private void PutBounds(mosek.Task task, IEnumerable <int> indices) { foreach (int vid in indices) { Rational lo, hi; GetBounds(vid, out lo, out hi); mosek.boundkey bk; if (GetIgnoreBounds(vid)) { bk =; } else { bk = GetMosekBk(lo, hi); } if (IsRow(vid)) { task.putbound(mosek.accmode.con, rowMap[vid], bk, (double)lo, (double)hi); } else { task.putbound(mosek.accmode.var, varMap[vid], bk, (double)lo, (double)hi); } } }
private bool InitSoltypeDefined(mosek.Task task, out mosek.soltype sol) { int isdef_bas; int isdef_itr; int isdef_itg; task.solutiondef(mosek.soltype.bas, out isdef_bas); task.solutiondef(mosek.soltype.itr, out isdef_itr); task.solutiondef(mosek.soltype.itg, out isdef_itg); sol = mosek.soltype.itg; if (isdef_bas == 0 && isdef_itr == 0 && isdef_itg == 0) { return(false); } if (isdef_itg == 1) { sol = mosek.soltype.itg; } if (isdef_bas == 1) { sol = mosek.soltype.bas; } else if (isdef_itr == 1) { sol = mosek.soltype.itr; } return(true); }
private void UpdateSolution(mosek.Task task) { double[] xx = new double[VariableCount]; double[] xc = new double[RowCount]; mosek.stakey[] skx = new mosek.stakey[VariableCount]; mosek.stakey[] skc = new mosek.stakey[RowCount]; mosek.soltype sol; primalObjIsdef = InitSoltypeDefined(task, out solDefined); if (GetSoltypeDefined(out sol)) { task.getsolutionstatus( sol, out prosta, out solsta); } if (GetSoltypeDefined(out sol)) { task.getsolutionstatuskeyslice( mosek.accmode.var, sol, 0, VariableCount, skx); task.getsolutionstatuskeyslice( mosek.accmode.con, sol, 0, RowCount, skc); task.getsolutionslice( sol, mosek.solitem.xx, 0, VariableCount, xx); task.getsolutionslice( sol, mosek.solitem.xc, 0, RowCount, xc); UpdateSolutionPart(RowIndices, xc, skc); UpdateSolutionPart(VariableIndices, xx, skx); } if (GetSoltypeDefined(out sol)) { primalObjIsdef = true; primalObj = task.getprimalobj(sol); } }
private void LoadData(mosek.Task task) { SetDimensions(task); PutA(task); PutBounds(task, VariableIndices); PutBounds(task, RowIndices); PutObj(task); SetIntergerStatus(task, Indices); }
private void PutObj(mosek.Task task) { if (GoalCount > 1) { throw new MosekMsfUnsupportedFeatureException("Multiple goals."); } foreach (ILinearGoal goal in Goals) { if (goal.Enabled) { if (goal.Minimize) { task.putobjsense(mosek.objsense.minimize); } else { task.putobjsense(mosek.objsense.maximize); } if (IsRow(goal.Index)) { goalUsed = goal; double mul = -(1.0 / (double)GetCoefficient(goal.Index, goal.Index)); foreach (LinearEntry e in GetRowEntries(goal.Index)) { task.putcj(varMap[e.Index], (double)e.Value * mul); } foreach (QuadraticEntry e in GetRowQuadraticEntries(goal.Index)) { double mul2 = 1.0; if (e.Index2 == e.Index1) { mul2 = 2.0; } /* We assume that either q_ij or q_ji is nonzero, not both. * We put all elements in the lower triangular part. */ int index1 = varMap[e.Index1]; int index2 = varMap[e.Index2]; int ltIndex1 = System.Math.Max(index1, index2); int ltIndex2 = System.Math.Min(index1, index2); task.putqobjij(ltIndex1, ltIndex2, (double)e.Value * mul * mul2); } } else { task.putcj(varMap[goal.Index], 1.0); } } } }
protected virtual void SetIntergerStatus(mosek.Task task, IEnumerable <int> indices) { foreach (int vid in indices) { if (GetIntegrality(vid)) { if (IsRow(vid)) { throw new MosekMsfUnsupportedFeatureException("Integrality constraints on rows."); } else { task.putvartype(varMap[vid], mosek.variabletype.type_int); } } } }
public void LoadMosekParams(mosek.Task task) { foreach (KeyValuePair <mosek.iparam, int> p in iparam) { task.putintparam(p.Key, p.Value); } foreach (KeyValuePair <mosek.dparam, double> p in dparam) { task.putdouparam(p.Key, p.Value); } foreach (KeyValuePair <mosek.sparam, string> p in sparam) { task.putstrparam(p.Key, p.Value); } }
