Esempio n. 1
        // #define GXIMAGE_BUFFER_CAPACITY 0x8000
        // static uint8_t           sm_gxImage_buffer[GXIMAGE_BUFFER_CAPACITY];
        // static W_ihexMemImage_t  sm_gxImage0;
        public int test_1(String fileName)
            int r;

            W_ihexMemImage_t pI = new W_ihexMemImage_t();

            //pI = &sm_gxImage0;
            //pI.gx_bin = sm_gxImage_buffer;
            //pI.gx_binCapacity = sizeof(sm_gxImage_buffer); //GXIMAGE_BUFFER_CAPACITY

            //pI.gx_binCapacity = 0x8000;  //fake GXIMAGE_BUFFER_CAPACITY

             r = ks_ihex_LoadToMem.W_ihex_LoadToMem(pI, fileName);
            if (r != 0)
                return (r);

            Console.Write("=== test_1 ===\n");
            Console.Write("   Binary length = 0x{0:x04}, {1:d5}\n", pI.image_length, pI.image_length);
            Console.Write("   Binary   CRC  = 0x{0:x04}, {1:d5}\n", pI.image_crc, pI.image_crc);
            //          Console.Write("   Binary   CRC  = 0x%04x, %5d\n", pI.image_crc, pI.image_crc);

            r = test_1_save_bin_to_file("dfu_temp.bin", pI.image_array, pI.image_length);
            if (r != 0)
                return (r);

            r = test_1_save_DFUInit_data("dfu_temp.dat", pI.image_crc);
            if (r != 0)
                return (r);

            r = test_1_print_DFUInit_json("manifest.json", "dfu_temp.bin", "dfu_temp.dat", pI.image_crc);
            if (r != 0)
                return (r);

            return (0);
Esempio n. 2
        public static Int32 W_ihex_LoadToMem(W_ihexMemImage_t pI, String filename)
            int i;
            UInt16 crc16;
            intelStuff.ihex_recordset_t rs;
            int rv;
            UInt64 offset; //UInt64
            UInt64 count;  //UInt64


            //rs  = ihex_rs_from_file("C:/ble_nrf51/tandd/nrf51/examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_K1__/pca10028/s110/arm4/_build/nrf51422_xxac_s110.hex");
            //rs  = ihex_rs_from_file("C:/ble_nrf51/tandd/nrf51/examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_K2/pca10028/s110/arm4/_build/nrf51422_xxac_s110.hex");

            //----- Step 1: Load the file into the rs Record Set array -----
            rs = intelStuff.ihex_rs_from_file(filename);
            if (rs == null)
                Console.Write("Failed to get records from hex file\n");
                return (-1);

            //----- Setep ?: get total bye count of all data in record set ? -----
            pI._gx_size = (UInt32)intelStuff.ihex_rs_get_size(rs); //Note gets total size of all records
            Console.Write("  ihex_rs_get_size() . _gx_size = {0}\n", pI._gx_size);
            if (pI._gx_size > pI.gx_binCapacity)
                Console.Write("  Image File is too big for alotted memory. Image size = {0}, Memory size = {1}\n\n", pI._gx_size, pI.gx_binCapacity);
                return (-1);

            //----- Step ?: Get the address range -----
            rv = intelStuff.ihex_rs_get_address_range(rs, ref pI.image_start, ref pI.image_stop);
            if (rv != 0)
                Console.Write("  ihex_rs_get_address_range() rv = {0}, . image_start = 0x{1:x08}, . image_stop = 0x{2:x08}\n", rv, pI.image_start, pI.image_stop);
                return (rv);

            //rv = ihex_mem_copy(rs, dst, 0x30000/*8192*/, IHEX_WIDTH_8BIT, IHEX_ORDER_BIGENDIAN);

            offset = 0;
            count = (pI.image_stop + 1) - pI.image_start;
            //pI.image_array = new Byte[count]; //Real solution
            pI.image_array = new Byte[count + 256]; //Room to fiddle arout

            rv = intelStuff.ihex_mem_copy_from_offset(rs, ref pI.image_array, offset, count, intelStuff.ihex_width_t.IHEX_WIDTH_8BIT, intelStuff.ihex_byteorder_t.IHEX_ORDER_BIGENDIAN);
            //Console.Write("  ihex_mem_copy_from_offset() rv = {0}\n", rv);

            /* testing
            offset = 0x08;
            count = 0x10;
            rv = ihex_mem_copy_from_offset(rs, pI.image_array, offset, count, IHEX_WIDTH_8BIT, IHEX_ORDER_BIGENDIAN);
            Console.Write("rv = {0}\n", rv);

            offset = 0x2744;
            count = 0x100;
            rv = ihex_mem_copy_from_offset(rs, pI.image_array, offset, count, IHEX_WIDTH_8BIT, IHEX_ORDER_BIGENDIAN);
            Console.Write("rv = {0}\n", rv);

            //testing - start
            pI.image_length = (pI.image_stop + 1) - pI.image_start; // Real
            pI.image_length -= 5;
            for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                crc16 = 0xFFFF;
              //crc16 = dfu_crc16.crc16_compute(pI.image_array, (UInt16)pI.image_length, crc16);// = 0xffff);
                crc16 = dfu_crc16.calc_crc16(pI.image_array, crc16);
                Console.Write("                             image_length = {0} (0x{1:x}), data[{2:x04}] = 0x{3:x02},  crc16={4:x04} \n", pI.image_length, pI.image_length, pI.image_length - 1, pI.image_array[pI.image_length - 1], crc16);
            //testing - start

            // real
            pI.image_length = (pI.image_stop + 1) - pI.image_start; // Real
            crc16 = 0xFFFF;
              //crc16 = dfu_crc16.crc16_compute(pI.image_array, (UInt16)pI.image_length, crc16);// = 0xffff);
            crc16 = dfu_crc16.calc_crc16(pI.image_array, crc16);
            pI.image_crc = crc16;
            Console.Write("  (image_stop - image_start) image_length = {0} (0x{1:x}), data[{2:x04}] = 0x{3:x02},  crc16={4:x04} \n", pI.image_length, pI.image_length, pI.image_length-1, pI.image_array[pI.image_length-1], pI.image_crc);

            return (0);