Esempio n. 1
        //void set_shadow_dRGB32(int mode, int dr, int dg, int db, bool noclip);

        //  configure_rgb_shadows - configure shadows
        //  for the RGB tables
        void configure_rgb_shadows(int mode, float factor)
            // only applies to RGB direct modes
            assert(m_format != bitmap_format.BITMAP_FORMAT_IND16);

            // verify the shadow table
            assert(mode >= 0 && mode < m_shadow_tables.Length);
            shadow_table_data stable = m_shadow_tables[mode];

            assert(stable.base_ != null);

            // regenerate the table
            int ifactor = (int)(factor * 256.0f);

            for (int rgb555 = 0; rgb555 < 32768; rgb555++)
                u8 r = rgb_t.clamp((pal5bit((uint8_t)(rgb555 >> 10)) * ifactor) >> 8);
                u8 g = rgb_t.clamp((pal5bit((uint8_t)(rgb555 >> 5)) * ifactor) >> 8);
                u8 b = rgb_t.clamp((pal5bit((uint8_t)(rgb555 >> 0)) * ifactor) >> 8);

                // store either 16 or 32 bit
                rgb_t final = new rgb_t(r, g, b);
                if (m_format == bitmap_format.BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB32)
                    stable.base_[rgb555] = final;
                    stable.base_[rgb555] = final.as_rgb15();
Esempio n. 2
         * @fn  void palette_t::update_adjusted_color(UINT32 group, UINT32 index)
         * @brief   -------------------------------------------------
         *            update_adjusted_color - update a color index by group and index pair
         *          -------------------------------------------------.
         * @param   group   The group.
         * @param   index   Zero-based index of the.
        void update_adjusted_color(uint32_t group, uint32_t index)
            // compute the adjusted value
            rgb_t adjusted = adjust_palette_entry(m_entry_color[index],
                                                  m_group_bright[group] + m_brightness,
                                                  m_group_contrast[group] * m_entry_contrast[index] * m_contrast,

            // if not different, ignore
            uint32_t finalindex = group * m_numcolors + index;

            if (m_adjusted_color[finalindex] == adjusted)

            // otherwise, modify the adjusted color array
            m_adjusted_color[finalindex] = adjusted;
            m_adjusted_rgb15[finalindex] = adjusted.as_rgb15();

            // mark dirty in all clients
            for (palette_client client = m_client_list; client != null; client =
Esempio n. 3
        //  allocate_color_tables - allocate memory for
        //  pen and color tables
        void allocate_color_tables()
            int total_colors = m_palette.num_colors() * m_palette.num_groups();

            // allocate memory for the pen table
            switch (m_format)
            case bitmap_format.BITMAP_FORMAT_IND16:
                // create a dummy 1:1 mapping
                m_pen_array.resize(total_colors + 2);
                ListPointer <rgb_t> pentable = new ListPointer <rgb_t>(m_pen_array); //pen_t *pentable = &m_pen_array[0];
                m_pens = new ListPointer <rgb_t>(m_pen_array);                       //m_pens = &m_pen_array[0];
                for (int i = 0; i < total_colors + 2; i++)
                    pentable[i] = new rgb_t((UInt32)i);          //pentable[i] = i;

            case bitmap_format.BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB32:
                m_pens = new ListPointer <rgb_t>(m_palette.entry_list_adjusted());     // reinterpret_cast<const pen_t *>(m_palette.entry_list_adjusted());

                m_pens = null;
Esempio n. 4
        // internal helpers

        //  adjust_palette_entry - adjust a palette
        //  entry for brightness
        rgb_t adjust_palette_entry(rgb_t entry, float brightness, float contrast, uint8_t [] gamma_map)
            int r = rgb_t.clamp((int)((float)(gamma_map[entry.r()]) * contrast + brightness));
            int g = rgb_t.clamp((int)((float)(gamma_map[entry.g()]) * contrast + brightness));
            int b = rgb_t.clamp((int)((float)(gamma_map[entry.b()]) * contrast + brightness));
            int a = entry.a();

            return(new rgb_t((uint8_t)a, (uint8_t)r, (uint8_t)g, (uint8_t)b));
Esempio n. 5
 public glyph()
     width    = -1;
     xoffs    = -1;
     yoffs    = -1;
     bmwidth  = 0;
     bmheight = 0;
     rawdata  = null;
     texture  = null;
     bitmap   = new bitmap_argb32();
     color    = new rgb_t();
Esempio n. 6
 protected void vg_add_point_buf(int x, int y, rgb_t color, int intensity)
     if (m_nvect < MAXVECT)
         m_vectbuf[m_nvect].status    = VGVECTOR;
         m_vectbuf[m_nvect].x         = x;
         m_vectbuf[m_nvect].y         = y;
         m_vectbuf[m_nvect].color     = color;
         m_vectbuf[m_nvect].intensity = intensity;
Esempio n. 7
        // entry setters

        //  entry_set_color - set the raw RGB color for a
        //  given palette index
        public void entry_set_color(uint32_t index, rgb_t rgb)
            // if unchanged, ignore
            if (m_entry_color[index] == rgb)

            assert(index < m_numcolors);

            // set the color
            m_entry_color[index] = rgb;