private void PutA(mosek.Task task) { IEnumerable <int> vars = VariableIndices; IEnumerable <int> rows = RowIndices; int mskColIdx = 0; bool rowMult = false; /* If true one of the row variable coeficient differ from the default -1 and we must scale with - 1/rc */ /* for each constraint a 'row' variable 'r' is added. the constraint becomes a^x - r == 0. The coefficient (rc = -1) of the row variable may be changed by the user. * This corresponds to multiplying the constraint with - 1/rc */ foreach (int vid in rows) { if (GetCoefficient(vid, vid) != -1.0) { rowMult = true; } } if (rowMult) { foreach (int vid in vars) { foreach (LinearEntry e in GetVariableEntries(vid)) { double mul = -(1.0 / (double)GetCoefficient(e.Index, e.Index)); task.putaij(rowMap[e.Index], mskColIdx, (double)e.Value * mul); } mskColIdx++; } } else { foreach (int vid in vars) { foreach (LinearEntry e in GetVariableEntries(vid)) { task.putaij(rowMap[e.Index], mskColIdx, (double)e.Value); } mskColIdx++; } } }
public PositionTable <double> Optimize(Story story, PositionTable <double> position) { int count = -1; List <double> X = new List <double>(); int[,] index = new int[story.Characters.Count, story.FrameCount]; for (int i = 0; i < story.Characters.Count; ++i) { for (int frame = 0; frame < story.FrameCount; ++frame) { index[i, frame] = -2; } } for (int i = 0; i < story.Characters.Count; ++i) { for (int frame = 0; frame < story.FrameCount; ++frame) { if (story.SessionTable[i, frame] != -1) { if (frame > 0 && story.SessionTable[i, frame - 1] != -1 && Math.Abs(position[i, frame] - position[i, frame - 1]) < 1e-5) { index[i, frame] = count; } else { index[i, frame] = ++count; X.Add(position[i, frame]); } } } } Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, double> Q = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, double>(); for (int i = 0; i < X.Count; ++i) { Q.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(i, i), 2); } List <int> li = new List <int>(); List <int> lj = new List <int>(); List <double> lv = new List <double>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <Tuple <int, int>, double> pair in Q) { if (pair.Key.Item1 >= pair.Key.Item2 && pair.Value != 0) { li.Add(pair.Key.Item1); lj.Add(pair.Key.Item2); lv.Add((double)pair.Value); } } int[] qsubi = li.ToArray(); int[] qsubj = lj.ToArray(); double[] qval = lv.ToArray(); List <Tuple <int, int> > listInner = new List <Tuple <int, int> >(); List <Tuple <int, int> > listOuter = new List <Tuple <int, int> >(); for (int frame = 0; frame < story.FrameCount; ++frame) { List <Tuple <int, double> > l = new List <Tuple <int, double> >(); for (int i = 0; i < story.Characters.Count; ++i) { if (story.SessionTable[i, frame] != -1) { l.Add(new Tuple <int, double>(i, position[i, frame])); } } l.Sort((a, b) => a.Item2.CompareTo(b.Item2)); for (int k = 0; k < l.Count - 1; ++k) { int x = l[k].Item1; int y = l[k + 1].Item1; if (story.SessionTable[x, frame] == story.SessionTable[y, frame]) { if (!listInner.Contains(new Tuple <int, int>(index[x, frame], index[y, frame]))) { listInner.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(index[x, frame], index[y, frame])); } } else { if (!listOuter.Contains(new Tuple <int, int>(index[x, frame], index[y, frame]))) { listOuter.