Esempio n. 1
 public static QBCParser getMidiSong(string fileName, bool forceRB3)
     QBCParser qbc = null;
     Song song = null;
     try {
         song = MidReader.ReadMidi(fileName);
         String chartFile = ChartWriter.writeChart(song, "", false, forceRB3).ToString();
         ChartParser chartParser = new ChartParser(chartFile, false);
         qbc = chartParser.method_3();
     catch(Exception e)
         MessageBox.Show("Error using the new MIDI import method.\nReverting to original GHTCP method. \n\n" + e.ToString(), "MIDI Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
         qbc = new MIDIParser(fileName).method_0().method_3();
     return qbc;
Esempio n. 2
 public ChartParser method_2(GH3Song gh3Song_1)
     ChartParser @class = new ChartParser(this.gh3Song_0);
     @class.constant480 = this.int_1;
     if (gh3Song_1 != null)
     this.class228_6 = new Track<int, int>();
     if (this.class239_0 != null)
         int value = this.class239_0[0];
         this.class239_0[0] = 0;
         int num = 0;
         for (int i = 1; i < this.class239_0.Count; i++)
             int num2 = this.class239_0[i] - this.class239_0[i - 1];
             int num3 = Convert.ToInt32(60000000.0 / (double)num2);
             if (num3 != num)
                 @class.bpmInterpreter.bpmList.Add((i - 1) * this.int_1, num3);
                 num = num3;
             this.class228_6.Add(this.class239_0[i - 1], num2);
         this.class239_0[0] = value;
         @class.sectionInterpreter.otherList.Add(this.method_0(this.class239_0[this.class239_0.Count - 1]), new List<string>(new string[]
         foreach (int current in this.class228_1.Keys)
             @class.sectionInterpreter.sectionList.Add(this.method_0(current), this.class228_1[current]);
         foreach (int current2 in this.tsList.Keys)
             @class.bpmInterpreter.TSList.Add(this.method_0(current2), this.tsList[current2][0]);
         Track<int, int> class2 = new Track<int, int>();
         Track<int, int> class3 = new Track<int, int>();
         foreach (int current3 in this.class228_2.Keys)
             int num4 = this.method_0(current3);
             int num5 = this.method_0(current3 + this.class228_2[current3] - this.int_0) - num4;
             class2.Add(num4, (num5 <= this.int_1 / 4) ? 0 : num5);
         foreach (int current4 in this.class228_3.Keys)
             int num4 = this.method_0(current4);
             int num5 = this.method_0(current4 + this.class228_3[current4] - this.int_0) - num4;
             class3.Add(num4, (num5 <= this.int_1 / 4) ? 0 : num5);
         Track<int, int> class4 = new Track<int, int>();
         Track<int, int> class5 = new Track<int, int>();
         foreach (int current5 in this.bpmList.Keys)
             int num4 = this.method_0(current5);
             int num5 = this.method_0(current5 + this.bpmList[current5] - this.int_0) - num4;
             class4.Add(num4, (num5 <= this.int_1 / 4) ? 0 : num5);
         foreach (int current6 in this.class228_5.Keys)
             int num4 = this.method_0(current6);
             int num5 = this.method_0(current6 + this.class228_5[current6] - this.int_0) - num4;
             class5.Add(num4, (num5 <= this.int_1 / 4) ? 0 : num5);
         string[] array = new string[]
         string[] array2 = new string[]
         for (int j = 0; j < array2.Length; j++)
             string text = array2[j];
             string[] array3 = new string[]
             for (int k = 0; k < array3.Length; k++)
                 string text2 = array3[k];
                 string[] array4 = array;
                 for (int l = 0; l < array4.Length; l++)
                     string text3 = array4[l];
                     string key = (text2.ToLower() + ((text == "Double") ? "coop" : "") + "_" + text3.ToLower()).Replace("guitar_", "");
                     if (this.noteList.ContainsKey(key))
                         NoteEventInterpreter class6 = new NoteEventInterpreter();
