ByteArrayToUint16() public static method

public static ByteArrayToUint16 ( byte data, int reversed ) : UInt16
data byte
reversed int
return System.UInt16
Esempio n. 1
        public void processTeamInviteAnswer(ref byte[] packet)
            // read the important things
            byte[] unknownUint16_1 = new byte[2];
            byte[] sizeString      = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, 3, unknownUint16_1, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, 7, sizeString, 0, 2);
            UInt16 sizeCharName = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(sizeString, 1);

            byte[] characterNameBytes = new byte[sizeCharName];
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, 9, characterNameBytes, 0, sizeCharName);

            string characterName = StringUtils.charBytesToString(characterNameBytes);

            // if it is 0 - then he has accepted the request - otherwise decline and ..we dont care
            if (NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(unknownUint16_1, 1) == 0)
                lock (WorldSocket.missionTeams)
                    foreach (MissionTeam team in WorldSocket.missionTeams)
                        if (team.characterMasterName.Equals(characterName))
Esempio n. 2
        public void processAbility(ref byte[] packet)
            byte[] ability    = { packet[0], packet[1] };
            byte[] targetView = { packet[2], packet[3] };
            UInt16 AbilityID  = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(ability, 1);

            UInt16 viewId = 0;

            currentTargetViewId = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(targetView, 1);

            // load the ability name from a list to see if we match the right ability
            DataLoader AbilityLoader = DataLoader.getInstance();

            this.currentAbility = AbilityLoader.getAbilityByID(AbilityID);

            // lets create a message for the client - we will later execute the right AbilityScript for it
            ServerPackets pak = new ServerPackets();

                                      "Ability ID is " + AbilityID.ToString() + " and the name is " + currentAbility.getAbilityName() +
                                      " and Target ViewId Is " + currentTargetViewId, "BROADCAST");

            // ToDo: do something with the entity (or queue a fx hit animation or something lol)
Esempio n. 3
        public void processLoadAbility(ref byte[] packet)
            // read the values from the packet
            PacketReader reader         = new PacketReader(packet);
            UInt32       staticObjectID = reader.readUInt32(1);
            UInt16       unloadFlag     = reader.readUInt16(1);
            UInt16       loadFlag       = reader.readUInt16(1);
            UInt16       countAbilities = reader.readUInt16(1);

            int           pointer      = 11; // Start at index 11
            List <UInt16> abilitySlots = new List <UInt16>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= countAbilities; i++)
                // This must be looped
                byte[] slotByteID = new byte[2];
                ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, pointer, slotByteID, 0, 2);
                pointer = pointer + 2;

                byte[] abilityByteID = new byte[2];
                ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, pointer, abilityByteID, 0, 2);
                pointer = pointer + 4;

                byte[] abilityByteLevel = new byte[2];
                ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, pointer, abilityByteLevel, 0, 2);
                pointer = pointer + 3;

                UInt16 slotID       = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(slotByteID, 1);
                UInt16 AbilityID    = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(abilityByteID, 1);
                UInt16 AbilityLevel = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(abilityByteLevel, 1);

                PacketContent pak = new PacketContent();
                if (unloadFlag > 0)
                    pak.addUint16((UInt16)RPCResponseHeaders.SERVER_ABILITY_UNLOAD, 0);
                    pak.addUint16((UInt16)RPCResponseHeaders.SERVER_ABILITY_LOAD, 0);

            if (unloadFlag > 0)
                Store.dbManager.WorldDbHandler.updateAbilityLoadOut(abilitySlots, 0);
                Store.dbManager.WorldDbHandler.updateAbilityLoadOut(abilitySlots, 1);
Esempio n. 4
        public void processMissionList(ref byte[] packet)
            new TeamHandler().checkAndCreateMissionTeam(Store.currentClient);
            byte[]        contactBytes = { packet[0], packet[1] };
            UInt16        contactId    = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(contactBytes, 1);
            uint          orgID        = packet[2];
            ServerPackets pak          = new ServerPackets();

            pak.sendMissionList(contactId, orgID, Store.currentClient);
Esempio n. 5
        public void processSetBackgroundRequest(ref byte[] packetData)
            UInt16 backgroundSize = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(new byte[] { packetData[3], packetData[4] }, 1);

            byte[] backgroundBytes = new byte[backgroundSize - 1];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packetData, 5, backgroundBytes, 0, backgroundSize - 1);

            string backgroundText = StringUtils.charBytesToString(backgroundBytes);

