static void Main(string[] args) { Player_User user = new Player_User(); string name = user.newname(); bool retry = true; while (retry == true) { int opponentchoice = 10; bool test = false; char userplay = 'u'; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Rock/Paper/Scissors Game!"); Player_Ivan one = new Player_Ivan(); Player_Rocky two = new Player_Rocky(); string fullplay; while ((test == false)) { Console.WriteLine("Please choose which opponent to face \n(1)" + one.returnname() + "\n(2)" + two.returnname()); test = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out opponentchoice); } do { userplay = user.Roshambo(); fullplay = user.returnfullplay(); } while ((userplay != 'r') && (userplay != 's') && (userplay != 'p')); Game(userplay, opponentchoice, name, fullplay); retry = Continue(); } }
public static void Game(char userplay, int opponentchoice, string name, string fullplay) { //this is the method that runs through all the different scenerios and sends the output to the console Player_User user = new Player_User(); Player_Ivan one = new Player_Ivan(); Player_Rocky two = new Player_Rocky(); string standResponse; Console.Clear(); if (opponentchoice == 2) { standResponse = name + ", You played " + fullplay + "\n" + two.returnname() + " played " + two.returnfullplay(); if (two.Roshambo() == userplay) { Console.WriteLine(standResponse + "\nit's a draw!"); } if (two.Roshambo() == 'r' && userplay == 's') { Console.WriteLine(standResponse + "\n Rock smashes Scissors!\nYou Lose! Sorry!"); } if (two.Roshambo() == 's' && userplay == 'r') { Console.WriteLine(standResponse + "\n Scissors cut paper!\nYou Lose! Sorry!"); } if (two.Roshambo() == 's' && userplay == 'p') { Console.WriteLine(standResponse + "\nscissors cut paper\nYou Lose! Sorry!"); } if (two.Roshambo() == 'r' && userplay == 'p') { Console.WriteLine(standResponse + "\npaper covers rock\nYou Win! Good Job!"); } if (two.Roshambo() == 'p' && userplay == 's') { Console.WriteLine(standResponse + "\nscissors cut paper\n You Win! Good Job!"); } if (two.Roshambo() == 'p' && userplay == 'r') { Console.WriteLine(standResponse + "\npaper covers rock\n You lose! Sorry!"); } } if (opponentchoice == 1) { char onePlay = one.Roshambo(); string oneFullPlay = null; if (onePlay == 'r') { oneFullPlay = "Rock"; } if (onePlay == 's') { oneFullPlay = "Scissors"; } if (onePlay == 'p') { oneFullPlay = "Paper"; } standResponse = name + ", You played " + fullplay + "\n" + one.returnname() + " played " + oneFullPlay; if (onePlay == userplay) { Console.WriteLine(standResponse + "\nit's a draw!"); } if (onePlay == 'r' && userplay == 's') { Console.WriteLine(standResponse + "\nit Rock smashes Scissors!\nYou Lose! Sorry!"); } if (onePlay == 's' && userplay == 'r') { Console.WriteLine(standResponse + "\nit Rock smashes Scissors!\nYou Win! Good Job!"); } if (onePlay == 's' && userplay == 'p') { Console.WriteLine(standResponse + "\nscissors cut paper\nYou Lose! Sorry!"); } if (onePlay == 'r' && userplay == 'p') { Console.WriteLine(standResponse + "\npaper covers rock\nYou Win! Good Job!"); } if (onePlay == 'p' && userplay == 's') { Console.WriteLine(standResponse + "\nscissors cut paper\n You Win! Good Job!"); } if (onePlay == 'p' && userplay == 'r') { Console.WriteLine(standResponse + "\npaper covers rock\n You lose! Sorry!"); } } }