static void Main(string[] args) { // Start P2P thread Thread p2pListener = new Thread(new ThreadStart(P2P.Run)); p2pListener.Start(); // Open UDP socket UdpClient listener = new UdpClient(listenPort); IPEndPoint groupEP; // Receive a packet try { byte[] recv_buf; while (true) { // Set listen address groupEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, listenPort); // Receive data, client will be placed in groupEP recv_buf = listener.Receive(ref groupEP); // Parse DNS data MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(recv_buf); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(ms); DNS_header header = new DNS_header(); header.Read(br); if (header.QDcount != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot parse DNS request where QDcount != 1"); continue; } DNS_question question = new DNS_question(); question.Read(br); // Get the answer to the query byte[] ans_ip = new byte[4]; DNScache.resolve(, ref ans_ip); // Send a response MemoryStream ms_out = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms_out); // Modify DNS header header.qr = true; header.rcode = 0; header.ANcount = 1; // Write DNS header header.Write(bw); // Write question question.Write(bw); // Generate answer DNS_answer answer = new DNS_answer(); =; answer.atype = 1; answer.aclass = 1; answer.ttl = 60; answer.rdlen = 4; answer.rdata = ans_ip; // Write answer answer.Write(bw); // Send the packet byte[] buf_out = ms_out.ToArray(); listener.Send(buf_out, buf_out.Length, groupEP); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); Console.ReadLine(); } p2pListener.Interrupt(); }
public static bool resolve(string name, ref byte[] result) { // If the cache contains the result, return it lock (_lock_cache) { if (_cache.ContainsKey(name)) { cache_entry ce = _cache[name]; if (ce.expiry < DateTime.Now) { _cache.Remove(name); } else { if (ce.success) { Array.Copy(ce.address, result, 4); } #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Resolved through local cache!"); #endif log.Info("cache"); return(ce.success); } } } // Query P2P before delegating to real DNS server if (P2P.resolve(name, ref result)) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Resolved through P2P!"); #endif log.Info("p2p"); return(true); } // Otherwise, we must query a real DNS server // TODO: Change from hardcoded DNS server to configurable server DNS_header req = new DNS_header(); req.ID = 1337; req.qr = false; req.opcode = 0; = false; req.rd = true; req.QDcount = 1; req.ANcount = 0; req.NScount = 0; req.ARcount = 0; DNS_question req_q = new DNS_question(); = name; req_q.qclass = 1; req_q.qtype = 1; // Set up the packet MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms); req.Write(bw); req_q.Write(bw); // Send the packet byte[] req_buf = ms.ToArray(); UdpClient client = new UdpClient(); client.Connect(IPAddress.Parse(""), 53); client.Send(req_buf, req_buf.Length); // Receive a packet IPEndPoint ipep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 53); client.Client.ReceiveTimeout = 1000; byte[] res_buf; try { res_buf = client.Receive(ref ipep); } catch (SocketException ex) { return(false); } MemoryStream res_ms = new MemoryStream(res_buf); BinaryReader res_br = new BinaryReader(res_ms); DNS_header res_h = new DNS_header(); res_h.Read(res_br); if (!res_h.qr) { Console.WriteLine("Received packet was a query!"); return(false); } if (res_h.rcode != 0) { lock (_lock_cache) { cache_entry ce = new cache_entry(); ce.success = false; ce.expiry = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(15); _cache.Add(name, ce); } return(false); } DNS_question[] res_qs = new DNS_question[res_h.QDcount]; DNS_answer[] res_as = new DNS_answer[res_h.ANcount]; #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Questions: {0}\nAnswers: {1}", res_h.QDcount, res_h.ANcount); #endif for (int i = 0; i < res_h.QDcount; i++) { res_qs[i] = new DNS_question(); res_qs[i].Read(res_br); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Question {0}: {1}\n", i, res_qs[i].name); #endif } byte[] address = new byte[4]; uint ttl = 0; bool answer = false; for (int i = 0; i < res_h.ANcount; i++) { res_as[i] = new DNS_answer(); res_as[i].Read(res_br); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Answer {0}: {1}\n", i, res_as[i].name); #endif if (res_as[i].atype == 1) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3} TTL: {4}", res_as[i].rdata[0], res_as[i].rdata[1], res_as[i].rdata[2], res_as[i].rdata[3], res_as[i].ttl); #endif for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { address[j] = res_as[i].rdata[j]; ttl = res_as[i].ttl; answer = true; } } } if (answer) { lock (_lock_cache) { cache_entry ce = new cache_entry(); ce.success = true; ce.address = address; ce.expiry = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(ttl); _cache.Add(name, ce); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { result[i] = address[i]; } #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Resolved through DNS!"); #endif log.Info("dns"); return(true); } return(false); }