Esempio n. 1
        public void AgilentFileTypeTest()
            var testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);

            string extRaw = ExtensionTestContext.ExtAgilentRaw;

            // Do file type check
            using (var msData = new MsDataFileImpl(testFilesDir.GetTestPath("081809_100fmol-MichromMix-05" + extRaw)))
Esempio n. 2
        public ChromatogramDataProvider(MsDataFileImpl dataFile,
            ChromFileInfo fileInfo,
            ProgressStatus status,
            int startPercent,
            int endPercent,
            IProgressMonitor loader)
            : base(fileInfo, status, startPercent, endPercent, loader)
            _dataFile = dataFile;

            if (_dataFile.IsThermoFile)
                _readMaxMinutes = 4;

            int len = dataFile.ChromatogramCount;
            _chromIndices = new int[len];

            bool fixCEOptForShimadzu = dataFile.IsShimadzuFile;
            int indexPrecursor = -1;
            double lastPrecursor = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                int index;
                string id = dataFile.GetChromatogramId(i, out index);

                if (!ChromKey.IsKeyId(id))

                var chromKey = ChromKey.FromId(id, fixCEOptForShimadzu);
                if (chromKey.Precursor != lastPrecursor)
                    lastPrecursor = chromKey.Precursor;
                var ki = new KeyValuePair<ChromKey, int>(chromKey, index);
                _chromIndices[index] = indexPrecursor;

            // Shimadzu can't do the necessary product m/z stepping for itself.
            // So, they provide the CE values in their IDs and we need to adjust
            // product m/z values for them to support CE optimization.
            if (fixCEOptForShimadzu)

            if (_chromIds.Count == 0)
                throw new NoSrmDataException(dataFile.FilePath);

Esempio n. 3
 private static void VerifyInstrumentInfo(string path, string model, string ionization, string analyzer, string detector)
     using (var msDataFile = new MsDataFileImpl(path))
         var instrumentInfoList = msDataFile.GetInstrumentConfigInfoList().ToList();
         Assert.AreEqual(1, instrumentInfoList.Count);
         var instrument = instrumentInfoList[0];
         Assert.AreEqual(model, instrument.Model);
         Assert.AreEqual(ionization, instrument.Ionization);
         Assert.AreEqual(analyzer, instrument.Analyzer);
         Assert.AreEqual(detector, instrument.Detector);
Esempio n. 4
        public void FileTypeTest()
            var testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);

            string extWiff = ExtensionTestContext.ExtAbWiff;
            string suffix = ExtensionTestContext.CanImportAbWiff ? "" : "-test";

            // Do file type checks
            using (var msData = new MsDataFileImpl(testFilesDir.GetTestPath("051309_digestion" + suffix + extWiff)))

            using (var msData = new MsDataFileImpl(testFilesDir.GetTestPath("051309_digestion-s3.mzXML")))
 public static bool HasSpectrumData(MsDataFileImpl dataFile)
     return dataFile.SpectrumCount > 0;
            /// <summary>
            /// Releases and returns the data file associated with this instance, ending any asynchronous processing
            /// </summary>
            public MsDataFileImpl Detach()
                MsDataFileImpl dataFile;

                lock (_dataFileLock)
                    dataFile = _dataFile;
                    _dataFile = null;

                if (_runningAsync)
                    // Just in case the Read thread is waiting to add a spectrum to a full pening list
                    SpectrumInfo info;
                    _pendingInfoList.TryTake(out info);
                return dataFile;
        public SpectraChromDataProvider(MsDataFileImpl dataFile,
            ChromFileInfo fileInfo,
            SrmDocument document,
            IRetentionTimePredictor retentionTimePredictor,
            string cachePath, // We'll write tempfiles in this directory
            ProgressStatus status,
            int startPercent,
            int endPercent,
            IProgressMonitor loader)
            : base(fileInfo, status, startPercent, endPercent, loader)
            _document = document;
            _filePath = dataFile.FilePath;
            _cachePath = cachePath;

            // If no SRM spectra, then full-scan filtering must be enabled
            _isSrm = dataFile.HasSrmSpectra;
            if (!_isSrm)
                if (!document.Settings.TransitionSettings.FullScan.IsEnabled)
                    throw new NoFullScanFilteringException(dataFile.FilePath);

                // Only use the retention time predictor on non-SRM data, and only when
                // there are enough transitions to cause performance issues with extracting
                // full-gradient in a single pass, and then trimming.
                if (_document.Settings.TransitionSettings.FullScan.RetentionTimeFilterType == RetentionTimeFilterType.scheduling_windows &&
                    _document.MoleculeTransitionCount > MAX_FULL_GRADIENT_TRANSITIONS)
                    _retentionTimePredictor = retentionTimePredictor;

            // Only mzXML from mzWiff requires the introduction of zero values
            // during interpolation.
            _isProcessedScans = dataFile.IsMzWiffXml;


