private void XmlConvert(dom.Node jNode, XmlNode nNode) { XmlDocument document = nNode.OwnerDocument; if (document == null) { document = (XmlDocument)nNode; } XmlNode n = null; switch (jNode.getNodeType()) { case 1: n = document.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, jNode.getNodeName(), jNode.getNamespaceURI()); break; case 4: n = document.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.CDATA, jNode.getNodeName(), jNode.getNamespaceURI()); break; default: return; } //set value n.InnerText = jNode.getNodeValue(); nNode.AppendChild(n); //copy attributes org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap nm = jNode.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < nm.getLength(); i++) { XmlAttribute a = document.CreateAttribute(nm.item(i).getNodeName()); a.Value = nm.item(i).getNodeValue(); n.Attributes.Append(a); } //copy childs org.w3c.dom.NodeList nl = jNode.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { XmlConvert(nl.item(i), n); } }
public Node importNode(Node importedNode, bool deep) { return default(Node); }
public bool isSameNode(Node other) { return default(bool); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new input source with a DOM node, and with the /// system ID also passed in as the base URI. /// </summary> public DOMSource(Node @node, string @systemID) { }
public Node replaceChild(Node newChild, Node oldChild) { return default(Node); }
public Node appendChild(Node newChild) { return default(Node); }
private void InjectBaseTag(Gadget gadget, Node headTag) { GadgetContext context = gadget.getContext(); if ("true".Equals(containerConfig.Get(context.getContainer(), INSERT_BASE_ELEMENT_KEY))) { Uri baseUrl = gadget.getSpec().getUrl(); View view = gadget.getCurrentView(); if (view != null && view.getHref() != null) { baseUrl = view.getHref(); } Element baseTag = headTag.getOwnerDocument().createElement("base"); baseTag.setAttribute("href", baseUrl.ToString()); headTag.insertBefore(baseTag, headTag.getFirstChild()); } }
public void handle(short operation, string key, object data, Node src, Node dst) {}
private static void save(Node node, Result result) { var factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); var transformer = factory.newTransformer(); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); transformer.transform(new DOMSource(node), result); }
public Node setNamedItemNS(Node arg) { return default(Node); }
public static void save(Node node, Writer writer) { save(node, new StreamResult(writer)); }
public static void save(Node node, OutputStream output) { save(node, new StreamResult(output)); }
/// <summary> /// Set the node that will represents a Source DOM tree. /// </summary> public void setNode(Node @node) { }
public Node adoptNode(Node source) { return default(Node); }
private static void InjectOnLoadHandlers(Node bodyTag) { Element onloadScript = bodyTag.getOwnerDocument().createElement("script"); bodyTag.appendChild(onloadScript); onloadScript.appendChild(bodyTag.getOwnerDocument().createTextNode( "gadgets.util.runOnLoadHandlers();")); }
public Node renameNode(Node n, string namespaceURI, string qualifiedName) { return default(Node); }
/// <summary> /// Injects javascript libraries needed to satisfy feature dependencies. /// </summary> /// <param name="gadget"></param> /// <param name="headTag"></param> private void InjectFeatureLibraries(Gadget gadget, Node headTag) { // TODO: If there isn't any js in the document, we can skip this. Unfortunately, that means // both script tags (easy to detect) and event handlers (much more complex). GadgetContext context = gadget.getContext(); GadgetSpec spec = gadget.getSpec(); String forcedLibs = context.getParameter("libs"); HashKey<String> forced; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(forcedLibs)) { forced = new HashKey<string>(); } else { forced = new HashKey<string>(); foreach (var item in forcedLibs.Split(':')) { forced.Add(item); } } // Forced libs are always done first. if (forced.Count != 0) { String jsUrl = urlGenerator.getBundledJsUrl(forced, context); Element libsTag = headTag.getOwnerDocument().createElement("script"); libsTag.setAttribute("src", jsUrl); headTag.appendChild(libsTag); // Forced transitive deps need