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(index[x, frame], index[y, frame])); } } } } const double infinity = 0; int NumConstraint = listInner.Count + listOuter.Count; int NumVariable = X.Count; double[] blx = new double[NumVariable]; double[] bux = new double[NumVariable]; mosek.boundkey[] bkx = new mosek.boundkey[NumVariable]; for (int i = 0; i < NumVariable; ++i) { bkx[i] = mosek.boundkey.ra; blx[i] = -double.MaxValue; bux[i] = double.MaxValue; } bkx[0] = mosek.boundkey.fx; bkx[0] = 0; bkx[0] = 0; int[][] asub = new int[NumVariable][]; double[][] aval = new double[NumVariable][]; List <int>[] asubList = new List <int> [NumVariable]; List <double>[] avalList = new List <double> [NumVariable]; for (int i = 0; i < NumVariable; ++i) { asubList[i] = new List <int>(); avalList[i] = new List <double>(); } for (int i = 0; i < listInner.Count; ++i) { Tuple <int, int> pair = listInner[i]; int x = pair.Item1; int y = pair.Item2; asubList[x].Add(i); avalList[x].Add(-1); asubList[y].Add(i); avalList[y].Add(1); } for (int i = 0; i < listOuter.Count; ++i) { int j = i + listInner.Count; Tuple <int, int> pair = listOuter[i]; int x = pair.Item1; int y = pair.Item2; asubList[x].Add(j); avalList[x].Add(-1); asubList[y].Add(j); avalList[y].Add(1); } for (int i = 0; i < NumVariable; ++i) { asub[i] = asubList[i].ToArray(); aval[i] = avalList[i].ToArray(); } mosek.boundkey[] bkc = new mosek.boundkey[NumConstraint]; double[] blc = new double[NumConstraint]; double[] buc = new double[NumConstraint]; for (int i = 0; i < listInner.Count; ++i) { bkc[i] = mosek.boundkey.fx; blc[i] = 0; buc[i] = 0; } for (int i = listInner.Count; i < listInner.Count + listOuter.Count; ++i) { bkc[i] = mosek.boundkey.lo; //blc[i] = 84; blc[i] = _app.Status.Config.Style.OuterGap; buc[i] = 1000; } mosek.Task task = null; mosek.Env env = null; double[] xx = new double[NumVariable]; try { env = new mosek.Env(); env.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass("")); env.init(); task = new mosek.Task(env, 0, 0); task.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass("")); task.putmaxnumvar(NumVariable); task.putmaxnumcon(NumConstraint); task.append(mosek.accmode.con, NumConstraint); task.append(mosek.accmode.var, NumVariable); task.putcfix(0.0); for (int j = 0; j < NumVariable; ++j) { task.putcj(j, -2 * X[j]); task.putbound(mosek.accmode.var, j, bkx[j], blx[j], bux[j]); task.putavec(mosek.accmode.var, j, asub[j], aval[j]); } for (int i = 0; i < NumConstraint; ++i) { task.putbound(mosek.accmode.con, i, bkc[i], blc[i], buc[i]); } task.putobjsense(mosek.objsense.minimize); task.putqobj(qsubi, qsubj, qval); task.optimize(); task.solutionsummary(mosek.streamtype.msg); mosek.solsta solsta; mosek.prosta prosta; task.getsolutionstatus(mosek.soltype.itr, out prosta, out solsta); task.getsolutionslice(mosek.soltype.itr, mosek.solitem.xx, 0, NumVariable, xx); switch (solsta) { case mosek.solsta.optimal: case mosek.solsta.near_optimal: Console.WriteLine("Optimal primal solution\n"); //for (int j = 0; j < NumVariable; ++j) // Console.WriteLine("x[{0}]:", xx[j]); break; case mosek.solsta.dual_infeas_cer: case mosek.solsta.prim_infeas_cer: case mosek.solsta.near_dual_infeas_cer: case mosek.solsta.near_prim_infeas_cer: Console.WriteLine("Primal or dual infeasibility.\n"); break; case mosek.solsta.unknown: Console.WriteLine("Unknown solution status.\n"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Other solution status"); break; } } catch (mosek.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Code); Console.WriteLine(e); } finally { if (task != null) { task.Dispose(); } if (env != null) { env.Dispose(); } } PositionTable <double> result = new PositionTable <double>(story.Characters.Count, story.FrameCount); for (int i = 0; i < story.Characters.Count; ++i) { for (int frame = 0; frame < story.FrameCount; ++frame) { if (story.SessionTable[i, frame] != -1) { result[i, frame] = xx[index[i, frame]]; } } } return(result); }