            // update across all groups
            for (int groupnum = 0; groupnum < m_numgroups; groupnum++)
                update_adjusted_color((uint32_t)groupnum, index);
Esempio n. 8
        public void add_point(int x, int y, rgb_t color, int intensity)
            //point *newpoint;

            intensity = std.clamp(intensity, 0, 255);

            m_min_intensity = intensity > 0 ? std.min(m_min_intensity, intensity) : m_min_intensity;
            m_max_intensity = intensity > 0 ? std.max(m_max_intensity, intensity) : m_max_intensity;

            if (vector_options.s_flicker != 0 && (intensity > 0))
                float random = (float)(machine().rand() & 255) / 255.0f; // random value between 0.0 and 1.0

                intensity -= (int)(intensity * random * vector_options.s_flicker);

                intensity = std.clamp(intensity, 0, 255);

            ref point newpoint = ref m_vector_list[m_vector_index];
Esempio n. 9
        //  set_indirect_color - set an indirect color
        public void set_indirect_color(int index, rgb_t rgb)
            // make sure we are in range
            assert(index < m_indirect_colors.size());

            // alpha doesn't matter

            // update if it has changed
            if (m_indirect_colors[index] != rgb)
                m_indirect_colors[index] = rgb;

                // update the palette for any colortable entries that reference it
                for (UInt32 pen = 0; pen < m_indirect_pens.size(); pen++)
                    if (m_indirect_pens[(int)pen] == index)
                        m_palette.entry_set_color(pen, rgb);
Esempio n. 10
        // utilities
        public void normalize_range(uint32_t start, uint32_t end, int lum_min = 0, int lum_max = 255)
            // clamp within range
            // start = std::max(start, 0U); ==> reduces to start = start
            end = std.min(end, m_numcolors - 1);

            // find the minimum and maximum brightness of all the colors in the range
            int32_t ymin = 1000 * 255;
            int32_t ymax = 0;

            for (uint32_t index = start; index <= end; index++)
                rgb_t    rgb = m_entry_color[index];
                uint32_t y   = (uint32_t)(299 * rgb.r() + 587 * rgb.g() + 114 * rgb.b());
                ymin = (int32_t)std.min((uint32_t)ymin, y);
                ymax = (int32_t)std.max((uint32_t)ymax, y);

            // determine target minimum/maximum
            int32_t tmin = (lum_min < 0) ? ((ymin + 500) / 1000) : lum_min;
            int32_t tmax = (lum_max < 0) ? ((ymax + 500) / 1000) : lum_max;

            // now normalize the palette
            for (uint32_t index = start; index <= end; index++)
                rgb_t   rgb    = m_entry_color[index];
                int32_t y      = 299 * rgb.r() + 587 * rgb.g() + 114 * rgb.b();
                int32_t u      = ((int32_t)rgb.b() - y / 1000) * 492 / 1000;
                int32_t v      = ((int32_t)rgb.r() - y / 1000) * 877 / 1000;
                int32_t target = tmin + ((y - ymin) * (tmax - tmin + 1)) / (ymax - ymin);
                uint8_t r      = rgb_t.clamp(target + 1140 * v / 1000);
                uint8_t g      = rgb_t.clamp(target - 395 * u / 1000 - 581 * v / 1000);
                uint8_t b      = rgb_t.clamp(target + 2032 * u / 1000);
                entry_set_color(index, new rgb_t(r, g, b));
Esempio n. 11
        void background_draw_colorsplit(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, rgb_t color, int split, int split_flipped)
            /* horizontal bgcolor split */
            if (m_flipscreen_x != 0)
                rectangle draw = cliprect;
                draw.max_x = std.min(draw.max_x, split_flipped * m_x_scale - 1);
                if (draw.min_x <= draw.max_x)
                    bitmap.fill(, draw);

                draw       = cliprect;
                draw.min_x = std.max(draw.min_x, split_flipped * m_x_scale);
                if (draw.min_x <= draw.max_x)
                    bitmap.fill(color, draw);
                rectangle draw = cliprect;
                draw.max_x = std.min(draw.max_x, split * m_x_scale - 1);
                if (draw.min_x <= draw.max_x)
                    bitmap.fill(color, draw);

                draw       = cliprect;
                draw.min_x = std.max(draw.min_x, split * m_x_scale);
                if (draw.min_x <= draw.max_x)
                    bitmap.fill(, draw);
Esempio n. 12
        *   resample_argb_bitmap_average - resample a texture
        *   by performing a true weighted average over
        *   all contributing pixels
        *  -------------------------------------------------*/
        static void resample_argb_bitmap_average(PointerU32 dest, u32 drowpixels, u32 dwidth, u32 dheight, PointerU32 source, u32 srowpixels, u32 swidth, u32 sheight, render_color color, u32 dx, u32 dy)  //static void resample_argb_bitmap_average(u32 *dest, u32 drowpixels, u32 dwidth, u32 dheight, const u32 *source, u32 srowpixels, u32 swidth, u32 sheight, const render_color &color, u32 dx, u32 dy)
            u64 sumscale = (u64)dx * (u64)dy;
            u32 r;
            u32 g;
            u32 b;
            u32 a;
            u32 x;
            u32 y;

            /* precompute premultiplied R/G/B/A factors */
            r = (u32)(color.r * color.a * 256.0f);
            g = (u32)(color.g * color.a * 256.0f);
            b = (u32)(color.b * color.a * 256.0f);
            a = (u32)(color.a * 256.0f);

