private XmlElement MakeAnimationNode(XmlDocument scml, int id, ProcessingAnimation animation) { XmlElement animationElement = scml.CreateElement("animation"); animationElement.SetAttribute("id", id.ToString()); animationElement.SetAttribute("name", animation.Name); animationElement.SetAttribute("length", animation.Length.ToString()); animationElement.SetAttribute("interval", animation.Step.ToString()); XmlElement mainlineElement = scml.CreateElement("mainline"); for (int j = 0; j < animation.FrameArray[0].Count; j++) { XmlElement keyElement = scml.CreateElement("key"); keyElement.SetAttribute("id", j.ToString()); keyElement.SetAttribute("time", (j * animation.Step).ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < animation.FrameArray.Count; i++) { if (animation.FrameArray[i][j] != null) { ProcessingFrame frame = animation.FrameArray[i][j]; ChildType type = animation.InfoProvider.GetType(i); if (type == ChildType.Bone) { XmlElement boneElement = scml.CreateElement("bone_ref"); boneElement.SetAttribute("id", i.ToString()); boneElement.SetAttribute("timeline", i.ToString()); boneElement.SetAttribute("key", j.ToString()); if (frame.ParentId != -1) { boneElement.SetAttribute("parent", frame.ParentId.ToString()); } keyElement.AppendChild(boneElement); } else if (type == ChildType.Sprite) { XmlElement objectElement = scml.CreateElement("object_ref"); objectElement.SetAttribute("id", i.ToString()); objectElement.SetAttribute("timeline", i.ToString()); objectElement.SetAttribute("key", j.ToString()); if (frame.ParentId != -1) { objectElement.SetAttribute("parent", frame.ParentId.ToString()); } objectElement.SetAttribute("z_index", frame.ZIndex.ToString()); keyElement.AppendChild(objectElement); } } } mainlineElement.AppendChild(keyElement); } animationElement.AppendChild(mainlineElement); for (int i = 0; i < animation.FrameArray.Count; i++) { XmlElement timelineElement = scml.CreateElement("timeline"); timelineElement.SetAttribute("id", i.ToString()); timelineElement.SetAttribute("name", animation.InfoProvider.GetName(i)); for (int j = 0; j < animation.FrameArray[0].Count; j++) { if (animation.FrameArray[i][j] != null) { XmlElement keyElement = scml.CreateElement("key"); keyElement.SetAttribute("id", j.ToString()); keyElement.SetAttribute("time", (j * animation.Step).ToString()); ProcessingFrame frame = animation.FrameArray[i][j]; ChildType type = animation.InfoProvider.GetType(i); if (type == ChildType.Bone) { XmlElement boneElement = scml.CreateElement("bone"); boneElement.SetAttribute("x", frame.X.ToString()); boneElement.SetAttribute("y", frame.Y.ToString()); boneElement.SetAttribute("angle", frame.Angle.ToString()); boneElement.SetAttribute("scale_x", frame.ScaleX.ToString()); boneElement.SetAttribute("scale_y", frame.ScaleY.ToString()); keyElement.AppendChild(boneElement); } else if (type == ChildType.Sprite) { XmlElement objectElement = scml.CreateElement("object"); objectElement.SetAttribute("folder", frame.Folder.ToString()); objectElement.SetAttribute("file", frame.File.ToString()); objectElement.SetAttribute("x", frame.X.ToString()); objectElement.SetAttribute("y", frame.Y.ToString()); objectElement.SetAttribute("angle", frame.Angle.ToString()); objectElement.SetAttribute("scale_x", frame.ScaleX.ToString()); objectElement.SetAttribute("scale_y", frame.ScaleY.ToString()); keyElement.AppendChild(objectElement); } timelineElement.AppendChild(keyElement); } } animationElement.AppendChild(timelineElement); } return(animationElement); }
private ProcessingAnimation ParseAnimation(XmlDocument scml, XmlElement animation) { string name = animation.GetAttribute("name"); int length = int.Parse(animation.GetAttribute("length")); int interval = int.Parse(animation.GetAttribute("interval")); TimelineInfoMap infoProvider = new TimelineInfoMap(scml, name); /* rename the ids to match timelines in "id" and "parent" */ IdRename(animation, infoProvider); /* build the frame array - description is in Alternate.Animation */ List <List <ProcessingFrame> > frameArray = new List <List <ProcessingFrame> >(); /* count of frames to know how large the frame array should be */ int numberOfFrames = length / interval + 1; /* for each sprite and bone id a list of frames is created */ for (int i = 0; i < infoProvider.Size(); i++) { List <ProcessingFrame> frames = new List <ProcessingFrame>(); for (int j = 0; j < numberOfFrames; j++) { /* start out with a