public static Result <domain.Day> create_day (IEnumerable <DataAttribute> attributes) { var errors = new List <ResultError>(); var summary = string.Empty; time.Date date = null; var diary = Enumerable.Empty <domain.DiaryEntry>(); var create_day = (Func <domain.Day>)(() => new domain.Day( summary , date , diary )); attributes .value_for( "summary" , error: () => new SummarySerialisationError() ) .match( success: value => summary = value , error: errs => errors.AddRange(errs) ) ; attributes .collection_for( "date" , error: () => new DateSerialisationError() ) .bind(collection => time.serialisation.Date.create_date(collection)) .match( success: d => date = d , error: errs => errors.AddRange(errs) ); attributes .collection_for( "diary" , error: () => new DiarySerialisationError() ) // I. This does not handled failures in create_diary entry this has multiple otions and will need to be dealt with. .bind(EEa => EEa .Select((Ea, i) => { return (DiaryEntry.create_diary_entry( Ea .match(s => default(IEnumerable <DataAttribute>), ca => ca) )); }) .Aggregate( new AggregatedDiaryEntryResults() , (acc, Re) => acc.add_result(Re) ) .fmap(acc => acc.result()) ) .match( success: diary_entries => diary = diary_entries , error: errs => errors.AddRange(errs) ); /* * * public static TSource Aggregate<TSource>( * this IEnumerable<TSource> source * ,Func<TSource, TSource, TSource> func * ); * public static TAccumulate Aggregate<TSource, TAccumulate>( * this IEnumerable<TSource> source * ,TAccumulate seed * ,Func<TAccumulate, TSource, TAccumulate> func * ); * public static TResult Aggregate<TSource, TAccumulate, TResult>( * this IEnumerable<TSource> source * ,TAccumulate seed * ,Func<TAccumulate, TSource, TAccumulate> func * ,Func<TAccumulate, TResult> resultSelector * ); * */ return(!errors.Any() ? Result <domain.Day> .success(create_day()) : Result <domain.Day> .error(errors) ); }
public static IEnumerable <DataAttribute> create_memento (domain.Day day) { return(new DataAttribute[] { DataAttribute.create_value("summary", day.summary), DataAttribute.create_collection("date", time.serialisation.Date.create_attribute_memento(, DataAttribute.create_collection("diary", day.diary.Select((de, i) => DataAttribute.create_collection(i.ToString(), DiaryEntry.create_memento(de)))) }); }