public bool Parse(idScriptParser parser, bool rebuild) { if(this.Disposed == true) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().Name); } if(rebuild == true) { CleanUp(); } _timeLineEvents.Clear(); _namedEvents.Clear(); _transitions.Clear(); idToken token2; idToken token = parser.ExpectTokenType(TokenType.Name, 0); DrawWindow drawWindow; SetInitialState(token.ToString()); parser.ExpectTokenString("{"); token = parser.ExpectAnyToken(); bool ret = true; while(token.ToString() != "}") { string tokenLower = token.ToString().ToLower(); // track what was parsed so we can maintain it for the guieditor parser.SetMarker(); if((tokenLower == "windowdef") || (tokenLower == "animationdef")) { if(tokenLower == "animationdef") { _visible.Set(false); _rect.Set(new idRectangle(0, 0, 0, 0)); } token = parser.ExpectTokenType(TokenType.Name, 0); token2 = token; parser.UnreadToken(token); drawWindow = FindChildByName(token2.ToString()); if((drawWindow != null) && (drawWindow.Window != null)) { SaveExpressionParseState(); drawWindow.Window.Parse(parser, rebuild); RestoreExpressionParseState(); } else { idWindow window = new idWindow(_gui, _context); SaveExpressionParseState(); window.Parse(parser, rebuild); RestoreExpressionParseState(); window.Parent = this; drawWindow = new DrawWindow(); if(window.IsSimple == true) { drawWindow.Simple = new idSimpleWindow(window); _drawWindows.Add(drawWindow); } else { AddChild(window); SetFocus(window, false); drawWindow.Window = window; _drawWindows.Add(drawWindow); } } } else if(tokenLower == "editdef") { SaveExpressionParseState(); idEditWindow window = new idEditWindow(_context, _gui); window.Parse(parser, rebuild); RestoreExpressionParseState(); AddChild(window); window.Parent = this; drawWindow = new DrawWindow(); drawWindow.Simple = null; drawWindow.Window = window; _drawWindows.Add(drawWindow); } else if(tokenLower == "choicedef") { SaveExpressionParseState(); idChoiceWindow window = new idChoiceWindow(_context, _gui); window.Parse(parser, rebuild); RestoreExpressionParseState(); AddChild(window); window.Parent = this; drawWindow = new DrawWindow(); drawWindow.Simple = null; drawWindow.Window = window; _drawWindows.Add(drawWindow); } else if(tokenLower == "sliderdef") { SaveExpressionParseState(); idSliderWindow window = new idSliderWindow(_context, _gui); window.Parse(parser, rebuild); RestoreExpressionParseState(); AddChild(window); window.Parent = this; drawWindow = new DrawWindow(); drawWindow.Simple = null; drawWindow.Window = window; _drawWindows.Add(drawWindow); } else if(tokenLower == "markerdef") { idConsole.Warning("TODO: markerDef"); /*idMarkerWindow *win = new idMarkerWindow(dc, gui); SaveExpressionParseState(); win->Parse(src, rebuild); RestoreExpressionParseState(); AddChild(win); win->SetParent(this); dwt.simp = NULL; = win; drawWindows.Append(dwt);*/ } else if(tokenLower == "binddef") { SaveExpressionParseState(); idBindWindow window = new idBindWindow(_context, _gui); window.Parse(parser, rebuild); RestoreExpressionParseState(); AddChild(window); window.Parent = this; drawWindow = new DrawWindow(); drawWindow.Simple = null; drawWindow.Window = window; _drawWindows.Add(drawWindow); } else if(tokenLower == "listdef") { SaveExpressionParseState(); idListWindow window = new idListWindow(_context, _gui); window.Parse(parser, rebuild); RestoreExpressionParseState(); AddChild(window); window.Parent = this; drawWindow = new DrawWindow(); drawWindow.Simple = null; drawWindow.Window = window; _drawWindows.Add(drawWindow); } else if(tokenLower == "fielddef") { idConsole.Warning("TODO: fieldDef"); /*idFieldWindow *win = new idFieldWindow(dc, gui); SaveExpressionParseState(); win->Parse(src, rebuild); RestoreExpressionParseState(); AddChild(win); win->SetParent(this); dwt.simp = NULL; = win; drawWindows.Append(dwt);*/ } else if(tokenLower == "renderdef") { SaveExpressionParseState(); idRenderWindow window = new idRenderWindow(_context, _gui); window.Parse(parser, rebuild); RestoreExpressionParseState(); AddChild(window); window.Parent = this; drawWindow = new DrawWindow(); drawWindow.Simple = null; drawWindow.Window = window; _drawWindows.Add(drawWindow); } else if(tokenLower == "gamessddef") { idConsole.Warning("TODO: gameSSDDef"); /*idGameSSDWindow *win = new idGameSSDWindow(dc, gui); SaveExpressionParseState(); win->Parse(src, rebuild); RestoreExpressionParseState(); AddChild(win); win->SetParent(this); dwt.simp = NULL; = win; drawWindows.Append(dwt);*/ } else if(tokenLower == "gamebearshootdef") { idConsole.Warning("TODO: gameBearShootDef"); /*idGameBearShootWindow *win = new idGameBearShootWindow(dc, gui); SaveExpressionParseState(); win->Parse(src, rebuild); RestoreExpressionParseState(); AddChild(win); win->SetParent(this); dwt.simp = NULL; = win; drawWindows.Append(dwt);*/ } else if(tokenLower == "gamebustoutdef") { idConsole.Warning("TODO: gameBustOutDef"); /*idGameBustOutWindow *win = new idGameBustOutWindow(dc, gui); SaveExpressionParseState(); win->Parse(src, rebuild); RestoreExpressionParseState(); AddChild(win); win->SetParent(this); dwt.simp = NULL; = win; drawWindows.Append(dwt);*/ } // // added new onEvent else if(tokenLower == "onnamedevent") { // read the event name if((token = parser.ReadToken()) == null) { parser.Error("Expected event name"); return false; } idNamedEvent ev = new idNamedEvent(token.ToString()); parser.SetMarker(); if(ParseScript(parser, ev.Event) == false) { ret = false; break; } _namedEvents.Add(ev); } else if(tokenLower == "ontime") { idTimeLineEvent ev = new idTimeLineEvent(); if((token = parser.ReadToken()) == null) { parser.Error("Unexpected end of file"); return false; } int tmp; int.TryParse(token.ToString(), out tmp); ev.Time = tmp; // reset the mark since we dont want it to include the time parser.SetMarker(); if(ParseScript(parser, ev.Event) == false) { ret = false; break; } // this is a timeline event ev.Pending = true; _timeLineEvents.Add(ev); } else if(tokenLower == "definefloat") { token = parser.ReadToken(); tokenLower = token.ToString().ToLower(); idWinFloat var = new idWinFloat(tokenLower); _definedVariables.Add(var); // add the float to the editors wrapper dict // Set the marker after the float name parser.SetMarker(); // Read in the float _regList.AddRegister(tokenLower, RegisterType.Float, parser, this, var); } else if(tokenLower == "definevec4") { token = parser.ReadToken(); tokenLower = token.ToString().ToLower(); idWinVector4 var = new idWinVector4(tokenLower); // set the marker so we can determine what was parsed // set the marker after the vec4 name parser.SetMarker(); // FIXME: how about we add the var to the desktop instead of this window so it won't get deleted // when this window is destoyed which even happens during parsing with simple windows ? //definedVars.Append(var); _gui.Desktop._definedVariables.Add(var); _gui.Desktop._regList.AddRegister(tokenLower, RegisterType.Vector4, parser, _gui.Desktop, var); } else if(tokenLower == "float") { token = parser.ReadToken(); tokenLower = token.ToString(); idWinFloat var = new idWinFloat(tokenLower); _definedVariables.Add(var); // add the float to the editors wrapper dict // set the marker to after the float name parser.SetMarker(); // Parse the float _regList.AddRegister(tokenLower, RegisterType.Float, parser, this, var); } else if(ParseScriptEntry(token, parser) == true) { } else if(ParseInternalVariable(token.ToString(), parser) == true) { } else { ParseRegisterEntry(token.ToString(), parser); } if((token = parser.ReadToken()) == null) { parser.Error("Unexpected end of file"); ret = false; break; } } if(ret == true) { EvaluateRegisters(-1, true); } SetupFromState(); PostParse(); return ret; }
public override void HandleBuddyUpdate(idWindow buddy) { _top = (int) _scroller.Value; }
public override void Init(string name, idWindow win) { base.Init(name, win); if(_guiDict != null) { _data = _guiDict.GetString(this.Name); } }
