public static void GetSummary(ModelRepository inRepo)
     Console.WriteLine("Total number of users   : {0}", inRepo._dataStore.Users.Count);
     Console.WriteLine("Total number of posts   : {0}", inRepo._dataStore.Posts.Count);
     Console.WriteLine("Total number of comments: {0}", inRepo._dataStore.Comments.Count);
     Console.WriteLine("Total number of votes   : {0}", inRepo._dataStore.Votes.Count);
        public static void GetNumberOfPostMonthlyWithFrontpageStat(ModelRepository inRepo)
            Console.WriteLine("Distribution of number of posts over time:");

            SortedDictionary <string, int> numPosts          = new SortedDictionary <string, int>();
            SortedDictionary <string, int> numFrontpagePosts = new SortedDictionary <string, int>();

            // proći kroz sve postove
            foreach (Post p in inRepo._dataStore.Posts)
                // iz datuma kreiraj YYYY-MM oblik stringa
                string key = p.DatePosted.Year.ToString() + "-" + p.DatePosted.Month.ToString("D2");

                if (numPosts.ContainsKey(key))
                    numFrontpagePosts[key] += p.IsOnFrontPage ? 1 : 0;
                    numPosts[key]          = 1;
                    numFrontpagePosts[key] = p.IsOnFrontPage ? 1 : 0;

            foreach (var p in numPosts)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} - total posts {1,3}, on front page {2,3}, percentage {3:N1}", p.Key, p.Value, numFrontpagePosts[p.Key], numFrontpagePosts[p.Key] * 100 / p.Value);

        public static void GetNumberOfCommentsMonthlyAllTime(ModelRepository inRepo)
            Console.WriteLine("Distribution of number of comments over time:");

            SortedDictionary <string, int> dictNumComments = new SortedDictionary <string, int>();

            // proći kroz sve postove
            foreach (Comment p in inRepo._dataStore.Comments)
                // iz datuma kreiraj YYYY-MM oblik stringa
                string key = p.DatePosted.Year.ToString() + "-" + p.DatePosted.Month.ToString("D2");

                if (dictNumComments.ContainsKey(key))
                    dictNumComments[key] = 1;

            foreach (var p in dictNumComments)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1,5}", p.Key, p.Value);

        public static void GetNumberOfPostWithOverNVotesMonthlyAllTime(int numVotes, ModelRepository inRepo)
            Console.WriteLine("Distribution of number of posts with over {0} votes over time:", numVotes);

            SortedDictionary <string, int> numPosts = new SortedDictionary <string, int>();

            // proći kroz sve postove
            foreach (Post p in inRepo._dataStore.Posts)
                // iz datuma kreiraj YYYY-MM oblik stringa
                string key = p.DatePosted.Year.ToString() + "-" + p.DatePosted.Month.ToString("D2");

                if (numPosts.ContainsKey(key))
                    if (p.GetNumberOfVotes() >= numVotes)
                    numPosts[key] = p.GetNumberOfVotes() >= numVotes ? 1 : 0;

            foreach (var p in numPosts)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1,4}", p.Key, p.Value);

        public static void GetPostsWithZeroVotes(ModelRepository inRepo)
            List <Post> list = inRepo._dataStore.Posts.Where(p => p.GetNumberOfVotes() == 0).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("Post with zero votes:");
            foreach (var post in list)
                Console.WriteLine("Post by {0,-18}, votes {1}, date - {2}, post - {3}", post.Author.NameHtml, post.GetNumberOfVotes(), post.DatePosted.ToString("dd/MM/yyy hh:mm:ss"), post.Title);
        public static void GetMostCommentedPosts(int numPosts, ModelRepository inRepo)
            List <Post> list = inRepo._dataStore.Posts.OrderByDescending(p => p.GetNumberOfComments()).Take(numPosts).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("Most commented posts:");
            foreach (var post in list)
                Console.WriteLine("Post by {0,-18}, num.comments {1,-3}, date - {2}, post - {3}", post.Author.NameHtml, post.GetNumberOfComments(), post.DatePosted.ToString("dd/MM/yyy hh:mm:ss"), post.Title);
        public static void GetMostControversialPosts(int numPosts, ModelRepository inRepo)
            List <Post> list = inRepo._dataStore.Posts.Where(p => p.GetNumberOfVotes() != 0).OrderByDescending(p => p.GetNumberOfVotes() - p.GetSumOfVotes()).Take(numPosts).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("Most controversial posts:");
            foreach (var post in list)
                Console.WriteLine("Post by {0,-18}, num.votes {1,-3}, neg.votes {2,-3}, date - {3}, post - {4}", post.Author.NameHtml, post.GetNumberOfVotes(), post.GetNumberOfNegativeVotes(), post.DatePosted.ToString("dd/MM/yyy hh:mm:ss"), post.Title);
        public static void GetPostsWithMostSumOfVotes(int numPosts, ModelRepository inRepo)
            List <Post> list = inRepo._dataStore.Posts.OrderByDescending(p => p.GetSumOfVotes()).Take(numPosts).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("Post with max sum of votes:");
            foreach (var post in list)
                Console.WriteLine("Post by {0,-18}, votes {1,-3}, date - {2}, post - {3}", post.Author.NameHtml, post.GetSumOfVotes(), post.DatePosted.ToString("dd/MM/yyy hh:mm:ss"), post.Title);
        public static void GetUsersWhoGaveMostNegativeVotes(int numUsers, ModelRepository inRepo)
            List <User> list = inRepo._dataStore.Users.OrderByDescending(p => p.GetNumberOfGivenNegativeVotes()).Take(numUsers).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("Users who gave most negative votes:");
            foreach (var user in list)
                Console.WriteLine("User {0,-18}   - votes {1}", user.NameHtml, user.GetNumberOfGivenNegativeVotes());
        public static void GetUsersWithMostComments(int numUsers, ModelRepository inRepo)
            List <User> list = inRepo._dataStore.Users.OrderByDescending(p => p.CommentsByUser.Count).Take(numUsers).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("Users with most comments:");
            foreach (var user in list)
                Console.WriteLine("User {0,-18}   - comments {1}", user.NameHtml, user.CommentsByUser.Count);
        public static void GetNumberOfActiveUsersOverTime(ModelRepository inRepo)
            Console.WriteLine("Distribution of number of active users over time:");

