Esempio n. 1
        public async Task ImportSources()
            var json = LoadFile();

            if (json == null)

                var client = await authenticator.GetAuthenticatedClient();

                JArray array = JArray.Parse(json);
                await ImportSources(client, array);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"Failed to deserialize the file");
                Console.WriteLine($"Please addapt your file based on the following example");
                ImportSource sampleSite =
                    new ImportSource
                    Id           = 12345,
                    Name         = "My Source",
                    Description  = "Source description",
                    SourceTypeId = 72,
                    TimeZoneId   = "Romance Standard Time",
                    EnergyTypeId = 1,
                    Variables    = new List <VariableImport>
                        new VariableImport
                            VariableTypeId      = 0,
                            UnitId              = 8,
                            Divider             = 1,
                            Granularity         = 10,
                            GranularityTimeBase = TimePeriod.Minute
                        new VariableImport
                            VariableTypeId      = 25,
                            UnitId              = 8,
                            Divider             = 1,
                            Granularity         = 10,
                            GranularityTimeBase = TimePeriod.Minute
                Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new[] { sampleSite }, Formatting.Indented));
Esempio n. 2
        private async Task ImportVariables(JToken sourceToken, HttpClient client, ImportSource source)
            var variables = sourceToken[nameof(ImportSource.Variables)];

            if (variables != null)
                var variableArray = variables.ToObject <JArray>();
                foreach (var variableToken in variableArray)
                    var importVariable = variableToken.ToObject <VariableImport>();

                    if (importVariable.Id.HasValue)
                        var variablePatch = new JsonPatchDocument();
                        WalkNode(variableToken, "", (n, path) =>
                            foreach (var property in n.Properties())
                                if (property.Value.Type != JTokenType.Array && property.Value.Type != JTokenType.Object && property.Value.Type != JTokenType.Property &&
                                    !string.Equals(property.Name, nameof(VariableImport.Id), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                    variablePatch.Replace($"{path}{property.Name}", property.ToObject(GetPropertyType(property.Value.Type)));
                        await DataCreator.PatchVariable(client, source.Id.Value, importVariable.Id.Value, variablePatch);

                        Console.WriteLine($"update variable - id <{importVariable.Id}> of type <{importVariable.VariableTypeId}> source <{source.Name}>");
                        var variable = await DataCreator.CreateVariable(client, source.Id.Value, importVariable);

                        Console.WriteLine($"Created variable - id <{variable.Id}> of type <{importVariable.VariableTypeId}> source <{source.Name}>");