            // Create the filter responsible for chromatogram extraction
            bool firstPass = (_retentionTimePredictor != null);
            _filter = new SpectrumFilter(_document, FileInfo.FilePath, new DataFileInstrumentInfo(dataFile),
                _retentionTimePredictor, firstPass);

            if (!_isSrm && (_filter.EnabledMs || _filter.EnabledMsMs))
                // Full-scan filtering should always match a single precursor
                // m/z value to a single precursor node in the document tree,
                // because that is the way the filters are constructed in the
                // first place.
                _isSingleMzMatch = true;

            // Get data object used to graph all of the chromatograms.
            if (_loader.HasUI)
                _allChromData = LoadingStatus.Transitions;

                // If exception thrown before construction is complete than Dispose will not be called.
                if (_spectra == null)

Esempio n. 8
        public void Redisplay()
            if (!IsHandleCreated)
            if (_inRedisplay)
                _inRedisplay = true;
                tbxMinCharge.Text = MinCharge.ToString();
                tbxMaxCharge.Text = MaxCharge.ToString();
                tbxPeptideSequence.Text = PeptideSequence;
                cbxShowPeptideMzs.Enabled = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PeptideSequence);
                tbxMassAccuracy.Text = MassAccuracy.ToString();
                TurnoverCalculator turnoverCalculator = null;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PeptideSequence))
                    turnoverCalculator = new TurnoverCalculator(Workspace, PeptideSequence);

                if (_spectrumData == null || comboChromatogram.SelectedIndex >= 0 && null == _chromatogramDatas[comboChromatogram.SelectedIndex])
                    using (var msDataFileImpl = new MsDataFileImpl(Workspace.GetDataFilePath(MsDataFile.Name)))
                        if (comboChromatogram.SelectedIndex >= 0 && null == _chromatogramDatas[comboChromatogram.SelectedIndex])
                            string chromatogramName;
                            float[] timeArray;
                            float[] intensityArray;
                            msDataFileImpl.GetChromatogram(comboChromatogram.SelectedIndex, out chromatogramName, out timeArray, out intensityArray);
                            _chromatogramDatas[comboChromatogram.SelectedIndex] = new ChromatogramData(chromatogramName, timeArray, intensityArray);
                        _spectrumData = _spectrumData ?? new SpectrumData(msDataFileImpl, ScanIndex);
                ChromatogramData chromatogram = null;
                if (comboChromatogram.SelectedIndex >= 0)
                    chromatogram = _chromatogramDatas[comboChromatogram.SelectedIndex];
                tbxMsLevel.Text = _spectrumData.MsLevel.ToString();
                tbxTime.Text = _spectrumData.Time.ToString();
                if (chromatogram != null && ScanIndex < chromatogram.TimeArray.Length)
                    tbxChromatogramRetentionTime.Text = chromatogram.TimeArray[ScanIndex].ToString();
                    tbxChromatogramIonCurrent.Text = chromatogram.IntensityArray[ScanIndex].ToString(NumberFormat);
                    tbxChromatogramRetentionTime.Text = tbxChromatogramIonCurrent.Text = @"N/A";

                if (cbxShowProfile.Checked && _spectrumData.ProfileMzs != null)
                    msGraphControlEx1.AddGraphItem(msGraphControlEx1.GraphPane, new SpectrumGraphItem()
                        Points =
                            new PointPairList(_spectrumData.ProfileMzs,
                        GraphItemDrawMethod = MSGraphItemDrawMethod.line,

                        Color = Color.Blue,

                if (_spectrumData.ProfileIntensities != null)
                    tbxSumOfProfileIntensities.Text = _spectrumData.ProfileIntensities.Sum().ToString(NumberFormat);
                    tbxSumOfProfileIntensities.Text = "";
                tbxCentroidIntensitySum.Text = _spectrumData.CentroidIntensities.Sum().ToString(NumberFormat);

                var spectrum = new SpectrumGraphItem
                                       Points = new PointPairList(_spectrumData.CentroidMzs, _spectrumData.CentroidIntensities),
                                       GraphItemDrawMethod = MSGraphItemDrawMethod.stick,
                                       Color = Color.Black

                if (turnoverCalculator != null)
                    var mzRanges = new Dictionary<MzRange, String>();
                    double monoisotopicMass = Workspace.GetAminoAcidFormulas().GetMonoisotopicMass(PeptideSequence);
                    double peptideIntensity = 0.0;
                    for (int charge = MinCharge; charge <= MaxCharge; charge ++)
                        foreach (var mzRange in turnoverCalculator.GetMzs(charge))
                            double mass = (mzRange.Center - AminoAcidFormulas.ProtonMass)* charge;
                            double massDifference = mass - monoisotopicMass;
                            var label = massDifference.ToString("0.#");
                            if (label[0] != '-')
                                label = "+" + label;
                            label = "M" + label;
                            label += new string('+', charge);
                            mzRanges.Add(mzRange, label);
                            var chromatogramPoint = MsDataFileUtil.GetPoint(mzRange, _spectrumData.CentroidMzs, _spectrumData.CentroidIntensities);
                            peptideIntensity += chromatogramPoint.GetIntensity(mzRange, MassAccuracy);
                    spectrum.MassAccuracy = MassAccuracy;
                    spectrum.MzRanges = mzRanges;
                    tbxPeptideIntensity.Text = peptideIntensity.ToString(NumberFormat);
                if (cbxShowCentroids.Checked)
                    msGraphControlEx1.AddGraphItem(msGraphControlEx1.GraphPane, spectrum);

                if (turnoverCalculator != null && cbxShowPeptideMzs.Checked)
                    double massAccuracy = MassAccuracy;
                    for (int charge = MinCharge; charge <= MaxCharge; charge++)
                        var mzs = turnoverCalculator.GetMzs(charge);
                        var height = int.MaxValue;
                        foreach (var mzRange in mzs)
                            double min = mzRange.MinWithMassAccuracy(massAccuracy);
                            double max = mzRange.MaxWithMassAccuracy(massAccuracy);

