public ViewModel_Shred() { this.WindowTitle = "Shred File & Folder"; if (base.IsInDesignMode) { this.Log = "Starting to shred\r\nC:\\Windows\\"; } else { Command_ShredFile = new RelayCommand(() => Command_ShredFile_Click()); Command_ShredFolder = new RelayCommand(Command_ShredFolder_Click); Wipe wipe = new Wipe(); } }
private void StartShredding() { btnShreddingEnable = true; Wipe wiper = new Wipe(); wiper.WipeErrorEvent += Wiper_WipeErrorEvent; wiper.PassInfoEvent += Wiper_PassInfoEvent; wiper.SectorInfoEvent += Wiper_SectorInfoEvent; wiper.WipeDoneEvent += Wiper_WipeDoneEvent; foreach (Model_Shred MdlShared in ShredFilesCollection) { string full_param = string.Empty; if (MdlShared.FilePath != "Recycle Bin") { FileAttributes attr = File.GetAttributes(MdlShared.FilePath); if (attr.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory)) { this.ProgressText = "Started to Shred Folder" + MdlShared.FilePath + " Please Wait."; foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(MdlShared.FilePath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { this.ProgressText = "Started to Shred File " + file + " inside folder " + MdlShared.FilePath + " Please Wait."; wiper.WipeFile(file, 2); } Directory.Delete(MdlShared.FilePath, true); } else { this.ProgressText = "Started to Shred File " + MdlShared.FilePath + " Please Wait."; wiper.WipeFile(MdlShared.FilePath, 2); } } this.ProgressIndex++; } if (btnShredRecycleBinEnable) { this.ProgressText = "Started to Shreding recyclebin please Wait."; Thread.Sleep(2000); foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles("C:\\$RECYCLE.BIN", "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) ) { this.ProgressText = "Started to Shred File " + file + " please Wait."; wiper.WipeFile(file, 2); } } btnShreddingEnable = true; this.ProgressText = "Shredding is done."; }