Esempio n. 1
        public virtual void testMainQuietComplete()
            FileInfo jdfFile = new FileInfo(sm_dirTestData + "job.jdf");

            Console.WriteLine("Checking JDF: " + jdfFile.FullName);
            // TODO There is a bug in MyArgs that prevents command line arguments
            // containing hyphens from being parsed correctly
            string[] args = { jdfFile.FullName, "-q", "-c" };
Esempio n. 2
        public virtual void testMainQuietCompleteXMLReport()
            FileInfo jdfFile = new FileInfo(sm_dirTestData + "job.jdf");

            Console.WriteLine("Checking JDF: " + jdfFile.FullName);
            // TODO There is a bug in MyArgs that prevents command line arguments
            // containing hyphens from being parsed correctly

            // Run test once
            string report1 = sm_dirTestDataTemp + "checkjdf_report_1.xml";

            string[] args1 = { jdfFile.FullName, "-q", "-c", "-x", report1 };
            Assert.IsTrue(new FileInfo(report1).Exists);
            // TODO Run test twice and compare XML files