Esempio n. 1
        private static void RegisterClass(RegistryRecord record, JNIEnv env)
            string package       = record.CLRInterface.Namespace;
            string className     = record.CLRInterface.Name;
            string interfaceName = record.JVMName;
            string proxyName;
            string staticName;

            if (record.IsJVMClass)
                staticName = GetStaticName(package, className, true);
                proxyName  = null;
            else if (record.IsInterface)
                proxyName  = GetProxyName(package, className, true);
                staticName = GetStaticName(package, className, true);
            else if (record.IsDelegate)
                proxyName  = GetProxyName(package, className, true);
                staticName = interfaceName;
                proxyName  = interfaceName;
                staticName = interfaceName;
            if (record.IsJVMClass)
                record.JVMInterface = LoadClass(interfaceName, env, false);
Esempio n. 2
        private static void RegisterProxy(Type proxyType, Type interfaceType, ref RegistryRecord record)
            if (record == null)
                if (!knownCLRProxies.TryGetValue(proxyType, out record))
                    if (!knownCLRInterfaces.TryGetValue(interfaceType, out record))
                        record = new RegistryRecord
                            CLRAssembly = proxyType.Assembly,
                            IsInterface = interfaceType.IsInterface
            record.CLRInterface       = interfaceType;
            record.CLRProxy           = proxyType;
            record.CLRConstructor     = GetConstructor(proxyType);
            record.CLRProxyInitMethod = GetProxyInitializer(proxyType);
            record.CLRName            = interfaceType.FullName;

            knownCLRProxies[proxyType]        = record;
            knownCLRInterfaces[interfaceType] = record;
            knownCLR[interfaceType]           = record;
            knownCLR[proxyType] = record;
Esempio n. 3
        private static void RegisterPrimitiveType(string clazzName, Type type, Type jvmBoxed)
            var   record = new RegistryRecord();
            Class clazz  = Class.getPrimitiveClass(clazzName);

            record.JVMInterface = clazz;
            record.IsJVMClass   = true;
            record.CLRInterface = type;
            record.IsCLRType    = true;
            record.JVMName      = clazzName;
            record.CLRName      = type.Name;
            if (jvmBoxed != null)
                RegistryRecord jvmBoxedRec = knownCLR[jvmBoxed];
                record.JVMConstructor = jvmBoxedRec.JVMConstructor;
                record.JVMProxy       = jvmBoxedRec.JVMProxy;
                record.JVMStatic      = jvmBoxedRec.JVMStatic;
                record.JVMBound       = jvmBoxedRec.JVMBound;

            knownJVMInterfaces[clazz] = record;
            knownJVM[clazz]           = record;
            //knownCLRInterfaces[record.CLRInterface] = record;
            //knownCLR[record.CLRInterface] = record;
Esempio n. 4
 private static void BindJvm(RegistryRecord record, ClassLoader classLoader, JNIEnv env)
     RegisterClass(record, classLoader, env);
     if (record.CLRProxy != null)
         if (record.IsJVMClass || Bridge.Setup.BindCLRTypes)
             RegisterStaticAndMethods(record, env);
             if (record.IsDelegate)
                 MethodInfo      methodInfo    = record.CLRInterface.GetMethod("Invoke");
                 ParameterInfo[] parameterInfo = methodInfo.GetParameters();
                 Type[]          param         = new Type[parameterInfo.Length];
                 for (int i = 0; i < param.Length; i++)
                     param[i] = parameterInfo[i].ParameterType;
                 record.JVMDelegateInvoke = record.CLRProxy.GetMethod("Invoke", param);
         if (initialized && Bridge.Setup.BindStatic)
             RegisterTypeOf(record, env);
     if (initialized)
         if (Bridge.Setup.BindNative && record.CLRWrapper != null)
             RegisterNative(record.CLRWrapperInitMethod, env, record.JVMProxy, record.JVMInterface);
         record.JVMBound = true;
Esempio n. 5
 private static void RegisterStaticAndMethods(RegistryRecord record, JNIEnv env)
         record.CLRProxyInitMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { env, record.JVMInterface });
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new JNIException("Can't initialize proxy " + record.CLRName, ex);
Esempio n. 6
        public static TRes StrongJ2Cp <TRes>(JNIEnv env, JniLocalHandle obj)
            where TRes : IJvmProxy
            if (JniHandle.IsNull(obj))
            Class          clazz  = env.GetObjectClass(obj);
            RegistryRecord record = Registry.GetJVMRecord(clazz);

