private static void ScheduleTweetAction() { wl("Sweet, we can do that."); w("What do you want to tweet: "); string tweettxt = rl(); while (tweettxt.Length > 140) { w("Um, that's too long. Try again: "); tweettxt = rl(); } if (string.Compare(tweettxt, "random", true) == 0) { string path = filePath; tweettxt = GetRandomLine(ref path); } w("When do you want this Tweet to go out: "); string time = rl(); DateTime tSchedule; while (!DateTime.TryParse(time, out tSchedule)) { w("Um, the program didn't understand that date/time: "); time = rl(); } JBird db = new JBird(connection); dbTweet tweet = new dbTweet(); tweet.TweetText = tweettxt; tweet.Schedule = tSchedule; db.dbTweets.InsertOnSubmit(tweet); db.SubmitChanges(); wl("Done."); DisplayMenu(); }
private static void AutoTweet() { JBird db = new JBird(connection); var q = from t in db.dbTweets where t.Schedule <= DateTime.Now select t; foreach (dbTweet tw in q) { var twitter = Tweet(tw.TweetText); var response = twitter.Request(); db.dbTweets.DeleteOnSubmit(tw); } db.SubmitChanges(); }