Esempio n. 6
        public UInt16 readUInt16(int reversed)
            UInt16 value = 0;

            // ToDo: implement

            value = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(new byte[] { packetData[offset], packetData[offset + 1] }, reversed);

            offset = offset + 2;
Esempio n. 7
        public void processTargetChange(ref byte[] rpcData, WorldClient currentClient)
            UInt16 viewId  = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(new byte[] { rpcData[0], rpcData[1] }, 1);
            ushort spawnId = rpcData[2];

            // ToDo: add this to the ClientData
            currentClient.playerData.currentSelectedTargetViewId  = viewId;
            currentClient.playerData.currentSelectedTargetSpawnId = spawnId;
            ServerPackets pak = new ServerPackets();

            pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "TARGET CHANGE For ViewID " + viewId.ToString() + " AND SPAWN ID : " + spawnId.ToString(), "MODAL");
Esempio n. 8
        public void processItemMove(ref byte[] packet)
            byte[] sourceSlot = { packet[0], packet[1] };
            byte[] destSlot   = { packet[2], packet[3] };

            UInt16 fromSlot = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(sourceSlot, 1);
            UInt16 toSlot   = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(destSlot, 1);

            Store.dbManager.WorldDbHandler.updateInventorySlot(fromSlot, toSlot);

            ServerPackets pak = new ServerPackets();

            pak.sendInventoryItemMove(fromSlot, toSlot, Store.currentClient);
Esempio n. 9
        public void processMissionaccept(ref byte[] packet)
            byte[] contactBytes = { packet[0], packet[1] };
            UInt16 contactId    = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(contactBytes, 1);
            ushort missionId    = packet[2];

            Output.WriteRpcLog("Mission Accept Data:" + StringUtils.bytesToString(packet));
            ServerPackets pak = new ServerPackets();

            pak.sendMissionAccept(Store.currentClient, contactId, missionId);
            pak.sendSetMissionObjective(1, 0, "This is the test Mission, mate", Store.currentClient);
            pak.sendSetMissionObjective(2, 0, "Success", Store.currentClient);
            //pak.sendSetMissionObjective(3, 2, "Failed Remain", Store.currentClient);
            //pak.sendSetMissionObjective(4, 3, "Failed Clear", Store.currentClient);
Esempio n. 10
        public void AddWorldObjectToWorldServer(StaticWorldObject worldObject)
            UInt16 typeId = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(worldObject.type, 1);

            switch (typeId)
            case 6568:
                Subway subway = new Subway(worldObject);
Esempio n. 11
        public int parseAttributes(ref byte[] buffer, int _offset)
            int  offset = _offset;
            byte flag   = 0x00;

            flag = BufferHandler.readByte(ref buffer, ref offset);

            byte[] stateData = new byte[buffer.Length - offset + 2];
            ArrayUtils.copy(buffer, offset - 2, stateData, 0, buffer.Length - offset + 2);
            //Flag Bits{0,0,0,0,Vector3f Position Update,  Yaw Update,Animation Update, AttributesPacked Update?}

            switch (flag)
            case 0x02:
                Action.setValue(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref offset, Action.getSize()));

            case 0x04:
                YawInterval.setValue(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref offset, YawInterval.getSize()));

            case 0x08:
                double x = (double)NumericalUtils.byteArrayToFloat(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref offset, 4), 1);
                double y = (double)NumericalUtils.byteArrayToFloat(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref offset, 4), 1);
                double z = (double)NumericalUtils.byteArrayToFloat(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref offset, 4), 1);
                Position.setValue(NumericalUtils.doublesToLtVector3d(x, y, z));

            case 0x0e:
                // UInt16 unknown + LtVector3f
                UInt16 unknown = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref offset, 2), 1);
                float  xPos    = NumericalUtils.byteArrayToFloat(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref offset, 4), 1);
                float  yPos    = NumericalUtils.byteArrayToFloat(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref offset, 4), 1);
                float  zPos    = NumericalUtils.byteArrayToFloat(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref offset, 4), 1);
                Position.setValue(NumericalUtils.doublesToLtVector3d((double)xPos, (double)yPos, (double)zPos));

