid.", this.ContentType)); } outputStream.Flush(); }
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private byte[] returnPdfInBytes() { System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); document.createPDF(stream); document = null; page = null; return stream.ToArray(); }
private void btnGeneratePDF_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Si un employé est sélectionné if (this.dataEmployes.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { FolderBrowserDialog folderBrowserDialog = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog(); DialogResult result = folderBrowserDialog.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { IGestionEmployes gestionEmployes = GestionEmployesBuilderClassFactory.getInterface(); string folderName = folderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath; int selectedRowIndex = this.dataEmployes.SelectedRows[0].Index; int IdUtilisateur = Convert.ToInt32(this.dataEmployes.Rows[selectedRowIndex].Cells["IdUtilisateur"].Value); object[] tabInfoUser = gestionEmployes.findUtilisateur(IdUtilisateur); Utilisateur utilisateur = (Utilisateur)tabInfoUser[0]; Adresse adresse = (Adresse)tabInfoUser[1]; Societe societe = (Societe)tabInfoUser[2]; Role role = (Role)tabInfoUser[3]; Ville ville = (Ville)tabInfoUser[4]; FormModificationEmploye form = new FormModificationEmploye(); // Génération du fichier PDF try { pdfDocument myDoc = new pdfDocument("Sample Application", "Me", false); pdfPage myFirstPage = myDoc.addPage(700, 700); myFirstPage.addText("Fiche d'information - " + utilisateur.Prenom.Trim() + " " + utilisateur.Nom.Trim(), 100, 630, predefinedFont.csHelvetica, 30, new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack)); /*Table's creation*/ pdfTable myTable = new pdfTable(); //Set table's border myTable.borderSize = 0; myTable.borderColor = new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack); /*Create table's header*/ myTable.tableHeader.addColumn(new pdfTableColumn("Information", predefinedAlignment.csLeft, 150)); myTable.tableHeader.addColumn(new pdfTableColumn("Valeur", predefinedAlignment.csCenter, 250)); /*Create table's rows*/ pdfTableRow myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "Prénom"; myRow[1].columnValue = utilisateur.Prenom.Trim(); myTable.addRow(myRow); myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "Nom"; myRow[1].columnValue = utilisateur.Nom.Trim(); myTable.addRow(myRow); myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "Identifiant"; myRow[1].columnValue = utilisateur.Identifiant; myTable.addRow(myRow); myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "Mot de passe"; myRow[1].columnValue = utilisateur.MotPasse; myTable.addRow(myRow); myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "Rôle"; myRow[1].columnValue = role.CodeRole; myTable.addRow(myRow); myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "Date de début"; myRow[1].columnValue = utilisateur.DateDebut.ToShortDateString(); myTable.addRow(myRow); myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "Date de fin"; myRow[1].columnValue = utilisateur.DateFin.ToShortDateString(); myTable.addRow(myRow); myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "Adresse"; myRow[1].columnValue = adresse.NumeroRue + " " + adresse.NomRue + ", " + adresse.CodePostal + " " + ville.CodeVille; myTable.addRow(myRow); myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "Nom de société"; myRow[1].columnValue = societe.NomSociete; myTable.addRow(myRow); myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "Description de société"; myRow[1].columnValue = societe.DescriptionSociete; myTable.addRow(myRow); myRow = myTable.createRow(); myRow[0].columnValue = "Numéro de siret"; myRow[1].columnValue = societe.NumeroSiret; myTable.addRow(myRow); /*Set Header's Style*/ myTable.tableHeaderStyle = new pdfTableRowStyle(predefinedFont.csHelveticaBold, 12, new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csWhite), new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csRed)); /*Set Row's Style*/ myTable.rowStyle = new pdfTableRowStyle(predefinedFont.csHelvetica, 10, new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack), new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csWhite)); /*Set Alternate Row's Style*/ myTable.alternateRowStyle = new pdfTableRowStyle(predefinedFont.csHelvetica, 10, new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csBlack), new pdfColor(predefinedColor.csLightGray)); /*Set Cellpadding*/ myTable.cellpadding = 10; /*Put the table on the page object*/ myFirstPage.addTable(myTable, 150, 550); myTable = null; myDoc.createPDF(folderName + "\\FicheInformation.pdf"); MessageBox.Show("Le fichier PDF a bien été créé", "Génération de PDF"); Process.Start(folderName + "\\FicheInformation.pdf"); // Fin de génération du fichier PDF } // Quand il y a une erreur catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("L'erreur suivante s'est produite : " + exception.Message + "", "Erreur lors de l'éxécution"); } } } // Si aucun employé n'est sélectionné else { MessageBox.Show("Sélectionnez un utilisateur.", "Génération fichier PDF"); } }
private void CreatePdf(string pdfFilePath) { var pdfDoc = new pdfDocument("BREEAM Materials Report", ""); var coverPage = pdfDoc.addPage(predefinedPageSize.csA4Page); coverPage.addText("BREEAM Materials", 40, coverPage.height - 140, pdfDoc.getFontReference(predefinedFont.csHelveticaBold), 20); coverPage.addText(string.Format("Project Name: {0}", projectName), 40, coverPage.height - 165, pdfDoc.getFontReference(predefinedFont.csHelvetica), 10); coverPage.addText(string.Format("Project Type: {0}", projectType), 40, coverPage.height - 180, pdfDoc.getFontReference(predefinedFont.csHelvetica), 10); coverPage.addText(string.Format("Building Type: {0}", buildingType), 40, coverPage.height - 195, pdfDoc.getFontReference(predefinedFont.csHelvetica), 10); coverPage.addText(string.Format("Project Phase: {0}", projectPhase), 40, coverPage.height - 210, pdfDoc.getFontReference(predefinedFont.csHelvetica), 10); if (documentCertficate.ContainsKey("Mat1")) { var mat1Items = new Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, object>>>(); var gr = externalWalls.GroupBy(ew => ew.ElementNumber); var mat1ExternalWallGroup = gr .Select( ew => new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"Name", ew.First().Name}, {"Element Number", ew.Key}, {"Area", ew.Sum(w => w.NetSideArea).ToString("N")}, {"Green Guide Rating", ew.First().Point} }); if (mat1ExternalWallGroup.Any()) { mat1Items.Add("External Wall", mat1ExternalWallGroup.ToList()); } var mat1CurtainWallGroup = curtainWalls.GroupBy(ew => ew.ElementNumber) .Select( ew => new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"Name", ew.First().Name}, {"Element Number", ew.Key}, {"Area", ew.Sum(w => w.GrossSideArea).ToString("N")}, {"Green Guide Rating", ew.First().Point} }); if (mat1CurtainWallGroup.Any()) { mat1Items.Add("Curtain Wall", mat1CurtainWallGroup.ToList()); } var mat1WindowGroup = windows.GroupBy(ew => ew.ElementNumber) .Select( w => new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"Name", w.First().Name}, {"Element Number", w.Key}, {"Area", w.Sum(wi => wi.NetArea).ToString("N")}, {"Green Guide Rating", w.First().Point} }); if (mat1WindowGroup.Any()) { mat1Items.Add("Window", mat1WindowGroup.ToList()); } var mat1FloorSlabsGroup = slabs.Where(s => s.SlabType == SlabType.Floor).GroupBy(s => s.ElementNumber) .Select( s => new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"Name", s.First().Name}, {"Element Number", s.Key}, {"Area", s.Sum(sl => sl.NetArea).ToString("N")}, {"Green Guide Rating", s.First().Point} }); if (mat1FloorSlabsGroup.Any()) { mat1Items.Add("Upper Floor", mat1FloorSlabsGroup.ToList()); } var mat1RoofSlabGroup = slabs.Where(s => s.SlabType == SlabType.Roof).GroupBy(s => s.ElementNumber) .Select( s => new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"Name", s.First().Name}, {"Element Number", s.Key}, {"Area", s.Sum(sl => sl.NetArea).ToString("N")}, {"Green Guide Rating", s.First().Point} }); if (mat1RoofSlabGroup.Any()) { mat1Items.Add("Roof", mat1RoofSlabGroup.ToList()); } if (!mat1Items.Any()) { mat1Items.Add("Material Specification", new List<Dictionary<string, object>>()); } AddTable("Mat 1", mat1Items, ref pdfDoc); } if (documentCertficate.ContainsKey("Mat2a")) { var mat2aItems = new Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, object>>>(); mat2aItems.Add("Natural Boundary", new List<Dictionary<string, object>>()); AddTable("Mat 2a", mat2aItems, ref pdfDoc); } if (documentCertficate.ContainsKey("Mat2b")) { var mat2BItems = new Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, object>>>(); var mat2BBoundaryWallGroup = boundaryWalls.GroupBy(bw => bw.ElementNumber) .Select( bw => new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"Name", bw.First().Name}, {"Element Number", bw.Key}, {"Area", bw.Sum(w => w.NetSideArea).ToString("N")}, {"Green Guide Rating", bw.First().Point} }); if (mat2BBoundaryWallGroup.Any()) { mat2BItems.Add("Boundary Protection", mat2BBoundaryWallGroup.ToList()); } var mat2BLandingSlabGroup = slabs.Where(s => s.SlabType == SlabType.Landing).GroupBy(s => s.ElementNumber) .Select( s => new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"Name", s.First().Name}, {"ElementNumber", s.Key}, {"Area", s.Sum(sl => sl.NetArea).ToString("N")}, {"Green Guide Rating", s.First().Point} }); if (mat2BLandingSlabGroup.Any()) { mat2BItems.Add("Hard Landscaping", mat2BLandingSlabGroup.ToList()); } if (!mat2BItems.Any()) { mat2BItems.Add("Hard Landscaping and Boundary Protection", new List<Dictionary<string, object>>()); } AddTable("Mat 2b", mat2BItems, ref pdfDoc); } if (documentCertficate.ContainsKey("Mat3")) { var mat3Items = new Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, object>>>(); if (documentCertficate["Mat3"] == "No Credit") { mat3Items.Add("Façade Reuse", new List<Dictionary<string, object>>()); } else { var mat3ExternalWallGroup = externalWalls.Where(ew => ew.FacadeReuse).GroupBy(ew => ew.ElementNumber) .Select( ew => new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"Name", ew.First().Name}, {"ElementNumber", ew.Key}, {"Area", ew.Sum(w => w.NetSideArea).ToString("N")}, {"Percentage", (ew.Sum(w => w.NetSideArea)/externalWalls.Sum(w => w.NetSideArea)).ToString("P")} }); if (mat3ExternalWallGroup.Any()) { mat3Items.Add("Reused External Wall", mat3ExternalWallGroup.ToList()); } var mat3CurtainWallGroup = curtainWalls.Where(cw => cw.FacadeReuse).GroupBy(ew => ew.ElementNumber) .Select( cw => new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"Name", cw.First().Name}, {"ElementNumber", cw.Key}, {"Area", cw.Sum(w => w.GrossSideArea).ToString("N")}, {"Percentage", (cw.Sum(w => w.GrossSideArea)/curtainWalls.Sum(w => w.GrossSideArea)).ToString("P")} }); if (mat3CurtainWallGroup.Any()) { mat3Items.Add("Reused Curtain Wall", mat3CurtainWallGroup.ToList()); } var mat3WindowGroup = windows.Where(w => w.FacadeReuse).GroupBy(w => w.ElementNumber) .Select( w => new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"Name", w.First().Name}, {"ElementNumber", w.Key}, {"Area", w.Sum(wi => wi.NetArea).ToString("N")}, {"Percentage", (w.Sum(wi => wi.NetArea)/windows.Sum(wi => wi.NetArea)).ToString("P")} }); if (mat3WindowGroup.Any()) { mat3Items.Add("Reused Window", mat3WindowGroup.ToList()); } if (!mat3Items.Any()) { mat3Items.Add("Façade Reuse", new List<Dictionary<string, object>>()); } } AddTable("Mat 3", mat3Items, ref pdfDoc); } if (documentCertficate.ContainsKey("Mat4")) { var mat4Items = new Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, object>>>(); if (documentCertficate["Mat4"] == "No Credit") { mat4Items.Add("Structure Reuse", new List<Dictionary<string, object>>()); } else { var mat4ExternalWallGroup = externalWalls.Where(ew => ew.LoadBearing && ew.StructureReuse).GroupBy(ew => ew.ElementNumber) .Select( ew => new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"Name", ew.First().Name}, {"ElementNumber", ew.Key}, {"Volume", ew.Sum(w => w.NetVolume).ToString("N")}, {"Percentage", (ew.Sum(w => w.NetVolume)/externalWalls.Where(w => w.LoadBearing).Sum(w => w.NetVolume)).ToString("P")} }); if (mat4ExternalWallGroup.Any()) { mat4Items.Add("Reused External Wall", mat4ExternalWallGroup.ToList()); } var mat4InteriorWallGroup = interiorWalls.Where(iw => iw.LoadBearing && iw.StructureReuse).GroupBy(iw => iw.ElementNumber) .Select( cw => new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"Name", cw.First().Name}, {"ElementNumber", cw.Key}, {"Volume", cw.Sum(w => w.NetVolume).ToString("N")}, {"Percentage", (cw.Sum(w => w.NetVolume)/interiorWalls.Where(w => w.LoadBearing).Sum(w => w.NetVolume)).ToString("P")} }); if (mat4InteriorWallGroup.Any()) { mat4Items.Add("Reused Interior Wall", mat4InteriorWallGroup.ToList()); } var mat4SlabsGroup = slabs.Where(s => s.SlabType == SlabType.Floor && s.LoadBearing && s.StructureReuse).GroupBy(s => s.ElementNumber) .Select( s => new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"Name", s.First().Name}, {"ElementNumber", s.Key}, {"Volume", s.Sum(w => w.NetVolume).ToString("N")}, {"Percentage", (s.Sum(w => w.NetVolume)/slabs.Where(w => w.SlabType == SlabType.Floor && w.LoadBearing).Sum(w => w.NetVolume)).ToString("P")} }); if (mat4SlabsGroup.Any()) { mat4Items.Add("Reused