Esempio n. 1
 public bool GetCorrespondingBuildUnit(string fileName, out BuildUnit buildUnit)
     string className;
     string baseClassName;
     BuildUnit.GetClassNamesFromFileName(fileName, out className, out baseClassName);
     return GetBuildUnitForClass(className, out buildUnit);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Compile the supplied Quick markup file into the indicate JavaScript and Css files.
        /// Return true if successful, false if there were errors.
        /// </summary>
        private bool Compile(string quiFile, out BuildUnit buildUnit)
            string quiFileName = Path.GetFileName(quiFile);

            MarkupControlClass control;
                using (StreamReader markupReader = new StreamReader(quiFile))
                    // Do the actual compile.
                    control = MarkupCompiler.Compile(markupReader);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("qc: " + e.Message);
                buildUnit = null;
                return false;

            //string outputFileNameBase = control.Name;
            /* Pick output file names. For a class Foo with a base class
             * called Base, we want to end up with output files Foo.Base.js
             * and Foo.Base.css.
             * Most of the time, this would be fine -- as long as the class
             * Foo is defined in a file called Foo.qui. The file name is
             * all the ProjectScanner has to go by when looking for files that
             * need to be recompiled. So if class Foo is defined in a file
             * called something like Bar.qui, then output files like Foo.Base.js
             * couldn't be correctly identified as an output for Bar.qui.
             * The build process would keep trying to build Bar.qui each time
             * a build was run.
             * To avoid this, we name the output file a combination of the input
             * file name and the base class name (which is ignored by the
             * scanner). So a class Foo defined in a file Bar.qui will generate
             * output files Bar.Base.js and Bar.Base.css.
            string outputFileNameBase = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(quiFileName);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(control.BaseClassName) &&
                control.BaseClassName != "Control")
                outputFileNameBase += "." + control.BaseClassName;

            string jsFileName = GetOutputFilePath(outputFileNameBase, Project.fileExtensionJs);
            string cssFileName = GetOutputFilePath(outputFileNameBase, Project.fileExtensionCss);

            WriteOutputFile(control.JavaScript(), jsFileName);
            WriteOutputFile(control.Css(), cssFileName);

            buildUnit = new BuildUnit(jsFileName);
            return true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Return true if the JS or CSS of the given build unit is missing 
 /// or older than the source Quick markup file.
 /// </summary>
 private bool RequiresCompilation(string quiFile, BuildUnit previousBuildUnit)
     return RequiresCompilation(quiFile, previousBuildUnit.JsFileName) ||
            RequiresCompilation(quiFile, previousBuildUnit.CssFileName);
Esempio n. 4
 public void Add(BuildUnit unit)
Esempio n. 5
 private bool GetBuildUnitForClass(string className, out BuildUnit buildUnit)
     buildUnit = BuildUnits.FirstOrDefault(buildFile => buildFile.ClassName == className);
     return buildUnit != null;