Esempio n. 1
		public void IBRERuleResultToString() {
			// regression test for bug 1502909
			IBRERuleMetaData rmd = new BRERuleMetaDataImpl("md-id", new MockBRERuleFactory(), null, 0, null);
			IBRERuleResult rr = new BRERuleResultImpl(rmd, "result1");
			Assert.AreEqual("MetaData   :\nID Type : System.String\nID Str  : md-id\nFactory : org.nxbre.test.ri.TestRule+MockBRERuleFactory\nStack Loc: 0\nResult Type: System.String\nResult Str : result1\n", rr.ToString());
			rr = new BRERuleResultImpl(null, "result2");
			Assert.AreEqual("Result Type: System.String\nResult Str : result2\n", rr.ToString());
			rr = new BRERuleResultImpl(rmd, null);
			Assert.AreEqual("MetaData   :\nID Type : System.String\nID Str  : md-id\nFactory : org.nxbre.test.ri.TestRule+MockBRERuleFactory\nStack Loc: 0\n", rr.ToString());
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary> This methods processes the Rule nodes that may exist in the XML.
        /// <P>
        /// It executes as follows (this may not look so straightforward in the code...):
        /// <OL>
        /// <LI>Executes Factories executeRule()</LI>
        /// <LI>takes the result and puts it into a RuleResult object</LI>
        /// <LI>listeners.dispatches an error if it could not find the factory 
        /// (See docs in code)</LI>
        /// <LI>Catches any exceptions from the executeRule() and makes it a 
        /// RuleResult so it can be handled gracefully</LI>
        /// <LI>Adds the RuleResult to the CallStack</LI>
        /// <LI>listeners.dispatched the RuleResult to any listeners</LI>
        /// <LI>Adds the RuleResult to the RuleContext</LI>
        /// </OL>
        /// </P>
        /// *
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The ID of the Rule
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="step">The current Step
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="aMap">The Parameters map
        /// </param>
        private void DoRule(object id, object step, Hashtable aMap)
            int nextStackLoc = ruleContext.CallStack.Count;

            IBRERuleResult ruleResult = null;

                IBRERuleFactory factory = ruleContext.GetFactory(id);

                I have to check for null because if the RuleContext
                was passed in, an external reference exists and can be
                modified at any time

                if (factory != null)
                    //setup metadata
                    IBRERuleMetaData metaData = new BRERuleMetaDataImpl(id, factory, aMap, nextStackLoc, step);

                    object result = factory.ExecuteRule(ruleContext, aMap, step);

                    ruleResult = new BRERuleResultImpl(metaData, result);
                    A WARN version of this error can occur when the
                    Factories are loaded.  But if the developer passed in
                    a RuleContext, they can place the Factory into the
                    RuleContext still.  If we get to this point it is now a full
                    blown error because if it is not in the RuleContext at this point and
                    it to late and can cause issues

                    DispatchException(new BREException("Factory Id " + id + " defined, but not found in RuleContext"), ExceptionEventImpl.ERROR);
            // This can occur internally in the RuleContext
            catch (System.InvalidCastException cce)
                DispatchException(new BREException("Object in RuleContext not of correct type. " + cce.ToString()), ExceptionEventImpl.FATAL);
            // Catch unknown exceptions in the factory itself
            catch (System.Exception e)
                if (e is BRERuleFatalException)
                    DispatchException((BRERuleFatalException) e, ExceptionEventImpl.FATAL);
                else if (e is BRERuleException)
                    DispatchException((BRERuleException) e, ExceptionEventImpl.ERROR);
                    DispatchException(new BREException("RuleFactory encountered an error. " + e.ToString()), ExceptionEventImpl.ERROR);

                Set the RuleResult to an exception so I can test for it in the If
                Hey, technically it IS what it returned ;)
                The factory can return null here, but that could have caused the
                exception anyway.....

                IBRERuleMetaData metaData = new BRERuleMetaDataImpl(id, ruleContext.GetFactory(id), aMap, nextStackLoc, step);
                ruleResult = new BRERuleResultImpl(metaData, e);


            // call listeners

            ruleContext.SetResult(id, ruleResult);