public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); try { Instance = this; Hwnd = Handle; mp.Init(); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; Application.ThreadException += Application_ThreadException; Msg.SupportURL = ""; WPF.WPF.Init(); System.Windows.Application.Current.ShutdownMode = System.Windows.ShutdownMode.OnExplicitShutdown; Text += " " + Application.ProductVersion; object recent = RegHelp.GetObject(App.RegPath, "Recent"); if (recent is string[] r) { RecentFiles = new List <string>(r); } else { RecentFiles = new List <string>(); } var wpfColor = WPF.WPF.ThemeColor; Color color = Color.FromArgb(wpfColor.A, wpfColor.R, wpfColor.G, wpfColor.B); ToolStripRendererEx.InitColors(color, App.IsDarkMode); ContextMenu = new ContextMenuStripEx(components); ContextMenu.Opened += ContextMenu_Opened; ContextMenu.Opening += ContextMenu_Opening; App.ProcessCommandLineEarly(); if (mp.Screen == -1) { mp.Screen = Array.IndexOf(Screen.AllScreens, Screen.PrimaryScreen); } int targetIndex = mp.Screen; Screen[] screens = Screen.AllScreens; if (targetIndex < 0) { targetIndex = 0; } if (targetIndex > screens.Length - 1) { targetIndex = screens.Length - 1; } Screen screen = screens[Array.IndexOf(screens, screens[targetIndex])]; Rectangle target = screen.Bounds; Left = target.X + (target.Width - Width) / 2; Top = target.Y + (target.Height - Height) / 2; int posX = RegHelp.GetInt(App.RegPath, "PosX"); int posY = RegHelp.GetInt(App.RegPath, "PosY"); if (posX != 0 && posY != 0 && App.RememberPosition) { Left = posX - Width / 2; Top = posY - Height / 2; } mp.Shutdown += Shutdown; mp.VideoSizeChanged += VideoSizeChanged; mp.FileLoaded += FileLoaded; mp.Idle += Idle; mp.VideoSizeAutoResetEvent.WaitOne(1500); if (Height < FontHeight * 4) { SetFormPosAndSize(); } mp.observe_property_bool("fullscreen", PropChangeFullscreen); mp.observe_property_bool("ontop", PropChangeOnTop); mp.observe_property_bool("border", PropChangeBorder); mp.observe_property_string("sid", PropChangeSid); mp.observe_property_string("aid", PropChangeAid); mp.observe_property_string("vid", PropChangeVid); mp.observe_property_int("edition", PropChangeEdition); } catch (Exception ex) { Msg.ShowException(ex); } }
public static void ExecuteMpvCommand() // deprecated 2019 { InvokeOnMainThread(new Action(() => { string command = VB.Interaction.InputBox("Enter a mpv command to be executed.", "Execute Command", RegHelp.GetString(App.RegPath, "RecentExecutedCommand")); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command)) { return; } RegHelp.SetObject(App.RegPath, "RecentExecutedCommand", command); mp.command(command, false); })); }
public static void execute_mpv_command(string[] args) { MainForm.Instance.Invoke(new Action(() => { string command = VB.Interaction.InputBox("Enter a mpv command to be executed.", "Execute Command", RegHelp.GetString(App.RegPath, "RecentExecutedCommand")); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command)) { return; } RegHelp.SetObject(App.RegPath, "RecentExecutedCommand", command); mp.command_string(command, false); })); }
protected override void OnClosed(EventArgs e) { base.OnClosed(e); WriteToDisk(); RegHelp.SetObject(App.RegPath, "config editor search", SearchControl.Text); }