protected virtual MLineStyle OnMLineStyleChangeEvent(MLineStyle oldMLineStyle, MLineStyle newMLineStyle) { MLineStyleChangeEventHandler ae = this.MLineStyleChange; if (ae != null) { TableObjectChangeEventArgs<MLineStyle> eventArgs = new TableObjectChangeEventArgs<MLineStyle>(oldMLineStyle, newMLineStyle); ae(this, eventArgs); return eventArgs.NewValue; } return newMLineStyle; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>MLine</c> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="vertexes">MLine <see cref="Vector2">vertex</see> location list in object coordinates.</param> /// <param name="style">MLine <see cref="MLineStyle">style.</see></param> /// <param name="scale">MLine scale.</param> /// <param name="isClosed">Sets if the multiline is closed</param> public MLine(ICollection<Vector2> vertexes, MLineStyle style, double scale, bool isClosed = false) : base(EntityType.MLine, DxfObjectCode.MLine) { this.scale = scale; if (style == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("style", "The MLine style cannot be null."); if (isClosed) this.flags = MLineFlags.Has | MLineFlags.Closed; else this.flags = MLineFlags.Has; = style; this.justification = MLineJustification.Zero; this.elevation = 0.0; if (vertexes == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("vertexes"); this.SetVertexes(vertexes); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>MLine</c> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="vertexes">MLine <see cref="Vector2">vertex</see> location list in object coordinates.</param> /// <param name="style">MLine <see cref="MLineStyle">style.</see></param> /// <param name="scale">MLine scale.</param> /// <param name="isClosed">Sets if the multiline is closed (default: false).</param> public MLine(IEnumerable<Vector2> vertexes, MLineStyle style, double scale, bool isClosed) : base(EntityType.MLine, DxfObjectCode.MLine) { this.scale = scale; if (style == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(style)); if (isClosed) this.flags = MLineFlags.Has | MLineFlags.Closed; else this.flags = MLineFlags.Has; = style; this.justification = MLineJustification.Zero; this.elevation = 0.0; if (vertexes == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(vertexes)); this.vertexes = new List<MLineVertex>(); foreach (Vector2 point in vertexes) this.vertexes.Add(new MLineVertex(point, Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero, null)); this.Update(); }
private void WriteMLineStyle(MLineStyle style, string ownerHandle) { this.chunk.Write(0, style.CodeName); this.chunk.Write(5, style.Handle); this.chunk.Write(330, ownerHandle); this.chunk.Write(100, SubclassMarker.MLineStyle); this.chunk.Write(2, this.EncodeNonAsciiCharacters(style.Name)); this.chunk.Write(70, (short) style.Flags); this.chunk.Write(3, this.EncodeNonAsciiCharacters(style.Description)); this.chunk.Write(62, style.FillColor.Index); if (style.FillColor.UseTrueColor) // && this.doc.DrawingVariables.AcadVer > DxfVersion.AutoCad2000) this.chunk.Write(420, AciColor.ToTrueColor(style.FillColor)); this.chunk.Write(51, style.StartAngle); this.chunk.Write(52, style.EndAngle); this.chunk.Write(71, (short) style.Elements.Count); foreach (MLineStyleElement element in style.Elements) { this.chunk.Write(49, element.Offset); this.chunk.Write(62, element.Color.Index); if (element.Color.UseTrueColor) // && this.doc.DrawingVariables.AcadVer > DxfVersion.AutoCad2000) this.chunk.Write(420, AciColor.ToTrueColor(element.Color)); this.chunk.Write(6, this.EncodeNonAsciiCharacters(element.LineType.Name)); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>MLine</c> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="vertexes">MLine <see cref="Vector2">vertex</see> location list in object coordinates.</param> /// <param name="style">MLine <see cref="MLineStyle">style.</see></param> /// <param name="scale">MLine scale.</param> public MLine(IEnumerable<Vector2> vertexes, MLineStyle style, double scale) : this(vertexes, style, scale, false) { }
