Esempio n. 1
        /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         * Name:        ConvertOneOpsToCmdi
         * Goal:        Create a .cmdi file with metadata for the indicated input file
         *              Note: the .cmdi file will be placed in the same directory as FileIn
         * Parameters:  sFileIn     - File to be processed
         *              bForce      - Create result, even though it exists already
         *              bIsDebug    - Debugging mode on or off
         * History:
         * 1/feb/2016 ERK Created
           ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        public bool ConvertOneOpsToCmdi(String sFileIn, ref osrMovie objMovie, bool bForce, bool bIsDebug)
            try {
            // Validate
            if (!File.Exists(sFileIn)) return false;

            // Check if this is a symbolic link
            if (File.GetAttributes(sFileIn).HasFlag(FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) ||
              !util.General.CanReadFile(sFileIn)) {
              // The input file is a symbolic link --> skip it, because it should already have been done
              return true;

            // Get the output directory
            String sDirOut = Path.GetDirectoryName(sFileIn);

            // Determine file names
            String sFileInXml = sFileIn.Replace(".gz", "");
            String sFileCmdi = sFileIn.Replace(".folia.xml.gz", ".cmdi.xml");

            // Do we need to continue?
            if (!bForce && File.Exists(sFileCmdi)) {
              errHandle.Status("OpsToCmdi skips: " + sFileInXml);
              return true;

            // Decompress input .gz file
            if (!util.General.DecompressFile(sFileIn, sFileInXml)) return false;