            return((TRes)record.CreateCLRProxy(env, obj));
Esempio n. 7
 private static void RegisterClassToMap(RegistryRecord record)
     if (record.JVMInterface != null)
         knownJVMInterfaces[record.JVMInterface] = record;
         knownJVM[record.JVMInterface]           = record;
     if (record.JVMStatic != null)
         knownJVM[record.JVMStatic] = record;
Esempio n. 8
        public static JniHandle StrongC2Jp <TBoth>(JNIEnv env, TBoth obj)
            // ReSharper disable CompareNonConstrainedGenericWithNull
            if (obj == null)
            // ReSharper restore CompareNonConstrainedGenericWithNull
            RegistryRecord record = Registry.GetCLRRecord(obj.GetType());

            return(record.CreateJVMProxy(env, obj));
Esempio n. 9
        private static void RegisterClassProxy(Type proxyType, ref RegistryRecord record)
            JavaClassAttribute javaClassAttribute = GetJavaClassAttribute(proxyType);

            if (javaClassAttribute == null)

            RegisterProxy(proxyType, proxyType, ref record);
            record.IsJVMClass = true;
            record.CLRStatic  = proxyType;
Esempio n. 10
        public static object StrongJ2CpUntyped(IntPtr ptr)
            JNIEnv         env = JNIEnv.ThreadEnv;
            JniLocalHandle obj = ptr;

            if (JniHandle.IsNull(obj))
            Class          clazz  = env.GetObjectClass(obj);
            RegistryRecord record = Registry.GetJVMRecord(clazz);

            return(record.CreateCLRProxyNoDelete(env, obj));
Esempio n. 11
        private static void RegisterTypeOf(RegistryRecord record, JNIEnv env)
            MethodId constructor = knownCLR[typeof(Type)].JVMConstructor;
            var      h           = new Value {
                _long = IntHandle.Alloc(record.CLRInterface)
            var clazz    = Type_._class.jvmHandle;
            var typeInfo = new Value {
                _object = env.NewObjectPtr(clazz, constructor, Value.Null, h)

            env.CallStaticVoidMethod(record.JVMStatic, "InitJNI", "(Lnet/sf/jni4net/inj/INJEnv;Lsystem/Type;)V",
                                     new[] { Value.Null, typeInfo });
            //record.JVMStatic.Invoke("InitJNI", "(Lnet/sf/jni4net/inj/INJEnv;Lsystem/Type;)V", null, record.CLRInterface);
Esempio n. 12
        public static JniHandle StrongC2JDelegate(JNIEnv env, Delegate obj)
            if (obj == null)
            IJvmProxy proxy = obj.Target as IJvmProxy;

            if (proxy != null)
            RegistryRecord record = Registry.GetCLRRecord(obj.GetType());

            return(record.CreateJVMProxy(env, obj));
Esempio n. 13
        private static void RegisterClass(RegistryRecord record, ClassLoader classLoader, JNIEnv env)
            string package       = record.CLRInterface.Namespace;
            string className     = record.CLRInterface.Name;
            string interfaceName = record.JVMName;

            string proxyName;
            string staticName;