            // TODO: update player attribute packets someday (announce it to my spawners)
  , Store.currentClient.playerData.getCharID(), NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(Store.currentClient.playerInstance.GetGoid(), 1), Store.currentClient.playerData.getEntityId());
Esempio n. 12
        public void processObjectDynamic(ref byte[] packet)
            PacketReader reader = new PacketReader(packet);

            byte[] objectID = new byte[4];
            byte[] sectorID = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, 0, objectID, 0, 4);
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(objectID, 2, sectorID, 0, 2);

            UInt32 numericObjectId = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint32(objectID, 1);

            // Ok sector Bytes are something like 30 39 (reversed but the result must be 39 03)
            UInt16 numericSectorId = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(sectorID, 1);
            // strip out object id
            string id = StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(objectID);

            // get the type
            byte[] objectType = new byte[1];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 4, objectType, 0, 1);
            int objectTypeID = packet[4];

            // create a new System message but fill it in the switch block
            ServerPackets pak = new ServerPackets();

            #if DEBUG
            pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Object Type ID IS " + objectTypeID.ToString() + " Dynamic Object RPC : " + StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(packet), "BROADCAST");

            switch (objectTypeID)
            case (int)objectTypesDynamic.LOOT:
                UInt32[] theTestArrayLoots = new UInt32[2];
                theTestArrayLoots[0] = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint32(StringUtils.hexStringToBytes("8e220000"), 1);
                pak.SendLootWindow(5000, Store.currentClient, theTestArrayLoots);

                pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "[OI HELPER] Unknown Object Type : " + objectTypeID.ToString() + "| Object ID :" + id, "MODAL");
Esempio n. 13
        // This is for team and crew invites
        public void processInviteAnswer(ref byte[] packet)
            // read the important things
            byte[] maybeType  = new byte[2];
            byte[] sizeString = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, 3, maybeType, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, 7, sizeString, 0, 2);
            UInt16 sizeCharName = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(sizeString, 1);

            byte[] characterNameBytes = new byte[sizeCharName];
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, 9, characterNameBytes, 0, sizeCharName);

            string characterName = StringUtils.charBytesToString(characterNameBytes);

            // if it is 0 - then he has accepted the request - otherwise decline and ..we dont care

            switch (NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(maybeType, 1))
            // Team Invites
            case 0:
                lock (WorldSocket.missionTeams)
                    foreach (MissionTeam team in WorldSocket.missionTeams)
                        if (team.characterMasterName.Equals(characterName))

            // Crew Invites
            case 2:
                // ToDo: add to Crew and maybe to faction (if crew is part of faction)
                // ToDo: Generate Repsonse for all connected crew mates and the new member
                // ToDo: add to crew and figure out the responses that are necessary (like crew message , player update etc.)
                // ToDo: for this the "2_player_action" logs could be useful.

Esempio n. 14
        public void processHardlineTeleport(ref byte[] packet)
            // we dont care where the journey goes
            // just want to see IF the journey will do :)
            // for this just ack and send 0x42 packet
            byte[] sourceHardline = new byte[2];
            sourceHardline[0] = packet[0];
            sourceHardline[1] = packet[1];

            byte[] sourceDistrict = new byte[2];
            sourceDistrict[0] = packet[4];
            sourceDistrict[1] = packet[5];

            byte[] destHardline = new byte[2];
            destHardline[0] = packet[8];
            destHardline[1] = packet[9];

            byte[] destDistrict = new byte[2];
            destDistrict[0] = packet[12];
            destDistrict[1] = packet[13];

            UInt16 sourceHL  = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(sourceHardline, 1);
            UInt16 sourceDIS = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(sourceDistrict, 1);

            UInt16 destHL  = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(destHardline, 1);
            UInt16 destDIS = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(destDistrict, 1);

            // This should do the magic - we just catch
            Store.dbManager.WorldDbHandler.updateLocationByHL(destDIS, destHL);
            Store.dbManager.WorldDbHandler.updateSourceHlForObjectTracking(sourceDIS, sourceHL, Store.currentClient.playerData.lastClickedObjectId);

