protected internal virtual Library loadLibrary([In] string obj0) { if (obj0 == null) return (Library) null; Class @class; try { @class = ObjectUtilities.getClassLoader(Object.instancehelper_getClass((object) this)).loadClass(obj0); Library library; try { library = (Library) @class.getMethod("getInstance", (Class[]) null, BasicProjectInfo.OptionalLibraryHolder.__\u003CGetCallerID\u003E()).invoke((object) null, (object[]) null, BasicProjectInfo.OptionalLibraryHolder.__\u003CGetCallerID\u003E()); } catch (Exception ex) { int num = 2; if (ByteCodeHelper.MapException<Exception>(ex, (ByteCodeHelper.MapFlags) num) == null) throw; else goto label_9; } return library; } catch (Exception ex) { int num = 2; if (ByteCodeHelper.MapException<Exception>(ex, (ByteCodeHelper.MapFlags) num) == null) throw; else goto label_10; } label_9: Library library1; try { library1 = (Library) @class.newInstance(BasicProjectInfo.OptionalLibraryHolder.__\u003CGetCallerID\u003E()); } catch (Exception ex) { int num = 2; if (ByteCodeHelper.MapException<Exception>(ex, (ByteCodeHelper.MapFlags) num) == null) throw; else goto label_15; } return library1; label_15: // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local = null; goto label_16; label_10: local = null; label_16: return (Library) null; }
public virtual Library getLibrary() { if (this.library == null) this.library = this.loadLibrary(this.libraryClass); return this.library; }
public virtual void addOptionalLibrary(Library library) { if (library == null) { string str = "Library must be given."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new NullPointerException(str); } else this.optionalLibraries.add((object) new BasicProjectInfo.OptionalLibraryHolder(library)); }
public OptionalLibraryHolder([In] Library obj0) { base.\u002Ector(); BasicProjectInfo.OptionalLibraryHolder optionalLibraryHolder = this; if (obj0 == null) { string str = "Library must not be null."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new NullPointerException(str); } else { this.library = obj0; this.libraryClass = Object.instancehelper_getClass((object) obj0).getName(); } }
public virtual void addLibrary(Library library) { if (library == null) { Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new NullPointerException(); } else this.libraries.add((object) library); }