public idSimpleWindow(idWindow win) { _gui = win.UserInterface; _context = win.DeviceContext; _drawRect = win.DrawRectangle; _clientRect = win.ClientRectangle; _textRect = win.TextRectangle; _origin = win.Origin; _fontFamily = win.FontFamily; _name = win.Name; _materialScaleX = win.MaterialScaleX; _materialScaleY = win.MaterialScaleY; _borderSize = win.BorderSize; _textAlign = win.TextAlign; _textAlignX = win.TextAlignX; _textAlignY = win.TextAlignY; _background = win.Background; _flags = win.Flags; _textShadow = win.TextShadow; _visible.Set(win.IsVisible); _text.Set(win.Text); _rect.Set(win.Rectangle); _backColor.Set(win.BackColor); _materialColor.Set(win.MaterialColor); _foreColor.Set(win.ForeColor); _borderColor.Set(win.BorderColor); _textScale.Set(win.TextScale); _rotate.Set(win.Rotate); _shear.Set(win.Shear); _backgroundName.Set(win.BackgroundName); if(_backgroundName != string.Empty) { _background = idE.DeclManager.FindMaterial(_backgroundName); _background.Sort = (float) MaterialSort.Gui; ; _background.ImageClassification = 1; // just for resource tracking } _backgroundName.Material = _background; _parent = win.Parent; _hideCursor.Set(win.HideCursor); if(_parent != null) { if(_text.NeedsUpdate == true) { _parent.AddUpdateVariable(_text); } if(_visible.NeedsUpdate == true) { _parent.AddUpdateVariable(_visible); } if(_rect.NeedsUpdate == true) { _parent.AddUpdateVariable(_rect); } if(_backColor.NeedsUpdate == true) { _parent.AddUpdateVariable(_backColor); } if(_materialColor.NeedsUpdate == true) { _parent.AddUpdateVariable(_materialColor); } if(_foreColor.NeedsUpdate == true) { _parent.AddUpdateVariable(_foreColor); } if(_borderColor.NeedsUpdate == true) { _parent.AddUpdateVariable(_borderColor); } if(_textScale.NeedsUpdate == true) { _parent.AddUpdateVariable(_textScale); } if(_rotate.NeedsUpdate == true) { _parent.AddUpdateVariable(_rotate); } if(_shear.NeedsUpdate == true) { _parent.AddUpdateVariable(_shear); } if(_backgroundName.NeedsUpdate == true) { _parent.AddUpdateVariable(_backgroundName); } } }
public bool InitFromFile(string path, bool rebuild = true, bool cache = true) { if(this.Disposed == true) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().Name); } if(path == string.Empty) { return false; } _loading = true; if((rebuild == true) || (_desktop == null)) { _desktop = new idWindow(this, idE.UIManager.Context); } _sourceFile = path; _state.Set("text", "Test Text!"); // load the timestamp so reload guis will work correctly byte[] data = idE.FileSystem.ReadFile(path, out _timeStamp); string content = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); idScriptParser parser = null; if(content != null) { parser = new idScriptParser(LexerOptions.NoFatalErrors | LexerOptions.NoStringConcatination | LexerOptions.AllowMultiCharacterLiterals | LexerOptions.AllowBackslashStringConcatination); parser.LoadMemory(content, path); } if((parser != null) && (parser.IsLoaded == true)) { idToken token; while((token = parser.ReadToken()) != null) { if(token.ToString().Equals("windowDef", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true) { if(_desktop.Parse(parser, rebuild) == true) { _desktop.Flags = WindowFlags.Desktop; _desktop.FixupParameters(); } } } _state.Set("name", path); } else { _desktop.Name = "Desktop"; _desktop.Flags = WindowFlags.Desktop; _desktop.Text = string.Format("Invalid GUI: {0}", path); _desktop.Rectangle = new idRectangle(0, 0, 640, 480); _desktop.DrawRectangle = _desktop.Rectangle; _desktop.ForeColor = new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); _desktop.BackColor = new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); _desktop.SetupFromState(); idConsole.Warning("Couldn't load gui: '{0}'", path); } _interactive = _desktop.IsInteractive; if(idE.UIManager.FindInternalInterface(this) == null) { idE.UIManager.AddInternalInterface(this); } _loading = false; return true; }