            #if DEBUG
            ServerPackets serverPak = new ServerPackets();
            serverPak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "User wants teleport from : HL ID: " + sourceHL.ToString() + " (DIS: " + sourceDIS.ToString() + " ) TO HL ID: " + destHL.ToString() + " (DIS: " + destDIS.ToString() + ") ", "MODAL");

            // Tell client we want to unload the World
            PacketContent pak = new PacketContent();
            pak.addUint16((UInt16)RPCResponseHeaders.SERVER_LOAD_RPC_RESET, 0);
Esempio n. 15
        private void charNameRequest(byte[] packet, NetworkStream client)
            // Get the handle text
            byte[] handleSize = new byte[2];
            handleSize[0] = packet[5];
            handleSize[1] = packet[6];

            int size = (int)NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(handleSize, 1);

            byte[] handleB = new byte[size - 1];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 7, handleB, 0, size - 1);
            string handleBStr = StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(handleB);             // Handle as "414141"
            string handleStr  = StringUtils.charBytesToString(handleB);            // Handle as "AAA"

            // Process DB to answer the client - we directly create the character
            UInt32 dbResult = Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.getNewCharnameID(handleStr, userID);

            // Add the new charId so that we can work with it

            // Create the answer
            string nameRequestResponse = "";

            if (dbResult == 0)
                nameRequestResponse += "0b0f00010000110000000000000000";
                nameRequestResponse += StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(handleSize);
                nameRequestResponse += handleBStr + "00";
                newCharID            = dbResult;
                nameRequestResponse += "0b0f0000000000";
                nameRequestResponse += StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(NumericalUtils.uint32ToByteArray((UInt32)dbResult, 1));
                nameRequestResponse += "0000000000";
                nameRequestResponse += StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(handleSize);
                nameRequestResponse += handleBStr + "00";

            sendMarginData(nameRequestResponse, client);
Esempio n. 16
        // Return all the values in an ArrayList, not just the decrypted packet
        public ArrayList decrypt(byte[] encryptedData, int length)
            ArrayList response = new ArrayList();

            UInt16 pss  = 0;
            UInt16 cseq = 0;
            UInt16 sseq = 0;

            int decryptedSize = EnigmaLib.worldDecrypt(encryptedData, innerBuffer, length, ref pss, ref cseq, ref sseq);

             * If decrypted size is -1337 then it was a CRC in packet <> CRC of packet Exception
             * */

            if (decryptedSize == -1337)
                Output.WriteLine("Oh oh, CRC didnt matched in this packet");

            // This hexsize throws exceptions we will use the decryptedSize - 10 (same value)
            byte[] hexSize = new byte[2];
            hexSize [0] = innerBuffer[4];
            hexSize [1] = innerBuffer[5];
            UInt16 size = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(hexSize, 1);

            size -= 4;           // remove the 4 seq data bytes from size

            byte[] data = new byte[size];
            ArrayUtils.copy(innerBuffer, 14, data, 0, decryptedSize - 10);       // Should do a fast copy method for this, if not done already

Esempio n. 17
        public void processOpenDoor(StaticWorldObject door)
            UInt16 typeId = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(door.type, 1);

            byte[] masterViewId = { 0x01, 0x00 };
            byte[] seperator    = { 0xcd, 0xab };

            Store.currentClient.playerData.newViewIdCounter++; // It is just for a test Later we will change this to have a List with Views and Object IDs

            byte[] disarmDifficultyMaybe = { 0x03, 0x84 };
            byte[] endViewID             = { 0x00, 0x00 };

            byte[] spawnCounter = NumericalUtils.uint16ToByteArrayShort(Store.currentClient.playerData.assignSpawnIdCounter());
            Output.WriteLine("[DOOR]POS X : " + door.pos_x.ToString() + " POS Y: " + door.pos_y.ToString() + " POS Z: " + door.pos_z.ToString() + ", TypeId: " + StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(door.type));