            /* loop over the target vertically */
            for (y = 0; y < dheight; y++)
                u32 starty = y * dy;

                /* loop over the target horizontally */
                for (x = 0; x < dwidth; x++)
                    u64 sumr   = 0;
                    u64 sumg   = 0;
                    u64 sumb   = 0;
                    u64 suma   = 0;
                    u32 startx = x * dx;
                    u32 xchunk;
                    u32 ychunk;
                    u32 curx;
                    u32 cury;

                    u32 yremaining = dy;

                    /* accumulate all source pixels that contribute to this pixel */
                    for (cury = starty; yremaining != 0; cury += ychunk)
                        u32 xremaining = dx;

                        /* determine the Y contribution, clamping to the amount remaining */
                        ychunk = 0x1000 - (cury & 0xfff);
                        if (ychunk > yremaining)
                            ychunk = yremaining;
                        yremaining -= ychunk;

                        /* loop over all source pixels in the X direction */
                        for (curx = startx; xremaining != 0; curx += xchunk)
                            u32 factor;

                            /* determine the X contribution, clamping to the amount remaining */
                            xchunk = 0x1000 - (curx & 0xfff);
                            if (xchunk > xremaining)
                                xchunk = xremaining;
                            xremaining -= xchunk;

                            /* total contribution = x * y */
                            factor = xchunk * ychunk;

                            /* fetch the source pixel */
                            rgb_t pix = new rgb_t(source[(cury >> 12) * srowpixels + (curx >> 12)]);  //rgb_t pix = source[(cury >> 12) * srowpixels + (curx >> 12)];

                            /* accumulate the RGBA values */
                            sumr += factor * pix.r();
                            sumg += factor * pix.g();
                            sumb += factor * pix.b();
                            suma += factor * pix.a();

                    /* apply scaling */
                    suma = (suma / sumscale) * a / 256;
                    sumr = (sumr / sumscale) * r / 256;
                    sumg = (sumg / sumscale) * g / 256;
                    sumb = (sumb / sumscale) * b / 256;

                    /* if we're translucent, add in the destination pixel contribution */
                    if (a < 256)
                        rgb_t dpix = new rgb_t(dest[y * drowpixels + x]);  //rgb_t dpix = dest[y * drowpixels + x];
                        suma += dpix.a() * (256 - a);
                        sumr += dpix.r() * (256 - a);
                        sumg += dpix.g() * (256 - a);
                        sumb += dpix.b() * (256 - a);

                    /* store the target pixel, dividing the RGBA values by the overall scale factor */
                    dest[y * drowpixels + x] = new rgb_t((u8)suma, (u8)sumr, (u8)sumg, (u8)sumb);  //dest[y * drowpixels + x] = rgb_t(suma, sumr, sumg, sumb);
Esempio n. 13
 public void set_indirect_color(int index, rgb_t rgb)
     dipalette.set_indirect_color(index, rgb);
Esempio n. 14
 public void set_pen_color(pen_t pen, rgb_t rgb)
     dipalette.set_pen_color(pen, rgb);
Esempio n. 15
        protected virtual uint32_t screen_update(screen_device screen, bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            //printf("%f %f\n", m_state.m_fragments[0].y, m_state.m_fragments[m_state.m_fragments.size()-1].y);
            bool  force_vector = screen.screen_type() == SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR || ( & 1) != 0;
            bool  debug_timing = ( & 2) == 2;
            bool  test_pat     = ( & 4) == 4;
            rgb_t backcol      = debug_timing ? new rgb_t(0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00) : new rgb_t(0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);

            if (!force_vector)
                foreach (var f in m_state.m_fragments)
                    if (f.y < bitmap.height())
                        bitmap.plot_box((int32_t)f.x, (int32_t)f.y, (int32_t)(f.xr - f.x), 1, f.col);

                if (test_pat)
                    draw_testpat(screen, bitmap, cliprect);

                uint32_t flags = PRIMFLAG_ANTIALIAS(1)
                                 | PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ADD)
                                 | (screen.screen_type() == SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR ? PRIMFLAG_VECTOR(1) : 0);
                rectangle visarea = screen.visible_area();
                float     xscale  = 1.0f / (float)visarea.width();
                float     yscale  = 1.0f / (float)visarea.height();
                float     xoffs   = (float)visarea.min_x;
                float     yoffs   = (float)visarea.min_y;
                screen.container().add_rect(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, new rgb_t(0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00),
                                            | (screen.screen_type() == SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR ? PRIMFLAG_VECTORBUF(1) : 0));

                float last_y = -1e6f;
                foreach (var f in m_state.m_fragments)
                    float x0 = (f.x - xoffs) * xscale;
                    float y0 = (f.y - yoffs) * yscale;
                    float x1 = (f.xr - xoffs) * xscale;

                    rgb_t col = (debug_timing && f.y < last_y) ? backcol : new rgb_t(f.col);

                    // FIXME: Debug check for proper vsync timing
#if false
                    auto w = m_scanline_height * xscale * 0.5;
                        x0 + w, y0, x1 - w, y0, m_scanline_height * yscale,
//                          (0xff << 24) | (f.col & 0xffffff),
#elif true
                    float y1 = (f.y + m_scanline_height - yoffs) * yscale;
                        x0, y0, x1, y1,
                        new rgb_t(nom_col(col)),
//                          (0xaf << 24) | (f.col & 0xffffff),
                    const float y1((f.y + m_scanline_height - yoffs) *yscale);

