private void setStyles() { windowTitle.Foreground = Styles.text(); titleBar.Background = Styles.accent(); windowBorder.BorderBrush = Styles.accent(); messageBox.Foreground = Styles.text(); messageBox.CaretBrush = Styles.text(); background.Background = Styles.theme(); btnYes.Background = Styles.button(); btnCancel.Background = Styles.button(); btnNo.Background = Styles.button(); btnOk.Background = Styles.button(); btnYes.Foreground = Styles.text(); btnCancel.Foreground = Styles.text(); btnNo.Foreground = Styles.text(); btnOk.Foreground = Styles.text(); }
private void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { BitmapImage appIconImage = new BitmapImage(); appIconImage.BeginInit(); appIconImage.StreamSource = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(aImage)); appIconImage.EndInit(); aIcon.Source = appIconImage; aTitle.Content = aAppName; aDescription.Text = aDesc; if (File.Exists(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + $"\\{aNameSub}\\{aNameSub}.dll")) { appFunctionTXT.Content = "Launch"; } else { appFunctionTXT.Content = "Install"; } if (AppLibaryPage.runningPrograms.Contains(aNameSub)) { appFunctionTXT.Content = "Running"; appFunction.Background = Styles.button(); appFunction.MouseDown -= appFunction_Click; System.Timers.Timer waitForExit = new System.Timers.Timer(); waitForExit.Elapsed += WaitForExit_Elapsed; waitForExit.Interval = 100; waitForExit.Start(); void WaitForExit_Elapsed(object s, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs ea) { if (!AppLibaryPage.runningPrograms.Contains(aNameSub)) { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { appFunctionTXT.Content = "Launch"; appFunction.Background = Styles.accent(); appFunction.MouseDown += appFunction_Click; }); } } } }
private void appFunction_Click(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (File.Exists(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + $"\\{aNameSub}\\{aNameSub}.dll")) { if (e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Left) { Label installedText = null; foreach (Label l in AppLibaryPage.statusTexts) { if (l.Tag.ToString() == aNameSub) { installedText = l; break; } } if (mainOption) { if (!AppLibaryPage.runningPrograms.Contains(aNameSub)) { try { var mw = Application.Current.MainWindow as AppLibaryWindow; string args = string.Empty; AppLibaryPage.runningPrograms.Add(aNameSub); appFunctionTXT.Content = "Running"; installedText.Content = "Running"; appFunction.Background = Styles.button(); mw.hideWindow(); //appFunction.Click += (s, ea) => { }; appFunction.MouseDown -= appFunction_Click; Task.Run(() => { try { AppDomain appDLL = AppDomain.CreateDomain($"{aNameSub}DLL"); Assembly appdll = appDLL.Load(aNameSub); Type[] DLL = appdll.GetTypes(); int classToLoad = 0; foreach (var type in DLL) { if (type.ToString().Contains("Startup")) { break; } else { classToLoad += 1; } } dynamic startup = Activator.CreateInstance(DLL[classToLoad]); //fromUpdaterDLL.tasks(args); Thread t = new Thread(() => { startup.tasks(args); AppDomain.Unload(appDLL); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { AppLibaryPage.runningPrograms.Remove(aNameSub); appFunctionTXT.Content = "Launch"; installedText.Content = "Installed"; appFunction.Background = Styles.accent(); appFunction.MouseDown += appFunction_Click; mw.showWindow(); }); }); t.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); t.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogWriter.CreateLog(ex); msgBox.Show("An error occured while hosting the DLL.", $"Error Hosting {aAppName}."); try { AppLibaryPage.runningPrograms.Remove(aNameSub); } catch { } } }); } catch (Exception ex) { LogWriter.CreateLog(ex); msgBox.Show($"Error Launching {aAppName}", "Error Launching App"); } } else { appFunction.MouseDown -= appFunction_Click; } } else { Directory.Delete(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + $"\\{aNameSub}", true); appFunction.Background = Styles.accent(); appFunctionTXT.Content = "Install"; installedText.Content = "Install"; } } if (e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Right) { if (mainOption) { appFunction.Background = Styles.b("#FFFF0000"); appFunctionTXT.Content = "Uninstall"; mainOption = false; } else { appFunction.Background = Styles.accent(); appFunctionTXT.Content = "Launch"; mainOption = true; } } } else { var mw = Application.Current.MainWindow as AppLibaryWindow; mw.downloadFile(aAppName, aVersion); } }
public Home() { InitializeComponent(); try { background.Background = Styles.theme(); appName.Foreground = Styles.text(); appVersion.Foreground = Styles.text(); appNameLine.Stroke = Styles.gBWHorizontal; string[] appVersionSS = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "kOFRRepo.dll").FileVersion.Split('.'); appVersion.Text = $"v{appVersionSS[0]}.{appVersionSS[1]}.{appVersionSS[2]}"; List <notices> noticesInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <notices> >(AppLibaryWindow.updateInfoJSON); foreach (var noticeData in noticesInfo) { if ( == true || AppLibaryWindow.startupArgs.Contains("showall")) { Grid grid = new Grid(); grid.Margin = new Thickness(15, 15, 0, 0); grid.Width = 175; grid.Height = 210; Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(); rectangle.Fill = Styles.button(); rectangle.RadiusX = 10; rectangle.RadiusY = 10; WrapPanel wrappanel = new WrapPanel(); wrappanel.Width = 175; wrappanel.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; wrappanel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; wrappanel.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; TextBlock Title = new TextBlock(); Title.Margin = new Thickness(10, 10, 0, 0); Title.Width = 155; Title.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; Title.Text = noticeData.title; Title.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Century Gothic"); Title.FontSize = 18; Title.Foreground = Styles.text(); TextBlock body = new TextBlock(); body.Margin = new Thickness(10, 5, 0, 0); body.Width = 155; body.Height = double.NaN; body.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; body.Text = noticeData.body; body.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Century Gothic"); body.FontSize = 12; body.Foreground = Styles.text(); wrappanel.Children.Add(Title); wrappanel.Children.Add(body); grid.Children.Add(rectangle); grid.Children.Add(wrappanel); updateWrapPanel.Children.Insert(0, grid); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogWriter.CreateLog(ex); msgBox.Show("Failed to get alerts from server."); } }