Esempio n. 1
        // Send our login info!
        private void craft_login_packet(Socket socket)
            byte[] login_info = new byte[128];

            login_info[0x5B] = 0x24;

            for (int i = 0; i < name.Length; i++)
                login_info[0x5E + i] = (byte)name[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < password.Length; i++)
                login_info[0x6C + i] = (byte)password[i];

            byte[] exponent = { 1, 0, 1 };

            System.Security.Cryptography.RSAParameters RSAKeyInfo = new System.Security.Cryptography.RSAParameters();

            //Set RSAKeyInfo to the public key values.
            RSAKeyInfo.Modulus = RSA_enc_key_;
            RSAKeyInfo.Exponent = exponent;

            RSA_Managed rsa_managed = new RSA_Managed();

            byte[] encrypted_bytes = new byte[128];

            encrypted_bytes = rsa_managed.EncryptValue(login_info);

            byte[] login_send = new byte[176];
            byte[] prelogin_send = new byte[176];

            encrypted_bytes.CopyTo(login_send, 1);

            login_send[129] = RSA_key_[0];
            login_send[130] = RSA_key_[1];
            login_send[131] = RSA_key_[2];
            login_send[132] = RSA_key_[3];
            login_send[133] = 0x23;//GG reply start
            login_send[134] = 0x01;
            login_send[135] = 0x00;
            login_send[136] = 0x00;
            login_send[137] = 0x67;//
            login_send[138] = 0x45;
            login_send[139] = 0x00;
            login_send[140] = 0x00;
            login_send[141] = 0xAB;//
            login_send[142] = 0x89;
            login_send[143] = 0x00;
            login_send[144] = 0x00;
            login_send[145] = 0xEF;//
            login_send[146] = 0xCD;
            login_send[147] = 0x00;
            login_send[148] = 0x00;//GG reply stop
            login_send[149] = 0x08;//
            login_send[150] = 0x00;
            login_send[151] = 0x00;
            login_send[152] = 0x00;
            login_send[153] = 0x00;//
            login_send[154] = 0x00;
            login_send[155] = 0x00;
            login_send[156] = 0x00;
            login_send[157] = 0x00;//
            login_send[158] = 0x00;
            login_send[159] = 0x00;

            ulong checksum = Global.CheckSum(login_send, 160);

            login_send[160] = (byte)(checksum & 0xff);
            login_send[161] = (byte)(checksum >> 0x08 & 0xff);
            login_send[163] = (byte)(checksum >> 0x10 & 0xff);
            login_send[163] = (byte)(checksum >> 0x18 & 0xff);

            blowfish_cipher_.init(true, blowfish_key_);
            blowfish_cipher_.processBigBlock(login_send, 0, prelogin_send, 0, 176);

            byte[] login_packet = new byte[178];

            login_packet[0] = 0xB2;
            login_packet[1] = 0x00;

            prelogin_send.CopyTo(login_packet, 2);

            connection_.send_packet(login_packet, 178, socket);
Esempio n. 2
        // Send our login info!
        private void craft_login_packet(Socket socket)
            byte[] login_info = new byte[128];

            login_info[0x5B] = 0x24;

            for (int i = 0; i < name.Length; i++)
                login_info[0x5E + i] = (byte)name[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < password.Length; i++)
                login_info[0x6C + i] = (byte)password[i];

            byte[] exponent = { 1, 0, 1 };

            System.Security.Cryptography.RSAParameters RSAKeyInfo = new System.Security.Cryptography.RSAParameters();

            //Set RSAKeyInfo to the public key values.
            RSAKeyInfo.Modulus  = RSA_enc_key_;
            RSAKeyInfo.Exponent = exponent;

            RSA_Managed rsa_managed = new RSA_Managed();


            byte[] encrypted_bytes = new byte[128];

            encrypted_bytes = rsa_managed.EncryptValue(login_info);

            byte[] login_send    = new byte[176];
            byte[] prelogin_send = new byte[176];

            encrypted_bytes.CopyTo(login_send, 1);

            login_send[129] = RSA_key_[0];
            login_send[130] = RSA_key_[1];
            login_send[131] = RSA_key_[2];
            login_send[132] = RSA_key_[3];
            login_send[133] = 0x23;//GG reply start
            login_send[134] = 0x01;
            login_send[135] = 0x00;
            login_send[136] = 0x00;
            login_send[137] = 0x67;//
            login_send[138] = 0x45;
            login_send[139] = 0x00;
            login_send[140] = 0x00;
            login_send[141] = 0xAB;//
            login_send[142] = 0x89;
            login_send[143] = 0x00;
            login_send[144] = 0x00;
            login_send[145] = 0xEF;//
            login_send[146] = 0xCD;
            login_send[147] = 0x00;
            login_send[148] = 0x00; //GG reply stop
            login_send[149] = 0x08; //
            login_send[150] = 0x00;
            login_send[151] = 0x00;
            login_send[152] = 0x00;
            login_send[153] = 0x00;//
            login_send[154] = 0x00;
            login_send[155] = 0x00;
            login_send[156] = 0x00;
            login_send[157] = 0x00;//
            login_send[158] = 0x00;
            login_send[159] = 0x00;

            ulong checksum = Global.CheckSum(login_send, 160);

            login_send[160] = (byte)(checksum & 0xff);
            login_send[161] = (byte)(checksum >> 0x08 & 0xff);
            login_send[163] = (byte)(checksum >> 0x10 & 0xff);
            login_send[163] = (byte)(checksum >> 0x18 & 0xff);

            blowfish_cipher_.init(true, blowfish_key_);
            blowfish_cipher_.processBigBlock(login_send, 0, prelogin_send, 0, 176);

            byte[] login_packet = new byte[178];

            login_packet[0] = 0xB2;
            login_packet[1] = 0x00;

            prelogin_send.CopyTo(login_packet, 2);

            connection_.send_packet(login_packet, 178, socket);