                    // Crashes with bgfx
                        x0, y0, x1, y1,
//                          (0xaf << 24) | (f.col & 0xffffff),

                    last_y = f.y;

Esempio n. 16
        //  char_expand - expand the raw data for a
        //  character into a bitmap
        void char_expand(char32_t chnum, glyph gl)
            LOG("render_font::char_expand: expanding character {0}\n", chnum);

            rgb_t fgcol  = (gl.color != 0 ? gl.color : new rgb_t(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff));
            rgb_t bgcol  = new rgb_t(0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
            bool  is_cmd = ((chnum >= COMMAND_UNICODE) && (chnum < COMMAND_UNICODE + MAX_GLYPH_FONT));

            if (is_cmd)
                throw new emu_unimplemented();
#if false
                // punt if nothing there
                if (gl.bmwidth == 0 || gl.bmheight == 0 || gl.rawdata == null)

                // allocate a new bitmap of the size we need
                gl.bitmap.allocate(gl.bmwidth, m_height_cmd);

                // extract the data
                const char *ptr      = gl.rawdata;
                byte        accum    = 0;
                byte        accumbit = 7;
                for (int y = 0; y < gl.bmheight; y++)
                    int  desty = y + m_height_cmd + m_yoffs_cmd - gl.yoffs - gl.bmheight;
                    u32 *dest  = (desty >= 0 && desty < m_height_cmd) ? &gl.bitmap.pix(desty, 0) : nullptr;
                        for (int x = 0; x < gl.bmwidth; x++)
                            if (accumbit == 7)
                                accum = *ptr++;
                            if (dest != null)
                                *dest++ = (accum & (1 << accumbit)) ? color : rgb_t(0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
                            accumbit = (accumbit - 1) & 7;
            else if (m_format == format.OSD)
                throw new emu_unimplemented();
#if false
                // if we're an OSD font, query the info
            else if (gl.bmwidth == 0 || gl.bmheight == 0 || gl.rawdata == null)
                // abort if nothing there
                LOG("render_font::char_expand: empty bitmap bounds or no raw data\n");
                // other formats need to parse their data
                LOG("render_font::char_expand: building bitmap from raw data\n");

                // allocate a new bitmap of the size we need
                gl.bitmap.allocate(gl.bmwidth, m_height);

                // extract the data
                Pointer <u8> ptr      = new Pointer <u8>(gl.rawdata); //const char *ptr = gl.rawdata;
                u8           accum    = 0;
                u8           accumbit = 7;
                for (int y = 0; y < gl.bmheight; y++)
                    int        desty = y + m_height + m_yoffs - gl.yoffs - gl.bmheight;
                    PointerU32 dest  = ((0 <= desty) && (m_height > desty)) ? gl.bitmap.pix(desty) : null; //u32 *dest(((0 <= desty) && (m_height > desty)) ? &gl.bitmap.pix(desty) : nullptr);

                    if (m_format == format.TEXT)
                        if (dest != null)
                            for (int x = 0; gl.bmwidth > x;)
                                // scan for the next hex digit
                                int bits = -1;
                                while ('\r' != ptr[0] && '\n' != ptr[0] && 0 > bits)  // while (('\r' != *ptr) && ('\n' != *ptr) && (0 > bits))
                                    if (ptr[0] >= '0' && ptr[0] <= '9')
                                        bits = ptr[0] - '0';  //bits = *ptr++ - '0';
                                    else if (ptr[0] >= 'A' && ptr[0] <= 'F')
                                        bits = ptr[0] - 'A' + 10;
                                    else if (ptr[0] >= 'a' && ptr[0] <= 'f')
                                        bits = ptr[0] - 'a' + 10;

                                // expand the four bits
                                dest[0] = (bits & 8) != 0 ? fgcol : bgcol;  dest++;  //*dest++ = (bits & 8) ? fgcol : bgcol;
                                if (gl.bmwidth > ++x)
                                    dest[0] = (bits & 4) != 0 ? fgcol : bgcol;  dest++;
                                }                                                            //*dest++ = (bits & 4) ? fgcol : bgcol;
                                if (gl.bmwidth > ++x)
                                    dest[0] = (bits & 2) != 0 ? fgcol : bgcol;  dest++;
                                }                                                            //*dest++ = (bits & 2) ? fgcol : bgcol;
                                if (gl.bmwidth > ++x)
                                    dest[0] = (bits & 1) != 0 ? fgcol : bgcol;  dest++;
                                }                                                            //*dest++ = (bits & 1) ? fgcol : bgcol;


                            // advance to the next line
                            ptr = next_line(ptr);
                    else if (m_format == format.CACHED)
                        for (int x = 0; x < gl.bmwidth; x++)
                            if (accumbit == 7)
                                accum = ptr[0];

                            if (dest != null)
                                dest[0] = (accum & (1 << accumbit)) != 0 ? fgcol : bgcol;  dest++;
                            }                                                                           //*dest++ = (accum & (1 << accumbit)) ? fgcol : bgcol;

                            accumbit = (u8)((accumbit - 1) & 7);