public void Execute(idWindow window) { foreach(idGuiScript script in _list) { if(script.ConditionRegister >= 0) { if(window.HasOperations == true) { float f = window.EvaluateRegisters(script.ConditionRegister); if(f > 0) { if(script.IfList != null) { window.RunScriptList(script.IfList); } } else if(script.ElseList != null) { window.RunScriptList(script.ElseList); } } } script.Execute(window); } }
public void AddRegister(string name, RegisterType type, idScriptParser parser, idWindow window, idWindowVariable var) { idRegister register = FindRegister(name); if(register == null) { int regCount = idRegister.RegisterTypeCount[(int) type]; register = new idRegister(name, type, var); if(type == RegisterType.String) { idToken token; if((token = parser.ReadToken()) != null) { var.Init(idE.Language.Get(token.ToString()), window); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < regCount; i++) { register.Indexes[i] = window.ParseExpression(parser, null); if(i < (regCount - 1)) { parser.ExpectTokenString(","); } } } _registers.Add(register); _registerDict.Add(name, register); } else { int regCount = idRegister.RegisterTypeCount[(int) type]; register.Variable = var; if(type == RegisterType.String) { idToken token = parser.ReadToken(); if(token != null) { var.Init(token.ToString(), window); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < regCount; i++) { register.Indexes[i] = window.ParseExpression(parser, null); if(i < (regCount - 1)) { parser.ExpectTokenString(","); } } } } }
public void Execute(idWindow window) { if(_handler != null) { _handler(window, _parameters); } }
public void FixupParameters(idWindow window) { if(_handler == Script_Set) { bool precacheBackground = false; bool precacheSounds = false; idWinString str = (idWinString) _parameters[0].Variable; idWindowVariable dest = window.GetVariableByName(str.ToString(), true); if(dest != null) { _parameters[0].Variable = dest; _parameters[0].Owner = false; if(dest is idWinBackground) { precacheBackground = true; } } else if(str.ToString().ToLower() == "cmd") { precacheSounds = true; } int parameterCount = _parameters.Count; for(int i = 1; i < parameterCount; i++) { str = (idWinString) _parameters[i].Variable; string strValue = str.ToString(); if(strValue.StartsWith("gui::", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == true) { // always use a string here, no point using a float if it is one // FIXME: This creates duplicate variables, while not technically a problem since they // are all bound to the same guiDict, it does consume extra memory and is generally a bad thing idWinString defVar = new idWinString(null); defVar.Init(strValue, window); window.AddDefinedVariable(defVar); _parameters[i].Variable = defVar; _parameters[i].Owner = false; //dest = win->GetWinVarByName(*str, true); //if (dest) { // delete parms[i].var; // parms[i].var = dest; // parms[i].own = false; //} // } else if(strValue.StartsWith("$") == true) { // // dont include the $ when asking for variable dest = window.UserInterface.Desktop.GetVariableByName(strValue.Substring(1), true); // if(dest != null) { _parameters[i].Variable = dest; _parameters[i].Owner = false; } } else if(strValue.StartsWith("#str_") == true) { str.Set(idE.Language.Get(strValue)); } else if(precacheBackground == true) { idE.DeclManager.FindMaterial(strValue).Sort = (float) MaterialSort.Gui; } else if(precacheSounds == true) { idConsole.Warning("TODO: PrecacheSounds"); // Search for "play <...>" /*idToken token; idParser parser( LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT | LEXFL_ALLOWMULTICHARLITERALS | LEXFL_ALLOWBACKSLASHSTRINGCONCAT ); parser.LoadMemory(str->c_str(), str->Length(), "command"); while ( parser.ReadToken(&token) ) { if ( token.Icmp("play") == 0 ) { if ( parser.ReadToken(&token) && ( token != "" ) ) { declManager->FindSound( token.c_str() ); } } }*/ } } } else if(_handler == Script_Transition) { if(_parameters.Count < 4) { idConsole.Warning("Window {0} in gui {1} has a bad transition definition", window.Name, window.UserInterface.SourceFile); } idWinString str = (idWinString) _parameters[0].Variable; // DrawWindow destOwner = null; idWindowVariable dest = window.GetVariableByName(str.ToString(), true, ref