                            msGraphControlEx1.GraphPane.GraphObjList.Add(new BoxObj(min, height, max - min, height, Color.Goldenrod, Color.Goldenrod)
                                                                            IsClippedToChartRect = true,
                                                                            ZOrder = ZOrder.F_BehindGrid
                _inRedisplay = false;
Esempio n. 9
 private MsDataFileImpl GetDataFile()
     if (_dataFile == null)
         string dataFilePath = FindDataFilePath();
         var lockMassParameters = DataFilePath.GetLockMassParameters();
         if (dataFilePath == null)
             throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format(Resources.ScanProvider_GetScans_The_data_file__0__could_not_be_found__either_at_its_original_location_or_in_the_document_or_document_parent_folder_, DataFilePath));
         int sampleIndex = SampleHelp.GetPathSampleIndexPart(dataFilePath);
         if (sampleIndex == -1)
             sampleIndex = 0;
         // Full-scan extraction always uses SIM as spectra
         _dataFile = new MsDataFileImpl(dataFilePath, sampleIndex, lockMassParameters, true,
             requireVendorCentroidedMS1: DataFilePath.GetCentroidMs1(), requireVendorCentroidedMS2: DataFilePath.GetCentroidMs2());
     return _dataFile;
Esempio n. 10
 public OverlapDemultiplexer(MsDataFileImpl file, SpectrumFilter filter)
     : base(file, filter)
     _isoMapper = new OverlapIsolationWindowMapper();
     _overlapRegionsInApprox = 7;
Esempio n. 11
 public MsxTypeDemultiplexer(MsDataFileImpl file, SpectrumFilter filter)
     : base(file, filter)
Esempio n. 12
 private static void TestOverlapIsolationWindowMapper(AbstractIsoWindowMapper isoMapper, MsDataFileImpl file)
     // ReSharper disable once CollectionNeverQueried.Local
     var isoWinList = new List<IsoWin>();  // Useful for debugging
     // Check that each isolation window has two overlap regions with mz values that are contained in it
     for (int isoIndex = 0; isoIndex < isoMapper.NumWindows; ++isoIndex)
         IsoWin isoWin = isoMapper.GetIsolationWindow(isoIndex);
         Assert.AreEqual(2, isoWin.DeconvRegions.Count);
         for (int i = 0; i < isoWin.DeconvRegions.Count; ++i)
             // Check self-consistency of each deconvRegion in the isolation window
             var deconvRegion = isoWin.DeconvRegions[i];
             var deconvIndex = deconvRegion.Id;
             Assert.AreEqual(deconvRegion.Start, isoMapper.GetDeconvRegion(deconvIndex).Start);
             Assert.AreEqual(deconvRegion.Stop, isoMapper.GetDeconvRegion(deconvIndex).Stop);
             Assert.AreEqual(deconvRegion.Id, isoMapper.GetDeconvRegion(deconvIndex).Id);
             Assert.IsTrue(isoWin.Start <= deconvRegion.Start && isoWin.Stop >= deconvRegion.Stop);
             double deconvRegionCenter = (deconvRegion.StartMz + deconvRegion.StopMz) / 2.0;
             int newDeconvIndex;
             isoMapper.TryGetDeconvFromMz(deconvRegionCenter, out newDeconvIndex);
             Assert.AreEqual(deconvIndex, newDeconvIndex);
             int[] isosForDeconv;
             isoMapper.TryGetIsosForDeconv(deconvIndex, out isosForDeconv);
             // 2 isolation windows cover this deconv region, unless it's at beginning or end
             int deconvInIsos = deconvRegion.Id == 0 || deconvRegion.Id == isoMapper.NumDeconvRegions - 1 ? 1 : 2;
             Assert.IsTrue(isosForDeconv.Length == deconvInIsos);
             foreach (var isoForDeconv in isosForDeconv)
                 IsoWin isoWindow = isoMapper.GetIsolationWindow(isoForDeconv);
Esempio n. 13
        private static void TestSpectrumProcessor(TransitionBinner transBinner,AbstractIsoWindowMapper isoMapper, 
            MsDataFileImpl file, int testSpectrumNum)
            int lastSpectrum = testSpectrumNum + 60;
            int firstSpectrum = testSpectrumNum - 60;
            var spectrumProcessor = new SpectrumProcessor(lastSpectrum + 1, isoMapper, transBinner);

            // Make a new spectrum processor using the testing constructor that takes in
            // a TransitionBinner, which will be the one used for overlap
            // Add the spectra to the cache +/- 60 from the spectrum of interest
            for (int i = firstSpectrum; i <= lastSpectrum; ++i)
                var spectrum = file.GetSpectrum(i);
                spectrumProcessor.AddSpectrum(i, spectrum);