                         Track<int, NotesAtOffset> class7 = this.noteList[key];
                         foreach (int current7 in class7.Keys)
                             int num4 = this.method_0(current7);
                             int num5 = this.method_0(current7 + class7[current7].sustainLength - this.int_0) - num4;
                             class6.noteList.Add(num4, new NotesAtOffset(class7[current7].noteValues, (num5 <= this.int_1 / 4) ? 0 : num5));
                         class6.alwaysTrue = false;
                         if (this.spList.ContainsKey(key))
                             Track<int, int[]> class8 = this.spList[key];
                             foreach (int current8 in class8.Keys)
                                 int num4 = this.method_0(current8);
                                 int num5 = this.method_0(current8 + class8[current8][0] - this.int_0) - num4;
                                 class6.class228_1.Add(num4, (num5 <= this.int_1 / 4) ? 0 : num5);
                         if (this.battleNoteList.ContainsKey(key))
                             Track<int, int[]> class9 = this.spList[key];
                             foreach (int current9 in class9.Keys)
                                 int num4 = this.method_0(current9);
                                 int num5 = this.method_0(current9 + class9[current9][0] - this.int_0) - num4;
                                 class6.class228_4.Add(num4, (num5 <= this.int_1 / 4) ? 0 : num5);
                         class6.class228_2 = class2;
                         class6.class228_3 = class3;
                         class6.class228_5 = class4;
                         class6.class228_6 = class5;
                         @class.difficultyWithNotes.Add(text3 + text + text2, class6);
         this.class228_6 = null;
         return @class;
     return null;
Esempio n. 3
 private void LoadChart_EditorBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     string fileName;
     if (!(fileName = KeyGenerator.OpenOrSaveFile("Select the game track file.", "Any Supported Game Track Formats|*.qbc;*.dbc;*_song.pak.xen;*.mid;*.chart|GH3CP QB Based Chart File|*.qbc|GH3CP dB Based Chart File|*.dbc|GH3 Game Track file|*_song.pak.xen|GH standard Midi file|*.mid|dB standard or GH3CP Chart file|*.chart", true)).Equals(""))
         QBCParser qbcParser;
             if (fileName.EndsWith("_song.pak.xen"))
                 string str = KeyGenerator.GetFileName(fileName).Replace("_song.pak.xen", "");
                 using (zzPakNode2 @class = new zzPakNode2(fileName, false))
                     if ([email protected]_6("songs\\" + str + ".mid.qb"))
                         throw new Exception("MID.QB song file not found.");
                     qbcParser = new QBCParser(str, @class.zzGetNode1("songs\\" + str + ".mid.qb"));
                     goto IL_DA;
             if (fileName.EndsWith(".qbc"))
                 qbcParser = new QBCParser(fileName);
             else if (fileName.EndsWith(".mid"))
                 qbcParser = Midi2Chart.getMidiSong(fileName, this.forceRB3MidConversionToolStripMenuItem.Checked);
                 qbcParser = new ChartParser(fileName).method_3();
         catch (Exception ex)
             MessageBox.Show("Error loading game track file!\n" + ex.Message);
         this.SongName_EditorLbl.Text = qbcParser.gh3Song_0.title;
         foreach (string current in qbcParser.noteList.Keys)
         this.SelectedTrack_EditorBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
         this.Offset_EditorTxtBox.Text = string.Concat(qbcParser.gh3Song_0.gem_offset);
Esempio n. 4
 private void MassImporter_MenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     FolderBrowserDialog folderBrowserDialog = new FolderBrowserDialog();
     folderBrowserDialog.ShowNewFolderButton = false;
     folderBrowserDialog.Description = "Please select a folder that contains the folder structure for mass song importing.";