            if (record.IsJVMClass)
                staticName = GetStaticName(package, className, true);
                proxyName  = null;
            else if (record.IsInterface)
                proxyName  = GetProxyName(package, className, true);
                staticName = GetStaticName(package, className, true);
            else if (record.IsDelegate)
                proxyName  = GetProxyName(package, className, true);
                staticName = interfaceName;
                proxyName  = interfaceName;
                staticName = interfaceName;
            if (Bridge.Setup.BindCLRTypes || record.IsJVMClass)
                record.JVMInterface = LoadClass(interfaceName, classLoader, env);
            if (Bridge.Setup.BindStatic)
                record.JVMStatic = LoadClass(staticName, classLoader, env);
                if (proxyName != null)
                    record.JVMProxy                  = LoadClass(proxyName, classLoader, env);
                    record.JVMConstructor            = GetJVMConstructor(env, record.JVMProxy);
                    knownJVMProxies[record.JVMProxy] = record;
                    knownJVM[record.JVMProxy]        = record;
Esempio n. 14
        public static void RegisterType(Type type, bool bindJVM, JNIEnv env)
            if (Bridge.Setup.VeryVerbose)
                Console.WriteLine("Registration : " + type.FullName);
            RegistryRecord record = null;

            RegisterWrapper(type, ref record);
            RegisterInterfaceProxy(type, ref record);
            RegisterClassProxy(type, ref record);
            if (record != null)
                if (bindJVM && !record.JVMBound)
                    BindJvm(record, env);
Esempio n. 15
        private static void RegisterWrapper(Type wrapperType, ref RegistryRecord record)
            ClrWrapperAttribute wrapperAttribute = GetClrWrapperAttribute(wrapperType);

            if (wrapperAttribute == null)

            Type interfaceType = wrapperAttribute.InterfaceType;

            if (record == null)
                if (!knownCLRWrappers.TryGetValue(wrapperType, out record))
                    if (!knownCLRInterfaces.TryGetValue(interfaceType, out record))
                        record = new RegistryRecord
                            CLRAssembly = wrapperType.Assembly,
                            IsInterface = interfaceType.IsInterface,
                            IsCLRType   = !interfaceType.IsInterface,
                            IsDelegate  =
                                typeof(Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(interfaceType) &&
                                typeof(Delegate) != interfaceType &&
                                typeof(MulticastDelegate) != interfaceType,
            record.CLRInterface         = interfaceType;
            record.CLRWrapper           = wrapperType;
            record.CLRWrapperInitMethod = GetWrapperInitializer(wrapperType, "__Init");
            record.CLRName = interfaceType.FullName;
            record.JVMName = GetDefaultJavaName(interfaceType);

            record.CLRStatic = wrapperAttribute.StaticType;

            knownCLRWrappers[wrapperType]     = record;
            knownCLRInterfaces[interfaceType] = record;
            knownCLR[interfaceType]           = record;
            knownCLR[wrapperType]             = record;
Esempio n. 16
        private static void RegisterInterfaceProxy(Type proxyType, ref RegistryRecord record)
            JavaProxyAttribute javaProxyAttribute = GetJavaProxyAttribute(proxyType);

            if (javaProxyAttribute == null)

            Type interfaceType = javaProxyAttribute.InterfaceType;

            if (interfaceType == null)
                throw new JNIException("Can't initialize " + proxyType);

            RegisterProxy(proxyType, interfaceType, ref record);
            record.CLRStatic           = javaProxyAttribute.StaticType;
            knownCLR[record.CLRStatic] = record;
Esempio n. 17
        public static TRes FullJ2C <TRes>(JNIEnv env, JniLocalHandle obj)
            if (JniLocalHandle.IsNull(obj))
            Type reqType = typeof(TRes);

            if (reqType.IsPrimitive)
                return((TRes)PrimJ2C(obj, env, reqType));
            if (reqType.IsArray)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Call ArrayFullJ2C<TRes, TElem> instead");
            Class clazz = env.GetObjectClass(obj);
            if (reqType == typeof(string) && clazz == String._class)
                return((TRes)(object)StrongJ2CString(env, obj));

