public override bool SaveFile(ProgramFile file) { base.SaveFile(file); Directory.CreateDirectory(_archiveFolder); try { using (StreamWriter outfile = new StreamWriter(_archiveFolder + file.Filename + ".txt", false)) { string fileBody = file.Content; if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer) { // Only evil windows gets evil windows line breaks fileBody = fileBody.Replace("\n", "\r\n"); } outfile.Write(fileBody); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); return(false); } return(true); }
private string GetSourceLine(string filePath, int line) { string returnVal = "(Can't show source line)"; string[] pathParts = filePath.Split('/'); string fileName = pathParts.Last(); Volume vol; bool getFile = true; // should it try to retrive the file? if (line < 0) { // Special exception - if line number is negative then this isn't from any // line of user's code but from the system itself (like the triggers the compiler builds // to recalculate LOCK THROTTLE and LOCK STEERING each time there's an Update). return("<<System Built-In Flight Control Updater>>"); } if (pathParts.Length > 1) { string volName = pathParts.First(); if (Regex.IsMatch(volName, @"^\d+$")) { // If the volume is a number, then get the volume by integer id. int volNum; int.TryParse(volName, out volNum); vol = Shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolume(volNum); } else { // If the volume is not a number, then get the volume by name string. vol = Shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolume(volName); } } else { vol = Shared.VolumeMgr.CurrentVolume; } if (fileName == "interpreter history") { // Get the line from the interpreter command history instead of from a file on volume: getFile = false; returnVal = Shared.Interpreter.GetCommandHistoryAbsolute(line); } if (getFile) { ProgramFile file = vol.GetByName(fileName); if (file != null) { string[] splitLines = file.Content.Split('\n'); if (splitLines.Length >= line) { returnVal = splitLines[line - 1]; } } } return(returnVal); }
public override bool SaveFile(ProgramFile file) { if (IsRoomFor(file)) { return(base.SaveFile(file)); } else { return(false); } }
public override bool IsRoomFor(ProgramFile newFile) { int usedSpace = GetUsedSpace(); ProgramFile existingFile = GetByName(newFile.Filename); if (existingFile != null) { usedSpace -= existingFile.GetSize(); } return((Capacity - usedSpace) >= newFile.GetSize()); }
public virtual bool RenameFile(string name, string newName) { ProgramFile file = GetByName(name); if (file != null) { DeleteByName(name); file.Filename = newName; Add(file); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public virtual void AppendToFile(string name, string textToAppend) { ProgramFile file = GetByName(name); if (file == null) { file = new ProgramFile(name); } if (file.Content.Length > 0 && !file.Content.EndsWith("\n")) { textToAppend = "\n" + textToAppend; } file.Content += textToAppend; SaveFile(file); }
public override void Execute(SharedObjects shared) { object volumeId = shared.Cpu.PopValue(); string direction = shared.Cpu.PopValue().ToString(); string fileName = shared.Cpu.PopValue().ToString(); if (shared.VolumeMgr != null) { Volume origin; Volume destination; if (direction == "from") { origin = shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolume(volumeId); destination = shared.VolumeMgr.CurrentVolume; } else { origin = shared.VolumeMgr.CurrentVolume; destination = shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolume(volumeId); } if (origin != null && destination != null) { if (origin != destination) { ProgramFile file = origin.GetByName(fileName); if (file != null) { if (!destination.SaveFile(new ProgramFile(file))) { throw new Exception("File copy failed"); } } else { throw new Exception(string.Format("File '{0}' not found", fileName)); } } } else { throw new Exception("Volume not found"); } } }
public override ProgramFile GetByName(string name) { try { using (StreamReader infile = new StreamReader(_archiveFolder + name + ".txt", true)) { string fileBody = infile.ReadToEnd().Replace("\r\n", "\n"); ProgramFile retFile = new ProgramFile(name); retFile.Content = fileBody; base.DeleteByName(name); base.Add(retFile); return(retFile); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); return(null); } }