private MLineStyle ReadMLineStyle() { string handle = null; string name = null; string description = null; AciColor fillColor = AciColor.ByLayer; double startAngle = 90.0; double endAngle = 90.0; MLineStyleFlags flags = MLineStyleFlags.None; List<MLineStyleElement> elements = new List<MLineStyleElement>(); this.chunk.Next(); while (this.chunk.Code != 0) { switch (this.chunk.Code) { case 5: handle = this.chunk.ReadHex(); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 2: name = this.DecodeEncodedNonAsciiCharacters(this.chunk.ReadString()); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 3: description = this.DecodeEncodedNonAsciiCharacters(this.chunk.ReadString()); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 62: if (!fillColor.UseTrueColor) fillColor = AciColor.FromCadIndex(this.chunk.ReadShort()); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 420: fillColor = AciColor.FromTrueColor(this.chunk.ReadInt()); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 70: flags = (MLineStyleFlags) this.chunk.ReadShort(); this.chunk.Next(); break; case 51: startAngle = this.chunk.ReadDouble(); if (startAngle < 10.0 || startAngle > 170.0) startAngle = 90.0; this.chunk.Next(); break; case 52: endAngle = this.chunk.ReadDouble(); if (endAngle < 10.0 || endAngle > 170.0) endAngle = 90.0; this.chunk.Next(); break; case 71: short numElements = this.chunk.ReadShort(); elements = this.ReadMLineStyleElements(numElements); break; default: this.chunk.Next(); break; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) return null; MLineStyle style = new MLineStyle(name, elements, description) { Handle = handle, FillColor = fillColor, Flags = flags, StartAngle = startAngle, EndAngle = endAngle }; return style; }
public static void ModifyingMLineStyles() { DxfDocument doc = new DxfDocument(DxfVersion.AutoCad2010); doc.DrawingVariables.LtScale = 10; List<Vector2> vertexes = new List<Vector2> { new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 150), new Vector2(150, 150), new Vector2(150, 0) }; MLine mline = new MLine(vertexes); mline.Scale = 20; mline.Justification = MLineJustification.Zero; MLineStyle style = new MLineStyle("MyStyle", "Personalized style."); style.Elements.Add(new MLineStyleElement(0.25)); style.Elements.Add(new MLineStyleElement(-0.25)); // if we add new elements directly to the list we need to sort the list, style.Elements.Sort(); style.Flags = MLineStyleFlags.EndInnerArcsCap | MLineStyleFlags.EndRoundCap | MLineStyleFlags.StartInnerArcsCap | MLineStyleFlags.StartRoundCap; // AutoCad2000 dxf version does not support true colors for MLineStyle elements style.Elements[0].Color = new AciColor(180, 230, 147); doc.AddEntity(mline); // change the multi line style after it has been added to the document mline.Style = style; Debug.Assert(ReferenceEquals(mline.Style, doc.MlineStyles[mline.Style.Name]), "Reference not equals."); // VERY IMPORTANT: We have modified the MLine after setting its vertexes so we need to manually call this method. // It is also necessary when manually editing the vertex distances. mline.Update(); // the line type will be automatically added to the document foreach (MLineStyleElement e in style.Elements) { // making changes after the MLineStyle has been added to the document e.LineType = LineType.Dashed; Debug.Assert(ReferenceEquals(e.LineType, doc.LineTypes[e.LineType.Name]), "Reference not equals."); } MLine copy = (MLine) mline.Clone(); copy.Scale = 100; doc.AddEntity(copy); // once the entity has been added to the document, changing its style requires that the new style is also present in the document. copy.Style = doc.MlineStyles["standard"]; // VERY IMPORTANT: We have modified the MLine after setting its vertexes so we need to manually call this method. // It is also necessary when manually editing the vertex distances. copy.Update(); doc.Save("ModifyingMLineStyle.dxf"); Test("ModifyingMLineStyle.dxf"); }
private static void WriteMLine() { DxfDocument dxf = new DxfDocument(); //MLineStyle style = MLineStyle.Default; //dxf.AddMLineStyle(style); List<Vector2> vertexes = new List<Vector2> { new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 150), new Vector2(150, 150), new Vector2(150, 0) }; MLine mline = new MLine(vertexes); mline.Scale = 20; mline.Justification = MLineJustification.Zero; //mline.IsClosed = true; MLineStyle style = new MLineStyle("MyStyle", "Personalized style."); style.Elements.Add(new MLineStyleElement(0.25)); style.Elements.Add(new MLineStyleElement(-0.25)); // if we add new elements directly to the list we need to sort the list, style.Elements.Sort(); style.Flags = MLineStyleFlags.EndInnerArcsCap | MLineStyleFlags.EndRoundCap | MLineStyleFlags.StartInnerArcsCap | MLineStyleFlags.StartRoundCap; //style.StartAngle = 25.0; //style.EndAngle = 160.0; // AutoCad2000 dxf version does not support true colors for MLineStyle elements style.Elements[0].Color = new AciColor(180, 230, 147); mline.Style = style; // we have modified the multiline after setting its vertexes so we need to manually call this method. // also when manually editing the vertex distances mline.Update(); // we can manually create cuts or gaps in the individual elements that made the multiline. // the cuts are defined as distances from the start point of the element along its direction. mline.Vertexes[0].Distances[0].Add(50); mline.Vertexes[0].Distances[0].Add(100); mline.Vertexes[0].Distances[mline.Style.Elements.Count-1].Add(50); mline.Vertexes[0].Distances[mline.Style.Elements.Count-1].Add(100); dxf.AddEntity(mline); dxf.DrawingVariables.AcadVer = DxfVersion.AutoCad2004; dxf.Save("MLine.dxf"); //dxf = DxfDocument.Load("Drawing1.dxf"); //dxf.Save("Drawing1 copy.dxf"); //dxf = DxfDocument.Load("Drawing3.dxf"); //dxf.Save("Drawing3 copy.dxf"); //dxf = DxfDocument.Load("Drawing2.dxf"); //dxf.Save("Drawing2 copy.dxf"); // empty mline //List<Vector2> vertexes2 = new List<Vector2> // { // new Vector2(0, 0), // new Vector2(100, 100), // new Vector2(100, 100), // new Vector2(200, 0) // }; //MLine mline2 = new MLine(vertexes2){Scale = 20}; //mline2.CalculateVertexesInfo(); //DxfDocument dxf2 = new DxfDocument(); //dxf2.AddEntity(mline2); ////dxf2.Save("void mline.dxf"); //MLine mline3 = new MLine(); //dxf2.AddEntity(mline3); ////dxf2.Save("void mline.dxf"); //Polyline pol = new Polyline(); //LwPolyline lwPol = new LwPolyline(); //dxf2.AddEntity(pol); //dxf2.AddEntity(lwPol); //dxf2.Save("void mline.dxf"); //dxf2 = DxfDocument.Load("void mline.dxf"); }
private static void MLineStyleUsesAndRemove() { DxfDocument dxf = new DxfDocument(); //MLineStyle style = MLineStyle.Default; //dxf.AddMLineStyle(style); List<Vector2> vertexes = new List<Vector2> { new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 150), new Vector2(150, 150), new Vector2(150, 0) }; MLine mline = new MLine(vertexes); mline.Scale = 20; mline.Justification = MLineJustification.Zero; //mline.IsClosed = true; MLineStyle style = new MLineStyle("MyStyle", "Personalized style."); style.Elements.Add(new MLineStyleElement(0.25)); style.Elements.Add(new MLineStyleElement(-0.25)); // if we add new elements directly to the list we need to sort the list, style.Elements.Sort(); style.Flags = MLineStyleFlags.EndInnerArcsCap | MLineStyleFlags.EndRoundCap | MLineStyleFlags.StartInnerArcsCap | MLineStyleFlags.StartRoundCap; //style.StartAngle = 25.0; //style.EndAngle = 160.0; // AutoCad2000 dxf version does not support true colors for MLineStyle elements style.Elements[0].Color = new AciColor(180, 230, 147); mline.Style = style; // we have modified the mline after setting its vertexes so we need to manually call this method. // also when manually editting the vertex distances mline.Update(); // we can manually create cuts or gaps in the individual elements that made the multiline. // the cuts are defined as distances from the start point of the element along its direction. mline.Vertexes[0].Distances[0].Add(50); mline.Vertexes[0].Distances[0].Add(100); mline.Vertexes[0].Distances[mline.Style.Elements.Count - 1].Add(50); mline.Vertexes[0].Distances[mline.Style.Elements.Count - 1].Add(100); dxf.AddEntity(mline); dxf.DrawingVariables.AcadVer = DxfVersion.AutoCad2004; dxf.Save("MLine.dxf"); DxfDocument dxf2 = DxfDocument.Load("MLine.dxf"); // "MyStyle" is used only once List<DxfObject> uses; uses = dxf.MlineStyles.GetReferences(mline.Style.Name); // if we try to get the LineTypeUses, we will find out that "MyStyle" appears several times, // this is due to that each MLineStyleElement of a MLineStyle has an associated LineType uses = dxf.LineTypes.GetReferences(LineType.ByLayerName); bool ok; ok = dxf.RemoveEntity(mline); // "MyStyle" is not used its reference has been deleted uses = dxf.MlineStyles.GetReferences(mline.Style.Name); // we can safely remove it dxf.MlineStyles.Remove(mline.Style.Name); dxf.Save("MLine2.dxf"); dxf.Layers.Clear(); dxf.Save("MLine2.dxf"); }