            //now we deal only with JVM instances
            RegistryRecord record = Registry.GetJVMRecord(clazz);
            if (reqType.IsAssignableFrom(record.CLRInterface))
                return((TRes)record.CreateCLRProxy(env, obj));
            record = Registry.GetCLRRecord(reqType);
            if (Bridge.Setup.Debug)
                if (!record.JVMInterface.isAssignableFrom(clazz))
                    throw new InvalidCastException("Can't cast JVM instance" + clazz + " to " + reqType);
            return((TRes)record.CreateCLRProxy(env, obj));
Esempio n. 18
        public static TRes StrongJ2CpDelegate <TRes>(JNIEnv env, JniLocalHandle obj)
            where TRes : class //Delegate
            if (!typeof(Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TRes)))
                throw new ArgumentException("expected delegate");
            if (JniHandle.IsNull(obj))
            object res = __IClrProxy.GetObject(env, obj);
            if (res == null)
                //that's delegate implemented in Java
                RegistryRecord delRecord = Registry.GetCLRRecord(typeof(TRes));
                IJvmProxy      jvmProxy  = delRecord.CreateCLRProxy(env, obj);
                return((TRes)(object)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(TRes), jvmProxy, delRecord.JVMDelegateInvoke));
        private static void RegisterClassProxy(Type proxyType, ref RegistryRecord record)
            JavaClassAttribute javaClassAttribute = GetJavaClassAttribute(proxyType);
            if (javaClassAttribute == null)

            RegisterProxy(proxyType, proxyType, ref record);
            record.IsJVMClass = true;
            record.CLRStatic = proxyType;
Esempio n. 20
        public static TRes FullJ2C <TRes>(JNIEnv env, JniLocalHandle obj)
            if (JniLocalHandle.IsNull(obj))
            Type reqType = typeof(TRes);

            if (reqType.IsPrimitive)
                return((TRes)PrimJ2C(obj, env, reqType));
            if (reqType.IsArray)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Call ArrayFullJ2C<TRes, TElem> instead");
            Class clazz = env.GetObjectClass(obj);
            if (reqType == typeof(string) && clazz == String._class)
                return((TRes)(object)StrongJp2CString(env, obj));

            if (IClrProxy_._class.isAssignableFrom(clazz))
                if (!reqType.IsInterface && typeof(IJvmProxy).IsAssignableFrom(reqType))
                    //now we double wrap
                    return((TRes)__IClrProxy.CreateProxy(env, obj));
                object res = __IClrProxy.GetObject(env, obj);
                if (res == null && Delegate_._class.isAssignableFrom(clazz))
                    //that's delegate implemented in Java
                    RegistryRecord delRecord = Registry.GetJVMRecord(clazz);
                    IJvmProxy      jvmProxy  = delRecord.CreateCLRProxy(env, obj);
                    Delegate       del       = Delegate.CreateDelegate(delRecord.CLRInterface, jvmProxy, delRecord.JVMDelegateInvoke);
                if (Bridge.Setup.Debug)
                    Type realType = res.GetType();
                    if (!reqType.IsAssignableFrom(realType))
                        throw new InvalidCastException("Can't cast CLR instance" + realType + " to " + reqType);

            //now we deal only with JVM instances
            RegistryRecord record = Registry.GetJVMRecord(clazz);
            if (reqType.IsAssignableFrom(record.CLRInterface))
                return((TRes)record.CreateCLRProxy(env, obj));
            record = Registry.GetCLRRecord(reqType);
            if (Bridge.Setup.Debug)
                if (!record.JVMInterface.isAssignableFrom(clazz))
                    throw new InvalidCastException("Can't cast JVM instance" + clazz + " to " + reqType);
            return((TRes)record.CreateCLRProxy(env, obj));
Esempio n. 21
        public static JniHandle FullC2J <TBoth>(JNIEnv env, TBoth obj)
            // ReSharper disable CompareNonConstrainedGenericWithNull
            if (obj == null)
            // ReSharper restore CompareNonConstrainedGenericWithNull
            Type reqType = typeof(TBoth);

