public virtual void OneKeyConstructorTest()
            String            key  = "testKey";
            PdfCollectionSort sort = new PdfCollectionSort(key);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(key, sort.GetPdfObject().GetAsName(PdfName.S).GetValue());
        public virtual void SortOrderForOneKeyTest()
            String            key           = "testKey";
            bool              testAscending = true;
            PdfCollectionSort sort          = new PdfCollectionSort(key);

        public virtual void MultipleKeysConstructorTest()
            String[]          keys = new String[] { "testKey1", "testKey2", "testKey3" };
            PdfCollectionSort sort = new PdfCollectionSort(keys);

            for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(keys[i], sort.GetPdfObject().GetAsArray(PdfName.S).GetAsName(i).GetValue()
        public virtual void SortOrderForMultipleKeysTest()
            String[]          keys           = new String[] { "testKey1", "testKey2", "testKey3" };
            bool[]            testAscendings = new bool[] { true, false, true };
            PdfCollectionSort sort           = new PdfCollectionSort(keys);

            for (int i = 0; i < testAscendings.Length; i++)
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(testAscendings[i], sort.GetPdfObject().GetAsArray(PdfName.A).GetAsBoolean(
 public virtual void IncorrectMultipleSortOrderForMultipleKeysTest()
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.That(() => {
         String[] keys          = new String[] { "testKey1", "testKey2", "testKey3" };
         bool[] testAscendings  = new bool[] { true, false };
         PdfCollectionSort sort = new PdfCollectionSort(keys);
         // this line will throw an exception as number of parameters of setSortOrder()
         // method should be exactly the same as number of keys of PdfCollectionSort
         // here we have three keys but two params
                                 , NUnit.Framework.Throws.InstanceOf <PdfException>().With.Message.EqualTo(PdfException.NumberOfBooleansInTheArrayDoesntCorrespondWithTheNumberOfFields))
 public virtual void SingleSortOrderForMultipleKeysTest()
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.That(() => {
         String[] keys          = new String[] { "testKey1", "testKey2", "testKey3" };
         bool testAscending     = true;
         PdfCollectionSort sort = new PdfCollectionSort(keys);
         // this line will throw an exception as number of parameters of setSortOrder()
         // method should be exactly the same as number of keys of PdfCollectionSort
         // here we have three keys but one param
                                 , NUnit.Framework.Throws.InstanceOf <PdfException>().With.Message.EqualTo(PdfException.YouHaveToDefineABooleanArrayForThisCollectionSortDictionary))
 public virtual void IncorrectSortOrderForOneKeyTest()
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.That(() => {
         String key             = "testKey";
         bool[] testAscendings  = new bool[] { true, false };
         PdfCollectionSort sort = new PdfCollectionSort(key);
         // this line will throw an exception as number of parameters of setSortOrder()
         // method should be exactly the same as number of keys of PdfCollectionSort
         // here we have one key but two params
                                 , NUnit.Framework.Throws.InstanceOf <PdfException>().With.Message.EqualTo(PdfException.YouNeedASingleBooleanForThisCollectionSortDictionary))
 /// <summary>Sets the Collection sort dictionary.</summary>
 /// <param name="sort">is the Collection sort dictionary</param>
 /// <returns>this instance to support fluent interface</returns>
 public virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Collection.PdfCollection SetSort(PdfCollectionSort sort)
     GetPdfObject().Put(PdfName.Sort, sort.GetPdfObject());