public PersistentOptimizer(StorylineApp app, Story story, PositionTable <int> perm, PositionTable <int> segment, double innerDist, double outerDist) { // restore data structures this._app = app; this.story = story; this.perm = perm; this.segment = segment; // initialize // index for Q at character i, timeframe j index = new int[story.Characters.Count, story.FrameCount]; for (int i = 0; i < story.Characters.Count; ++i) { for (int frame = 0; frame < story.FrameCount; ++frame) { index[i, frame] = -1; // invalid value } } // List <double> X = new List <double>(); int count = -1; for (int i = 0; i < story.Characters.Count; ++i) { for (int frame = 0; frame < story.FrameCount; ++frame) { if (story.SessionTable[i, frame] != -1) { if (frame > 0 && story.SessionTable[i, frame - 1] != -1 && segment[i, frame] == segment[i, frame - 1]) { index[i, frame] = count; } else { index[i, frame] = ++count; X.Add(perm[i, frame]); // assign perm to X } } } } int NumVariable = X.Count; xCount = X.Count; // calculate sparse objective matrix Q #region Matrix Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, double> matrix = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, double>(); for (int i = 0; i < X.Count; ++i) { matrix.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(i, i), 0.1);//simon, ctk } for (int i = 0; i < story.Characters.Count; ++i) { for (int frame = 0; frame < story.FrameCount - 1; ++frame) { int left = frame; int right = frame + 1; var leftSession = story.SessionTable[i, left]; var rightSession = story.SessionTable[i, right]; var needBreak = false; foreach (var sessionBreak in _app.Status.Config.SessionBreaks) { if (sessionBreak.session1 == leftSession && sessionBreak.session2 == rightSession && sessionBreak.frame == left) { needBreak = true; break; } } if (leftSession != -1 && rightSession != -1 && segment[i, left] != segment[i, right] && !needBreak) { Tuple <int, int> ll = new Tuple <int, int>(index[i, left], index[i, left]); Tuple <int, int> lr = new Tuple <int, int>(index[i, left], index[i, right]); Tuple <int, int> rl = new Tuple <int, int>(index[i, right], index[i, left]); Tuple <int, int> rr = new Tuple <int, int>(index[i, right], index[i, right]); if (!matrix.ContainsKey(ll)) { matrix.Add(ll, 0); } if (!matrix.ContainsKey(lr)) { matrix.Add(lr, 0); } if (!matrix.ContainsKey(rl)) { matrix.Add(rl, 0); } if (!matrix.ContainsKey(rr)) { matrix.Add(rr, 0); } matrix[ll] += 2; matrix[rr] += 2; matrix[lr] -= 2; matrix[rl] -= 2; } } } // sparse representation to matrix Q List <int> li = new List <int>(); List <int> lj = new List <int>(); List <double> lv = new List <double>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <Tuple <int, int>, double> pair in matrix) { if (pair.Key.Item1 >= pair.Key.Item2 && Math.Abs(pair.Value) > 0.000001) { li.Add(pair.Key.Item1); lj.Add(pair.Key.Item2); lv.Add(pair.Value); } } // input must be array instead of list int[] qsubi = li.ToArray(); int[] qsubj = lj.ToArray(); double[] qval = lv.ToArray(); #endregion // calculate inner and outer constraints #region Constraints // constraint { <index of k, index of k+1>: bundle} Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, int> constraints = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, int>(); List <int>[] asubList = new List <int> [NumVariable]; List <double>[] avalList = new List <double> [NumVariable]; for (int i = 0; i < NumVariable; ++i) { asubList[i] = new List <int>(); avalList[i] = new List <double>(); } List <mosek.boundkey> bkcList = new List <boundkey>(); List <double> blcList = new List <double>(); List <double> bucList = new List <double>(); var sessionInnerGaps = _app.Status.Config.sessionInnerGaps; var sessionOuterGaps = _app.Status.Config.sessionOuterGaps; // for each time frame int constraintCounter = 0; for (int frame = 0; frame < story.FrameCount; ++frame) { // charaters at timeframe List <Tuple <int, int> > l = new List <Tuple <int, int> >(); for (int i = 0; i < story.Characters.Count; ++i) { if (story.SessionTable[i, frame] != -1) { l.