public void OnSave(ConfigNode node) { ConfigNode contextNode = new ConfigNode("context"); // Save variables if (_vars.Count > 0) { ConfigNode varNode = new ConfigNode("variables"); foreach (var kvp in _vars) { if (!(kvp.Value is BoundVariable)) { varNode.AddValue(kvp.Key.TrimStart('$'), ProgramFile.EncodeLine(kvp.Value.Value.ToString())); } } contextNode.AddNode(varNode); } node.AddNode(contextNode); }
public void OnLoad(ConfigNode node) { StringBuilder scriptBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (ConfigNode contextNode in node.GetNodes("context")) { foreach (ConfigNode varNode in contextNode.GetNodes("variables")) { foreach (ConfigNode.Value value in varNode.values) { string varValue = ProgramFile.DecodeLine(value.value); scriptBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("set {0} to {1}.",, varValue)); } } } if (_shared.ScriptHandler != null && scriptBuilder.Length > 0) { ProgramBuilder programBuilder = new ProgramBuilder(); programBuilder.AddRange(_shared.ScriptHandler.Compile(scriptBuilder.ToString())); List <Opcode> program = programBuilder.BuildProgram(false); RunProgram(program, true); } }
public override void Execute(SharedObjects shared) { object volumeId = shared.Cpu.PopValue(); string fileName = shared.Cpu.PopValue().ToString(); if (shared.VolumeMgr != null) { if (shared.VolumeMgr.CurrentVolume != null) { ProgramFile file = shared.VolumeMgr.CurrentVolume.GetByName(fileName); if (file != null) { if (shared.ScriptHandler != null) { Stopwatch compileWatch = null; bool showStatistics = Config.GetInstance().ShowStatistics; if (showStatistics) compileWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); List<CodePart> parts = shared.ScriptHandler.Compile(file.Content); ProgramBuilder builder = new ProgramBuilder(); builder.AddRange(parts); List<Opcode> program = builder.BuildProgram(false); if (showStatistics) { compileWatch.Stop(); shared.Cpu.TotalCompileTime += compileWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; } if (volumeId != null) { Volume targetVolume = shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolume(volumeId); if (targetVolume != null) { if (shared.ProcessorMgr != null) { shared.ProcessorMgr.RunProgramOn(program, targetVolume); } } else { throw new Exception("Volume not found"); } } else { shared.Cpu.RunProgram(program); } } } else { throw new Exception(string.Format("File '{0}' not found", fileName)); } } else { throw new Exception("Volume not found"); } } }
public virtual bool SaveFile(ProgramFile file) { DeleteByName(file.Filename); Add(file); return(true); }
public virtual void Add(ProgramFile file) { _files.Add(file.Filename.ToLower(), file); }
public override bool IsRoomFor(ProgramFile newFile) { return(true); }
public virtual bool IsRoomFor(ProgramFile newFile) { return(true); }
private string GetSourceLine(string filePath, int line) { string returnVal = "(Can't show source line)"; if (line < 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)) { // Special exception - if line number is negative then this isn't from any // line of user's code but from the system itself (like the triggers the compiler builds // to recalculate LOCK THROTTLE and LOCK STEERING each time there's an Update). return("<<System Built-In Flight Control Updater>>"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)) { return("<<Probably internal error within kOS C# code>>"); } string[] pathParts = filePath.Split('/'); string fileName = pathParts.Last(); Volume vol; if (pathParts.Length > 1) { string volName = pathParts.First(); if (Regex.IsMatch(volName, @"^\d+$")) { // If the volume is a number, then get the volume by integer id. int volNum; int.TryParse(volName, out volNum); vol = Shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolume(volNum); } else { // If the volume is not a number, then get the volume by name string. vol = Shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolume(volName); } } else { vol = Shared.VolumeMgr.CurrentVolume; } if (fileName == "interpreter history") { return(Shared.Interpreter.GetCommandHistoryAbsolute(line)); } ProgramFile file = vol.GetByName(fileName); if (file != null) { if (file.Category == FileCategory.KSM) { return("<<machine language file: can't show source line>>"); } string[] splitLines = file.StringContent.Split('\n'); if (splitLines.Length >= line) { returnVal = splitLines[line - 1]; } } return(returnVal); }
public ProgramFile(ProgramFile copy) { Filename = copy.Filename; Content = copy.Content; }