protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { // If querystring value is missing, send the user to ManageUsers.aspx string userName = Context.User.Identity.Name; //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) // Response.Redirect("manageusers.aspx"); holidays.user u = PolaczenieSQL.find_user(userName, false, true); // Get information about this user MembershipUser usr = Membership.GetUser(userName); //if (usr == null) // Response.Redirect("manageusers.aspx"); user_name_label.InnerText = "User Account: " + usr.UserName; TextBox_email.Text = usr.Email; //HiddenFielduserid.Value = usr.UserName; if (Roles.IsUserInRole(usr.UserName, "emploee")) { Pracownik.Checked = true; } if (Roles.IsUserInRole(usr.UserName, "hr_emploee")) { PracownikHR.Checked = true; } if (Roles.IsUserInRole(usr.UserName, "Administrators")) { PracownikAdmin.Checked = true; } if (Roles.IsUserInRole(usr.UserName, "menager")) { PracownikMenager.Checked = true; } ImieTextBox.Text = u.imie.ToString(); NazwiskoTextBox.Text = u.nazwisko.ToString(); PeselTextBox.Text = u.pesel.ToString(); string data_urodz = u.data_urodzenia.ToString(); string data_zatrudnienia = u.data_zatrudnienia.ToString(); string kiedy26 = u.kiedy26.ToString(); TeamTextBox.Text =; string[] days_of_holidays = holidays.PolaczenieSQL.find_holiday_days_byuser(usr.UserName); Labelpr.Text = days_of_holidays[0]; Labelor.Text = days_of_holidays[8]; Labelnr.Text = days_of_holidays[9]; Labeldd.Text = days_of_holidays[5]; Labelnz.Text = days_of_holidays[6]; Labelsum.Text = days_of_holidays[10]; Labelwyk.Text = days_of_holidays[3]; if (Convert.ToInt16(Labelsum.Text) > 0) { suncell.BackColor = Color.LightGreen; } if (Convert.ToInt16(Labelsum.Text) <= 0) { suncell.BackColor = Color.LightPink; } DateTime myTime; if (data_urodz != string.Empty) { myTime = DateTime.Parse(data_urodz); Dataurodzenia.Text = myTime.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); } if (data_zatrudnienia != string.Empty) { myTime = DateTime.Parse(data_zatrudnienia); DataZatrudnienia.Text = myTime.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); } switch (u.dniurlopowe.ToString()) { case "1": DropDownList2TextBox.Text = "20"; break; case "2": DropDownList2TextBox.Text = "26"; break; default: DropDownList2TextBox.Text = "26"; break; } if (u.dniurlopowe.ToString() == "1") { uzyska26label.Visible = true; uzyska26TextBox.Visible = true; if (kiedy26 != string.Empty) { myTime = DateTime.Parse(kiedy26); uzyska26TextBox.Text = myTime.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); } } if (u.passtemp.ToString() == "True") { info_label.Visible = true; info_label.Text = "Your password is setup as tempolary. Please change your password now!"; } else { info_label.Visible = false; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { string[] days_of_holidays = holidays.PolaczenieSQL.find_holiday_days_byuser(Context.User.Identity.Name); Labelpr.Text = days_of_holidays[0]; Labelor.Text = days_of_holidays[8]; Labelnr.Text = days_of_holidays[9]; Labeldd.Text = days_of_holidays[5]; Labelnz.Text = days_of_holidays[6]; Labelsum.Text = days_of_holidays[10]; Labelwyk.Text = days_of_holidays[3]; if (Convert.ToInt16(Labelsum.Text) > 0) { suncell.BackColor = Color.LightGreen; } if (Convert.ToInt16(Labelsum.Text) <= 0) { suncell.BackColor = Color.LightPink; } List <string> holiday_list = holidays.PolaczenieSQL.find_holiday_byuser(Context.User.Identity.Name); DataTable td = new DataTable(); td.Columns.Add("From"); td.Columns.Add("To"); td.Columns.Add("Rodzaj"); td.Columns.Add("ManagerId"); td.Columns.Add("Status"); td.Columns.Add("Id"); td.Columns.Add("Ilosc_dni"); DataRow