            // wrap a texture around the bitmap
            gl.texture = m_manager.texture_alloc(render_texture.hq_scale);
            gl.texture.set_bitmap(gl.bitmap, gl.bitmap.cliprect(), texture_format.TEXFORMAT_ARGB32);
Esempio n. 17
        // updates
        //void animate(u16 auto_time);
        //void draw(render_container &container, u8 fade);

        // private helpers
        //  create_bitmap - create the rendering
        //  structures for the given player
        void create_bitmap()
            rgb_t color = m_player < (int)std.size(crosshair_colors) ? crosshair_colors[m_player] : rgb_t.white();

            // if we have a bitmap and texture for this player, kill it
            if (m_bitmap == null)
                m_bitmap  = new bitmap_argb32();
                m_texture = m_machine.render().texture_alloc(render_texture.hq_scale);

            emu_file crossfile = new emu_file(m_machine.options().crosshair_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);

            if (!m_name.empty())
                // look for user specified file
                if (! + ".png"))
                    render_load_png(out m_bitmap, crossfile.core_file_get());
                // look for default cross?.png in crsshair/game dir
                string filename = util.string_format("cross{0}.png", m_player + 1);
                if (! + (PATH_SEPARATOR + filename)))
                    render_load_png(out m_bitmap, crossfile.core_file_get());

                // look for default cross?.png in crsshair dir
                if (!m_bitmap.valid() && !
                    render_load_png(out m_bitmap, crossfile.core_file_get());

            /* if that didn't work, use the built-in one */
            if (!m_bitmap.valid())
                /* allocate a blank bitmap to start with */
                m_bitmap.allocate(CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE, CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE);
                m_bitmap.fill(new rgb_t(0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff));

                /* extract the raw source data to it */
                for (int y = 0; y < CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE / 2; y++)
                    /* assume it is mirrored vertically */
                    PointerU32 dest0 = m_bitmap.pix(y);                          //u32 *dest0 = &m_bitmap->pix(y);
                    PointerU32 dest1 = m_bitmap.pix(CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE - 1 - y); //u32 *dest1 = &m_bitmap->pix(CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE - 1 - y);

                    /* extract to two rows simultaneously */
                    for (int x = 0; x < CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE; x++)
                        if (((crosshair_raw_top[y * CROSSHAIR_RAW_ROWBYTES + x / 8] << (x % 8)) & 0x80) != 0)
                            dest0[x] = dest1[x] = new rgb_t(0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) | color;

            /* reference the new bitmap */
            m_texture.set_bitmap(m_bitmap, m_bitmap.cliprect(), texture_format.TEXFORMAT_ARGB32);
Esempio n. 18
        *   resample_argb_bitmap_bilinear - perform texture
        *   sampling via a bilinear filter
        *  -------------------------------------------------*/
        static void resample_argb_bitmap_bilinear(PointerU32 dest, u32 drowpixels, u32 dwidth, u32 dheight, PointerU32 source, u32 srowpixels, u32 swidth, u32 sheight, render_color color, u32 dx, u32 dy)  //static void resample_argb_bitmap_bilinear(u32 *dest, u32 drowpixels, u32 dwidth, u32 dheight, const u32 *source, u32 srowpixels, u32 swidth, u32 sheight, const render_color &color, u32 dx, u32 dy)
            u32 maxx = swidth << 12;
            u32 maxy = sheight << 12;
            u32 r;
            u32 g;
            u32 b;
            u32 a;
            u32 x;
            u32 y;

            /* precompute premultiplied R/G/B/A factors */
            r = (u32)(color.r * color.a * 256.0f);
            g = (u32)(color.g * color.a * 256.0f);
            b = (u32)(color.b * color.a * 256.0f);
            a = (u32)(color.a * 256.0f);

            /* loop over the target vertically */
            for (y = 0; y < dheight; y++)
                u32 starty = y * dy;

                /* loop over the target horizontally */
                for (x = 0; x < dwidth; x++)
                    u32   startx = x * dx;
                    rgb_t pix0;
                    rgb_t pix1;
                    rgb_t pix2;
                    rgb_t pix3;
                    u32   sumr;
                    u32   sumg;
                    u32   sumb;
                    u32   suma;
                    u32   nextx;
                    u32   nexty;
                    u32   curx;
                    u32   cury;
                    u32   factor;

                    /* adjust start to the center; note that this math will tend to produce */
                    /* negative results on the first pixel, which is why we clamp below */
                    curx = startx + dx / 2 - 0x800;
                    cury = starty + dy / 2 - 0x800;

                    /* compute the neighboring pixel */
                    nextx = curx + 0x1000;
                    nexty = cury + 0x1000;

                    /* fetch the four relevant pixels */
                    pix0 = pix1 = pix2 = pix3 = new rgb_t(0);
                    if ((int)cury >= 0 && cury < maxy && (int)curx >= 0 && curx < maxx)
                        pix0 = new rgb_t(source[(cury >> 12) * srowpixels + (curx >> 12)]);  //pix0 = source[(cury >> 12) * srowpixels + (curx >> 12)];
                    if ((int)cury >= 0 && cury < maxy && (int)nextx >= 0 && nextx < maxx)
                        pix1 = new rgb_t(source[(cury >> 12) * srowpixels + (nextx >> 12)]);  //pix1 = source[(cury >> 12) * srowpixels + (nextx >> 12)];
                    if ((int)nexty >= 0 && nexty < maxy && (int)curx >= 0 && curx < maxx)
                        pix2 = new rgb_t(source[(nexty >> 12) * srowpixels + (curx >> 12)]);  //pix2 = source[(nexty >> 12) * srowpixels + (curx >> 12)];
                    if ((int)nexty >= 0 && nexty < maxy && (int)nextx >= 0 && nextx < maxx)
                        pix3 = new rgb_t(source[(nexty >> 12) * srowpixels + (nextx >> 12)]);  //pix3 = source[(nexty >> 12) * srowpixels + (nextx >> 12)];
                    /* compute the x/y scaling factors */
                    curx &= 0xfff;
                    cury &= 0xfff;