     folderBrowserDialog.RootFolder = Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory;
     if (folderBrowserDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
     string[] directories = Directory.GetDirectories(folderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
     List<string> list = new List<string>(directories);
     string[] array = directories;
     for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
         string file = array[i];
             List<string> list2 = KeyGenerator.checkFile(file, "*.mid;*.chart;*.qbc;*.dbc", true);
             List<string> list3 = KeyGenerator.checkFile(file, "*.wav;*.mp3;*.ogg", true);
             string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(file, "*.dat", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
             if (list2.Count != 0 && (list3.Count != 0 || files.Length != 0))
                 GH3Song gH3Song = this.bool_0 ? new GHASong() : new GH3Song();
        = KeyGenerator.GetFileName(file).ToLower().Replace(" ", "").Replace('.', '_');
                 if ( > 30)
                 if (QbSongClass1.smethod_4( || this.gh3Songlist_0.method_3(
                     int num = 2;
                     while (QbSongClass1.smethod_4( + num) || this.gh3Songlist_0.method_3( + num))
                     GH3Song expr_176 = gH3Song;
            += num;
                 QBCParser qbcParser = null;
                 foreach (string current in list2)
                         if (current.EndsWith(".qbc"))
                             qbcParser = new QBCParser(current);
                         else if (current.EndsWith(".mid"))
                             qbcParser = Midi2Chart.getMidiSong(current, this.forceRB3MidConversionToolStripMenuItem.Checked);
                             qbcParser = new ChartParser(current).method_3();
                 if (qbcParser != null)
                     zzQbSongObject class2 = null;
                     if (files.Length != 0)
                         string[] array2 = files;
                         for (int j = 0; j < array2.Length; j++)
                             string text2 = array2[j];
                                 if (File.Exists(text2.Replace(".dat.xen", ".fsb.xen")))
                                     class2 = new zzQbSongObject(text2);
                                     if ((int)new FileInfo(text2.Replace(".dat.xen", ".fsb.xen")).Length == class2.int_0)
                     if (class2 != null || list3.Count != 0)
                         SongData songData = new SongData(, qbcParser, class2, list3.ToArray());
                         Class250 class3 = songData.method_1(this.class319_0, this.dataFolder);
                         Class248 class4 = songData.method_0(this.dataFolder);
                         if (File.Exists(file + "\\song.ini"))
                             string[] array3 = File.ReadAllLines(file + "\\song.ini");
                             for (int k = 0; k < array3.Length; k++)
                                 string text3 = array3[k];
                                 if (text3.StartsWith("name"))
                                     gH3Song.title = text3.Remove(0, text3.IndexOf('=') + 1).Trim();
                                 else if (text3.StartsWith("artist"))
                                     gH3Song.artist = text3.Remove(0, text3.IndexOf('=') + 1).Trim();
                         gH3Song.no_rhythm_track = !class4.bool_0;
                         gH3Song.use_coop_notetracks = class4.bool_1;
                         gH3Song.version = 3;
                         gH3Song.leaderboard = true;
                         gH3Song.editable = true;
                         this.gh3Songlist_0.Add(, gH3Song);
     this.method_4(new Class247(this.class319_0, this.gh3Songlist_0));
     if (list.Count != 0)
         string text4 = "The follwing songs (by folder name) failed:";
         foreach (string current2 in list)
             text4 = text4 + "\n" + KeyGenerator.GetFileName(current2);