            // Check that the caching worked correctly
            for (int spectrumIndex = firstSpectrum; spectrumIndex <= lastSpectrum; ++spectrumIndex)
                ScanCached specData;
                Assert.IsTrue(spectrumProcessor.TryGetSpectrum(spectrumIndex, out specData));

                // Check that the cached processing results match the output of
                // redoing the processing manually by extracting the spectrum from
                // the file again and using transBinner to bin the data
                var testSpectrum = file.GetSpectrum(spectrumIndex);
                double[] expectedBinnedData = new double[transBinner.NumBins];
                transBinner.BinData(testSpectrum.Mzs, testSpectrum.Intensities, ref expectedBinnedData);
                ScanCached testSpecData;
                spectrumProcessor.TryGetSpectrum(spectrumIndex, out testSpecData);
                var seenBinnedData = testSpecData.Data;
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedBinnedData.Length, seenBinnedData.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < expectedBinnedData.Length; ++i)
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedBinnedData[i], seenBinnedData[i], 0.0001);
Esempio n. 14
        public void TestOverlap(SrmDocument doc, string dataPath)
            // Load the file and check MsDataFileImpl
            using (var file = new MsDataFileImpl(dataPath))
                var filter = new SpectrumFilter(doc, null, null);
                var demultiplexer = new OverlapDemultiplexer(file, filter);

                // Check that the demultiplexer found the correct multiplexing parameters
                Assert.AreEqual(1, demultiplexer.IsoWindowsPerScan);
                Assert.AreEqual(40, demultiplexer.NumIsoWindows);
                Assert.AreEqual(41, demultiplexer.NumDeconvRegions);

                var isoMapper = demultiplexer.IsoMapperTest;

                // Basic checks of IsolationWindowMapper
                TestIsolationWindowMapper(isoMapper, file, 20.009);
                // Checks of overlap-specific functionality in IsolationWindowMapper
                TestOverlapIsolationWindowMapper(isoMapper, file);
                var transBinner = new TransitionBinner(filter, isoMapper);

                // Test creation of a transition binner from a spectrum filter
                TestTransitionBinnerFromFilter(transBinner, isoMapper);
                var testSpectrum = file.GetSpectrum(TEST_SPECTRUM_OVERLAP);
                // Generate a transition binner containing a lot of tough cases with
                // overlapping transitions and test
                double[] binnedExpected =
                        0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                        0.0, 0.0, 0.0
                var transBinnerOverlap = TestTransitionBinnerOverlap(testSpectrum, isoMapper, binnedExpected);

                TestSpectrumProcessor(transBinnerOverlap, isoMapper, file, TEST_SPECTRUM_OVERLAP);
                int[] intensityIndices = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296};
                double[] intensityValues =
                        0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4545.85, 15660.49,
                        35050.01, 56321.66, 62715.75, 43598.31, 23179.42,
                        2745.94, 3870.54, 4060.16, 3148.17, 1656.38,
                        0.0, 0.0
                // Test demultiplexing of a real spectrum
                TestSpectrumDemultiplex(demultiplexer, TEST_SPECTRUM_OVERLAP, testSpectrum, intensityIndices,
                                        intensityValues, 0);
Esempio n. 15
        private static void TestIsolationWindowMapper(AbstractIsoWindowMapper isoMapper, MsDataFileImpl file, double width)
            // Check the first five spectra in the file
            for (int checkIndex = 0 ; checkIndex < 5; ++checkIndex)
                var spectrum = file.GetSpectrum(checkIndex);
                var precursors = spectrum.Precursors;
                List<int> isoIndices = new List<int>();
                // Make sure that each precursor read from the file is included in the isolation
                // window mapper
                foreach (var precursor in precursors)
                    int index;
                    Assert.IsTrue(isoMapper.TryGetWindowIndex(precursor.IsolationMz.Value, out index));
                int[] isoIndicesFromMapper;
                int[] overlapIndicesFromMapper;
                double[] mask = new double[isoMapper.NumWindows];
                // Make sure the isolation windows called from GetWindowMask match those
                // extracted from the spectrum manually above using TryGetWindowIndex
                isoMapper.GetWindowMask(spectrum, out isoIndicesFromMapper, out overlapIndicesFromMapper, ref mask);
                foreach (int index in isoIndicesFromMapper)
                // Make sure the overlapIndicesFromMapper matches the mask
                for (int i = 0; i < mask.Length; ++i)
                    if (mask[i] < 0.5)
                        Assert.AreEqual(0.0, mask[i]);
                        Assert.AreEqual(1.0, mask[i]);

            var testMzs = new[] {553.49, 623.7, 859, 658.55, 768.7, 621.52};
            // For each test m/z, get the matching isolation window from isoMapper and
            // make sure the m/z does indeed fall within the window
            foreach (var checkMz in testMzs)
                int windowIndex;
                Assert.IsTrue(isoMapper.TryGetWindowFromMz(checkMz, out windowIndex));
                var matchWindowCenterMz = isoMapper.GetPrecursor(windowIndex);
                // Check that mz is within window (width/2 )
                Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(matchWindowCenterMz.IsolationMz.Value - checkMz) < width/2);