                    /* contributions from pixel 0 (top,left) */
                    factor = (0x1000 - curx) * (0x1000 - cury);
                    sumr   = factor * pix0.r();
                    sumg   = factor * pix0.g();
                    sumb   = factor * pix0.b();
                    suma   = factor * pix0.a();

                    /* contributions from pixel 1 (top,right) */
                    factor = curx * (0x1000 - cury);
                    sumr  += factor * pix1.r();
                    sumg  += factor * pix1.g();
                    sumb  += factor * pix1.b();
                    suma  += factor * pix1.a();

                    /* contributions from pixel 2 (bottom,left) */
                    factor = (0x1000 - curx) * cury;
                    sumr  += factor * pix2.r();
                    sumg  += factor * pix2.g();
                    sumb  += factor * pix2.b();
                    suma  += factor * pix2.a();

                    /* contributions from pixel 3 (bottom,right) */
                    factor = curx * cury;
                    sumr  += factor * pix3.r();
                    sumg  += factor * pix3.g();
                    sumb  += factor * pix3.b();
                    suma  += factor * pix3.a();

                    /* apply scaling */
                    suma = (suma >> 24) * a / 256;
                    sumr = (sumr >> 24) * r / 256;
                    sumg = (sumg >> 24) * g / 256;
                    sumb = (sumb >> 24) * b / 256;

                    /* if we're translucent, add in the destination pixel contribution */
                    if (a < 256)
                        rgb_t dpix = new rgb_t(dest[y * drowpixels + x]);  //rgb_t dpix = dest[y * drowpixels + x];
                        suma += dpix.a() * (256 - a);
                        sumr += dpix.r() * (256 - a);
                        sumg += dpix.g() * (256 - a);
                        sumb += dpix.b() * (256 - a);

                    /* store the target pixel, dividing the RGBA values by the overall scale factor */
                    dest[y * drowpixels + x] = new rgb_t((u8)suma, (u8)sumr, (u8)sumg, (u8)sumb);  //dest[y * drowpixels + x] = rgb_t(suma, sumr, sumg, sumb);
Esempio n. 19
        public abstract bool add_sound_to_recording(object sound, int numsamples);  //virtual bool add_sound_to_recording(const s16 *sound, int numsamples) = 0;

        // statics
        //static movie_recording::ptr create(running_machine &machine, screen_device *screen, format fmt, std::unique_ptr<emu_file> &&file, bitmap_rgb32 &snap_bitmap);
        //static const char *format_file_extension(format fmt);

        // virtuals
        protected abstract bool append_single_video_frame(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rgb_t palette, int palette_entries);  //virtual bool append_single_video_frame(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rgb_t *palette, int palette_entries) = 0;
Esempio n. 20
        *   Centipede doesn't have a color PROM. Eight RAM locations control
        *   the color of characters and sprites. The meanings of the four bits are
        *   (all bits are inverted):
        *   bit 3 alternate
        *         blue
        *         green
        *   bit 0 red
        *   The alternate bit affects blue and green, not red. The way I weighted its
        *   effect might not be perfectly accurate, but is reasonably close.
        *   Centipede is unusual because the sprite color code specifies the
        *   colors to use one by one, instead of a combination code.
        *   FIXME: handle this using standard indirect colors instead of
        *          custom implementation
        *   bit 5-4 = color to use for pen 11
        *   bit 3-2 = color to use for pen 10
        *   bit 1-0 = color to use for pen 01
        *   pen 00 is transparent

        public void centiped_paletteram_w(address_space space, offs_t offset, u8 data, u8 mem_mask = 0xff)
            m_paletteram[offset] = data;

            /* bit 2 of the output palette RAM is always pulled high, so we ignore */
            /* any palette changes unless the write is to a palette RAM address */
            /* that is actually used */
            if ((offset & 4) != 0)
                rgb_t color;

                int r = 0xff * ((~data >> 0) & 1);
                int g = 0xff * ((~data >> 1) & 1);
                int b = 0xff * ((~data >> 2) & 1);

                if ((~data & 0x08) != 0) /* alternate = 1 */
                    /* when blue component is not 0, decrease it. When blue component is 0, */
                    /* decrease green component. */
                    if (b != 0)
                        b = 0xc0;
                    else if (g != 0)
                        g = 0xc0;

                color = new rgb_t((byte)r, (byte)g, (byte)b);

                /* character colors, set directly */
                if ((offset & 0x08) == 0)
           & 0x03, color);

                /* sprite colors - set all the applicable ones */
                    int i;

                    offset = offset & 0x03;

                    for (i = 0; i < 0x100; i += 4)
                        if (offset == ((i >> 2) & 0x03))
                   + 4 + 1, color);

                        if (offset == ((i >> 4) & 0x03))
                   + 4 + 2, color);