            switch (typeId)
            case 417:
            case 419:
                // ToDo: Packet Format for Elevator
                // 02 03 01 00
                // 08
                // a3 01
                // 6b 01 f0 3d be
                // cd ab 03 88 00 00 00 00 ff ff 7f 3f 00 00 00 00 f3 04 35 33
                // 22 00 00 00 00 40 f4 fb 40 00 00 00 00 00 90 75 40 00 00 00 00 00 40 af 40 ff ff ff ff 19 00 00
                // 11 00 01 00 04 61 97 e1 47 f0 bf 2d 44 de 30 35 45 00 00
                PacketContent content = new PacketContent();
                content.addByteArray(NumericalUtils.uint32ToByteArray(door.mxoId, 1));
                content.addByteArray(spawnCounter);                            // Spawn Object Counter
                content.addByte(0x03);                                         // Number of Attributes to parse (3)
                content.addByte(0x88);                                         // GROUP 1 - more groups ON, Attribute 4 (305,Orientation,LTQuaternion,16) SET (10001000)
                content.addByteArray(StringUtils.hexStringToBytes(door.quat)); // ToDo: replace it later with the real LTQuaternion
                content.addByte(0x22);                                         // GROUP 2 - more groups OFF, Attribute 2,6  SET (00100010)
                content.addDoubleLtVector3d(door.pos_x, door.pos_y, door.pos_z);
                content.addByteArray(new byte[] { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff });
                content.addByteArray(NumericalUtils.uint16ToByteArray(Store.currentClient.playerData.newViewIdCounter, 1));
                Store.currentClient.messageQueue.addObjectMessage(content.returnFinalPacket(), false);

            case 2506:
                // ToDo: Packet Format for Elevator



                PacketContent contentDefault = new PacketContent();
                contentDefault.addByteArray(NumericalUtils.uint32ToByteArray(door.mxoId, 1));
                contentDefault.addByteArray(spawnCounter);     // Spawn Object Counter
                contentDefault.addByte(0x00);                                                                  // isZionAligned?
                contentDefault.addByteArray(StringUtils.hexStringToBytes("0000000000803F000000000000000041")); // ToDo: replace it later with the real values from the object
                contentDefault.addDoubleLtVector3d(door.pos_x, door.pos_y, door.pos_z);
                contentDefault.addByteArray(NumericalUtils.uint16ToByteArray(Store.currentClient.playerData.newViewIdCounter, 1));
                Store.currentClient.messageQueue.addObjectMessage(contentDefault.returnFinalPacket(), false);
Esempio n. 18
        private static void CheckPlayerMobViews()
            // Spawn/Update for mobs
            int npcCount = WorldSocket.npcs.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < npcCount; i++)
                Mob thismob = (Mob)WorldSocket.npcs[i];

                lock (WorldSocket.Clients.SyncRoot)
                    foreach (string clientKey in WorldSocket.Clients.Keys)
                        // Loop through all clients
                        WorldClient thisclient = WorldSocket.Clients[clientKey] as WorldClient;

                        if (thisclient.Alive == true)
                            // Check if

                            if (thisclient.playerData.getOnWorld() == true && thisclient.playerData.waitForRPCShutDown == false)
                                Maths  math    = new Maths();
                                double playerX = 0;
                                double playerY = 0;
                                double playerZ = 0;
                                NumericalUtils.LtVector3dToDoubles(thisclient.playerInstance.Position.getValue(), ref playerX, ref playerY, ref playerZ);
                                Maths mathUtils     = new Maths();
                                bool  mobIsInCircle = mathUtils.IsInCircle((float)playerX, (float)playerZ, (float)thismob.getXPos(), (float)thismob.getZPos(), 5000);

                                // Spawn Mob if its in Visibility Range
                                ClientView mobView = thisclient.viewMan.getViewForEntityAndGo(thismob.getEntityId(), NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(thismob.getGoId(), 1));
                                if (mobView.viewCreated == false && thismob.getDistrict() == thisclient.playerData.getDistrictId() && thisclient.playerData.getOnWorld() && mobIsInCircle)
                                    #if DEBUG
                                    ServerPackets pak = new ServerPackets();
                                    pak.sendSystemChatMessage(thisclient, "Mob with Name " + thismob.getName() + " with new View ID " + mobView.ViewID + " spawned", "BROADCAST");

                                    ServerPackets mobPak = new ServerPackets();
                                    mobPak.SpawnMobView(thisclient, thismob, mobView);
                                    mobView.spawnId      = thisclient.playerData.spawnViewUpdateCounter;
                                    mobView.viewCreated  = true;
                                    thismob.isUpdateable = true;