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(i, perm[i, frame])); } } // get character order in current frame // apply result in location tree sort l.Sort((a, b) => a.Item2.CompareTo(b.Item2)); for (int k = 0; k < l.Count - 1; ++k) { int x = l[k].Item1; int y = l[k + 1].Item1; // inner constraints // x is upper character var indexX = index[x, frame]; // y is lower character var indexY = index[y, frame]; var sessionX = story.SessionTable[x, frame]; var sessionY = story.SessionTable[y, frame]; if (sessionX == sessionY) { // lower character index and higher character index Tuple <int, int> tuple = new Tuple <int, int>(indexX, indexY); if (constraints.ContainsKey(tuple)) { var i = constraints[tuple]; Debug.Assert(i >= 0); // change default gaps with respect to sessionInnerGaps buildInnerGapConstraints(sessionInnerGaps, sessionX, blcList, i, bucList); } else { int i = constraintCounter++; // type ra for range, fx for fixed bkcList.Add(mosek.boundkey.ra); // add contraint of innergap +- 2 // lower blcList.Add(Math.Max(innerDist - 2, 2)); // upper bucList.Add(innerDist + 2); buildInnerGapConstraints(sessionInnerGaps, sessionX, blcList, i, bucList); // Row index of non - zeros in column i // sparse array for i-th constraint asubList[indexX].Add(i); // Non - zero Values of column i. avalList[indexX].Add(-1); asubList[indexY].Add(i); avalList[indexY].Add(1); // positive for inner gap // store the index for further modification // assigned in sessionInnerGaps constraints.Add(tuple, i); } } else { Tuple <int, int> tuple = new Tuple <int, int>(indexX, indexY); if (constraints.ContainsKey(tuple)) { var j = constraints[tuple]; Debug.Assert(j <= 0); j *= -1; // change default gaps with respect to sessionOuterGaps buildOuterGapConstraints(sessionOuterGaps, sessionX, sessionY, blcList, j, bucList, bkcList); } else { int j = constraintCounter++; // default setting bkcList.Add(mosek.boundkey.lo); blcList.Add(outerDist); bucList.Add(1000); buildOuterGapConstraints(sessionOuterGaps, sessionX, sessionY, blcList, j, bucList, bkcList); asubList[indexX].Add(j); avalList[indexX].Add(-1); asubList[indexY].Add(j); avalList[indexY].Add(1); // negative for outer gap // store the index for further modification // assigned in sessionInnerGaps constraints.Add(tuple, -j); } } } } foreach (KeyValuePair <Tuple <int, int>, int> pair in constraints) { if (pair.Value >= 0) { innerList.Add(pair.Key); } else { outerList.Add(pair.Key); } } int NumConstraint = innerList.Count + outerList.Count; // to array int[][] asub = new int[NumVariable][]; double[][] aval = new double[NumVariable][]; for (int i = 0; i < NumVariable; ++i) { asub[i] = asubList[i].ToArray(); aval[i] = avalList[i].ToArray(); } mosek.boundkey[] bkc = bkcList.ToArray(); double[] blc = blcList.ToArray(); double[] buc = bucList.ToArray(); Debug.Assert(constraintCounter == NumConstraint); #endregion // calculate variable bound double[] blx = new double[NumVariable]; double[] bux = new double[NumVariable]; mosek.boundkey[] bkx = new mosek.boundkey[NumVariable]; for (int i = 0; i < NumVariable; ++i) { bkx[i] = mosek.boundkey.ra; blx[i] = -12000; bux[i] = 12000; } // addCharacterYConstraints in a +- 10 range foreach (var yConstraint in _app.Status.Config.CharacterYConstraints) { if (yConstraint.frame < 0 || yConstraint.frame > story.FrameCount) { continue; } var i = index[yConstraint.characterId, yConstraint.frame]; if (i != -1) { blx[i] = yConstraint.lowerY; bux[i] = yConstraint.upperY; } } // setup mosek #region Mosek try { env = new mosek.Env(); env.init(); task = new mosek.Task(env, 0, 0); task.putmaxnumvar(NumVariable); task.putmaxnumcon(NumConstraint); task.append(mosek.accmode.con, NumConstraint); task.append(mosek.accmode.var, NumVariable); task.putcfix(0.0); for (int j = 0; j < NumVariable; ++j) { task.putcj(j, 0); task.putbound(mosek.accmode.var, j, bkx[j], blx[j], bux[j]); task.putavec(mosek.accmode.var, j, asub[j], aval[j]); } for (int i = 0; i < NumConstraint; ++i) { task.putbound(mosek.accmode.con, i, bkc[i], blc[i], buc[i]); } task.putobjsense(mosek.objsense.minimize); task.putqobj(qsubi, qsubj, qval); } catch (mosek.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Code); Console.WriteLine(e); } #endregion }
public LODOptimizer(StorylineApp app, List <Node>[] _nodePool) { _app = app; nodePool = _nodePool; count = 0; for (int frame = 0; frame < nodePool.Count(); frame++) { foreach (Node node in nodePool[frame]) { if (frame > 0 && node.alignPrev != null) { index.Add(node, index[node.alignPrev]); } else { index.Add(node, count++); } } } int NumVariable = index.Count; #region Matrix var matrix = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, double>(); for (int i = 0; i < index.Count; ++i) { matrix.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(i, i), 0.01);//simon } for (int frame = 0; frame < nodePool.Count() - 1; frame++) { foreach (Node left in nodePool[frame]) { foreach (Node right in nodePool[frame + 1]) { if (left.alignNext != right)//这样才有可能算进(yi-yj)^2里 { int weight = left.segments.Intersect(right.segments).Count(); Tuple <int, int> ll = new Tuple <int, int>(index[left], index[left]); Tuple <int, int> lr = new Tuple <int, int>(index[left], index[right]); Tuple <int, int> rl = new Tuple <int, int>(index[right], index[left]); Tuple <int, int> rr = new Tuple <int, int>(index[right], index[right]); if (!matrix.ContainsKey(ll)) { matrix.Add(ll, 0); } if (!matrix.ContainsKey(lr)) { matrix.Add(lr, 0); } if (!matrix.ContainsKey(rl)) { matrix.Add(rl, 0); } if (!matrix.ContainsKey(rr)) { matrix.Add(rr, 0); } matrix[ll] += weight; matrix[rr] += weight; matrix[lr] -= weight; matrix[rl] -= weight; } } } } List <int> li = new List <int>(); List <int> lj = new List <int>(); List <double> lv = new List <double>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <Tuple <int, int>, double> pair in matrix) { if (pair.Key.Item1 >= pair.Key.Item2 && pair.Value != 0) { li.Add(pair.Key.Item1); lj.Add(pair.Key.Item2); lv.Add(pair.Value); } } int[] qsubi = li.ToArray(); int[] qsubj = lj.ToArray(); double[] qval = lv.ToArray(); #endregion #region Constraints for (int frame = 0; frame < nodePool.Count(); frame++) { for (int i = 0; i < nodePool[frame].Count - 1; i++) { var nodeUp = nodePool[frame][i]; var nodeDown = nodePool[frame][i + 1]; if (nodeUp.type == NodeType.Segment && nodeDown.type == NodeType.Segment && nodeUp.parent == nodeDown.parent) { inner.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(index[nodeUp], index[nodeDown])); } else { outer.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(index[nodeUp], index[nodeDown])); } } } int NumConstraint = inner.Count + outer.Count; int[][] asub = new int[NumVariable][]; double[][] aval = new double[NumVariable][]; List <int>[] asubList = new List <int> [NumVariable]; List <double>[] avalList = new List <double> [NumVariable]; for (int i = 0; i < NumVariable; ++i) { asubList[i] = new List <int>(); avalList[i] = new List <double>(); } for (int i = 0; i < inner.Count; i++) { Tuple <int, int> pair = inner[i]; int x = pair.Item1; int y = pair.Item2; asubList[x].Add(i); avalList[x].Add(-1); asubList[y].Add(i); avalList[y].Add(1); } for (int i = 0; i < outer.Count; i++) { int j = i + inner.Count; Tuple <int, int> pair = outer[i]; int x = pair.Item1; int y = pair.Item2; asubList[x].Add(j); avalList[x].Add(-1); asubList[y].Add(j); avalList[y].Add(1); } for (int i = 0; i < NumVariable; ++i) { asub[i] = asubList[i].ToArray(); aval[i] = avalList[i].ToArray(); } mosek.boundkey[] bkc = new mosek.boundkey[NumConstraint]; double[] blc = new double[NumConstraint]; double[] buc = new double[NumConstraint]; for (int i = 0; i < inner.Count; ++i) { bkc[i] = mosek.boundkey.fx; blc[i] = _app.Status.Config.Style.DefaultInnerGap; buc[i] = _app.Status.Config.Style.DefaultInnerGap; } for (int i = inner.Count; i < inner.Count + outer.Count; ++i) { bkc[i] = mosek.boundkey.lo; blc[i] = _app.Status.Config.Style.OuterGap; buc[i] = 1000; } double[] blx = new double[NumVariable]; double[] bux = new double[NumVariable]; mosek.boundkey[] bkx = new mosek.boundkey[NumVariable]; for (int i = 0; i < NumVariable; ++i) { bkx[i] = mosek.boundkey.ra; blx[i] = -12000; bux[i] = 12000; } #endregion #region Mosek try { env = new mosek.Env(); env.init(); task = new mosek.Task(env, 0, 0); task.putmaxnumvar(NumVariable); task.putmaxnumcon(NumConstraint); task.append(mosek.accmode.con, NumConstraint); task.append(mosek.accmode.var, NumVariable); task.putcfix(0.0); for (int j = 0; j < NumVariable; ++j) { task.putcj(j, 0); task.putbound(mosek.accmode.var, j, bkx[j], blx[j], bux[j]); task.putavec(mosek.accmode.var, j, asub[j], aval[j]); } for (int i = 0; i < NumConstraint; ++i) { task.putbound(mosek.accmode.con, i, bkc[i], blc[i], buc[i]); } task.putobjsense(mosek.objsense.minimize); task.putqobj(qsubi, qsubj, qval); } catch (mosek.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Code); Console.WriteLine(e); } #endregion }
private void SetDimensions(mosek.Task task) { task.putmaxnumanz(CoefficientCount); task.append(mosek.accmode.con, RowCount); task.append(mosek.accmode.var, VariableCount); }
public virtual ILinearSolution Solve(ISolverParameters parameters) { lock (classLock) { if (env != null) /* If shutdown has already been called, env may be null. */ { mosek.Task task = null; task = new mosek.Task(env, 0, 0); task.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.log, null); task.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.msg, null); task.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.err, null); MosekSolverParams mosekParams = parameters as MosekSolverParams; interrupted = false; primalObjIsdef = false; foreach (System.Diagnostics.TraceListener listener in mosekParams.GetListeners()) { msgStream.AddListener(listener); } if (msgStream.listeners.Count > 0) { task.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.log, msgStream); } mosekParams.LoadMosekParams(task); progressCB = new MosekProgress(parameters.QueryAbort); task.ProgressCB = progressCB; if (disposed) { progressCB.Abort(); } LoadData(task); if (mosekParams.TaskDumpFileName != null) { task.writedata(mosekParams.TaskDumpFileName); } try { task.optimize(); } catch (mosek.Warning w) { if (w.Code == mosek.rescode.trm_user_callback) { interrupted = true; // feasible solutions ? if (task.getintinf(mosek.iinfitem.mio_num_int_solutions) > 0) { foundIntSolution = true; } } } catch (mosek.Error e) { throw new MosekMsfException(e.ToString()); } if (task.getintinf(mosek.iinfitem.mio_num_relax) > 0) { mipBestBound = task.getdouinf(dinfitem.mio_obj_bound); } task.solutionsummary(mosek.streamtype.log); UpdateSolution(task); progressCB = null; if (task != null) { task.Dispose(); task = null; } } } ILinearSolution sol = CreateLinearSolution(); return(sol); }