destOwner); // if(dest != null) { _parameters[0].Variable = dest; _parameters[0].Owner = false; } else { idConsole.Warning("Window {0} in gui {1}: a transition does not have a valid destination var {2}", window.Name, window.UserInterface.SourceFile, str); } // // support variables as parameters for(int c = 1; c < 3; c++) { str = (idWinString) _parameters[c].Variable; idWinVector4 v4 = new idWinVector4(null); _parameters[c].Variable = v4; _parameters[c].Owner = true; DrawWindow owner = null; if(str.ToString().StartsWith("$") == true) { dest = window.GetVariableByName(str.ToString().Substring(1), true, ref owner); } else { dest = null; } if(dest != null) { idWindow ownerParent; idWindow destParent; if(owner != null) { ownerParent = (owner.Simple != null) ? owner.Simple.Parent : owner.Window.Parent; destParent = (destOwner.Simple != null) ? destOwner.Simple.Parent : destOwner.Window.Parent; // if its the rectangle they are referencing then adjust it if((ownerParent != null) && (destParent != null) && (dest == ((owner.Simple != null) ? owner.Simple.GetVariableByName("rect") : owner.Window.GetVariableByName("rect")))) { idRectangle rect = ((idWinRectangle) dest).Data; ownerParent.ClientToScreen(ref rect); destParent.ScreenToClient(ref rect); v4.Set(dest.ToString()); } else { v4.Set(dest.ToString()); } } else { v4.Set(dest.ToString()); } } else { v4.Set(str.ToString()); } } } else { int c = _parameters.Count; for(int i = 0; i < c; i++) { _parameters[i].Variable.Init(_parameters[i].Variable.ToString(), window); } } }
private void Dispose(bool disposing) { if(this.Disposed == true) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().Name); } if(disposing == true) { CleanUp(); _gui = null; _context = null; _parent = null; _background = null; _focusedChild = null; _captureChild = null; _overChild = null; _children = null; _drawWindows = null; _definedVariables = null; _updateVariables = null; _scripts = null; _timeLineEvents = null; _transitions = null; _namedEvents = null; _expressionRegisters = null; _ops = null; _regList = null; _lastEval = null; _builtInVariables = null; } _disposed = true; }
public DrawWindow(idWindow window) { Window = window; }
private void Init() { _childID = 0; _flags = 0; _lastTimeRun = 0; _origin = Vector2.Zero; _fontFamily = null; _timeLine = -1; _offsetX = 0; _offsetY = 0; _cursor = Cursor.Arrow; _forceAspectWidth = 640; _forceAspectHeight = 480; _materialScaleX = 1; _materialScaleY = 1; _borderSize = 0; _textAlign = TextAlign.Left; _textAlignX = 0; _textAlignY = 0; _noEvents.Set(false); _noTime.Set(false); _visible.Set(true); _hideCursor.Set(false); _shear = Vector2.Zero; _rotate.Set(0); _textScale.Set(0.35f); _backColor.Set(Vector4.Zero); _foreColor.Set(new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1)); _hoverColor.Set(new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1)); _materialColor.Set(new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1)); _borderColor.Set(Vector4.Zero); _background = null; _backgroundName.Set(string.Empty); _focusedChild = null; _captureChild = null; _overChild = null; // TODO /* */ _parent = null; /*saveOps = NULL; saveRegs = NULL;*/ _timeLine = -1; _textShadow = 0; _hover = false; int count = _scripts.Length; for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { _scripts[i] = null; } }
protected virtual string RouteMouseCoordinates(float x, float y) { if(this.Disposed == true) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().Name); } if(this.CaptureChild != null) { //FIXME: unkludge this whole mechanism return this.CaptureChild.RouteMouseCoordinates(x, y); } if((x == -2000) || (y == -2000)) { return string.Empty; } int c = _children.Count; string str = string.Empty; while(c > 0) { idWindow child = _children[--c]; if((child.IsVisible == true) && (child.NoEvents == false) && (child.Contains(child.DrawRectangle, this.UserInterface.CursorX, this.UserInterface.CursorY) == true)) { this.DeviceContext.Cursor = child.Cursor; if(_overChild != child) { if(_overChild != null) { _overChild.HandleMouseExit(); str = _overChild.Command; if(str != string.Empty) { this.UserInterface.Desktop.AddCommand(str); _overChild.Command = string.Empty; } } _overChild = child; _overChild.HandleMouseEnter(); str = _overChild.Command; if(str != string.Empty) { this.UserInterface.Desktop.AddCommand(str); _overChild.Command = string.Empty; } } else { if((child.Flags & WindowFlags.HoldCapture) == 0) { child.RouteMouseCoordinates(x, y); } } return string.Empty; } } if(_overChild != null) { _overChild.HandleMouseExit(); str = _overChild.Command; if(str != string.Empty) { this.UserInterface.Desktop.AddCommand(str); _overChild.Command = string.Empty; } _overChild = null; } return string.Empty; }
public idWindow SetFocus(idWindow window, bool scripts = true) { if(this.Disposed == true) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().Name); } // only one child can have the focus idWindow lastFocus = null; if((window.Flags & WindowFlags.CanFocus) == WindowFlags.CanFocus) { lastFocus = this.UserInterface.Desktop.FocusedChild; if(lastFocus != null) { lastFocus.HandleFocusLost(); } // call on lose focus if((scripts == true) && (lastFocus != null)) { // calling this broke all sorts of guis // lastFocus->RunScript(ON_MOUSEEXIT); } // call on gain focus if((scripts == true) && (window != null)) { // calling this broke all sorts of guis // w->RunScript(ON_MOUSEENTER); } window.HandleFocusGained(); this.UserInterface.Desktop.FocusedChild = window; } return lastFocus; }
private static void Script_ShowCursor(idWindow window, List<idWinGuiScript> source) { idConsole.Warning("TODO: Script_ShowCursor"); }
private static void Script_EvaluateRegisters(idWindow window, List<idWinGuiScript> source) { idConsole.Warning("TODO: Script_EvaluateRegisters"); }
private static void Script_Transition(idWindow window, List<idWinGuiScript> source) { // transitions always affect rect or vec4 vars if(source.Count >= 4) { idWinRectangle rect = null; idWinVector4 vec4 = source[0].Variable as idWinVector4; // // added float variable idWinFloat val = null; // if(vec4 == null) { rect = source[0].Variable as idWinRectangle; // // added float variable if(rect == null) { val = source[0].Variable as idWinFloat; } // } idWinVector4 from = source[1].Variable as idWinVector4; idWinVector4 to = source[2].Variable as idWinVector4; idWinString timeStr = source[3].Variable as idWinString; // // added float variable if(((vec4 == null) && (rect == null) && (val == null)) && (from != null) && (to != null) && (timeStr != null)) { idConsole.Warning("Bad transition in gui {0} in window {1}", window.UserInterface.SourceFile, window.Name); } else { int time; int.TryParse(timeStr.ToString(), out time); float accel = 0.0f; float decel = 0.0f; if(source.Count > 4) { idWinString accelStr = source[4].Variable as idWinString; idWinString decelStr = source[5].Variable as idWinString; float.TryParse(accelStr.ToString(), out accel); float.TryParse(decelStr.ToString(), out decel); } if(vec4 != null) { vec4.Evaluate = false; window.AddTransition(vec4, from, to, time, accel, decel); } else if(val != null) { val.Evaluate = false; window.AddTransition(val, from, to, time, accel, decel); } else { rect.Evaluate = false; window.AddTransition(rect, from, to, time, accel, decel); } window.StartTransition(); } } }
private static void Script_LocalSound(idWindow window, List<idWinGuiScript> source) { idConsole.Warning("TODO: Script_LocalSound"); }
public void FixupParameters(idWindow window) { int c = _list.Count; for(int i = 0; i < c; i++) { idGuiScript script = _list[i]; script.FixupParameters(window); if(script.IfList != null) { script.IfList.FixupParameters(window); } if(script.ElseList != null) { script.ElseList.FixupParameters(window); } } }
private static void Script_ResetCinematics(idWindow window, List<idWinGuiScript> source) { idConsole.Warning("TODO: Script_ResetCinematics"); }