                                // Delete Mob's View from Client if we are outside
                                if (mobView.viewCreated == true && !mobIsInCircle && thismob.getDistrict() == thisclient.playerData.getDistrictId())
                                    // ToDo: delete mob
                                    ServerPackets packets = new ServerPackets();
                                    packets.sendDeleteViewPacket(thisclient, mobView.ViewID);
                                    #if DEBUG
                                    packets.sendSystemChatMessage(thisclient, "MobView (" + thismob.getName() + " LVL: " + thismob.getLevel() + " ) with View ID " + mobView.ViewID + " is out of range and is deleted!", "MODAL");
                                    thismob.isUpdateable = false;
Esempio n. 19
        private static void CleanDeadPlayers(ArrayList deadPlayers)
            foreach (string key in deadPlayers)
                WorldClient deadClient = WorldSocket.Clients[key] as WorldClient;
                foreach (string client in WorldSocket.Clients.Keys)
                    WorldClient otherclient = WorldSocket.Clients[client] as WorldClient;
                    ClientView  view        = otherclient.viewMan.getViewForEntityAndGo(deadClient.playerData.getEntityId(), NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(deadClient.playerInstance.GetGoid(), 1));

                    ServerPackets pak = new ServerPackets();
                    pak.sendDeleteViewPacket(otherclient, view.ViewID);

                // Views are now deleted to other players
                // ToDo: Cleanup Missions (kill all running missions the player have)
                // ToDo: Cleanup Teams (if your mission team has more than one player, you need to announce an update for the mission team to your mates)
                // ToDo: Announce friendlists from other users that you are going offline (just collect all players whohave this client in list and send the packet)
                // ToDo: Finally save the current character Data to the Database^^
                Output.WriteLine("Removed inactive Client with Key " + key);
                lock (WorldSocket.Clients.SyncRoot)
Esempio n. 20
        private static void CheckPlayerViews()
            // Check for Player Views
            lock (WorldSocket.Clients.SyncRoot)
                foreach (string clientKey in WorldSocket.Clients.Keys)
                    // get Current client
                    WorldClient currentClient = WorldSocket.Clients[clientKey] as WorldClient;
                    // Loop all Clients and check if we need to create a view for it
                    foreach (string clientOtherKey in WorldSocket.Clients.Keys)
                        WorldClient otherClient = WorldSocket.Clients[clientOtherKey] as WorldClient;
                        if (otherClient != currentClient)
                            ClientView clientView = currentClient.viewMan.getViewForEntityAndGo(
                                NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(otherClient.playerInstance.GetGoid(), 1));

                            // Create
                            Maths  math           = new Maths();
                            double currentPlayerX = 0;
                            double currentPlayerY = 0;
                            double currentPlayerZ = 0;

                            double otherPlayerX = 0;
                            double otherPlayerY = 0;
                            double otherPlayerZ = 0;

                            NumericalUtils.LtVector3dToDoubles(currentClient.playerInstance.Position.getValue(), ref currentPlayerX, ref currentPlayerY, ref currentPlayerZ);
                            NumericalUtils.LtVector3dToDoubles(currentClient.playerInstance.Position.getValue(), ref otherPlayerX, ref otherPlayerY, ref otherPlayerZ);
                            Maths mathUtils        = new Maths();
                            bool  playerIsInCircle = mathUtils.IsInCircle((float)currentPlayerX, (float)currentPlayerZ, (float)otherPlayerX, (float)otherPlayerZ, 5000);
                            if (clientView.viewCreated == false &&
                                currentClient.playerData.getDistrictId() == otherClient.playerData.getDistrictId() &&
                                otherClient.playerData.getOnWorld() && currentClient.playerData.getOnWorld() &&
                                // Spawn player
                                ServerPackets pak = new ServerPackets();
                                                          "Player " + StringUtils.charBytesToString_NZ(otherClient.playerInstance.CharacterName.getValue()) + " with new View ID " +
                                                          clientView.ViewID + " jacked in", "BROADCAST");
                                pak.sendPlayerSpawn(currentClient, otherClient, clientView.ViewID);
                                clientView.spawnId     = currentClient.playerData.spawnViewUpdateCounter;
                                clientView.viewCreated = true;