            if (reqType.IsPrimitive)
                return(PrimC2J(env, obj, reqType));
            if (reqType.IsArray)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Call ArrayFullJ2C<TRes, TElem> instead");
            IJvmProxy proxy;
            Delegate  del = obj as Delegate;
            if (del != null)
                proxy = del.Target as IJvmProxy;
                proxy = obj as IJvmProxy;

            if (proxy != null)
                if (!reqType.IsInterface && !typeof(IJvmProxy).IsAssignableFrom(reqType))
                    //now we do double wrap
                    RegistryRecord recordW = Registry.GetCLRRecord(typeof(IJvmProxy));
                    return(recordW.CreateJVMProxy(env, obj));
                if (Bridge.Setup.Debug)
                    Class          clazzT  = env.GetObjectClass(proxy.JvmHandle);
                    RegistryRecord recordT = Registry.GetCLRRecord(reqType);
                    if (!recordT.JVMInterface.isAssignableFrom(clazzT))
                        throw new InvalidCastException("Can't cast JVM instance " + clazzT + " to " + reqType);

            Type realType = obj.GetType();
            if (reqType == typeof(String) && realType == typeof(string))
                return(StrongC2JString(env, (string)(object)obj));

            //Now we deal only with CLR instances
            RegistryRecord record = Registry.GetCLRRecord(realType);
            if (reqType.IsAssignableFrom(record.CLRInterface))
                return(record.CreateJVMProxy(env, obj));
            record = Registry.GetCLRRecord(reqType);
            if (Bridge.Setup.Debug)
                if (!record.CLRInterface.IsAssignableFrom(realType))
                    throw new InvalidCastException("Can't cast JVM instance" + realType + " to " + reqType);
            return(record.CreateJVMProxy(env, obj));
Esempio n. 22
 private static void RegisterClass(RegistryRecord record, JNIEnv env)
     string package = record.CLRInterface.Namespace;
     string className = record.CLRInterface.Name;
     string interfaceName = record.JVMName;
     string proxyName;
     string staticName;
     if (record.IsJVMClass)
         staticName = GetStaticName(package, className, true);
         proxyName = null;
     else if (record.IsInterface)
         proxyName = GetProxyName(package, className, true);
         staticName = GetStaticName(package, className, true);
     else if (record.IsDelegate)
         proxyName = GetProxyName(package, className, true);
         staticName = interfaceName;
         proxyName = interfaceName;
         staticName = interfaceName;
     if (record.IsJVMClass)
         record.JVMInterface = LoadClass(interfaceName, env, false);
Esempio n. 23
 private static void RegisterStaticAndMethods(RegistryRecord record, JNIEnv env)
         record.CLRProxyInitMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] {env, record.JVMInterface});
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new JNIException("Can't initialize proxy " + record.CLRName, ex);
Esempio n. 24
 private static void RegisterTypeOf(RegistryRecord record, JNIEnv env)
     MethodId constructor = knownCLR[typeof (Type)].JVMConstructor;
     var h = new Value {_long = IntHandle.Alloc(record.CLRInterface)};
     var clazz = Type_._class.jvmHandle;
     var typeInfo = new Value { _object = env.NewObjectPtr(clazz, constructor, Value.Null, h) };
     env.CallStaticVoidMethod(record.JVMStatic, "InitJNI", "(Lnet/sf/jni4net/inj/INJEnv;Lsystem/Type;)V",
                              new[] {Value.Null, typeInfo});
     //record.JVMStatic.Invoke("InitJNI", "(Lnet/sf/jni4net/inj/INJEnv;Lsystem/Type;)V", null, record.CLRInterface);
Esempio n. 25
 private static void BindJvm(RegistryRecord record, JNIEnv env)
     BindJvm(record, null, env);
 private static void BindJvm(RegistryRecord record, JNIEnv env)
     BindJvm(record, null, env);
 private static void BindJvm(RegistryRecord record, ClassLoader classLoader, JNIEnv env)
     RegisterClass(record, classLoader, env);
     if (record.CLRProxy != null)
         if (record.IsJVMClass || Bridge.Setup.BindCLRTypes)
             RegisterStaticAndMethods(record, env);
             if (record.IsDelegate)
                 MethodInfo methodInfo = record.CLRInterface.GetMethod("Invoke");
                 ParameterInfo[] parameterInfo = methodInfo.GetParameters();
                 Type[] param=new Type[parameterInfo.Length];
                 for (int i = 0; i < param.Length; i++)
                     param[i] = parameterInfo[i].ParameterType;
                 record.JVMDelegateInvoke = record.CLRProxy.GetMethod("Invoke", param);
         if (initialized && Bridge.Setup.BindStatic)
             RegisterTypeOf(record, env);
     if (initialized)
         if (Bridge.Setup.BindNative && record.CLRWrapper != null)
             RegisterNative(record.CLRWrapperInitMethod, env, record.JVMProxy, record.JVMInterface);
         record.JVMBound = true;
        private static void RegisterWrapper(Type wrapperType, ref RegistryRecord record)
            ClrWrapperAttribute wrapperAttribute = GetClrWrapperAttribute(wrapperType);
            if (wrapperAttribute == null)