            // Test out of range precursors
            int dummyIndex;
            Assert.IsFalse(isoMapper.TryGetDeconvFromMz(315.25, out dummyIndex));
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, dummyIndex);
            Assert.IsFalse(isoMapper.TryGetDeconvFromMz(1005.2, out dummyIndex));
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, dummyIndex);
Esempio n. 16
 public override bool IsWatersLockmassCorrectionCandidate()
     string filePath = GetFilePath();
     // Has to be a Waters .raw file, not just an mzML translation of one
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
         return false; // Not even a file
     if (!GetFilePath().ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".raw"))  // Not L10N
         return false; // Return without even opening the file
     if (!Directory.Exists(filePath))
         return false; // Thermo .raw is a file, Waters .raw is actually a directory
         using (var f = new MsDataFileImpl(filePath))
             return f.IsWatersLockmassCorrectionCandidate;
     catch (Exception)
         return false; // whatever that was, it wasn't a Waters lockmass file
        protected void TestUsePredictedTime()
            const double FILTER_LENGTH = 2.7;
            RunUI(() => SkylineWindow.OpenFile(TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("")));
            RunUI(() => SkylineWindow.SaveDocument(TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("")));
            SetUiDocument(ChangeFullScanSettings(SkylineWindow.Document, SkylineWindow.Document.Settings.TransitionSettings.FullScan
                .ChangeRetentionTimeFilter(RetentionTimeFilterType.scheduling_windows, FILTER_LENGTH)));
            // When we try to import a file, we should get an error about not having a peptide prediction algorithm
            var messageDlg = ShowDialog<MessageDlg>(() => SkylineWindow.ImportResults());
            RunUI(() =>
                Assert.AreEqual(Resources.SkylineWindow_CheckRetentionTimeFilter_NoPredictionAlgorithm, messageDlg.Message);

            var ssrCalcRegression = new RetentionTimeRegression("SSRCALC_FOR_RtFilterTest",
                new RetentionScoreCalculator(RetentionTimeRegression.SSRCALC_100_A), .63,
                5.8, 1.4, new MeasuredRetentionTime[0]);
            // Now give the document a prediction algorithm
            SetUiDocument(ChangePeptidePrediction(SkylineWindow.Document, SkylineWindow.Document.Settings.PeptideSettings.
            // Now import two result files
                var importResultsDlg = ShowDialog<ImportResultsDlg>(SkylineWindow.ImportResults);
                var openDataSourceDialog = ShowDialog<OpenDataSourceDialog>(importResultsDlg.OkDialog);
                RunUI(() =>
                    openDataSourceDialog.SelectFile("200fmol" + extension);
                    openDataSourceDialog.SelectFile("20fmol" + extension);
                OkDialog(openDataSourceDialog, openDataSourceDialog.Open);
                var document = WaitForDocumentLoaded();
                foreach (var chromatogramSet in document.Settings.MeasuredResults.Chromatograms)
                    foreach (var tuple in LoadAllChromatograms(document, chromatogramSet))
                        var peptide = tuple.Item1;
                        if (!peptide.IsProteomic)
                        var transitionGroup = tuple.Item2;
                        var predictedRetentionTime = ssrCalcRegression.GetRetentionTime(
                                transitionGroup.TransitionGroup.LabelType, peptide.ExplicitMods)).Value;
                        AssertChromatogramWindow(document, chromatogramSet,
                            predictedRetentionTime - FILTER_LENGTH,
                            predictedRetentionTime + FILTER_LENGTH, tuple.Item3);
            ChromatogramSet chromSetForScheduling = SkylineWindow.Document.Settings.MeasuredResults.Chromatograms[1];
            // Create a SrmDocument with just the one ChromatogramSet that we are going to use for scheduling, so that
            // we can assert later that the chromatogram windows are where this document says they should be.
            SrmDocument documentForScheduling =
                    SkylineWindow.Document.Settings.MeasuredResults.ChangeChromatograms(new[] {chromSetForScheduling}));
            SetUiDocument(ChangePeptidePrediction(SkylineWindow.Document, SkylineWindow.Document.Settings.PeptideSettings
                var chooseSchedulingReplicatesDlg = ShowDialog<ChooseSchedulingReplicatesDlg>(SkylineWindow.ImportResults);
                // Choose a scheduling replicate (the one saved above)
                RunUI(() => Assert.IsTrue(chooseSchedulingReplicatesDlg.TrySetReplicateChecked(
                    chromSetForScheduling, true)));
                var importResultsDlg = ShowDialog<ImportResultsDlg>(chooseSchedulingReplicatesDlg.OkDialog);
                var openDataSourceDialog = ShowDialog<OpenDataSourceDialog>(importResultsDlg.OkDialog);
                RunUI(()=>openDataSourceDialog.SelectFile("40fmol" + extension));
                OkDialog(openDataSourceDialog, openDataSourceDialog.Open);
                var document = WaitForDocumentLoaded();
                var chromatogramSet = document.Settings.MeasuredResults.Chromatograms.First(cs => cs.Name == "40fmol");
                int countNull = 0;
                foreach (var tuple in LoadAllChromatograms(document, chromatogramSet))
                    var prediction = new PeptidePrediction(null, null, true, 1, false, 0);
                    double windowRtIgnored;