                        if (offset == ((i >> 6) & 0x03))
                   + 4 + 3, color);
Esempio n. 21
        *  Bullet rendering

        void galaxian_draw_pixel(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, int y, int x, rgb_t color)
            if (y >= cliprect.min_y && y <= cliprect.max_y)
                x *= GALAXIAN_XSCALE;
                x += GALAXIAN_H0START;
                if (x >= cliprect.min_x && x <= cliprect.max_x)
                    //bitmap.pix32(y, x) = color;
                    RawBuffer bitmapBuf;
                    UInt32    bitmapBufOffset = bitmap.pix32(out bitmapBuf, y, x);
                    bitmapBuf.set_uint32((int)bitmapBufOffset, color);

                if (x >= cliprect.min_x && x <= cliprect.max_x)
                    //bitmap.pix32(y, x) = color;
                    RawBuffer bitmapBuf;
                    UInt32    bitmapBufOffset = bitmap.pix32(out bitmapBuf, y, x);
                    bitmapBuf.set_uint32((int)bitmapBufOffset, color);

                if (x >= cliprect.min_x && x <= cliprect.max_x)
                    //bitmap.pix32(y, x) = color;
                    RawBuffer bitmapBuf;
                    UInt32    bitmapBufOffset = bitmap.pix32(out bitmapBuf, y, x);
                    bitmapBuf.set_uint32((int)bitmapBufOffset, color);
Esempio n. 22
        *  Palette setup

        void galaxian_palette(palette_device palette)
            Pointer <uint8_t> color_prom = new Pointer <uint8_t>(memregion("proms").base_());  //const uint8_t *color_prom = memregion("proms")->base();

            int [] rgb_resistances3 = new int [3] {
                1000, 470, 220
            int [] rgb_resistances2 = new int [2] {
                470, 220

             *  Sprite/tilemap colors are mapped through a color PROM as follows:
             *    bit 7 -- 220 ohm resistor  -- BLUE
             *          -- 470 ohm resistor  -- BLUE
             *          -- 220 ohm resistor  -- GREEN
             *          -- 470 ohm resistor  -- GREEN
             *          -- 1  kohm resistor  -- GREEN
             *          -- 220 ohm resistor  -- RED
             *          -- 470 ohm resistor  -- RED
             *    bit 0 -- 1  kohm resistor  -- RED
             *  Note that not all boards have this configuration. Namco PCBs may
             *  have 330 ohm resistors instead of 220, but the default setup has
             *  also been used by Namco.
             *  In parallel with these resistors are a pair of 150 ohm and 100 ohm
             *  resistors on each R,G,B component that are connected to the star
             *  generator.
             *  And in parallel with the whole mess are a set of 100 ohm resistors
             *  on each R,G,B component that are enabled when a shell/missile is
             *  enabled.
             *  When computing weights, we use RGB_MAXIMUM as the maximum to give
             *  headroom for stars and shells/missiles. This is not fully accurate,
             *  but if we included all possible sources in parallel, the brightness
             *  of the main game would be very low to allow for all the oversaturation
             *  of the stars and shells/missiles.
            double [] rweights = new double[3];
            double [] gweights = new double[3];
            double [] bweights = new double[2];
            compute_resistor_weights(0, RGB_MAXIMUM, -1.0,
                                     3, rgb_resistances3, out rweights, 470, 0,
                                     3, rgb_resistances3, out gweights, 470, 0,
                                     2, rgb_resistances2, out bweights, 470, 0);

            // decode the palette first
            int len = (int)memregion("proms").bytes();

            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                uint8_t bit0;
                uint8_t bit1;
                uint8_t bit2;

                /* red component */
                bit0 = (uint8_t)BIT(color_prom[i], 0);
                bit1 = (uint8_t)BIT(color_prom[i], 1);
                bit2 = (uint8_t)BIT(color_prom[i], 2);
                int r = combine_weights(rweights, bit0, bit1, bit2);

                /* green component */
                bit0 = (uint8_t)BIT(color_prom[i], 3);
                bit1 = (uint8_t)BIT(color_prom[i], 4);
                bit2 = (uint8_t)BIT(color_prom[i], 5);
                int gr = combine_weights(gweights, bit0, bit1, bit2);

                /* blue component */
                bit0 = (uint8_t)BIT(color_prom[i], 6);
                bit1 = (uint8_t)BIT(color_prom[i], 7);
                int b = combine_weights(bweights, bit0, bit1);

                palette.set_pen_color((pen_t)i, new rgb_t((uint8_t)r, (uint8_t)gr, (uint8_t)b));

             *  The maximum sprite/tilemap resistance is ~130 Ohms with all RGB
             *  outputs enabled (1/(1/1000 + 1/470 + 1/220)). Since we normalized
             *  to RGB_MAXIMUM, this maps RGB_MAXIMUM -> 130 Ohms.
             *  The stars are at 150 Ohms for the LSB, and 100 Ohms for the MSB.
             *  This means the 3 potential values are:
             *      150 Ohms -> RGB_MAXIMUM * 130 / 150
             *      100 Ohms -> RGB_MAXIMUM * 130 / 100
             *       60 Ohms -> RGB_MAXIMUM * 130 / 60
             *  Since we can't saturate that high, we instead approximate this
             *  by compressing the values proportionally into the 194->255 range.
            int minval = RGB_MAXIMUM * 130 / 150;
            int midval = RGB_MAXIMUM * 130 / 100;
            int maxval = RGB_MAXIMUM * 130 / 60;