            // Read the input file's header as xml
            conv.XmlConv oConv = new conv.XmlConv(this.errHandle);
            XmlNode ndxHeader = null; XmlNamespaceManager nsFolia = null;
            if (!oConv.getFoliaHeader(sFileInXml, ref ndxHeader, ref nsFolia)) return false;
            if (ndxHeader != null) {
              // Get the subtitle id and the idmovie
              String sIdSubtitle = ndxHeader.SelectSingleNode("./child::f:meta[@id = 'idsubtitle']", nsFolia).InnerText;
              String sIdMovie = ndxHeader.SelectSingleNode("./child::f:meta[@id = 'idmovie']", nsFolia).InnerText;
              // Check if we already have information from this idmovie
              XmlNodeList ndxList = null; XmlNode ndxMovie = null;
              if (objMovie.getInformation(sIdMovie, ref ndxList, ref ndxMovie)) {
            bool bHaveInfo = false; XmlNode ndxSubtitle = null;
            // Walk the list to get the correct subtitle production for this movie
            for (int i=0;i<ndxList.Count;i++) {
              // Access this <subtitle> object
              XmlNode ndxSubThis = ndxList[i].SelectSingleNode("./child::IDSubtitle");
              // Got any results?
              if (ndxSubThis != null) {
                // Is this the correct one?
                if (ndxSubThis.InnerText == sIdSubtitle) {
                  // We have the correct one
                  ndxSubtitle = ndxList[i];
                  // Mark this
                  bHaveInfo = true;
                  // Escape the for-loop
            // ============= DEBUGGING ===
            if (!bHaveInfo && sIdMovie == "36797") {
              int iDebug = 1;
            // Validate
            if (bHaveInfo) {
              if (sIdMovie == "36797") {
                int iDebug = 1;
              // Get the information we need
              String sUserId = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxSubtitle, "UserID");
              String sUserNickName = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxSubtitle, "UserNickName");
              String sUserClass = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxSubtitle, "UserClass");
              String sMovieName = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxSubtitle, "MovieName");
              String sMovieYear = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxSubtitle, "MovieYear");
              String sMovieImdbId = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxSubtitle, "MovieImdbID");
              String sMovieReleaseName = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxSubtitle, "MovieReleaseName");
              String sLanguageName = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxSubtitle, "LanguageName");
              String sSubDate = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxSubtitle, "SubDate");
              String sSeriesSeason = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxSubtitle, "SeriesSeason");
              String sSeriesEpisode = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxSubtitle, "SeriesEpisode");
              String sSeriesImdbParent = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxSubtitle, "SeriesIMDBParent");
              String sMovieKind = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxSubtitle, "MovieKind");
              String sSubTranslator = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxSubtitle, "SubTranslator");
              String sSubLanguage = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxSubtitle, "ISO639");
              // Additional information from the MOVIE
              String sSeriesName = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxMovie, "SeriesName");
              String sSeriesRootName = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxMovie, "SeriesRootName");
              String sEpisodeName = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxMovie, "EpisodeName");
              String sMoviePlot = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxMovie, "MoviePlot");
              XmlNode ndxAKA = ndxMovie.SelectSingleNode("./descendant::MovieAKA");
              // Possibly get information from other places
              if (sMovieYear == "") sMovieYear = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxMovie, "MovieYear");
              if (sMovieKind == "") sMovieKind = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxMovie, "MovieKind");
              if (sSeriesSeason == "") sSeriesSeason = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxMovie, "SeriesSeason");
              if (sSeriesEpisode == "") sSeriesEpisode = oTools.getXmlChildValue(ref ndxMovie, "SeriesEpisode");
              // Progress
              errHandle.Status("Processing movie " + sIdMovie + " subtitle " + sIdSubtitle);
              // Create the .cmdi information
              var oSubtiel = new CMD();
              // Add header
              oSubtiel.Header = new CMDHeader();
              oSubtiel.Resources = new CMDResources();
              oSubtiel.Resources.JournalFileProxyList = new CMDResourcesJournalFileProxyList();
              oSubtiel.Resources.ResourceProxyList = new CMDResourcesResourceProxyList();
              oSubtiel.Resources.ResourceRelationList = new CMDResourcesResourceRelationList();
              // Access the main component
              oSubtiel.Components = new CMDComponents();
              // Add header
              oSubtiel.Components.SUBTIEL = new CMDComponentsSUBTIEL();
              CMDComponentsSUBTIEL oSubt = oSubtiel.Components.SUBTIEL;
              // (2) add the information above to the correct parts
              // (2a) Populate the MOVIE part
              oSubtiel.Components.SUBTIEL.Movie = new CMDComponentsSUBTIELMovie();
              oSubt.Movie.MovieId = sIdMovie;
              oSubt.Movie.Name = sMovieName;
              oSubt.Movie.Year = sMovieYear;
              oSubt.Movie.ImdbId = sMovieImdbId;
              oSubt.Movie.Kind = sMovieKind;
              oSubt.Movie.Plot = sMoviePlot;
              // (2a') add one or more alternative name parts
              oSubtiel.Components.SUBTIEL.Movie.AltNameList = new CMDComponentsSUBTIELMovieAltNameList();
              if (ndxAKA != null) {
                // Find alternative names
                List<String> lstAlt = new List<string>();
                while (ndxAKA != null) {
                  // Find next name
                  ndxAKA = ndxAKA.SelectSingleNode("./following-sibling::MovieAKA");
                // Add this list of names
                oSubt.Movie.AltNameList.AltName = lstAlt.ToArray();
              // (2b) Should we add a Series part?
              if (sSeriesSeason != "" || sSeriesEpisode != "" || sSeriesImdbParent != "") {
                // Add a Series part
                oSubtiel.Components.SUBTIEL.Movie.Series = new CMDComponentsSUBTIELMovieSeries();
                oSubt.Movie.Series.Name = sSeriesName;
                oSubt.Movie.Series.RootName = sSeriesRootName;
                oSubt.Movie.Series.Season = new CMDComponentsSUBTIELMovieSeriesSeason();
                oSubt.Movie.Series.Season.Value = sSeriesSeason;
                oSubt.Movie.Series.Season.Name = "";
                oSubt.Movie.Series.Episode = new CMDComponentsSUBTIELMovieSeriesEpisode();
                oSubt.Movie.Series.Episode.Value = sSeriesEpisode;
                oSubt.Movie.Series.Episode.Name = sEpisodeName;
                oSubt.Movie.Series.ParentImdbId = sSeriesImdbParent;
              // (2c) Add a Release part
              oSubtiel.Components.SUBTIEL.Release = new CMDComponentsSUBTIELRelease();
              oSubt.Release.Name = sMovieReleaseName;
              oSubt.Release.countryCode = "";           // To be filled in later
              // (2d) Build the Subtitle part
              oSubtiel.Components.SUBTIEL.Subtitle = new CMDComponentsSUBTIELSubtitle();
              oSubt.Subtitle.SubtitleId = sIdSubtitle;
              oSubt.Subtitle.languageCode = sSubLanguage;
              oSubt.Subtitle.targetCountry = "";        // To be determined later
              oSubt.Subtitle.Date = sSubDate;
              oSubt.Subtitle.textHash = "";             // similarity hash
              // (2e) Create a licence part
              oSubtiel.Components.SUBTIEL.Subtitle.License = new CMDComponentsSUBTIELSubtitleLicense();
              oSubt.Subtitle.License.LicenseCode = "";  // To be determined
              oSubt.Subtitle.License.LicenseDate = "";  // To be determined
              oSubt.Subtitle.License.LicenseDetails = sSubTranslator;
              String sSubLicense = (sSubTranslator == "") ? "" : "subtranslator";
              oSubt.Subtitle.License.LicenseType = sSubLicense;
              // (2f) Create a Subtitler/Author part
              oSubtiel.Components.SUBTIEL.Subtitle.Author = new CMDComponentsSUBTIELSubtitleAuthor();
              oSubt.Subtitle.Author.Age = "";
              oSubt.Subtitle.Author.Pseudonym = sUserNickName;
              oSubt.Subtitle.Author.Name = "";
              oSubt.Subtitle.Author.UserClass = sUserClass;
              oSubt.Subtitle.Author.UserID = sUserId;
              // (2g) Create a residence place for the author
              oSubtiel.Components.SUBTIEL.Subtitle.Author.ResidencePlace = new CMDComponentsSUBTIELSubtitleAuthorResidencePlace();
              oSubt.Subtitle.Author.ResidencePlace.countryCode = "";
              oSubt.Subtitle.Author.ResidencePlace.Town = "";

              // TODO: calculate hash and statistics...
              oSubtiel.Components.SUBTIEL.Subtitle.Statistics = new CMDComponentsSUBTIELSubtitleStatistics();
              oSubt.Subtitle.Statistics.nSentences = 0;
              oSubt.Subtitle.Statistics.nWords = 0;

              oSubtiel.Components.SUBTIEL.Subtitle.StatusInfo = new CMDComponentsSUBTIELSubtitleStatusInfo();
     = "none";

              // Serialize into output
              var serializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(CMD));
              using (var stream = new StreamWriter(sFileCmdi))
                serializer.Serialize(stream, oSubtiel);

            } else {
              errHandle.Status("OpsToCmdi no information for: " + sFileInXml);
            // Remove the xml file again

            return true;
              } catch (Exception ex) {
            errHandle.DoError("oprConv/ConvertOneOpsToCmdi", ex);
            return false;