            Type interfaceType = wrapperAttribute.InterfaceType;
            if (record == null)
                if (!knownCLRWrappers.TryGetValue(wrapperType, out record))
                    if (!knownCLRInterfaces.TryGetValue(interfaceType, out record))
                        record = new RegistryRecord
                                         CLRAssembly = wrapperType.Assembly,
                                         IsInterface = interfaceType.IsInterface,
                                         IsCLRType = !interfaceType.IsInterface,
                                         IsDelegate =
                                             typeof (Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(interfaceType) &&
                                             typeof (Delegate) != interfaceType &&
                                             typeof (MulticastDelegate) != interfaceType,
            record.CLRInterface = interfaceType;
            record.CLRWrapper = wrapperType;
            record.CLRWrapperInitMethod = GetWrapperInitializer(wrapperType, "__Init");
            record.CLRName = interfaceType.FullName;
            record.JVMName = interfaceType.Namespace.ToLowerInvariant() + "." + interfaceType.Name;
            record.CLRStatic = wrapperAttribute.StaticType;

            knownCLRWrappers[wrapperType] = record;
            knownCLRInterfaces[interfaceType] = record;
            knownCLR[interfaceType] = record;
            knownCLR[wrapperType] = record;
        private static void RegisterProxy(Type proxyType, Type interfaceType, ref RegistryRecord record)
            if (record == null)
                if (!knownCLRProxies.TryGetValue(proxyType, out record))
                    if (!knownCLRInterfaces.TryGetValue(interfaceType, out record))
                        record = new RegistryRecord
                                         CLRAssembly = proxyType.Assembly,
                                         IsInterface = interfaceType.IsInterface
            record.CLRInterface = interfaceType;
            record.CLRProxy = proxyType;
            record.CLRConstructor = GetConstructor(proxyType);
            record.CLRProxyInitMethod = GetProxyInitializer(proxyType);
            record.CLRName = interfaceType.FullName;
            record.JVMName = interfaceType.Namespace.ToLowerInvariant() + "." + interfaceType.Name;