completely empty frame array so it can later be populated * with the existing data and then finally with the interpolated data */ frames.Add(null); } frameArray.Add(frames); } /* error checking to see if the animation doesn't have every frame snapped to an interval * because ONI expects every frame to have a consistent interval so if the frames aren't * snapped they will be placed wrong */ var hasBrokenSnapping = false; var brokenAnims = new HashSet <string>(); /* error checking if user has accidentally used pivots in timeline rather than setting pivot on original sprite */ var hasPivotsSpecifiedInTimeline = false; var pivotAnims = new HashSet <string>(); /* read all the data from mainline * oddly it is not needed to read which timeline key frame is associated * with each mainline key frame since the timline key frames contain timing * information which can be used to exactly place them in the array since * we force snapping to intervals for ONI animations */ XmlElement mainline = GetFirstChildByName(animation, "mainline"); foreach (XmlNode keyNode in mainline.ChildNodes) { if (keyNode is XmlElement && keyNode.Name.Equals("key")) { int time = 0; XmlElement keyElement = (XmlElement)keyNode; if (keyElement.HasAttribute("time")) { time = int.Parse(keyElement.GetAttribute("time")); } if (time % interval != 0) { Logger.Warn( $"While parsing animation \"{name}\", found broken snapping in the mainline: it is time {time} ms that is not a multiple of snapping interval {interval} ms."); hasBrokenSnapping = true; brokenAnims.Add(name); } /* scale the time by the interval between frames to figure out which * frame index in the array this goes to */ int frameIndex = time / interval; foreach (XmlNode refNode in keyNode.ChildNodes) { if (refNode is XmlElement && (refNode.Name.Equals("object_ref") || refNode.Name.Equals("bone_ref"))) { XmlElement refElement = (XmlElement)refNode; /* the call to IdRename ensures that the ids on each ref now match the actual index in the array */ int id = int.Parse(refElement.GetAttribute("id")); int zIndex = 0; if (refElement.HasAttribute("z_index")) /* will always be true for sprites never true for bones */ { zIndex = int.Parse(refElement.GetAttribute("z_index")); } int parent = -1; if (refElement.HasAttribute("parent")) /* optional for both sprites and bones */ { parent = int.Parse(refElement.GetAttribute("parent")); } /* set this frame to contain the data stored in the mainline */ frameArray[id][frameIndex] = new ProcessingFrame(parent, zIndex); } } } } /* read all the data from each timeline and use it to further populate the data of each frame */ foreach (XmlNode timelineNode in animation.ChildNodes) { if (timelineNode is XmlElement && timelineNode.Name.Equals("timeline")) { XmlElement timelineElement = (XmlElement)timelineNode; int timeline = int.Parse(timelineElement.GetAttribute("id")); int timelineIndex = infoProvider.GetId(timeline); float x = 0; float y = 0; float angle = 0; foreach (XmlNode keyNode in timelineNode.ChildNodes) { if (keyNode is XmlElement && keyNode.Name.Equals("key")) { XmlElement keyElement = (XmlElement)keyNode; int time = 0; if (keyElement.HasAttribute("time")) { time = int.Parse(keyElement.GetAttribute("time")); } if (time % interval != 0) { Logger.Warn( $"While parsing animation \"{name}\", found broken snapping at timeline {timeline}: it is time {time} ms that is not a multiple of snapping interval {interval} ms."); hasBrokenSnapping = true; brokenAnims.Add(name); } int frameIndex = time / interval; XmlElement child = GetFirstChildByName(keyElement, "object"); if (child == null) { child = GetFirstChildByName(keyElement, "bone"); } if (child == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Found timeline key without child object or bone"); } int folder = -1; if (child.HasAttribute("folder")) { folder = int.Parse(child.GetAttribute("folder")); } int file = -1; if (child.HasAttribute("file")) { file = int.Parse(child.GetAttribute("file")); } if (child.HasAttribute("x")) { x = float.Parse(child.GetAttribute("x")); } if (child.HasAttribute("y")) { y = float.Parse(child.GetAttribute("y")); } if (child.HasAttribute("angle")) { angle = float.Parse(child.GetAttribute("angle")); } float scaleX = 1.0f; if (child.HasAttribute("scale_x")) { scaleX = float.Parse(child.GetAttribute("scale_x")); } float scaleY = 1.0f; if (child.HasAttribute("scale_y")) { scaleY = float.Parse(child.GetAttribute("scale_y")); } frameArray[timelineIndex][frameIndex].Populate(folder, file, x, y, angle, scaleX, scaleY); if (child.HasAttribute("pivot_x") || child.HasAttribute("pivot_y")) { hasPivotsSpecifiedInTimeline = true; pivotAnims.Add(name); } } } } } if (hasBrokenSnapping) { var anims = brokenAnims.ToList().Join(); throw new ProjectParseException( $"SCML format exception: The timelines in anims {anims} had frames at times not snapped to the running interval {interval} ms. Aborting read."); } if (hasPivotsSpecifiedInTimeline) { var anims = pivotAnims.ToList().Join(); throw new ProjectParseException( $"SCML format exception: There were pivot points specified in timelines rather than only on the sprites in anims {anims}. Aborting read."); } /* determine which frames need to be interpolated by checking which frames are key frames in the mainline */ List <bool> keyFrames = new List <bool>(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFrames; i++) { keyFrames.Add(false); } foreach (XmlNode keyNode in mainline.ChildNodes) { if (keyNode is XmlElement && keyNode.Name.Equals("key")) { int time = 0; XmlElement keyElement = (XmlElement)keyNode; if (keyElement.HasAttribute("time")) { time = int.Parse(keyElement.GetAttribute("time")); } /* scale the time by the interval between frames to figure out which * frame index in the array this goes to */ int frameIndex = time / interval; /* now we know this particular time step is a key frame in the mainline */ keyFrames[frameIndex] = true; } } /* create an additional array that indicates presence of each timeline on a per-frame basis */ List <List <bool> > presenceArray = new List <List <bool> >(); for (int i = 0; i < infoProvider.Size(); i++) { List <bool> presences = new List <bool>(); for (int j = 0; j < numberOfFrames; j++) { /* start out with a completely empty presence array so it can later be populated * with the existing data and then finally with the interpolated data */ presences.Add(false); } presenceArray.Add(presences); } for (int i = 0; i < infoProvider.Size(); i++) { bool currentPresence = false; for (int j = 0; j < numberOfFrames; j++) { /* if this frame is a key frame then update the current presence based on if there * is a frame populated at this location */ if (keyFrames[j]) { currentPresence = (frameArray[i][j] != null); } presenceArray[i][j] = currentPresence; } for (int j = 0; j < numberOfFrames; j++) { /* if this frame is a key frame then update the current presence based on if there * is a frame populated at this location */ if (keyFrames[j]) { currentPresence = (frameArray[i][j] != null); } presenceArray[i][j] = currentPresence; } /* executing the loop twice is the most straightforward way to ensure that a keyframe at the end * of the timeline wraps around to the front of the timeline * this does mess with animations that aren't looped that don't have keyframes at time = 0 but that just doesn't make * much sense (who wouldn't keyframe at time = 0 for a non-looping animation!) * so I'll just document that and ignore that problem for now */ } /* for every frame with presence in the array set to true that still has a null frame * interpolate the missing frame */ for (int i = 0; i < infoProvider.Size(); i++) { ProcessingFrame beforeFrame = null; ProcessingFrame afterFrame = null; int beforeFrameIndex = -1; int afterFrameIndex = -1; for (int j = 0; j < numberOfFrames; j++) { /* skip this frame if it isn't supposed to be present */ if (!presenceArray[i][j]) { continue; } /* if this frame exists and is populated then it will be used * as the before frame */ if (frameArray[i][j] != null && frameArray[i][j].IsPopulated()) { beforeFrame = frameArray[i][j]; beforeFrameIndex = j; /* probe forward to find the after array when a before array is found * will use a endless loop because eventually at least we know we will * terminate when it hits the exact same before array */ int jPrime = j + 1; if (jPrime >= numberOfFrames) { jPrime = 0; } while (presenceArray[i][jPrime]) { if (frameArray[i][jPrime] != null && frameArray[i][jPrime].IsPopulated()) { afterFrame = frameArray[i][jPrime]; afterFrameIndex = jPrime; break; } jPrime++; if (jPrime >= numberOfFrames) { jPrime = 0; } } /* if we found a before frame but couldn't find an after frame this means that there was a frame that is completely defined * but there are more frames that need to be interpolated from this frame only * since this is