Esempio n. 1
        private Response Refresh(XDocument configDoc, string tableName)
            Response response = new Response();

            _dataDictionary = new library.DataDictionary();

            XElement config = configDoc.Element("configuration");
            SQLBuilder sqlBuilder;

            // Parse project assignments
            Dictionary<string, string> projectAssignments = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            IEnumerable<XElement> projectAssignmentElts = config.Element("assignments").Elements("assignment");

            if (projectAssignmentElts != null && projectAssignmentElts.Count() > 0)
              foreach (XElement assignment in projectAssignmentElts)
            string name = assignment.Attribute("name").Value;
            string value = assignment.Attribute("value").Value;

            if (name.StartsWith("@") && value.Length > 0)
              projectAssignments[name] = value;

            // Parse project text replacements
            Dictionary<string, string> projectReplacements = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            IEnumerable<XElement> projectReplacementElts = config.Element("replacements").Elements("replacement");

            if (projectReplacementElts != null && projectReplacementElts.Count() > 0)
              foreach (XElement replacement in projectReplacementElts)
            string placeHolder = replacement.Attribute("placeHolder").Value;
            string name = replacement.Attribute("name").Value;
            string value = replacement.Attribute("value").Value;

            if (placeHolder == string.Empty || name == string.Empty || value == string.Empty)

            projectReplacements[placeHolder[0] + name + placeHolder[1]] = value;

            // Get query elements
            IEnumerable<XElement> queryElts = config.Elements("query");

            DBType siteDbType = Utility.GetDBType(_siteConnStr);
            DataTable siteSchemaResult = DBManager.Instance.ExecuteQuery(_siteConnStr, Constants.ORACLE_GET_CURRENT_SCHEMA);
            string siteSchema = siteSchemaResult.Rows[0][0].ToString();

            // Process !SiteData query
            XElement siteQueryElt = (from query in queryElts
                                 where query.Attribute("name").Value == Constants.SITE_DATA_QUERY
                                 select query).First();

            Dictionary<string, string> siteSchemaMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            siteSchemaMap["SITE"] = siteSchema;

            sqlBuilder = new SQLBuilder(siteDbType, siteQueryElt, siteSchemaMap, projectAssignments, projectReplacements);
            string siteSelectQuery = sqlBuilder.Build(SQLCommand.SELECT);
            DataTable siteInfo = DBManager.Instance.ExecuteQuery(_siteConnStr, siteSelectQuery);

            // Get actual schemas from !SiteData query
            Dictionary<string, string> schemaMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            if (siteInfo != null && siteInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
              foreach (DataRow row in siteInfo.Rows)
            schemaMap[row["SP_SCHEMA_TYPE"].ToString()] = row["USERNAME"].ToString();

            // Process other queries
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName))
              queryElts = from query in queryElts
                      where query.Attribute("name").Value != Constants.TEMPLATE_QUERY && query.Attribute("name").Value != Constants.SITE_DATA_QUERY
                      select query;
              queryElts = from query in queryElts
                      where query.Attribute("name").Value != Constants.TEMPLATE_QUERY && query.Attribute("name").Value != Constants.SITE_DATA_QUERY && query.Attribute("destination").Value.ToUpper() == tableName.ToUpper()
                      select query;

            DBType stagingDbType = Utility.GetDBType(_stagingConnStr);

            //   NOTE - although it is possible to make use of an INTO clause to create a selection query that will
            //   also automatically create the destination table, this has limitations, the most serious of which is
            //   it is not safe to assume that the Source DB and Staging DB have the same security requirements. Instead,
            //   we will always assume that security is separate for these two databases and that the connection strings for the
            //   Source and Staging connections provide this information for each individual location. We also cannot assume that
            //   the specified credentials have the power to create a Linked Server connection or that both SQL Server instances
            //   allow ad hoc (OpenDataSource) queries. Instead, the provided credentials are used to copy the data to the
            //   local machine and then bulk copied out to the staging server, bypassing the need for a more sophisticated security
            //   check/edit)

            DBType plantDbType = Utility.GetDBType(_plantSchemaConnStr);

            if (plantDbType == DBType.ORACLE)
              string plantDictConnStr = _settings[Constants.SPPID_PLANT_DICTIONARY];
              if (Utility.IsBase64Encoded(plantDictConnStr))
            plantDictConnStr = EncryptionUtility.Decrypt(plantDictConnStr);

              string pidSchemaConnStr = _settings[Constants.SPPID_PID_SCHEMA];
              if (Utility.IsBase64Encoded(pidSchemaConnStr))
            pidSchemaConnStr = EncryptionUtility.Decrypt(pidSchemaConnStr);

              string pidDictConnStr = _settings[Constants.SPPID_PID_DICTIONARY];
              if (Utility.IsBase64Encoded(pidDictConnStr))
            pidDictConnStr = EncryptionUtility.Decrypt(pidDictConnStr);

              _workingSet = new WorkingSet(_plantSchemaConnStr, plantDictConnStr, pidSchemaConnStr, pidDictConnStr);
            else if (plantDbType == DBType.SQLServer)
              _workingSet = new WorkingSet(_plantSchemaConnStr);
              throw new Exception("SPPID DB type not supported.");


            foreach (XElement queryElt in queryElts)
              sqlBuilder = new SQLBuilder(stagingDbType, queryElt, schemaMap, projectAssignments, projectReplacements, true);

              response.StatusList.Add(new Status()
            Messages = new Messages()
              "Query [" + queryElt.Attribute("name").Value + "] processed."

              // Delete existing staging table
              string stagingTableName = queryElt.Attribute("destination").Value;
              string deleteQuery = string.Format(Constants.SQLSERVER_DELETE_TEMPLATE, stagingTableName);
              DBManager.Instance.ExecuteNonQuery(_stagingConnStr, deleteQuery);

              // Create new staging table
              string createQuery = sqlBuilder.Build(SQLCommand.CREATE);
              DBManager.Instance.ExecuteNonQuery(_stagingConnStr, createQuery);

              response.StatusList.Add(new Status()
            Messages = new Messages()
              "Staging table [" + stagingTableName + "] created."

              // Fetch data
              string selectQuery = sqlBuilder.Build(SQLCommand.SELECT);
              DataTable result = DBManager.Instance.ExecuteQuery(_plantSchemaConnStr, selectQuery);

              response.StatusList.Add(new Status()
            Messages = new Messages()
              "New data fetched."

              // Bulk copy data to staging table
              SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(_stagingConnStr);
              bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = stagingTableName;

              response.StatusList.Add(new Status()
            Messages = new Messages()
              "Data copied to staging table."

              // Add to data dictionary
              DataObject objDef = new DataObject()
            tableName = stagingTableName,
            objectNamespace = "SPPID",
            objectName = stagingTableName

              foreach (var pair in sqlBuilder.Keys)
            objDef.keyProperties.Add(new KeyProperty()
              keyPropertyName = pair.Key

              foreach (DBField field in sqlBuilder.Fields)
            DataProperty dataProperty = new DataProperty()
              propertyName = field.Name,
              columnName = field.Name,
              dataType = Utility.ResolveDataType(field.DataType),
              isNullable = field.Nullable,

            if (sqlBuilder.Keys.ContainsKey(field.Name))
              dataProperty.keyType = (sqlBuilder.Keys[field.Name] == KeyType.AUTO)
                ? library.KeyType.unassigned : library.KeyType.assigned;



              catch (Exception ex)
            string error = "Error refreshing [" + tableName + "]: " + ex.Message;

            response.Level = StatusLevel.Error;
            response.Messages = new Messages() { error };

              return response;