Esempio n. 1
        public static void Launch(Activity act, SearchUrlTask task)
            Intent i = new Intent(act, typeof(ShareUrlResults));

            act.StartActivityForResult(i, 0);
        public static void Launch(Activity act, SearchUrlTask task, ActivityLaunchMode launchMode)
            Intent i = new Intent(act, typeof(ShareUrlResults));

            launchMode.Launch(act, i);
Esempio n. 3
 private void StartQuery()
     //launch SelectCurrentDbActivity (which is root of the stack (exception: we're even below!)) with the appropriate task.
     //will return the results later
     Intent i = new Intent(this, typeof (SelectCurrentDbActivity));
     //don't show user notifications when an entry is opened.
     var task = new SearchUrlTask() {UrlToSearchFor = _requestedUrl, ShowUserNotifications = ShowUserNotificationsMode.WhenTotp};
     StartActivityForResult(i, RequestCodeQuery);
     _startedQuery = true;
 private void StartQuery()
     //launch FileSelectActivity (which is root of the stack (exception: we're even below!)) with the appropriate task.
     //will return the results later
     Intent i = new Intent(this, typeof (FileSelectActivity));
     //don't show user notifications when an entry is opened.
     var task = new SearchUrlTask() {UrlToSearchFor = _requestedUrl, ShowUserNotifications = false};
     StartActivityForResult(i, RequestCodeQuery);
     _startedQuery = true;