                            if (clientView.viewCreated && !playerIsInCircle)
                                // ToDo: delete mob
                                ServerPackets packets = new ServerPackets();
                                                              "Player " + StringUtils.charBytesToString_NZ(otherClient.playerInstance.CharacterName.getValue()) + " with View ID " + clientView.ViewID +
                                                              " jacked out!", "MODAL");
                                packets.sendDeleteViewPacket(currentClient, clientView.ViewID);
Esempio n. 21
        public void processObjectInteraction(StaticWorldObject staticWorldObject, GameObjectItem item)
            UInt16 typeId = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(staticWorldObject.type, 1);

            Store.currentClient.playerData.newViewIdCounter++; // It is just for a test Later we will change this to have a List with Views and Object IDs

            ServerPackets packets = new ServerPackets();

            packets.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Door ID " + staticWorldObject.mxoId + " Type ID " + typeId.ToString() + " POS X:" + staticWorldObject.pos_x.ToString() + " Y:" + staticWorldObject.pos_y.ToString() + " Z:" + staticWorldObject.pos_z.ToString() + typeId, "BROADCAST");

            switch (typeId)
            case 343:
            case 346:
            case 359:
            case 365:
            case 414:
            case 415:
            case 416:
            case 576:
            case 6958:
            case 6965:
            case 6963:
            case 6964:
            case 6972:
                // ObjectAttribute364
                ObjectAttributes364 door364 = new ObjectAttributes364("DOOR364", typeId, staticWorldObject.mxoId);
                // Set Values
                door364.Position.setValue(NumericalUtils.doublesToLtVector3d(staticWorldObject.pos_x, staticWorldObject.pos_y, staticWorldObject.pos_z));
                //door364.Orientation.setValue(StringUtils.hexStringToBytes("000000000000803F0000000000000000")); // ToDo: Replace it with staticWorldObject.quat when it is okay

                // ToDo: We make a little Entity "Hack" so that we have a unique id : metrid + fullmxostatic_id is entity
                String entityMxOHackString = "" + staticWorldObject.metrId + "" + staticWorldObject.mxoId;
                UInt64 entityId            = UInt64.Parse(entityMxOHackString);

                packets.sendSpawnStaticObject(Store.currentClient, door364, entityId);


            case 6601:
            case 6994:
            case 341:
            case 417:
            case 419:

                ObjectAttributes363 door363 = new ObjectAttributes363("DOOR363", typeId, staticWorldObject.mxoId);
                // Set Values
                door363.Position.setValue(NumericalUtils.doublesToLtVector3d(staticWorldObject.pos_x, staticWorldObject.pos_y, staticWorldObject.pos_z));
                //door363.Orientation.setValue(StringUtils.hexStringToBytes("000000000000803F0000000000000000")); // ToDo: Replace it with staticWorldObject.quat when it is okay

                // ToDo: We make a little Entity "Hack" so that we have a unique id : metrid + fullmxostatic_id is entity
                String entity363MxOHackString = "" + staticWorldObject.metrId + "" + staticWorldObject.mxoId;
                UInt64 entity363Id            = UInt64.Parse(entity363MxOHackString);

                packets.sendSpawnStaticObject(Store.currentClient, door363, entity363Id);

            case 592:
                new TeleportHandler().processHardlineExitRequest();

                new ServerPackets().sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Unknown Object Interaction with Object Type " + staticWorldObject.type + " and Name " + item.getName(), "MODAL");
Esempio n. 22
 public void processTarget(ref byte[] packet)
     byte[] viewBytes = { packet[0], packet[1] };
     UInt16 viewID    = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(viewBytes, 1);
Esempio n. 23
 public void SendViewUpdateToClientsWhoHasSpawnedView(PacketContent packet, Mob mob)
     lock (Clients.SyncRoot)
         foreach (string clientKey in Clients.Keys)
             WorldClient client  = Clients[clientKey] as WorldClient;
             ClientView  mobView = client.viewMan.getViewForEntityAndGo(mob.getEntityId(), NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(mob.getGoId(), 1));
             if (mobView.viewCreated == true && mob.getDistrict() == client.playerData.getDistrictId() && client.playerData.getOnWorld())
                 ServerPackets pak = new ServerPackets();
                 pak.SendNpcUpdateData(mobView.ViewID, client, packet.returnFinalPacket());
Esempio n. 24
        public void processObjectStatic(ref byte[] packet)
            byte[] objectID = new byte[4];
            byte[] sectorID = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, 0, objectID, 0, 4);
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(objectID, 2, sectorID, 0, 2);