the only frame, spriter interprets this frame as being the frame used for all of the interpolated positions * in which this sprite exists */ if (afterFrame == null) { Logger.Debug("Could not find after frame to interpolate between. Interpreting this to mean that this frame is expected to take the entire duration of the timeline."); afterFrame = beforeFrame; afterFrameIndex = beforeFrameIndex; } } else if (beforeFrame != null && afterFrame != null) { float x = LinearInterpolate(beforeFrame.X, afterFrame.X, beforeFrameIndex, afterFrameIndex + ((afterFrameIndex < beforeFrameIndex) ? numberOfFrames : 0), j); float y = LinearInterpolate(beforeFrame.Y, afterFrame.Y, beforeFrameIndex, afterFrameIndex + ((afterFrameIndex < beforeFrameIndex) ? numberOfFrames : 0), j); float angle = LinearInterpolateAngle(beforeFrame.Angle, afterFrame.Angle, beforeFrameIndex, afterFrameIndex + ((afterFrameIndex < beforeFrameIndex) ? numberOfFrames : 0), j); float xScale = LinearInterpolate(beforeFrame.ScaleX, afterFrame.ScaleX, beforeFrameIndex, afterFrameIndex + ((afterFrameIndex < beforeFrameIndex) ? numberOfFrames : 0), j); float yScale = LinearInterpolate(beforeFrame.ScaleY, afterFrame.ScaleY, beforeFrameIndex, afterFrameIndex + ((afterFrameIndex < beforeFrameIndex) ? numberOfFrames : 0), j); if (frameArray[i][j] == null) { frameArray[i][j] = new ProcessingFrame(beforeFrame.ParentId, beforeFrame.ZIndex); } frameArray[i][j].Populate(beforeFrame.Folder, beforeFrame.File, x, y, angle, xScale, yScale); } } } for (int i = 0; i < infoProvider.Size(); i++) { ProcessingFrame beforeFrame = null; ProcessingFrame afterFrame = null; int beforeFrameIndex = -1; int afterFrameIndex = -1; for (int j = 0; j < numberOfFrames; j++) { /* skip this frame if it isn't supposed to be present */ if (!presenceArray[i][j]) { continue; } /* if this frame exists and is populated then it will be used * as the before frame */ if (frameArray[i][j] != null && frameArray[i][j].IsPopulated()) { beforeFrame = frameArray[i][j]; beforeFrameIndex = j; /* probe forward to find the after array when a before array is found * will use a endless loop because eventually at least we know we will * terminate when it hits the exact same before array */ int jPrime = j + 1; if (jPrime >= numberOfFrames) { jPrime = 0; } while (presenceArray[i][jPrime]) { if (frameArray[i][jPrime] != null && frameArray[i][jPrime].IsPopulated()) { afterFrame = frameArray[i][jPrime]; afterFrameIndex = jPrime; break; } jPrime++; if (jPrime >= numberOfFrames) { jPrime = 0; } } /* if we found a before frame but couldn't find an after frame this means that there was a frame that is completely defined * but there are more frames that need to be interpolated from this frame only * since this is the only frame, spriter interprets this frame as being the frame used for all of the interpolated positions * in which this sprite exists */ if (afterFrame == null) { Logger.Debug("Could not find after frame to interpolate between. Interpreting this to mean that this frame is expected to take the entire duration of the timeline."); afterFrame = beforeFrame; afterFrameIndex = beforeFrameIndex; } } else if (beforeFrame != null && afterFrame != null) { float x = LinearInterpolate(beforeFrame.X, afterFrame.X, beforeFrameIndex, afterFrameIndex + ((afterFrameIndex < beforeFrameIndex) ? numberOfFrames : 0), j); float y = LinearInterpolate(beforeFrame.Y, afterFrame.Y, beforeFrameIndex, afterFrameIndex + ((afterFrameIndex < beforeFrameIndex) ? numberOfFrames : 0), j); float angle = LinearInterpolateAngle(beforeFrame.Angle, afterFrame.Angle, beforeFrameIndex, afterFrameIndex + ((afterFrameIndex < beforeFrameIndex) ? numberOfFrames : 0), j); float xScale = LinearInterpolate(beforeFrame.ScaleX, afterFrame.ScaleX, beforeFrameIndex, afterFrameIndex + ((afterFrameIndex < beforeFrameIndex) ? numberOfFrames : 0), j); float yScale = LinearInterpolate(beforeFrame.ScaleY, afterFrame.ScaleY, beforeFrameIndex, afterFrameIndex + ((afterFrameIndex < beforeFrameIndex) ? numberOfFrames : 0), j); if (frameArray[i][j] == null) { frameArray[i][j] = new ProcessingFrame(beforeFrame.ParentId, beforeFrame.ZIndex); } frameArray[i][j].Populate(beforeFrame.Folder, beforeFrame.File, x, y, angle, xScale, yScale); } } } /* interpolation is run twice to fix issue where time = 0 is not key frame */ return(new ProcessingAnimation(name, interval, length, frameArray, infoProvider)); }