            knownCLRProxies[proxyType] = record;
            knownCLRInterfaces[interfaceType] = record;
            knownCLR[interfaceType] = record;
            knownCLR[proxyType] = record;
        private static void RegisterPrimitiveType(string clazzName, Type type, Type jvmBoxed)
            var record = new RegistryRecord();
            Class clazz = Class.getPrimitiveClass(clazzName);
            record.JVMInterface = clazz;
            record.IsJVMClass = true;
            record.CLRInterface = type;
            record.IsCLRType = true;
            record.JVMName = clazzName;
            record.CLRName = type.Name;
            if (jvmBoxed != null)
                RegistryRecord jvmBoxedRec = knownCLR[jvmBoxed];
                record.JVMConstructor = jvmBoxedRec.JVMConstructor;
                record.JVMProxy = jvmBoxedRec.JVMProxy;
                record.JVMStatic = jvmBoxedRec.JVMStatic;
                record.JVMBound = jvmBoxedRec.JVMBound;

            knownJVMInterfaces[clazz] = record;
            knownJVM[clazz] = record;
            //knownCLRInterfaces[record.CLRInterface] = record;
            //knownCLR[record.CLRInterface] = record;
        private static void RegisterInterfaceProxy(Type proxyType, ref RegistryRecord record)
            JavaProxyAttribute javaProxyAttribute = GetJavaProxyAttribute(proxyType);
            if (javaProxyAttribute == null)

            Type interfaceType = javaProxyAttribute.InterfaceType;
            if (interfaceType == null)
                throw new JNIException("Can't initialize " + proxyType);

            RegisterProxy(proxyType, interfaceType, ref record);
            record.CLRStatic = javaProxyAttribute.StaticType;
            knownCLR[record.CLRStatic] = record;
 private static void RegisterClass(RegistryRecord record, ClassLoader classLoader, JNIEnv env)
     string package = record.CLRInterface.Namespace;
     string className = record.CLRInterface.Name;
     string interfaceName = record.JVMName;
     string proxyName;
     string staticName;
     if (record.IsJVMClass)
         staticName = GetStaticName(package, className, true);
         proxyName = null;
     else if (record.IsInterface)
         proxyName = GetProxyName(package, className, true);
         staticName = GetStaticName(package, className, true);
     else if (record.IsDelegate)
         proxyName = GetProxyName(package, className, true);
         staticName = interfaceName;
         proxyName = interfaceName;
         staticName = interfaceName;
     if (Bridge.Setup.BindCLRTypes || record.IsJVMClass)
         record.JVMInterface = LoadClass(interfaceName, classLoader, env);
     if (Bridge.Setup.BindStatic)
         record.JVMStatic = LoadClass(staticName, classLoader, env);
         if (proxyName != null)
             record.JVMProxy = LoadClass(proxyName, classLoader, env);
             record.JVMConstructor = GetJVMConstructor(env, record.JVMProxy);
             knownJVMProxies[record.JVMProxy] = record;
             knownJVM[record.JVMProxy] = record;
Esempio n. 33
        private static RegistryRecord ResolveNew(Class clazz)
            var fill = new List <Class> {
            Class          current = clazz.getSuperclass();
            RegistryRecord res;

            while (!knownJVM.TryGetValue(current, out res))
                current = current.getSuperclass();

            if (current == Object._class)
                RegistryRecord resi = null;
                // any interface is better than system.Object
                current = clazz;
                while (current != Object._class)
                    foreach (Class ifc in current.getInterfaces())
                        if (knownJVM.TryGetValue(ifc, out resi))
                            res  = resi;
                            fill = new List <Class> {
                            if (current != clazz)
                        foreach (Class ifcin in ifc.getInterfaces())
                            if (knownJVM.TryGetValue(ifcin, out resi))
                                res  = resi;
                                fill = new List <Class> {
                                if (current != clazz)
                        if (resi != null)
                    if (resi != null)
                    current = current.getSuperclass();

            foreach (Class newType in fill)
                knownJVM.Add(newType, res);
 private static void RegisterClassToMap(RegistryRecord record)
     if (record.JVMInterface != null)
         knownJVMInterfaces[record.JVMInterface] = record;
         knownJVM[record.JVMInterface] = record;
     if (record.JVMStatic != null)
         knownJVM[record.JVMStatic] = record;