                    var schedulingPeptide =
                        documentForScheduling.Molecules.First(pep => ReferenceEquals(pep.Peptide, tuple.Item1.Peptide));
                    var schedulingTransitionGroup = (TransitionGroupDocNode) schedulingPeptide.FindNode(tuple.Item2.TransitionGroup);
                    double? predictedRt = prediction.PredictRetentionTime(documentForScheduling,
                        null, ExportSchedulingAlgorithm.Average, true, out windowRtIgnored);
                    if (!predictedRt.HasValue)
                    AssertChromatogramWindow(document, chromatogramSet, predictedRt.Value - FILTER_LENGTH, predictedRt.Value + FILTER_LENGTH, tuple.Item3);
                Assert.AreEqual((TestSmallMolecules ? 1 : 0), countNull);

            // Test using iRT with auto-calculated regression
                const string calcName = "TestCalculator";
                const string regressionName = "TestCalculatorAutoCalcRegression";
                var peptideSettingsDlg = ShowDialog<PeptideSettingsUI>(SkylineWindow.ShowPeptideSettingsUI);
                var editIrtDlg = ShowDialog<EditIrtCalcDlg>(peptideSettingsDlg.AddCalculator);
                RunUI(() =>
                    editIrtDlg.CalcName = calcName;

                SkylineWindow.BeginInvoke(new Action(editIrtDlg.OkDialog));
                var multiButtonMsgDlg = WaitForOpenForm<MultiButtonMsgDlg>();
                OkDialog(multiButtonMsgDlg, ()=>multiButtonMsgDlg.DialogResult = DialogResult.Yes);
                var editRtDlg = ShowDialog<EditRTDlg>(peptideSettingsDlg.AddRTRegression);
                RunUI(() =>
                OkDialog(editRtDlg, editRtDlg.OkDialog);
                RunUI(() =>
                OkDialog(peptideSettingsDlg, peptideSettingsDlg.OkDialog);
                var importResultsDlg = ShowDialog<ImportResultsDlg>(SkylineWindow.ImportResults);
                var openDataSourceDialog = ShowDialog<OpenDataSourceDialog>(importResultsDlg.OkDialog);
                RunUI(() => openDataSourceDialog.SelectFile("8fmol" + extension));
                OkDialog(openDataSourceDialog, openDataSourceDialog.Open);
                var document = WaitForDocumentLoaded();
                var chromatogramSet = document.Settings.MeasuredResults.Chromatograms.First(cs => cs.Name == "8fmol");

                var regressionLine =
                var calculator = document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Prediction.RetentionTime.Calculator;
                double fullGradientStartTime;
                double fullGradientEndTime;
                using (var msDataFile = new MsDataFileImpl(TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("8fmol" + extension)))
                    fullGradientStartTime = msDataFile.GetSpectrum(0).RetentionTime.Value;
                    fullGradientEndTime = msDataFile.GetSpectrum(msDataFile.SpectrumCount - 1).RetentionTime.Value;

                foreach (var tuple in LoadAllChromatograms(document, chromatogramSet))
                    if (tuple.Item1.GlobalStandardType != PeptideDocNode.STANDARD_TYPE_IRT)
                        double? score =
                                tuple.Item2.TransitionGroup.LabelType, tuple.Item1.ExplicitMods));
                        if (score.HasValue)
                            double? predictedRt = regressionLine.GetY(score.Value);
                            AssertChromatogramWindow(document, chromatogramSet, predictedRt.Value - FILTER_LENGTH,
                                predictedRt.Value + FILTER_LENGTH, tuple.Item3);
                        // IRT Standards get extracted for the full gradient
                        AssertChromatogramWindow(document, chromatogramSet, fullGradientStartTime, fullGradientEndTime, tuple.Item3);
Esempio n. 18
 public bool Adopt(IScanProvider other)
     if (!Equals(DocFilePath, other.DocFilePath) || !Equals(DataFilePath, other.DataFilePath))
         return false;
     var scanProvider = other as ScanProvider;
     if (scanProvider == null)
         return false;
     _dataFile = scanProvider._dataFile;
     _msDataFileScanIds = scanProvider._msDataFileScanIds;
     _getMsDataFileScanIds = scanProvider._getMsDataFileScanIds;
     scanProvider._dataFile = null;
     return true;
        private void InitSpectrumReader(MsDataFileImpl dataFile)
            // Create the spectra object responsible for delivering spectra for extraction
            _spectra = new Spectra(_document, _filter, _allChromData, dataFile);

            // Determine what type of demultiplexer, if any, to use based on settings in the
            // IsolationScheme menu
            _demultiplexer = _spectra.CreateDemultiplexer();

            if (_demultiplexer == null)
Esempio n. 20
        public void TestMsx(SrmDocument doc, string dataPath)
            // Load the file and check MsDataFileImpl
            using (var file = new MsDataFileImpl(dataPath))
                var filter = new SpectrumFilter(doc, null, null);
                var demultiplexer = new MsxDemultiplexer(file, filter);

