Esempio n. 1
 public void Dispose()
     if (_msDataFileScanHelper != null)
         _msDataFileScanHelper = null;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Looks through the result and finds ion mobility values.
        /// Note that this method only returns new values that were found in results.
        /// The returned dictionary should be merged with the existing values in
        /// order to preserve those existing values.
        /// </summary>
        public Dictionary <LibKey, IonMobilityAndCCS> FindIonMobilityPeaks()
            // Overwrite any existing measurements with newly derived ones
            var measured = new Dictionary <LibKey, IonMobilityAndCCS>();

            if (_document.Settings.MeasuredResults == null)

            var filepaths = _document.Settings.MeasuredResults.MSDataFilePaths.ToArray();

            _totalSteps = filepaths.Length * _document.MoleculeTransitionGroupCount;
            if (_totalSteps == 0)

            using (_msDataFileScanHelper = new MsDataFileScanHelper(SetScans, HandleLoadScanException))
                // Avoid opening and re-opening raw files - make these the outer loop

                _ms1IonMobilities = new Dictionary <LibKey, List <IonMobilityIntensityPair> >();
                _ms2IonMobilities = new Dictionary <LibKey, List <IonMobilityIntensityPair> >();
                var twopercent = (int)Math.Ceiling(_totalSteps * 0.02);
                _totalSteps += twopercent;
                _currentStep = twopercent;
                if (_progressMonitor != null)
                    _progressStatus = new ProgressStatus(filepaths.First().GetFileName());
                    _progressStatus = _progressStatus.UpdatePercentCompleteProgress(_progressMonitor, _currentStep, _totalSteps); // Make that inital lag seem less dismal to the user
                foreach (var fp in filepaths)
                    if (!ProcessFile(fp))
                        return(null); // User cancelled
                // Find ion mobilities based on MS1 data
                foreach (var dt in _ms1IonMobilities)
                    // Choose the ion mobility which gave the largest signal
                    // CONSIDER: average IM and CCS values that fall "near" the IM of largest signal?
                    var ms1IonMobility = dt.Value.OrderByDescending(p => p.Intensity).First().IonMobility;
                    // Check for MS2 data to use for high energy offset
                    List <IonMobilityIntensityPair> listDt;
                    var ms2IonMobility = _ms2IonMobilities.TryGetValue(dt.Key, out listDt)
                        ? listDt.OrderByDescending(p => p.Intensity).First().IonMobility
                        : ms1IonMobility;
                    var value = IonMobilityAndCCS.GetIonMobilityAndCCS(ms1IonMobility.IonMobility, ms1IonMobility.CollisionalCrossSectionSqA, ms2IonMobility.IonMobility.Mobility.Value - ms1IonMobility.IonMobility.Mobility.Value);
                    if (!measured.ContainsKey(dt.Key))
                        measured.Add(dt.Key, value);
                        measured[dt.Key] = value;
                // Check for data for which we have only MS2 to go on
                foreach (var im in _ms2IonMobilities)
                    if (!_ms1IonMobilities.ContainsKey(im.Key))
                        // Only MS2 ion mobility values found, use that as a reasonable inference of MS1 ion mobility
                        var driftTimeIntensityPair = im.Value.OrderByDescending(p => p.Intensity).First();
                        var value = driftTimeIntensityPair.IonMobility;
                        // Note collisional cross section
                        if (_msDataFileScanHelper.ProvidesCollisionalCrossSectionConverter)
                            var mz  = im.Key.PrecursorMz ?? GetMzFromDocument(im.Key);
                            var ccs = _msDataFileScanHelper.CCSFromIonMobility(value.IonMobility,
                                                                               mz, im.Key.Charge);
                            if (ccs.HasValue)
                                value = IonMobilityAndCCS.GetIonMobilityAndCCS(value.IonMobility, ccs, value.HighEnergyIonMobilityValueOffset);

                        if (!measured.ContainsKey(im.Key))
                            measured.Add(im.Key, value);
                            measured[im.Key] = value;
Esempio n. 3
        private bool ProcessMSLevel(MsDataFileUri filePath, int msLevel, IEnumerable <ChromatogramInfo> transitionPointSets,
                                    ChromatogramGroupInfo chromInfo, double?apexRT, TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup, LibKey libKey, float tolerance)
            var           transitions = new List <TransitionFullScanInfo>();
            var           chromSource = (msLevel == 1) ? ChromSource.ms1 : ChromSource.fragment;
            IList <float> times       = null;

            foreach (var tranPointSet in transitionPointSets.Where(t => t.Source == chromSource))
                transitions.Add(new TransitionFullScanInfo
                    //Name = tranPointSet.Header.,
                    Source          = chromSource,
                    TimeIntensities = tranPointSet.TimeIntensities,
                    PrecursorMz     = chromInfo.PrecursorMz,
                    ProductMz       = tranPointSet.ProductMz,
                    ExtractionWidth = tranPointSet.ExtractionWidth,
                    //Id = nodeTran.Id
                times = tranPointSet.Times;

            if (!transitions.Any())
                return(true); // Nothing to do at this ms level