dr = null; DateTime myTime; if (holiday_list != null) { foreach (string holidayID in holiday_list) { h = holidays.PolaczenieSQL.find_holiday(holidayID); dr = td.NewRow(); if (h.date_od != null) { myTime = DateTime.Parse(h.date_od.ToString()); dr[0] = myTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); if (h.statusid == "3" && (myTime <= DateTime.Today)) { h.wykorzystany(); h.status = "Wykonany"; } } if (h.date_od != null) { myTime = DateTime.Parse(h.date_do.ToString()); dr[1] = myTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } dr[2] = h.rodzaj.ToString(); holidays.user m = holidays.PolaczenieSQL.find_user(h.menager.ToString()); if (m != null) { dr[3] = m.ToString(); } else { dr[3] = "User deleted"; } dr[4] = h.status.ToString(); dr[5] = h.holidayid.ToString(); dr[6] = h.holiday_dyas_all.ToString(); td.Rows.Add(dr); } } GridView1.DataSource = td; GridView1.DataBind(); holidays.PageMetods.holiday_status_color(GridView1); DropDownMenager.DataBind(); //if (Request.QueryString["teamadd"] != null) //{ // string teamadd = Request.QueryString["teamadd"]; // info_label.Text = "Team <b> " + teamadd + "</b> został dodant z bazy danych"; // info_label.CssClass = "goodNotification"; // info_label.Visible = true; //} //else { info_label.Text = ""; } //if (Request.QueryString["nodeleteteamid"] != null && Request.QueryString["nodeleteteamName"] != null && Request.QueryString["userscount"] == null) //{ // string noteamdeletename = Request.QueryString["nodeleteteamName"]; // string noteamdeleteid = Request.QueryString["nodeleteteamid"]; // info_label.Text = "Nie można usunąc tamu <b>id: " + noteamdeleteid + "</b>. Taki team nie istnieje w bazie danych"; // info_label.CssClass = "failureNotification"; // info_label.Visible = true; //} //if (Request.QueryString["deleteteamid"] != null && Request.QueryString["deleteteamName"] != null) //{ // string teamdeleteid = Request.QueryString["deleteteamid"]; // string teamdeletename = Request.QueryString["deleteteamName"]; // info_label.Text = "Team <b> " + teamdeletename + "</b> (id: " + teamdeleteid + ") został usunięty z bazy danych"; // info_label.CssClass = "failureNotification"; // info_label.Visible = true; //} //if (String.Equals(Request.QueryString["userscount"], "1")) //{ // string teamdeleteid = Request.QueryString["nodeleteteamid"]; // string teamdeletename = Request.QueryString["nodeleteteamName"]; // info_label.Text = "Team <b> " + teamdeletename + "</b> (id: " + teamdeleteid + ") nie może zostac usunięty, gdyż są do niego wciąż podłączeni pracownicy<br />By usunąś team odłącz od niego wszystkich przcowników. <a href='/hr/manageteam.aspx?teamid=" + teamdeleteid + "'>Zarządzaj Teamem " + teamdeletename + "</a>"; // info_label.CssClass = "failureNotification"; // info_label.Visible = true; //} } else { string menager1 = Request.Form[DropDownMenager.UniqueID]; DropDownMenager.Text = menager1; string rodzaj1 = Request.Form[DropDownHoliday.UniqueID]; DropDownHoliday.Text = rodzaj1; string date1 = Request.Form[OdTextBox.UniqueID]; OdTextBox.Text = date1; string date3 = Request.Form[DoTextBox.UniqueID]; DoTextBox.Text = date3; info_label.Text = ""; } DateTime date0 = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, 1, 1); DateTime date2 = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year + 1, 3, 1); PageMetods.month_calendar_by_holidayid(bigDiv, date0, date2, Context.User.Identity.Name); Session.Contents.RemoveAll(); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry entry in HttpContext.Current.Cache) { HttpContext.Current.Cache.Remove((string)entry.Key); } }