                // Check that the demultiplexer found the correct multiplexing parameters
                Assert.AreEqual(5, demultiplexer.IsoWindowsPerScan);
                Assert.AreEqual(100, demultiplexer.NumIsoWindows);
                Assert.AreEqual(20, demultiplexer.DutyCycleLength);

                var isoMapper = demultiplexer.IsoMapperTest;
                Assert.AreEqual(100, isoMapper.NumWindows);

                // Check the isolation window mapper responsible for mapping each unique isolation
                // window detected in the file to a unique index
                TestIsolationWindowMapper(isoMapper, file, 4.00182);

                var transBinner = new TransitionBinner(filter, isoMapper);

                // Test creation of a transition binner from a spectrum filter
                TestTransitionBinnerFromFilter(transBinner, isoMapper);
                var testSpectrum = file.GetSpectrum(TEST_SPECTRUM);
                // Generate a transition binner containing a lot of tough cases with
                // overlapping transitions and test
                double[] binnedExpected =
                    0.0, 25160.11261, 18254.06375, 18254.06375, 18254.06375,
                    11090.00577, 19780.18628, 19780.18628
                var transBinnerOverlap = TestTransitionBinnerOverlap(testSpectrum, isoMapper, binnedExpected);

                TestSpectrumProcessor(transBinnerOverlap, isoMapper, file, TEST_SPECTRUM);

                TestPeakIntensityCorrection(testSpectrum, isoMapper,
                int[] intensityIndices = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296 };
                double[] intensityValues =
                    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 142.95, 349.75,
                    542.87, 511.77, 248.4, 0.0, 49.28,
                    1033.65, 278.56, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                    0.0, 0.0
                // Test demultiplexing of a real spectrum
                TestSpectrumDemultiplex(demultiplexer, TEST_SPECTRUM, testSpectrum, intensityIndices, intensityValues, 0);
 public LookaheadContext(SpectrumFilter filter, MsDataFileImpl dataFile)
     _lookAheadIndex = 0;
     _lookAheadDataSpectrum = null;
     _filter = filter;
     _dataFile = dataFile;
     _rt = null;
     _previousDriftTime = 0;
     _lenSpectra = dataFile.SpectrumCount;
Esempio n. 22
 private bool MoveToNextScan(int direction, bool onlyMs1)
     using (var msDataFileImpl = new MsDataFileImpl(Workspace.GetDataFilePath(MsDataFile.Name)))
         int scanIndex = Math.Min(msDataFileImpl.SpectrumCount - 1, Math.Max(0, ScanIndex));
         if (scanIndex < 0)
             return false;
         while (true)
             scanIndex += direction;
             if (scanIndex < 0 || scanIndex >= msDataFileImpl.SpectrumCount)
                 return false;
             if (!onlyMs1 || msDataFileImpl.GetMsLevel(scanIndex) == 1)
         ScanIndex = scanIndex;
         return true;
Esempio n. 23
 private void GenerateChromatograms(ChromatogramTask chromatogramTask)
     int totalAnalyses = chromatogramTask.AnalysisChromatograms.Count;
     if (totalAnalyses == 0)
     if (!UpdateProgress(chromatogramTask, 0))
     var msDataFile = chromatogramTask.MsDataFile;
     MsDataFileUtil.InitMsDataFile(chromatogramTask.Workspace, msDataFile);
     var analyses = new List<AnalysisChromatograms>(chromatogramTask.AnalysisChromatograms);
     MsDataFileImpl pwizMsDataFileImpl;
     var path = _workspace.GetDataFilePath(msDataFile.Name);
         pwizMsDataFileImpl = new MsDataFileImpl(path);
     catch (Exception exception)
         ErrorHandler.LogException("Chromatogram Generator", "Error opening " + path, exception);
     using (pwizMsDataFileImpl)
         var completeAnalyses = new List<AnalysisChromatograms>();
         int totalScanCount = pwizMsDataFileImpl.SpectrumCount;
         var lastTimeInDataFile =
             chromatogramTask.MsDataFile.GetTime(chromatogramTask.MsDataFile.GetSpectrumCount() - 1);
         double minTime = lastTimeInDataFile;
         double maxTime = msDataFile.GetTime(0);
         foreach (var analysis in analyses)
             minTime = Math.Min(minTime, analysis.FirstTime);
             maxTime = Math.Max(maxTime, analysis.LastTime);
         int firstScan = msDataFile.FindScanIndex(minTime);
         for (int iScan = firstScan; analyses.Count > 0 && iScan < totalScanCount; iScan++)
             double time = msDataFile.GetTime(iScan);
             int progress = (int)(100 * (time - minTime) / (maxTime - minTime));
             progress = Math.Min(progress, 100);
             progress = Math.Max(progress, 0);
             if (!UpdateProgress(chromatogramTask, progress))
             List<AnalysisChromatograms> activeAnalyses = new List<AnalysisChromatograms>();
             double nextTime = Double.MaxValue;
             if (msDataFile.GetMsLevel(iScan, pwizMsDataFileImpl) != 1)
             foreach (var analysis in analyses)
                 nextTime = Math.Min(nextTime, analysis.FirstTime);
                 if (analysis.FirstTime <= time)
             if (activeAnalyses.Count == 0)
                 int nextScan = msDataFile.FindScanIndex(nextTime);
                 iScan = Math.Max(iScan, nextScan - 1);
             bool lowMemory = IsLowOnMemory();
             // If we have exceeded the number of analyses we should be working on at once,
             // throw out any that we haven't started.
             for (int iAnalysis = activeAnalyses.Count - 1; iAnalysis >= 0
                 && (activeAnalyses.Count > _maxConcurrentAnalyses || lowMemory); iAnalysis--)
                 var analysis = activeAnalyses[iAnalysis];
                 if (analysis.Times.Count > 0)
             double[] mzArray, intensityArray;
             pwizMsDataFileImpl.GetSpectrum(iScan, out mzArray, out intensityArray);
             if (!pwizMsDataFileImpl.IsCentroided(iScan))
                 var centroider = new Centroider(mzArray, intensityArray);
                 centroider.GetCentroidedData(out mzArray, out intensityArray);
             foreach (var analysis in activeAnalyses)
                 var points = new List<ChromatogramPoint>();
                 foreach (var chromatogram in analysis.Chromatograms)
                     points.Add(MsDataFileUtil.GetPoint(chromatogram.MzRange, mzArray, intensityArray));
                 analysis.AddPoints(iScan, time, points);
             var incompleteAnalyses = new List<AnalysisChromatograms>();
             foreach (var analysis in analyses)
                 if (analysis.LastTime <= time)
             SaveChromatograms(chromatogramTask, completeAnalyses, false);
             analyses = incompleteAnalyses;
         SaveChromatograms(chromatogramTask, completeAnalyses, true);
Esempio n. 24
        public void ThermoFileTypeTest()
            var testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);