to be added as well so that they don't get pulled in twice. // TODO: Figure out a clean way to avoid having to call getFeatures twice. foreach(GadgetFeature dep in featureRegistry.GetFeatures(forced)) { forced.Add(dep.getName()); } } // Inline any libs that weren't forced. The ugly context switch between inline and external // Js is needed to allow both inline and external scripts declared in feature.xml. String container = context.getContainer(); ICollection<GadgetFeature> features = GetFeatures(spec, forced); // Precalculate the maximum length in order to avoid excessive garbage generation. int size = 0; foreach(GadgetFeature feature in features) { foreach(JsLibrary library in feature.getJsLibraries(RenderingContext.GADGET, container)) { if (library._Type == JsLibrary.Type.URL) { size += library.Content.Length; } } } // Really inexact. StringBuilder inlineJs = new StringBuilder(size); foreach (GadgetFeature feature in features) { foreach (JsLibrary library in feature.getJsLibraries(RenderingContext.GADGET, container)) { if (library._Type == JsLibrary.Type.URL) { if (inlineJs.Length > 0) { Element inlineTag = headTag.getOwnerDocument().createElement("script"); headTag.appendChild(inlineTag); inlineTag.appendChild(headTag.getOwnerDocument().createTextNode(inlineJs.ToString())); inlineJs.Length = 0; } Element referenceTag = headTag.getOwnerDocument().createElement("script"); referenceTag.setAttribute("src", library.Content); headTag.appendChild(referenceTag); } else { if (!forced.Contains(feature.getName())) { // already pulled this file in from the shared contents. if (context.getDebug()) { inlineJs.Append(library.DebugContent); } else { inlineJs.Append(library.Content); } inlineJs.Append(";\n"); } } } } inlineJs.Append(GetLibraryConfig(gadget, features)); if (inlineJs.Length > 0) { Element inlineTag = headTag.getOwnerDocument().createElement("script"); headTag.appendChild(inlineTag); inlineTag.appendChild(headTag.getOwnerDocument().createTextNode(inlineJs.ToString())); } }
public Node insertBefore(Node newChild, Node refChild) { return default(Node); }
/** * Injects message bundles into the gadget output. * @throws GadgetException If we are unable to retrieve the message bundle. */ private void InjectMessageBundles(Gadget gadget, Node scriptTag) { GadgetContext context = gadget.getContext(); MessageBundle bundle = messageBundleFactory.getBundle( gadget.getSpec(), context.getLocale(), context.getIgnoreCache()); String msgs = bundle.ToJSONString(); Text text = scriptTag.getOwnerDocument().createTextNode("gadgets.Prefs.setMessages_("); text.appendData(msgs); text.appendData(");"); scriptTag.appendChild(text); }
public Node removeChild(Node oldChild) { return default(Node); }
/** * Injects default values for user prefs into the gadget output. */ private static void InjectDefaultPrefs(Gadget gadget, Node scriptTag) { List<UserPref> prefs = gadget.getSpec().getUserPrefs(); Dictionary<String, String> defaultPrefs = new Dictionary<string, string>(prefs.Count); foreach(UserPref up in gadget.getSpec().getUserPrefs()) { defaultPrefs.Add(up.getName(), up.getDefaultValue()); } Text text = scriptTag.getOwnerDocument().createTextNode("gadgets.Prefs.setDefaultPrefs_("); text.appendData(JsonConvert.ExportToString(defaultPrefs)); text.appendData(");"); scriptTag.appendChild(text); }
public short compareDocumentPosition(Node other) { return default(short); }
/** * Injects preloads into the gadget output. * * If preloading fails for any reason, we just output an empty object. */ private static void InjectPreloads(Gadget gadget, Node scriptTag) { IPreloads preloads = gadget.getPreloads(); Dictionary<String, Object> preload = new Dictionary<string, object>(); foreach(PreloadedData preloaded in preloads.getData()) { foreach(var entry in preloaded.toJson()) { preload.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value); } } Text text = scriptTag.getOwnerDocument().createTextNode(""); text.appendData(JsonConvert.ExportToString(preload)); text.appendData(";"); scriptTag.appendChild(text); }
public bool isEqualNode(Node arg) { return default(bool); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new input source with a DOM node. /// </summary> public DOMSource(Node @n) { }