Slab", mat4SlabsGroup.ToList()); } var mat4ColumnGroup = columns.Where(c => c.StructureReuse).GroupBy(c => c.ElementNumber) .Select( c => new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"Name", c.First().Name}, {"ElementNumber", c.Key}, {"Volume", c.Sum(w => w.NetVolume).ToString("N")}, {"Percentage", (c.Sum(co => co.NetVolume)/columns.Sum(co => co.NetVolume)).ToString("P")} }); if (mat4ColumnGroup.Any()) { mat4Items.Add("Reused Column", mat4ColumnGroup.ToList()); } var mat4BeamGroup = beams.Where(b => b.StructureReuse).GroupBy(b => b.ElementNumber) .Select( b => new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"Name", b.First().Name}, {"ElementNumber", b.Key}, {"Volume", b.Sum(w => w.NetVolume).ToString("N")}, {"Percentage", (b.Sum(be => be.NetVolume)/columns.Sum(be => be.NetVolume)).ToString("P")} }); if (mat4BeamGroup.Any()) { mat4Items.Add("Reused Beam", mat4BeamGroup.ToList()); } if (!mat4Items.Any()) { mat4Items.Add("Structure Reuse", new List<Dictionary<string, object>>()); } } AddTable("Mat 4", mat4Items, ref pdfDoc); } if (documentCertficate.ContainsKey("Mat5")) { var mat5Items = new Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, object>>>(); var mat5ExternalWallGroup = externalWalls.Where(ew => ew.Rsm).GroupBy(ew => ew.ElementNumber) .Select( ew => new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"Name", ew.First().Name}, {"Element Number", ew.Key}, {"Area", ew.Sum(w => w.NetSideArea).ToString("N")}, {"Percentage", (ew.Sum(w => w.NetSideArea)/externalWalls.Sum(w => w.NetSideArea)).ToString("P")}, {"Tier Level", ew.First().RsmText} }); if (mat5ExternalWallGroup.Any()) { mat5Items.Add("Responsibly Sourced Walls", mat5ExternalWallGroup.ToList()); } var mat5InteriorWallGroup = interiorWalls.Where(iw => iw.Rsm).GroupBy(iw => iw.ElementNumber) .Select( iw => new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"Name", iw.First().Name}, {"Element Number", iw.Key}, {"Area", iw.Sum(w => w.GrossSideArea).ToString("N")}, {"Percentage", (iw.Sum(w => w.GrossSideArea)/interiorWalls.Sum(w => w.GrossSideArea)).ToString("P")}, {"Tier Level", iw.First().RsmText} }); if (mat5InteriorWallGroup.Any()) { mat5Items.Add("Responsibly Sourced Walls", mat5InteriorWallGroup.ToList()); } var mat5RoofGroup = slabs.Where(s => s.Rsm && s.SlabType == SlabType.Roof) .GroupBy(s => s.ElementNumber) .Select(s => new Dictionary<string, object> { {"Name", s.First().Name}, {"Element Number", s.Key}, {"Area", s.Sum(w => w.NetArea).ToString("N")}, {"Percentage", (s.Sum(w => w.NetArea)/slabs.Where(sl => sl.SlabType == SlabType.Roof).Sum(w => w.NetArea)).ToString("P")}, {"Tier Level", s.First().RsmText} }); if (mat5RoofGroup.Any()) { mat5Items.Add("Responsibly Sourced Roof", mat5RoofGroup.ToList()); } var mat5FloorGroup = slabs.Where(s => s.Rsm && s.SlabType == SlabType.Floor) .GroupBy(s => s.ElementNumber) .Select(s => new Dictionary<string, object> { {"Name", s.First().Name}, {"Element Number", s.Key}, {"Area", s.Sum(w => w.NetArea).ToString("N")}, {"Percentage", (s.Sum(w => w.NetArea)/slabs.Where(sl => sl.SlabType == SlabType.Floor).Sum(w => w.NetArea)).ToString("P")}, {"Tier Level", s.First().RsmText} }); if (mat5FloorGroup.Any()) { mat5Items.Add("Responsibly Sourced Floor", mat5FloorGroup.ToList()); } var mat5BaselabGroup = slabs.Where(s => s.Rsm && s.SlabType == SlabType.BaseSlab) .GroupBy(s => s.ElementNumber) .Select(s => new Dictionary<string, object> { {"Name", s.First().Name}, {"Element Number", s.Key}, {"Area", s.Sum(w => w.NetArea).ToString("N")}, {"Percentage", (s.Sum(w => w.NetArea)/slabs.Where(sl => sl.SlabType == SlabType.BaseSlab).Sum(w => w.NetArea)).ToString("P")}, {"Tier Level", s.First().RsmText} }); if (mat5BaselabGroup.Any()) { mat5Items.Add("Responsibly Sourced Foundation", mat5BaselabGroup.ToList()); } var mat5ColumnGroup = columns.Where(c => c.Rsm).GroupBy(c => c.ElementNumber).Select(c => new Dictionary<string, object> { {"Name", c.First().Name}, {"Element Number", c.Key}, {"Area", c.Sum(w => w.GrossSurfaceArea).ToString("N")}, {"Percentage", (c.Sum(w => w.GrossSurfaceArea)/columns.Sum(w => w.GrossSurfaceArea)).ToString("P")}, {"Tier Level", c.First().RsmText} }); if (mat5ColumnGroup.Any()) { mat5Items.Add("Responsibly Sourced Column", mat5ColumnGroup.ToList()); } var mat5BeamGroup = beams.Where(c => c.Rsm).GroupBy(c => c.ElementNumber).Select(c => new Dictionary<string, object> { {"Name", c.First().Name}, {"Element Number", c.Key}, {"Area", c.Sum(w => w.GrossSurfaceArea).ToString("N")}, {"Percentage", (c.Sum(w => w.GrossSurfaceArea)/beams.Sum(w => w.GrossSurfaceArea)).ToString("P")}, {"Tier Level", c.First().RsmText} }); if (mat5BeamGroup.Any()) { mat5Items.Add("Responsibly Sourced Beam", mat5BeamGroup.ToList()); } var mat5StairGroup = stairs.Where(s => s.Rsm).GroupBy(s => s.ElementNumber).Select(s => new Dictionary<string, object> { {"Name", s.First().Name}, {"Element Number", s.Key}, {"Area", s.Sum(sf => sf.Area).ToString("N")}, {"Percentage", (s.Sum(sf => sf.Area)/stairs.Sum(sf => sf.Area)).ToString("P")}, {"Tier Level", s.First().RsmText} }); if (mat5StairGroup.Any()) { mat5Items.Add("Responsibly Sourced Stair", mat5StairGroup.ToList()); } if (!mat5Items.Any()) { mat5Items.Add("Responsibly Sourced Materials", new List<Dictionary<string, object>>()); } AddTable("Mat 5", mat5Items, ref pdfDoc); } if (documentCertficate.ContainsKey("Mat6a")) { var mat6AItems = new Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, object>>>(); var mat6AExternalWallGroup = externalWalls.Where(ew => ew.InsulationLayerThickness > 0) .GroupBy(ew => ew.InsulationMaterialElementNumber) .Select(ew => new Dictionary<string, object> { {"Name", ew.First().InsulationMaterialName}, {"Element Number", ew.Key}, {"Area", ew.Sum(w => w.NetSideArea).ToString("N")}, //{"Percentage", (ew.Sum(w => w.NetSideArea) / externalWalls.Sum(w => w.NetSideArea)).ToString("P")}, {"Green Guide Rating", ew.First().InsulationLayerMaterialPoint} }); mat6AItems.Add("External Wall Insulation", mat6AExternalWallGroup.ToList()); var mat6ABaseSlabGroup = slabs.Where(s => s.InsulationLayerThickness > 0 && s.SlabType == SlabType.BaseSlab) .GroupBy(s => s.InsulationMaterialElementNumber) .Select(s => new Dictionary<string, object> { {"Name", s.First().InsulationMaterialName}, {"Element Number", s.Key}, {"Area", s.Sum(w => w.NetArea).ToString("N")}, //{"Percentage", (s.Sum(w => w.NetArea) / slabs.Where(sl => sl.SlabType == SlabType.BaseSlab).Sum(w => w.NetArea)).ToString("P")}, {"Green Guide Rating", s.First().InsulationLayerMaterialPoint} }); mat6AItems.Add("Ground Insulation", mat6ABaseSlabGroup.ToList()); var mat6ARoofSlabGroup = slabs.Where(s => s.InsulationLayerThickness > 0 && s.SlabType == SlabType.Roof) .GroupBy(s => s.InsulationMaterialElementNumber) .Select(s => new Dictionary<string, object> { {"Name", s.First().InsulationMaterialName}, {"Element Number", s.Key}, {"Area", s.Sum(w => w.NetArea).ToString("N")}, //{"Percentage", (s.Sum(w => w.NetArea) / slabs.Where(sl => sl.SlabType == SlabType.Roof).Sum(w => w.NetArea)).ToString("P")}, {"Green Guide Rating", s.First().InsulationLayerMaterialPoint} }); mat6AItems.Add("Roof Insulation", mat6ARoofSlabGroup.ToList()); if (!mat6AItems.Any()) { mat6AItems.Add("Insulation", new List<Dictionary<string, object>>()); } AddTable("Mat 6a", mat6AItems, ref pdfDoc); } if (documentCertficate.ContainsKey("Mat6b")) { var mat6BItems = new Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, object>>>(); var mat6BExternalWallGroup = externalWalls.Where(ew => ew.InsulationLayerThickness > 0 && ew.InsulationMaterialName.Contains("RSM")) .GroupBy(ew => ew.InsulationMaterialElementNumber) .Select(ew => new Dictionary<string, object> { {"Name", ew.Single().InsulationMaterialName}, {"Element Number", ew.Key}, {"Area", ew.Sum(w => w.NetSideArea).ToString("N")}, {"Percentage", (ew.Sum(w => w.NetSideArea) / externalWalls.Sum(w => w.NetSideArea)).ToString("P")}, {"Green Guide Rating", ew.Single().InsulationLayerMaterialPoint} }); if (mat6BExternalWallGroup.Any()) { mat6BItems.Add("Responsibly Sourced External Wall Insulation", mat6BExternalWallGroup.ToList()); } var mat6BBaseSlabGroup = slabs.Where(s => s.InsulationLayerThickness > 0 && s.SlabType == SlabType.BaseSlab && s.InsulationMaterialName.Contains("RSM")) .GroupBy(s => s.InsulationMaterialElementNumber) .Select(s => new Dictionary<string, object> { {"Name", s.First().InsulationMaterialName}, {"Element Number", s.Key}, {"Area", s.Sum(w => w.NetArea).ToString("N")}, {"Percentage", (s.Sum(w => w.NetArea) / slabs.Where(sl => sl.SlabType == SlabType.BaseSlab).Sum(w => w.NetArea)).ToString("P")}, {"Green Guide Rating", s.First().InsulationLayerMaterialPoint} }); if (mat6BBaseSlabGroup.Any()) { mat6BItems.Add("Responsibly Sourced Ground Insulation", mat6BBaseSlabGroup.ToList()); } var mat6BRoofSlabGroup = slabs.Where(s => s.InsulationLayerThickness > 0 && s.SlabType == SlabType.Roof && s.InsulationMaterialName.Contains("RSM")) .GroupBy(s => s.InsulationMaterialElementNumber) .Select(s => new Dictionary<string, object> { {"Name", s.First().InsulationMaterialName}, {"Element Number", s.Key}, {"Area", s.Sum(w => w.NetArea).ToString("N")}, {"Percentage", (s.Sum(w => w.NetArea) / slabs.Where(sl => sl.SlabType == SlabType.Roof).Sum(w => w.NetArea)).ToString("P")}, {"Green Guide Rating", s.First().InsulationLayerMaterialPoint} }); if (mat6BRoofSlabGroup.Any()) { mat6BItems.Add("Responsibly Sourced Roof Insulation", mat6BRoofSlabGroup.ToList()); } if (!mat6BItems.Any()) { mat6BItems.Add("Responsibly Sourced Insulation", new List<Dictionary<string, object>>()); } AddTable("Mat 6b", mat6BItems, ref pdfDoc); } if (documentCertficate.ContainsKey("Mat7")) { var mat7Items = new Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, object>>>(); mat7Items.Add("Designing for Robustness", new List<Dictionary<string, object>>()); AddTable("Mat 7", mat7Items, ref pdfDoc); } pdfDoc.createPDF(pdfFilePath); pdfDoc = null; }
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