            string extRaw = ExtensionTestContext.ExtThermoRaw;

            // Do file type checks
            using (var msData = new MsDataFileImpl(testFilesDir.GetTestPath("Site20_STUDY9P_PHASEII_QC_03" + extRaw)))

            using (var msData = new MsDataFileImpl(testFilesDir.GetTestPath("Site20_STUDY9P_PHASEII_QC_03.mzXML")))

            using (var msData = new MsDataFileImpl(testFilesDir.GetTestPath("Site20_STUDY9P_PHASEII_QC_05" + extRaw)))
Esempio n. 25
 public MsxDemultiplexer(MsDataFileImpl file, SpectrumFilter filter)
     : base(file, filter)
     _isoMapper = new MsxIsolationWindowMapper();
            public Spectra(SrmDocument document, SpectrumFilter filter, ChromatogramLoadingStatus.TransitionData allChromData, MsDataFileImpl dataFile)
                _document = document;
                _filter = filter;
                _dataFile = dataFile;

                _allChromData = allChromData;

                _lookaheadContext = new LookaheadContext(_filter, _dataFile);
                _countSpectra = dataFile.SpectrumCount;

                HasSrmSpectra = dataFile.HasSrmSpectra;

                // If possible, find the maximum retention time in order to scale the chromatogram graph.
                if (_allChromData != null && (_filter.EnabledMsMs || _filter.EnabledMs))
                    var retentionTime = _dataFile.GetStartTime(_countSpectra - 1);
                    if (retentionTime.HasValue)
                        _allChromData.MaxRetentionTime = (float)retentionTime.Value;
                        _allChromData.MaxRetentionTimeKnown = true;
                        _allChromData.Progressive = true;
Esempio n. 27
 private void ComboChromatogramOnDropDown(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (_chromatogramDatas != null)
     using (var msDataFileImpl = new MsDataFileImpl(Workspace.GetDataFilePath(MsDataFile.Name)))
         _chromatogramDatas = new ChromatogramData[msDataFileImpl.ChromatogramCount];
         for (int i = 0; i < _chromatogramDatas.Length; i++)
             int indexId;
             comboChromatogram.Items.Add(msDataFileImpl.GetChromatogramId(i, out indexId));
Esempio n. 28
 public void Dispose()
     lock (this)
         if (_dataFile != null)
             _dataFile = null;
Esempio n. 29
 public SpectrumData(MsDataFileImpl msDataFileImpl, int scanIndex)
     ScanIndex = scanIndex;
     var spectrum = msDataFileImpl.GetSpectrum(scanIndex);
     if (spectrum.Centroided)
         CentroidMzs = spectrum.Mzs;
         CentroidIntensities = spectrum.Intensities;
         ProfileMzs = spectrum.Mzs;
         ProfileIntensities = spectrum.Intensities;
         var centroider = new Centroider(ProfileMzs, ProfileIntensities);
         double[] centroidMzs, centroidIntensities;
         centroider.GetCentroidedData(out centroidMzs, out centroidIntensities);
         CentroidMzs = centroidMzs;
         CentroidIntensities = centroidIntensities;
     Time = spectrum.RetentionTime;
     MsLevel = spectrum.Level;
 public DataFileInstrumentInfo(MsDataFileImpl dataFile)
     _dataFile = dataFile;