public void ShowNewTrack() { game.StopTools(); var window = PopupWindow.Create("Do you want to start a new track? Your current progress will not be saved.", "New Track", true, true); window.Dismissed += (o, e) => { if (window.Result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { game.Track.Stop(); game.Track.ChangeTrack(new Track() { Name = Utils.Constants.DefaultTrackName }); Settings.LastSelectedTrack = ""; Settings.Save(); game.Invalidate(); } }; }
public void ExportAsSol() { Dictionary <string, bool> features; using (var trk = game.Track.CreateTrackReader()) { if (trk.GetOldestLine() == null) { return; } features = trk.GetFeatures(); } bool six_one; bool redmultiplier; bool scenerywidth; features.TryGetValue("SIX_ONE", out six_one); features.TryGetValue("REDMULTIPLIER", out redmultiplier); features.TryGetValue("SCENERYWIDTH", out scenerywidth); if (six_one || redmultiplier || scenerywidth) { var window = PopupWindow.Error("Unable to export SOL file due to it containing special LRA specific features.\n" + (six_one ? "\nthe track is based on 6.1, " : "") + (redmultiplier ? "\nthe track uses red multiplier lines, " : "") + (scenerywidth ? "\nthe track uses varying scenery line width " : "") + "\n\nand therefore cannot be loaded"); } else { var window = PopupWindow.Create("Are you sure you wish to save this track as an SOL file? It will overwrite any file with its name. (trackname+savedLines.sol)", "Are you sure?", true, true); window.Dismissed += (o, e) => { if (window.Result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { using (var track = game.Track.CreateTrackReader()) { track.SaveTrackAsSol(); } } }; } }
public void ExportAsSol() { if (_track.Lines.Count != 0) { var features = TrackLoader.TrackFeatures(_track); bool six_one; bool redmultiplier; bool scenerywidth; features.TryGetValue("SIX_ONE", out six_one); features.TryGetValue("REDMULTIPLIER", out redmultiplier); features.TryGetValue("SCENERY_WIDTH", out scenerywidth); if (six_one || redmultiplier || scenerywidth) { var window = PopupWindow.Create(game.Canvas, game, "Unable to export SOL file due to it containing special LRA specific features,\nspecifically, " + (six_one ? "\nthe track is based on 6.1, " : "") + (redmultiplier ? "\nthe track uses red multiplier lines, " : "") + (scenerywidth ? "\nthe track uses varying scenery line width " : "") + "\nand therefore cannot be loaded", "Error!", true, false); window.FindChildByName("Okay", true).Clicked += (o, e) => { window.Close(); }; } else { var window = PopupWindow.Create(game.Canvas, game, "Are you sure you wish to save this track as an SOL file? It will overwrite any file named savedLines.sol", "Are you sure?", true, true); window.FindChildByName("Okay", true).Clicked += (o, e) => { window.Close(); TrackLoader.SaveTrackSol(_track); game.Canvas.UpdateSaveNodes(); }; window.FindChildByName("Cancel", true).Clicked += (o, e) => { window.Close(); }; } } }
public void ShowOutOfDate() { if (Program.NewVersion == null) { return; } var window = PopupWindow.Create("Would you like to download the latest version?", "Update Available! v" + Program.NewVersion, true, true); window.Dismissed += (o, e) => { if (window.Result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { try { OpenUrl(@""); } catch { PopupWindow.Error("Unable to open the browser."); } } }; Program.NewVersion = null; }
internal void InitControls() { var ctrl = new ControlBase(Canvas); ctrl.Name = "buttons"; var pos = 0; Func <Bitmap, Bitmap, string, string, ImageButton> createbutton = delegate(Bitmap bmp, Bitmap bmp2, string tooltip, string name) { var ret = new ImageButton(ctrl) { Name = name }; if (tooltip != null) { ret.SetToolTipText(tooltip); } ret.SetImage(bmp, bmp2); ret.SetSize(32, 32); ret.X = pos; pos += 32; return(ret); }; //Warning: //the name parameter needs to stay consistent for these buttons //other parts of code reference it. var btn = createbutton(GameResources.pencil_icon, GameResources.pencil_icon_white, "Pencil Tool (Q)", "penciltool"); btn.Clicked += (o, e) => { SetTool(Tools.PencilTool); }; btn = createbutton(GameResources.line_icon, GameResources.line_icon_white, "Line Tool (W)", "linetool"); btn.Clicked += (o, e) => { SetTool(Tools.LineTool); }; btn = createbutton(GameResources.eraser_icon, GameResources.eraser_icon_white, "Eraser Tool (E)", "erasertool"); btn.Clicked += (o, e) => { SetTool(Tools.EraserTool); }; btn = createbutton(GameResources.movetool_icon, GameResources.movetool_icon_white, "Line Adjustment Tool (R)", "lineadjusttool"); btn.Clicked += (o, e) => { SetTool(Tools.MoveTool); }; // btn = createbutton(Content.gwell_tool, Content.gwell_tool, "Gravity Well Tool (T)", // "gwelltool"); // btn.Clicked += (o, e) => { SetTool(Tools.GwellTool); }; btn = createbutton(GameResources.pantool_icon, GameResources.pantool_icon_white, "Hand Tool (Space) (T)", "handtool"); btn.Clicked += (o, e) => { SetTool(Tools.HandTool); _handToolOverride = false; }; btn = createbutton(GameResources.play_icon, GameResources.play_icon_white, "Start (Y)", "start"); btn.Clicked += (o, e) => { StopTools(); if (UI.InputUtils.Check(Hotkey.PlayButtonIgnoreFlag)) { Track.StartIgnoreFlag(); } else { Track.StartFromFlag(); } Scheduler.DefaultSpeed(); }; pos -= 32; //occupy same space as the start button btn = createbutton(GameResources.pause, GameResources.pause_white, null, "pause"); btn.IsHidden = true; btn.Clicked += (o, e) => { StopTools(); Track.TogglePause(); }; btn = createbutton(GameResources.stop_icon, GameResources.stop_icon_white, "Stop (U)", "stop"); btn.Clicked += (o, e) => { StopTools(); Track.Stop(); }; btn = createbutton(GameResources.flag_icon, GameResources.flag_icon_white, "Flag (I)", "flag"); btn.SetOverride(GameResources.flag_invalid_icon); btn.Clicked += (o, e) => { Track.Flag(); }; btn.RightClicked += (o, e) => { Canvas.CalculateFlag(Track.GetFlag()); }; Canvas.FlagTool = btn; btn = createbutton(GameResources.menu_icon, GameResources.menu_icon_white, "Menu", "menu"); var _menuEdit = new Menu(Canvas); var item = _menuEdit.AddItem("Save"); item.AutoSizeToContents = false; item.Clicked += (snd, evt) => { Canvas.ShowSaveWindow(); }; item = _menuEdit.AddItem("Load"); item.AutoSizeToContents = false; item.Clicked += (snd, evt) => { Canvas.ShowLoadWindow(); }; item = _menuEdit.AddItem("New"); item.AutoSizeToContents = false; item.Clicked += (snd, evt) => { Canvas.ShowNewTrack(); }; item = _menuEdit.AddItem("Preferences"); item.AutoSizeToContents = false; item.Clicked += (snd, msg) => { Canvas.ShowPreferences(); }; item = _menuEdit.AddItem("Song"); item.AutoSizeToContents = false; item.Clicked += (snd, msg) => { Canvas.ShowSongWindow(); }; item = _menuEdit.AddItem("Export SOL"); item.AutoSizeToContents = false; item.Clicked += (snd, msg) => { Canvas.ExportAsSol(); }; item = _menuEdit.AddItem("Export Video"); item.AutoSizeToContents = false; item.Clicked += (snd, msg) => { if (SafeFrameBuffer.CanRecord) { ExportVideoWindow.Create(this); } else { PopupWindow.Error("This computer does not support recording.\nTry updating your graphics drivers."); } }; btn.Clicked += (o, e) => { var canvaspos = ctrl.LocalPosToCanvas(new Point(btn.X, btn.Y)); _menuEdit.MoveTo(canvaspos.X, canvaspos.Y + 32); _menuEdit.Show(); }; _menuEdit.DeleteOnClose = false; _menuEdit.Close(); var cc = new ColorControls(ctrl, new Vector2(0, 32 + 3)); cc.Selected = LineType.Blue; Canvas.ColorControls = cc; ctrl.SizeToChildren(); ctrl.ShouldCacheToTexture = true; ctrl.Position(Pos.CenterH); Canvas.ButtonsToggleNightmode(); }
protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseDown(e); try { InputUtils.UpdateMouse(e.Mouse); if (linerider.IO.TrackRecorder.Recording) { return; } var r = _input.ProcessMouseMessage(e); if (Canvas.GetOpenWindows().Count != 0) { return; } if (!r && !Track.Playing) { bool dragstart = false; if (!Track.Paused && e.Button == MouseButton.Left && OpenTK.Input.Keyboard.GetState()[Key.D]) { var pos = new Vector2d(e.X, e.Y) / Track.Zoom; var gamepos = (ScreenPosition + pos); dragstart = Game.Rider.GetBounds( Track.GetStart()).Contains( gamepos.X, gamepos.Y); if (dragstart) { // 5 is arbitrary, but i assume that's a decent // place to assume the user has done "work" if (!Track.MoveStartWarned && Track.LineCount > 5) { var popup = PopupWindow.Create( "You're about to move the start position of the rider." + " This cannot be undone, and may drastically change how your track plays." + "\nAre you sure you want to do this?", "Warning", true, true); popup.Dismissed += (o, args) => { if (popup.Result == DialogResult.OK) { Track.MoveStartWarned = true; } }; } else { _dragRider = dragstart; } } } if (!_dragRider && !dragstart) { if (e.Button == MouseButton.Left) { if (_handToolOverride) { HandTool.OnMouseDown(new Vector2d(e.X, e.Y)); } else { SelectedTool.OnMouseDown(new Vector2d(e.X, e.Y)); } } else if (e.Button == MouseButton.Right) { if (_handToolOverride) { HandTool.OnMouseRightDown(new Vector2d(e.X, e.Y)); } else { SelectedTool.OnMouseRightDown(new Vector2d(e.X, e.Y)); } } else if (e.Button == MouseButton.Middle) { _handToolOverride = true; HandTool.OnMouseDown(new Vector2d(e.X, e.Y)); } } if (e.Button != MouseButton.Right) { UpdateCursor(); } } else { Cursor = Cursors["default"]; } Invalidate(); } catch (Exception ex) { // SDL2 backend eats exceptions. // we have to manually crash. Program.Crash(ex, true); Close(); } }