public Okno(string filename) { InitializeComponent(); Filename = filename; Settings sheet = new Settings (Filename,false); pudinklinux.Game1 g = new pudinklinux.Game1 (); GraphicsDevice dev = g.GraphicsDevice; Pudink.TextureSet pud = global::pudink.Graphics.Graphics.Pudink_LoadTextures_Fake(dev); Brouk.TextureSet bug = global::pudink.Graphics.Graphics.Brouk_LoadTextures_Fake (dev); PowerUp.TextureSet pow = global::pudink.Graphics.Graphics.PowerUp_LoadTextures_Fake (dev); Level lvl = new Level (sheet.Contents,ref pud,ref bug,ref pow,2048); g.Dispose (); pudink = lvl.hrdina; hliny = lvl.dirts; cesty = lvl.ways; bugove = lvl.nepratele; vylepseni = lvl.vylepseni; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="pudink.Level"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">Data sheet.</param> /// <param name="ptextury">Pudding textures.</param> /// <param name="btextury">Bug textures.</param> /// <param name="potextury">Power-up textures.</param> /// <param name="view0">View0.</param> public Level(Dictionary<string,string[]> data, ref Pudink.TextureSet ptextury,ref Brouk.TextureSet btextury,ref PowerUp.TextureSet potextury,int view0) { viewY0 = view0; Name = data["Name"][0]; Author = data["Author"][0]; Date = data["Date"][0]; string pudink = data["Pudding"][0]; string[] pudink_props = pudink.Split('|'); switch(pudink_props[0]) { case "Vanilka": hrdina = new Pudink(Pudink.Typ.Vanilka,ptextury); break; case "Pistacie": hrdina = new Pudink(Pudink.Typ.Pistacie,ptextury); break; case "Cokolada": hrdina = new Pudink(Pudink.Typ.Cokolada,ptextury); break; case "Jahoda": hrdina = new Pudink(Pudink.Typ.Jahoda,ptextury); break; case "Pomeranc": hrdina = new Pudink(Pudink.Typ.Pomeranc,ptextury); break; case "VanocniMix": hrdina =new Pudink(Pudink.Typ.VanocniMix,ptextury); break; } int p_X = Convert.ToInt32(pudink_props[1]); int p_Y = Convert.ToInt32(pudink_props[2]); hrdina.X = p_X * 64; hrdina.Y = viewY0 - (p_Y * 64); string[] brouci = data["Bug"]; for(int i = 0; i < brouci.Length; i++) { string brouk = brouci[i]; string[] brouk_props = brouk.Split('|'); Brouk.Typ typ; switch (brouk_props[0]) { case "Normal": typ = Brouk.Typ.Normal; break; case "Shooting": typ = Brouk.Typ.Shooting; break; case "Lava": typ = Brouk.Typ.Lava; break; case "Boss": typ = Brouk.Typ.Boss; break; default: typ = Brouk.Typ.Normal; break; } int _X = Convert.ToInt32(brouk_props[1]); int _Y = Convert.ToInt32(brouk_props[2]); int X = _X * 64; int Y = viewY0 - (_Y * 64); Brouk a = new Brouk (btextury, typ) { X = X, Y = Y }; nepratele.Add(a); } string[] powerups = data["PowerUp"]; for(int i = 0; i < powerups.Length; i++) { string powerup = powerups[i]; string[] powerup_props = powerup.Split('|'); PowerUp.Typ typ; switch (powerup_props[0]) { case "Coin": typ = PowerUp.Typ.Coin; break; case "Life": typ = PowerUp.Typ.Life; break; case "Cokolada": typ = PowerUp.Typ.Cokolada; break; case "Jahoda": typ = PowerUp.Typ.Jahoda; break; case "Pomeranc": typ = PowerUp.Typ.Pomeranc; break; case "Pistacie": typ = PowerUp.Typ.Pistacie; break; case "VanocniMix": typ = PowerUp.Typ.VanocniMix; break; default: typ = PowerUp.Typ.Coin; break; } int _X = Convert.ToInt32(powerup_props[1]); int _Y = Convert.ToInt32(powerup_props[2]); int X = _X * 64; int Y = viewY0 - ((_Y * 64)-32); PowerUp a = new PowerUp (potextury) { X = X, Y = Y }; a.PowerUpType = typ; vylepseni.Add(a); a = null; } string[] hliny = data["Ground"]; for(int i = 0; i < hliny.Length; i++) { string hlina = hliny[i]; string[] hlina_props = hlina.Split('|'); int _X = Convert.ToInt32(hlina_props[0]); int _Y = Convert.ToInt32(hlina_props[1]); int X = _X * 64; int Y = viewY0 - (_Y * 64); dirts.Add(new Hlina(X,Y)); } string[] cesty = data["Way"]; for(int i = 0; i < cesty.Length; i++) { string cesta = cesty[i]; string[] cesta_props = cesta.Split('|'); int _X = Convert.ToInt32(cesta_props[0]); int _Y = Convert.ToInt32(cesta_props[1]); int X = _X * 64; int Y = viewY0 - (_Y * 64); ways.Add(new Cesta(X,Y)); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="pudink.World"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="settings">Settings.</param> /// <param name="pud_textury">Pudding textures.</param> /// <param name="bug_textury">Bug textures.</param> /// <param name="pow_textury">PowerUp textures.</param> public World(Settings settings,ref Pudink.TextureSet pud_textury,ref Brouk.TextureSet bug_textury,ref PowerUp.TextureSet pow_textury) { sheet = settings; pud_textureSet = pud_textury; bug_textureSet = bug_textury; pow_textureSet = pow_textury; }