Esempio n. 1
        public static void p5_mongo_find(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // House cleaning
            using (new Utilities.ArgsRemover(e.Args, true)) {
                // Retrieving table name and running sanity check
                var tableName = e.Args.Get <string> (context);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName))
                    throw new LambdaException("No table name supplied to [p5.mongo.find]", e.Args, context);

                // Retrieving filter, defaulting to empty
                var filter = Filter.CreateFilter(context, e.Args);

                // Retrieving collection
                var collection = Database.Instance.MongoDatabase.GetCollection <BsonDocument> (tableName);

                // Running query
                var cursor = collection.Find(filter);

                // Sorting query
                cursor = SortCursor(context, e.Args, cursor);

                // Checking if we've got a [start] offset
                if (e.Args ["start"] != null)
                    cursor.Skip(e.Args.GetChildValue("start", context, 0));

                // Applying [count]
                int count = e.Args.GetChildValue("count", context, -1);

                // Looping through result set until [count] is reached
                int idxCount = 0;
                foreach (var idxDoc in cursor.ToEnumerable())
                    // Making sure we return currently iterated document to caller
                    var id      = BsonTypeMapper.MapToDotNetValue(idxDoc.Elements.First(ix => ix.Name == "_id").Value);
                    var idxNode = e.Args.Add(tableName, id).LastChild;

                    // Parsing document, and stuffing results into idxNode, making sure we skip the "_id" element for main document
                    DocumentParser.ParseDocument(context, idxNode, idxDoc, "_id");

                    // Checking if we've reached [count]
                    if (++idxCount == count)
Esempio n. 2
        public static void p5_mongo_aggregate(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // House cleaning
            using (new Utilities.ArgsRemover(e.Args, true)) {
                // Retrieving table name and running sanity check
                var tableName = e.Args.Get <string> (context);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName))
                    throw new LambdaException("No table name supplied to [p5.mongo.find]", e.Args, context);

                // Retrieving collection
                var collection = Database.Instance.MongoDatabase.GetCollection <BsonDocument> (tableName);

                // Retrieving grouping clauses and creating BsonDocument for Group method
                BsonDocument doc = new BsonDocument();
                doc.Add("_id", BsonValue.Create(e.Args ["_id"].Value));
                foreach (var idxChild in e.Args.Children.Where(ix => ix.Name != "_id" && ix.Name != "where"))
                    doc.Add(idxChild.Name, new BsonDocument(idxChild.Get <string> (context), 1));

                // Retrieving filter criteria
                FilterDefinition <BsonDocument> filter = null;
                if (e.Args ["where"] != null && e.Args ["where"].Children.Count > 0)
                    filter = Filter.CreateFilter(context, e.Args);

                // Running query
                var aggregate = filter == null?
                                collection.Aggregate().Group(doc) :

                // Looping through each result
                foreach (var idxDoc in aggregate.ToEnumerable())
                    // Making sure we return currently iterated document to caller
                    var id      = BsonTypeMapper.MapToDotNetValue(idxDoc.Elements.First(ix => ix.Name == "_id").Value);
                    var idxNode = e.Args.Add(tableName, id).LastChild;

                    // Parsing document, and stuffing results into idxNode, making sure we skip the "_id" element for main document
                    DocumentParser.ParseDocument(context, idxNode, idxDoc, "_id");
Esempio n. 3
        public static void p5_mongo_list_indexes(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // Retrieving table name and running sanity check
            var tableName = e.Args.Get <string> (context);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName))
                throw new LambdaException("No table name supplied to [p5.mongo.list-indexes]", e.Args, context);

            // Retrieving collection
            var collection = Database.Instance.MongoDatabase.GetCollection <BsonDocument> (tableName);

            // Looping through each index, and returning to caller
            foreach (var idxIndexCursor in collection.Indexes.List().ToEnumerable())
                // Making sure we return currently iterated document to caller
                var id      = BsonTypeMapper.MapToDotNetValue(idxIndexCursor.Elements.First(ix => ix.Name == "name").Value).ToString();
                var idxNode = e.Args.Add(id).LastChild;

                DocumentParser.ParseDocument(context, idxNode, idxIndexCursor, "name");