public Dictionary<BindpointMap, BoundResource[]> GetReadWriteResources(ShaderStageType stage) { var ret = new Dictionary<BindpointMap, BoundResource[]>(); if (LogLoaded) { if (IsLogD3D11) { if (stage == ShaderStageType.Compute) { for (int i = 0; i < m_D3D11.m_CS.UAVs.Length; i++) { var key = new BindpointMap(0, i); var val = new BoundResource(); val.Id = m_D3D11.m_CS.UAVs[i].Resource; val.HighestMip = (int)m_D3D11.m_CS.UAVs[i].HighestMip; val.FirstSlice = (int)m_D3D11.m_CS.UAVs[i].FirstArraySlice; val.typeHint = m_D3D11.m_CS.UAVs[i].Format.compType; ret.Add(key, new BoundResource[] { val }); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < m_D3D11.m_OM.UAVs.Length; i++) { var key = new BindpointMap(0, i); var val = new BoundResource(); val.Id = m_D3D11.m_OM.UAVs[i].Resource; val.HighestMip = (int)m_D3D11.m_OM.UAVs[i].HighestMip; val.FirstSlice = (int)m_D3D11.m_OM.UAVs[i].FirstArraySlice; val.typeHint = FormatComponentType.None; ret.Add(key, new BoundResource[] { val }); } } return ret; } else if (IsLogGL) { for (int i = 0; i < m_GL.Images.Length; i++) { var key = new BindpointMap(0, i); var val = new BoundResource(); val.Id = m_GL.Images[i].Resource; val.HighestMip = (int)m_GL.Images[i].Level; val.FirstSlice = (int)m_GL.Images[i].Layer; val.typeHint = m_GL.Images[i].Format.compType; ret.Add(key, new BoundResource[] { val }); } return ret; } else if (IsLogVK) { VulkanPipelineState.Pipeline.DescriptorSet[] descsets =; if (stage == ShaderStageType.Compute) descsets = m_Vulkan.compute.DescSets; ShaderStageBits mask = (ShaderStageBits)(1 << (int)stage); for (int set = 0; set < descsets.Length; set++) { var descset = descsets[set]; for (int slot = 0; slot < descset.bindings.Length; slot++) { var bind = descset.bindings[slot]; if ((bind.type == ShaderBindType.ReadWriteBuffer || bind.type == ShaderBindType.ReadWriteImage || bind.type == ShaderBindType.ReadWriteTBuffer ) && (bind.stageFlags & mask) == mask) { var key = new BindpointMap(set, slot); var val = new BoundResource[bind.descriptorCount]; for (UInt32 i = 0; i < bind.descriptorCount; i++) { val[i] = new BoundResource(); val[i].Id = bind.binds[i].res; val[i].HighestMip = (int)bind.binds[i].baseMip; val[i].FirstSlice = (int)bind.binds[i].baseLayer; val[i].typeHint = bind.binds[i].viewfmt.compType; } ret.Add(key, val); } } } return ret; } } return ret; }
private void InitStageResourcePreviews(ShaderStageType stage, ShaderResource[] resourceDetails, BindpointMap[] mapping, Dictionary<BindpointMap, BoundResource[]> ResList, ThumbnailStrip prevs, ref int prevIndex, bool copy, bool rw) { for (int idx = 0; idx < mapping.Length; idx++) { var key = mapping[idx]; BoundResource[] resArray = null; if (ResList.ContainsKey(key)) resArray = ResList[key]; int arrayLen = resArray != null ? resArray.Length : 1; for (int arrayIdx = 0; arrayIdx < arrayLen; arrayIdx++) { ResourceId id = resArray != null ? resArray[arrayIdx].Id : ResourceId.Null; FormatComponentType typeHint = resArray != null ? resArray[arrayIdx].typeHint : FormatComponentType.None; bool used = key.used; bool samplerBind = false; bool otherBind = false; string bindName = ""; foreach (var bind in resourceDetails) { if (bind.bindPoint == idx && bind.IsSRV) { bindName =; otherBind = true; break; } if (bind.bindPoint == idx) { if(bind.IsSampler && !bind.IsSRV) samplerBind = true; else otherBind = true; } } if (samplerBind && !otherBind) continue; if (copy) { used = true; bindName = "Source"; } Following follow = new Following(rw ? FollowType.ReadWrite : FollowType.ReadOnly, stage, idx, arrayIdx); string slotName = String.Format("{0} {1}{2}", m_Core.CurPipelineState.Abbrev(stage), rw ? "RW " : "", idx); if (arrayLen > 1) slotName += String.Format("[{0}]", arrayIdx); if (copy) slotName = "SRC"; // show if bool show = (used || // it's referenced by the shader - regardless of empty or not (showDisabled.Checked && !used && id != ResourceId.Null) || // it's bound, but not referenced, and we have "show disabled" (showEmpty.Checked && id == ResourceId.Null) // it's empty, and we have "show empty" ); ResourcePreview prev; if (prevIndex < prevs.Thumbnails.Length) { prev = prevs.Thumbnails[prevIndex]; } else { // don't create it if we're not actually going to show it if (!show) continue; prev = UI_CreateThumbnail(prevs); } prevIndex++; InitResourcePreview(prev, show ? id : ResourceId.Null, typeHint, show, follow, bindName, slotName); } } }
public Dictionary<BindpointMap, BoundResource[]> GetReadOnlyResources(ShaderStageType stage) { var ret = new Dictionary<BindpointMap, BoundResource[]>(); if (LogLoaded) { if (IsLogD3D11) { D3D11PipelineState.ShaderStage s = null; switch (stage) { case ShaderStageType.Vertex: s = m_D3D11.m_VS; break; case ShaderStageType.Domain: s = m_D3D11.m_DS; break; case ShaderStageType.Hull: s = m_D3D11.m_HS; break; case ShaderStageType.Geometry: s = m_D3D11.m_GS; break; case ShaderStageType.Pixel: s = m_D3D11.m_PS; break; case ShaderStageType.Compute: s = m_D3D11.m_CS; break; } for (int i = 0; i < s.SRVs.Length; i++) { var key = new BindpointMap(0, i); var val = new BoundResource(); val.Id = s.SRVs[i].Resource; val.HighestMip = (int)s.SRVs[i].HighestMip; val.FirstSlice = (int)s.SRVs[i].FirstArraySlice; val.typeHint = s.SRVs[i].Format.compType; ret.Add(key, new BoundResource[] { val }); } return ret; } else if (IsLogGL) { for (int i = 0; i < m_GL.Textures.Length; i++) { var key = new BindpointMap(0, i); var val = new BoundResource(); val.Id = m_GL.Textures[i].Resource; val.HighestMip = (int)m_GL.Textures[i].HighestMip; val.FirstSlice = (int)m_GL.Textures[i].FirstSlice; val.typeHint = FormatComponentType.None; ret.Add(key, new BoundResource[] { val }); } return ret; } else if (IsLogVK) { VulkanPipelineState.Pipeline.DescriptorSet[] descsets =; if (stage == ShaderStageType.Compute) descsets = m_Vulkan.compute.DescSets; ShaderStageBits mask = (ShaderStageBits)(1 << (int)stage); for (int set = 0; set < descsets.Length; set++) { var descset = descsets[set]; for (int slot = 0; slot < descset.bindings.Length; slot++) { var bind = descset.bindings[slot]; if ((bind.type == ShaderBindType.ImageSampler || bind.type == ShaderBindType.InputAttachment || bind.type == ShaderBindType.ReadOnlyImage || bind.type == ShaderBindType.ReadOnlyTBuffer ) && (bind.stageFlags & mask) == mask) { var key = new BindpointMap(set, slot); var val = new BoundResource[bind.descriptorCount]; for (UInt32 i = 0; i < bind.descriptorCount; i++) { val[i] = new BoundResource(); val[i].Id = bind.binds[i].res; val[i].HighestMip = (int)bind.binds[i].baseMip; val[i].FirstSlice = (int)bind.binds[i].baseLayer; val[i].typeHint = bind.binds[i].viewfmt.compType; } ret.Add(key, val); } } } return ret; } } return ret; }