public HTML_ELEMENT(string _type, string _params, string _content, HTML_ELEMENT _parent = null)
     this._type    = _type;
     this._params  = _params;
     this._content = _content;
     this._parent  = _parent;
        public static HTMLDom Parse_HTML(string html)
            HTMLDom Dom = new HTMLDom();

            string html_pattern = @"^((<)(?<Tag>[\S^<>]+)(\s*)(?<Params>.*)(>))?";
            Regex  html_regex   = new Regex(html_pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

            Stack <char> S = new Stack <char>(html.ToCharArray().Reverse());
            //Array.ForEach(S.ToArray(), e => Debug.Write(e));

            Stack <string> MS = new Stack <string>();

            ArrayList clist = new ArrayList();

            int reader_state = 0; //0-Default, 1-Script, 2-Comments

            while (S.Count() != 0)
                //If the code finds what looks like an html statement it will iterate over it using a stack in order to
                //ensure that is is a regular statement.
                char c = S.Pop();
                if (c.Equals('<'))

                    while (S.Count != 0 && !c.Equals('>'))
                        c = S.Pop();

                    string p = new string((char[])clist.ToArray(typeof(char))).ToLowerInvariant();
                    //Now handle it using a regex expression.
                    //Array.ForEach(clist.ToArray(), e => Debug.Write(e));
                    Match M = html_regex.Match(p);
                    //GroupCollection G = M.Groups;
                    //Debug.WriteLine("\t" + M.Name + " :: " + M.Value);
                    //foreach(Group g in G)
                    //    Debug.WriteLine("\t\t" + g.Name + " :: " + g.Value);
                    /*Debug.WriteLine("" + M.Groups[5].Name + " :: " + M.Groups[5].Value);*/

                    //If prog finds opening bracket then simply push.
                    if (html_spec_openers.Contains(M.Groups[5].Value))
                        if (html_spec_openers[M.Groups[5].Value].Equals(M.Groups[5].Value))
                            string       _element_type = (string)M.Groups[5].Value;
                            HTML_ELEMENT _element      = new HTML_ELEMENT(_element_type, "", "");
                            Log.WriteTime("Indentified element type=" + _element_type);
                            Log.WriteTime("Pushed onto MStack='" + M.Groups[5].Value + "'");
                    //Check to see if the prog found a html dom child element. If not then prog expects one of more child objects.
                    else if (html_spec_closers.Contains(M.Groups[5].Value))
                        string closer_check = MS.Peek();
                        //Check for matching open and closing bracket.
                        Log.WriteTime("Checked HTML DOM potential match: Stack.Peek()='"
                                      + closer_check + "', Regex Match='" + M.Groups[5].Value + "', Openers,Closers=',"
                                      + html_spec_closers[M.Groups[5].Value] + "," + html_spec_openers[closer_check]);

                        if (html_spec_openers[closer_check].Equals(M.Groups[5].Value))
                            Debug.Assert(html_spec_closers[M.Groups[5].Value] is string);
                            string _element_type = (string)html_spec_closers[M.Groups[5].Value];
                            Log.WriteTime("Indentified element type=" + _element_type);
                            HTML_ELEMENT _element = new HTML_ELEMENT(_element_type, "", "");
                        Log.WriteTime("Failed to parse '" + M.Groups[5].Value + "' with name '" + M.Groups[5].Name + "'.");
                    Debug.WriteLine("\t" + M.Groups[5].Value + " :: " + (html_spec_openers.Contains(M.Groups[5].Value) ? html_spec_openers[M.Groups[5].Value] : html_spec_closers[M.Groups[5].Value]));

            if (MS.Count != 0)
                Log.WriteTime("ERROR: Failed to fully unwind MatchStack with " + MS.Count + " remaining");
                Log.WriteTime("\tUnwinding Stack...");
                foreach (string er in MS)
                    Log.WriteTime("\t\t" + er);