Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is executed when the application has started and the
        /// message loop is running.
        /// </summary>
        private static void Bootstrap()
            // Determine the other process state.
            WmOtherProcess other = new WmOtherProcess();


            // Another KWM we own is running in our session.
            if (other.State == WmOtherProcessState.OurInCurrentSession)
                // Send the other KWM a message to import the credentials.
                if (ImportKwsPath != "")
                    SendMsgToOtherKwm(other, ImportKwsMsgID, ImportKwsPath);

                // Show the instance of the other KWM.
                SendMsgToOtherKwm(other, ForegroundMsgID, "");

                // We're done.

            // Warn the user.
            else if (other.State == WmOtherProcessState.NotOurInCurrentSession ||
                     other.State == WmOtherProcessState.OurInOtherSession)
                String error = (other.State == WmOtherProcessState.NotOurInCurrentSession) ?
                               "A " + KwmStrings.Kwm + " started by another user is already running." :
                               "A " + KwmStrings.Kwm + " started by another user is already running.";
                WmUi.TellUser(error, "Cannot start " + KwmStrings.Kwm, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // Enter the main mode.
                    if (!EnterMainMode())

                catch (Exception ex)
                    KBase.HandleException(ex, true);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Send the message specified to the other KWM specified, if possible.
        /// </summary>
        private static void SendMsgToOtherKwm(WmOtherProcess other, UInt32 msgID, String path)
                // Wait 10 seconds for the other process to finish initializing,
                // then send the message.
                if (other.OtherProcess != null &&
                    other.OtherWindowHandle != IntPtr.Zero &&
                    other.OtherProcess.WaitForInputIdle(10 * 1000))
                    KSyscalls.COPYDATASTRUCT cds;
                    cds.dwData = new IntPtr(msgID);
                    cds.lpData = path;
                    cds.cbData = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(path).Length + 1;
                    KSyscalls.SendMessage(other.OtherWindowHandle.ToInt32(), KSyscalls.WM_COPYDATA, 0, ref cds);

            catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Send the message specified to the other KWM specified, if possible.
        /// </summary>
        private static void SendMsgToOtherKwm(WmOtherProcess other, UInt32 msgID, String path)
                // Wait 10 seconds for the other process to finish initializing,
                // then send the message.
                if (other.OtherProcess != null &&
                    other.OtherWindowHandle != IntPtr.Zero &&
                    other.OtherProcess.WaitForInputIdle(10 * 1000))
                    KSyscalls.COPYDATASTRUCT cds;
                    cds.dwData = new IntPtr(msgID);
                    cds.lpData = path;
                    cds.cbData = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(path).Length + 1;
                    KSyscalls.SendMessage(other.OtherWindowHandle.ToInt32(), KSyscalls.WM_COPYDATA, 0, ref cds);

            catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is executed when the application has started and the
        /// message loop is running.
        /// </summary>
        private static void Bootstrap()
            // Determine the other process state.
            WmOtherProcess other = new WmOtherProcess();

            // Another KWM we own is running in our session.
            if (other.State == WmOtherProcessState.OurInCurrentSession)
                // Send the other KWM a message to import the credentials.
                if (ImportKwsPath != "") SendMsgToOtherKwm(other, ImportKwsMsgID, ImportKwsPath);

                // Show the instance of the other KWM.
                SendMsgToOtherKwm(other, ForegroundMsgID, "");

                // We're done.

            // Warn the user.
            else if (other.State == WmOtherProcessState.NotOurInCurrentSession ||
                     other.State == WmOtherProcessState.OurInOtherSession)
                String error = (other.State == WmOtherProcessState.NotOurInCurrentSession) ?
                    "A " + KwmStrings.Kwm + " started by another user is already running." :
                    "A " + KwmStrings.Kwm + " started by another user is already running.";
                WmUi.TellUser(error, "Cannot start " + KwmStrings.Kwm, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // Enter the main mode.
                    if (!EnterMainMode()) RequestAppExit();

                catch (Exception ex)
                    KBase.HandleException(ex, true);