         MessageBox.Show(text4, "Error!");
Esempio n. 5
 public ChartParser method_0()
     string name = "";
     name = name + new FileInfo(this.fileLocation).Name + ":\n";
         this.midiReader = MIDIReader.smethod_0(this.fileLocation);
     catch (Exception)
         throw new IOException(name + "Unknown Error: Could not parse MIDI sequence.");
     foreach (MIDILine current in this.midiReader.getMidiLineList())
         if (current.method_2().Equals("PART GUITAR"))
             this.isPartGuitar = true;
         else if (current.method_2().Equals("EVENTS"))
             this.isEvents = true;
     if (this.midiReader.getMidiLineList().Count == 1 && !this.isPartGuitar)
         this.midiReader.getMidiLineList()[0].method_3("PART GUITAR");
         this.isPartGuitar = true;
     if (!this.isPartGuitar)
         throw new IOException(name + "PART GUITAR not found. No chart created.");
     ChartParser chartParser = new ChartParser();
     this.bpmInterpreter = chartParser.bpmInterpreter;
     this.sectionInterpreter = chartParser.sectionInterpreter;
     chartParser.difficultyWithNotes.Add("EasySingle", this.easySingle);
     chartParser.difficultyWithNotes.Add("MediumSingle", this.mediumSingle);
     chartParser.difficultyWithNotes.Add("HardSingle", this.hardSingle);
     chartParser.difficultyWithNotes.Add("ExpertSingle", this.expertSingle);
     chartParser.difficultyWithNotes.Add("EasyDoubleGuitar", this.easyDoubleGuitar);
     chartParser.difficultyWithNotes.Add("MediumDoubleGuitar", this.mediumDoubleGuitar);
     chartParser.difficultyWithNotes.Add("HardDoubleGuitar", this.hardDoubleGuitar);
     chartParser.difficultyWithNotes.Add("ExpertDoubleGuitar", this.expertDoubleGuitar);
     chartParser.difficultyWithNotes.Add("EasyDoubleBass", this.easyDoubleBass);
     chartParser.difficultyWithNotes.Add("MediumDoubleBass", this.mediumDoubleBass);
     chartParser.difficultyWithNotes.Add("HardDoubleBass", this.hardDoubleBass);
     chartParser.difficultyWithNotes.Add("ExpertDoubleBass", this.expertDoubleBass);
     chartParser.instrumentList.Add("EasyDrums", this.easyDrums);
     chartParser.instrumentList.Add("MediumDrums", this.mediumDrums);
     chartParser.instrumentList.Add("HardDrums", this.hardDrums);
     chartParser.instrumentList.Add("ExpertDrums", this.expertDrums);
     chartParser.instrumentList.Add("EasyKeyboard", this.easyKeyboard);
     chartParser.instrumentList.Add("MediumKeyboard", this.mediumKeyboard);
     chartParser.instrumentList.Add("HardKeyboard", this.hardKeyboard);
     chartParser.instrumentList.Add("ExpertKeyboard", this.expertKeyboard);
     chartParser.constant480 = 480;
     this.resolution = 480.0 / (double)this.midiReader.method_0();
     object obj = name;
     name = string.Concat(new object[]
         "NumTracks = ",
     foreach (MIDILine midiLine in this.midiReader.getMidiLineList())
         if (midiLine.method_2().Equals("PART GUITAR"))
             this.getNotes(midiLine, 0);
         else if (midiLine.method_2().Equals("T1 GEMS"))
             this.getNotes(midiLine, 0);
         else if (midiLine.method_2().Equals("PART GUITAR COOP"))
             this.getNotes(midiLine, 1);
         else if (midiLine.method_2().Equals("PART RHYTHM"))
             this.notBass = true;
             this.getNotes(midiLine, 3);
         else if (midiLine.method_2().Equals("PART BASS"))
             this.getNotes(midiLine, 3);
         else if (midiLine.method_2().Equals("EVENTS"))
             this.getNotes(midiLine, 4);
         else if (midiLine.method_2().Equals("BAND DRUMS"))
             this.getNotes(midiLine, 5);
         else if (midiLine.method_2().Equals("BAND KEYS"))
             this.getNotes(midiLine, 7);
             name = name + "Track (" + midiLine.method_2() + ") ignored.\n";
     chartParser.gh3SongInfo.title = this.songTitle;
     chartParser.gh3SongInfo.not_bass = this.notBass;
     name += "Conversion Complete!";
     return chartParser;