            // compute the values for each of 4 possible star values
            uint8_t [] starmap = new uint8_t [4]
                (uint8_t)(minval + (255 - minval) * (midval - minval) / (maxval - minval)),

            // generate the colors for the stars
            for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                uint8_t bit0;
                uint8_t bit1;

                // bit 5 = red @ 150 Ohm, bit 4 = red @ 100 Ohm
                bit0 = (uint8_t)BIT(i, 5);
                bit1 = (uint8_t)BIT(i, 4);
                int r = starmap[(bit1 << 1) | bit0];

                // bit 3 = green @ 150 Ohm, bit 2 = green @ 100 Ohm
                bit0 = (uint8_t)BIT(i, 3);
                bit1 = (uint8_t)BIT(i, 2);
                int gr = starmap[(bit1 << 1) | bit0];

                // bit 1 = blue @ 150 Ohm, bit 0 = blue @ 100 Ohm
                bit0 = (uint8_t)BIT(i, 1);
                bit1 = (uint8_t)BIT(i, 0);
                int b = starmap[(bit1 << 1) | bit0];

                // set the RGB color
                m_star_color[i] = new rgb_t((uint8_t)r, (uint8_t)gr, (uint8_t)b);

            // default bullet colors are white for the first 7, and yellow for the last one
            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                m_bullet_color[i] = new rgb_t(0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
            m_bullet_color[7] = new rgb_t(0xff, 0xff, 0x00);
Esempio n. 23
        //pen_t white_pen() const { return m_white_pen; }
        //bool shadows_enabled() const { return palette_shadows_enabled(); }
        //bool hilights_enabled() const { return palette_hilights_enabled(); }

        // setters
        public void set_pen_color(pen_t pen, rgb_t rgb)
            m_palette.entry_set_color(pen, rgb);
Esempio n. 24
        *  Bullet rendering

        void galaxian_draw_pixel(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, int y, int x, rgb_t color)
            if (y >= cliprect.min_y && y <= cliprect.max_y)
                x *= GALAXIAN_XSCALE;
                x += GALAXIAN_H0START;
                if (x >= cliprect.min_x && x <= cliprect.max_x)
                    bitmap.pix(y, x)[0] = color;

                if (x >= cliprect.min_x && x <= cliprect.max_x)
                    bitmap.pix(y, x)[0] = color;

                if (x >= cliprect.min_x && x <= cliprect.max_x)
                    bitmap.pix(y, x)[0] = color;
Esempio n. 25
        // updates
        //void animate(u16 auto_time);
        //void draw(render_container &container, u8 fade);

        // private helpers
        //  create_bitmap - create the rendering
        //  structures for the given player
        void create_bitmap()
            int   x;
            int   y;
            rgb_t color = m_player < crosshair_colors.Length ? crosshair_colors[m_player] : rgb_t.white();

            // if we have a bitmap and texture for this player, kill it
            if (m_bitmap == null)
                m_bitmap  = new bitmap_argb32();
                m_texture = m_machine.render().texture_alloc(render_texture.hq_scale);

            emu_file crossfile = new emu_file(m_machine.options().crosshair_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);

            if (!m_name.empty())
                // look for user specified file
                string filename = m_name + ".png";
                render_load_png(out m_bitmap, crossfile, null, filename.c_str());
                // look for default cross?.png in crsshair/game dir
                string filename = string.Format("cross{0}.png", m_player + 1);
                render_load_png(out m_bitmap, crossfile, m_machine.system().name, filename.c_str());

                // look for default cross?.png in crsshair dir
                if (!m_bitmap.valid())
                    render_load_png(out m_bitmap, crossfile, null, filename.c_str());


            /* if that didn't work, use the built-in one */
            if (!m_bitmap.valid())
                /* allocate a blank bitmap to start with */
                m_bitmap.allocate(CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE, CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE);
                m_bitmap.fill(new rgb_t(0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff));

                /* extract the raw source data to it */
                for (y = 0; y < CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE / 2; y++)
                    /* assume it is mirrored vertically */
                    //u32 *dest0 = &m_bitmap->pix32(y);
                    RawBuffer dest0Buf;
                    UInt32    dest0Offset = m_bitmap.pix32(out dest0Buf, y);
                    //u32 *dest1 = &m_bitmap->pix32(CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE - 1 - y);
                    RawBuffer dest1Buf;
                    UInt32    dest1Offset = m_bitmap.pix32(out dest1Buf, CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE - 1 - y);

                    /* extract to two rows simultaneously */
                    for (x = 0; x < CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE; x++)
                        if (((crosshair_raw_top[y * CROSSHAIR_RAW_ROWBYTES + x / 8] << (x % 8)) & 0x80) != 0)
                            //dest0[x] = dest1[x] = new rgb_t(0xff,0x00,0x00,0x00) | color;
                            dest0Buf.set_uint32((int)dest0Offset + x, new rgb_t(0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) | color);
                            dest1Buf.set_uint32((int)dest1Offset + x, new rgb_t(0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) | color);

            /* reference the new bitmap */
            m_texture.set_bitmap(m_bitmap, m_bitmap.cliprect(), texture_format.TEXFORMAT_ARGB32);