            SortedDictionary <string, int> dictNumActiveUsers = new SortedDictionary <string, int>();

            // proći kroz sve users
            foreach (User user in inRepo._dataStore.Users)
                // za svakog usera ćemo kreirati dictionary za analizirati njegovu aktivnost
                SortedDictionary <string, bool> dictUserActivity = new SortedDictionary <string, bool>();

                // za svakog usera najprije proći kroz sve njegove postove
                foreach (Post post in user.PostsByUser)
                    string key = post.DatePosted.Year.ToString() + "-" + post.DatePosted.Month.ToString("D2");

                    dictUserActivity[key] = true;       // bilježimo da je u tom mjesecu user bio aktivan
                // a zatim proći kroz sve njegove komentare
                foreach (Comment comment in user.CommentsByUser)
                    string key = comment.DatePosted.Year.ToString() + "-" + comment.DatePosted.Month.ToString("D2");

                    dictUserActivity[key] = true;       // bilježimo da je u tom mjesecu user bio aktivan

                // sada treba aktivnost korisnika prebaciti u sumarni dictionary
                foreach (var activity in dictUserActivity)
                    if (dictNumActiveUsers.ContainsKey(activity.Key))
                        dictNumActiveUsers[activity.Key] = 1;

            foreach (var p in dictNumActiveUsers)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1,5}", p.Key, p.Value);

        public static void GetUserStatistics(string inUserName, ModelRepository inRepo)
            User user = inRepo.GetUserByName(inUserName);

            if (user != null)
                Console.WriteLine("User    : {0}", user.Name);
                Console.WriteLine("Posts   : {0}", user.PostsByUser.Count);
                Console.WriteLine("Comments: {0}", user.CommentsByUser.Count);
                Console.WriteLine("Votes given    : {0}", user.VotesByUser.Count);
                Console.WriteLine("      positive : {0}", user.VotesByUser.Count(p => p.UpOrDown == 1));
                Console.WriteLine("      negative : {0}", user.VotesByUser.Count(p => p.UpOrDown == -1));
                Console.WriteLine("Votes received : {0}", user.ReceivedVotes.Count);
                Console.WriteLine("      positive : {0}", user.ReceivedVotes.Count(p => p.UpOrDown == 1));
                Console.WriteLine("      negative : {0}", user.ReceivedVotes.Count(p => p.UpOrDown == -1));

                List <Post> postByDate     = user.PostsByUser.OrderBy(p => p.DatePosted).ToList();
                List <Post> postByVotes    = user.PostsByUser.OrderByDescending(p => p.GetNumberOfVotes()).ToList();
                List <Post> postByComments = user.PostsByUser.OrderByDescending(p => p.GetNumberOfComments()).ToList();

                Console.WriteLine("\nOrdered by date:");
                foreach (var post in postByDate)
                    Console.WriteLine("  Post: {0, -90}, Date: {1}, Votes: {2,3}, Num.comments: {3,3}", post.Title, post.DatePosted.ToString("dd/MM/yyy hh:mm:ss"), post.Votes.Count, post.Comments.Count);

                Console.WriteLine("\nOrdered by number of votes:");
                foreach (var post in postByVotes)
                    Console.WriteLine("  Post: {0, -90}, Date: {1}, Votes: {2,3}, Num.comments: {3,3}", post.Title, post.DatePosted.ToString("dd/MM/yyy hh:mm:ss"), post.Votes.Count, post.Comments.Count);

                Console.WriteLine("\nOrdered by number of comments:");
                foreach (var post in postByComments)
                    Console.WriteLine("  Post: {0, -90}, Date: {1}, Votes: {2,3}, Num.comments: {3,3}", post.Title, post.DatePosted.ToString("dd/MM/yyy hh:mm:ss"), post.Votes.Count, post.Comments.Count);
        public static void GetUsersWithBiggestNumberOfPostsWithOverNVotes(int numUsers, int numVotes, ModelRepository inRepo)
            List <User> list = inRepo._dataStore.Users.Where(p => p.PostsByUser.Count > 10).OrderByDescending(p => p.GetNumberOfPostsWithOverNVotes(numVotes)).Take(numUsers).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("Users with highest number of posts with over {0} votes:", numVotes);
            foreach (var user in list)
                Console.WriteLine("User {0,-18}   - {1,3} posts", user.NameHtml, user.GetNumberOfPostsWithOverNVotes(numVotes));
        public static void GetUsersWithBiggestAverageNumberOfCommentsPerPost(int numUsers, ModelRepository inRepo)
            List <User> list = inRepo._dataStore.Users.Where(p => p.PostsByUser.Count > 10).OrderByDescending(p => p.GetAverageCommentsPerPost()).Take(numUsers).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("Users with highest average number of comments per post:");
            foreach (var user in list)
                Console.WriteLine("User {0,-18}   - comments per post: {1:N2}, total posts: {2,3}", user.NameHtml, user.GetAverageCommentsPerPost(), user.PostsByUser.Count);