            IScanProvider scanProvider = new ScanProvider(_documentFilePath,
                                                          chromSource, times, transitions.ToArray(),
                                                          () => _document.Settings.MeasuredResults.LoadMSDataFileScanIds(filePath));

            // Across all spectra at the peak retention time, find the one with max total
            // intensity for the mz's of interest (ie the isotopic distribution) and note its ion mobility.
            var scanIndex = MsDataFileScanHelper.FindScanIndex(times, apexRT.Value);

            _msDataFileScanHelper.UpdateScanProvider(scanProvider, 0, scanIndex);
            _msDataFileScanHelper.MsDataSpectra = null; // Reset
            scanIndex = _msDataFileScanHelper.GetScanIndex();
            lock (this)
                while (_msDataFileScanHelper.MsDataSpectra == null && _dataFileScanHelperException == null)
                    if (_progressMonitor != null && _progressMonitor.IsCanceled)
                    Monitor.Wait(this, 500); // Let background loader do its thing
            if (_dataFileScanHelperException != null)
                throw new IOException(TextUtil.LineSeparate(Resources.DriftTimeFinder_HandleLoadScanException_Problem_using_results_to_populate_drift_time_library__, _dataFileScanHelperException.Message), _dataFileScanHelperException);
            if (_progressMonitor != null && !ReferenceEquals(nodeGroup, _currentDisplayedTransitionGroupDocNode))
                // Do this after scan load so first group after file switch doesn't seem laggy
                _progressStatus = _progressStatus.ChangeMessage(TextUtil.LineSeparate(filePath.GetFileName(), nodeGroup.ToString())).
                                  UpdatePercentCompleteProgress(_progressMonitor, _currentStep++, _totalSteps);
                _currentDisplayedTransitionGroupDocNode = nodeGroup;
            EvaluateBestIonMobilityValue(msLevel, libKey, tolerance, transitions);
Esempio n. 4
        public Dictionary <LibKey, DriftTimeInfo> FindDriftTimePeaks()
            // Overwrite any existing measurements with newly derived ones
            var measured = new Dictionary <LibKey, DriftTimeInfo>();

            if (_existing != null && _existing.MeasuredDriftTimePeptides != null)
                foreach (var existingPair in _existing.MeasuredDriftTimePeptides)
                    measured.Add(existingPair.Key, existingPair.Value);

            var filepaths = _document.Settings.MeasuredResults.MSDataFilePaths.ToArray();

            _totalSteps = filepaths.Length * _document.MoleculeTransitionGroupCount;
            if (_totalSteps == 0)

            using (_msDataFileScanHelper = new MsDataFileScanHelper(SetScans, HandleLoadScanException))
                // Avoid opening and re-opening raw files - make these the outer loop

                _ms1DriftTimes = new Dictionary <LibKey, List <DriftTimeIntensityPair> >();
                _ms2DriftTimes = new Dictionary <LibKey, List <DriftTimeIntensityPair> >();
                var twopercent = (int)Math.Ceiling(_totalSteps * 0.02);
                _totalSteps += twopercent;
                _currentStep = twopercent;
                if (_progressMonitor != null)
                    _progressStatus = new ProgressStatus(filepaths.First().GetFileName());
                    _progressStatus = _progressStatus.UpdatePercentCompleteProgress(_progressMonitor, _currentStep, _totalSteps); // Make that inital lag seem less dismal to the user
                foreach (var fp in filepaths)
                    if (!ProcessFile(fp))
                        return(null); // User cancelled
                // Find drift times based on MS1 data
                foreach (var dt in _ms1DriftTimes)
                    // Choose the drift time which gave the largest signal
                    var ms1DriftTime = dt.Value.OrderByDescending(p => p.Intensity).First().DriftTime;
                    // Check for MS2 data to use for high energy offset
                    List <DriftTimeIntensityPair> listDt;
                    var ms2DriftTime = _ms2DriftTimes.TryGetValue(dt.Key, out listDt)
                        ? listDt.OrderByDescending(p => p.Intensity).First().DriftTime
                        : (ms1DriftTime ?? 0);
                    var value = new DriftTimeInfo(ms1DriftTime, ms2DriftTime - ms1DriftTime ?? 0);
                    if (!measured.ContainsKey(dt.Key))
                        measured.Add(dt.Key, value);
                        measured[dt.Key] = value;
                // Check for data for which we have only MS2 to go on
                foreach (var dt in _ms2DriftTimes)
                    if (!_ms1DriftTimes.ContainsKey(dt.Key))
                        // Only MS2 drift times found, use that
                        var value = new DriftTimeInfo(dt.Value.OrderByDescending(p => p.Intensity).First().DriftTime, 0);
                        if (!measured.ContainsKey(dt.Key))
                            measured.Add(dt.Key, value);
                            measured[dt.Key] = value;