private void Init() { _value.Set(0.0f); _low = 0.0f; _high = 100.0f; _stepSize = 1.0f; _thumbMaterial = idE.DeclManager.FindMaterial("_default"); _buddyWindow = null; _cvar = null; _cvarInit = false; _vertical = false; _scrollBar = false; _verticalFlip = false; _liveUpdate.Set(true); }
private static void Script_ResetTime(idWindow window, List<idWinGuiScript> source) { idWinString parameter = (source.Count > 0) ? source[0].Variable as idWinString : null; DrawWindow drawWindow = null; if((parameter != null) && (source.Count > 1)) { drawWindow = window.UserInterface.Desktop.FindChildByName(parameter); parameter = source[1].Variable as idWinString; } int tmp; int.TryParse(parameter, out tmp); if((drawWindow != null) && (drawWindow.Window != null)) { drawWindow.Window.ResetTime(tmp); drawWindow.Window.EvaluateRegisters(-1, true); } else { window.ResetTime(tmp); window.EvaluateRegisters(-1, true); } }
public string HandleEvent(SystemEvent e, int time, ref bool updateVisuals) { if(this.Disposed == true) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().Name); } _time = time; if((_bindHandler != null) && (e.Type == SystemEventType.Key) && (e.Value2 == 1)) { string ret = _bindHandler.HandleEvent(e, ref updateVisuals); _bindHandler = null; return ret; } if(e.Type == SystemEventType.Mouse) { _cursorX += e.Value; _cursorY += e.Value2; if(_cursorX < 0) { _cursorX = 0; } if(_cursorY < 0) { _cursorY = 0; } } if(this.Desktop != null) { this.Desktop.HandleEvent(e, ref updateVisuals); } return string.Empty; }
private static void Script_RunScript(idWindow window, List<idWinGuiScript> source) { idConsole.Warning("TODO: Script_RunScript"); }
private void Dispose(bool disposing) { if(this.Disposed == true) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().Name); } if(disposing == true) { _state = null; _desktop = null; _bindHandler = null; } _disposed = true; }
private static void Script_Set(idWindow window, List<idWinGuiScript> source) { string dest = (source.Count > 0) ? source[0].Variable.ToString() : null; if(dest != null) { if(dest.Equals("cmd", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true) { dest = (source.Count > 1) ? source[1].Variable as idWinString : null; int parameterCount = source.Count; if(parameterCount > 2) { StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder(dest); int i = 2; while(i < parameterCount) { value.AppendFormat(" \"{0}\"", source[i].Variable); i++; } window.AddCommand(value.ToString()); } else { window.AddCommand(dest); } return; } } source[0].Variable.Set(source[1].Variable.ToString()); source[0].Variable.Evaluate = false; }
public virtual void Init(string name, idWindow win) { string key = name; int length = key.Length; _guiDict = null; if((length > Prefix.Length) && (key.StartsWith(Prefix) == true)) { key = key.Substring(length - Prefix.Length - 1); SetGuiInfo(win.UserInterface.State, key); win.AddUpdateVariable(this); } else { Set(name); } }
private static void Script_SetFocus(idWindow window, List<idWinGuiScript> source) { idWinString parameter = source[0].Variable as idWinString; if(parameter != null) { DrawWindow drawWindow = window.UserInterface.Desktop.FindChildByName(parameter.ToString()); if((drawWindow != null) && (drawWindow.Window != null)) { window.SetFocus(drawWindow.Window); } } }
public override void Init(string name, idWindow win) { base.Init(name, win); Update(); }
/// <summary> /// Inserts the given window as a child into the given location in the zorder. /// </summary> /// <param name="window"></param> /// <param name="before"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool InsertChild(idWindow window, idWindow before) { if(this.Disposed == true) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().Name); } AddChild(window); window.Parent = this; DrawWindow drawWindow = new DrawWindow(window); // if not inserting before anything then just add it at the end if(before != null) { int index = GetChildIndex(before); if(index != -1) { _drawWindows.Insert(index, drawWindow); return true; } } _drawWindows.Add(drawWindow); return true; }