            UInt32 numericObjectId = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint32(objectID, 1);

            // Ok sector Bytes are something like 30 39 (reversed but the result must be 39 03)
            UInt16 numericSectorId = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(sectorID, 1);
            // strip out object id
            string id = StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(objectID);

            // get the type
            byte[] objectType = new byte[1];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 4, objectType, 0, 1);
            int objectTypeID = packet[4];

            DataLoader        objectLoader = DataLoader.getInstance();
            StaticWorldObject objectValues = objectLoader.getObjectValues(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint32(objectID, 1));

            // create a new System message but fill it in the switch block
            ServerPackets pak = new ServerPackets();

            switch (objectTypeID)
            // Case 03 is not only a staticWorldObject ...
            case (int)objectTypesStatic.DOOR:

                Output.writeToLogForConsole("[OI HELPER] INTERACT WITH DOOR | Object ID :" + id + " Sector ID : " + numericSectorId);

                // just a test

                if (objectValues != null && objectValues.type != null)
                    GameObjectItem item = objectLoader.getGameObjectItemById(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(objectValues.type, 1));
                    //Store.currentClient.messageQueue.addRpcMessage(PacketsUtils.createSystemMessage("[OI HELPER] Door StrType: !" + item.getName() + " with Type ID " + StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(objectValues.type), Store.currentClient));
                    this.processObjectInteraction(objectValues, item);


            case (int)objectTypesStatic.HARDLINE_SYNC:

                pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Hardline Interaction(not done yet)!", "MODAL");

            case (int)objectTypesStatic.HARDLINE_UPLOAD:
                Output.writeToLogForConsole("[OBJECT HELPER] Upload Hardline will be used for combat tests");
                Store.currentClient.playerData.lastClickedObjectId = numericObjectId;
                new TestUnitHandler().processTestCombat(ref packet);

            case (int)objectTypesStatic.HARDLINE_LAEXIT:
                // Exit LA
                pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Exit to LA Dialog should popup", "MODAL");
                new TeleportHandler().processHardlineExitRequest();

            case (int)objectTypesStatic.HUMAN_NPC:
                pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Open Vendor Dialog for Object ID" + StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(objectID), "MODAL");
                this.processVendorOpen(ref objectID);

            case (int)objectTypesStatic.COLLECTOR:
                pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Collector Interaction (not done yet)!", "MODAL");

            case (int)objectTypesStatic.ENVIROMENT:
                GameObjectItem enviromentItem   = objectLoader.getGameObjectItemById(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(objectValues.type, 1));
                UInt16         enviromentTypeID = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(objectValues.type, 1);
                switch (enviromentTypeID)
                case 6952:
                    // ToDo: implement Elevator Panel
                    pak.sendElevatorPanel(Store.currentClient, objectValues);

                    pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Enviroment Type ID " + objectValues.type + " name " + enviromentItem.getName(), "MODAL");
                pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Enviroment Type ID " + objectValues.type + " name " + enviromentItem.getName(), "MODAL");

                pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "[OI HELPER] Unknown Object Type : " + objectTypeID.ToString() + "| Object ID :" + id, "MODAL");
Esempio n. 25
        private void createCharacterRSI(byte[] packet, NetworkStream client)
            // Instance the Data Loader
            DataLoader ItemLoader = DataLoader.getInstance();

            isNewCreatedChar = true;

            string debugHexPacket = StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(packet);

            // lets read the values
            // the IDs for the Appeareance is always uint16 goID
            byte[] bodyTypeIDByte         = new byte[4];
            byte[] professionByte         = new byte[4];
            byte[] facialdetailBytes      = new byte[4];
            byte[] facialdetailColorBytes = new byte[4];
            byte[] hairBytes      = new byte[4];
            byte[] hairColorBytes = new byte[4];
            byte[] skintoneBytes  = new byte[4];
            byte[] tatooBytes     = new byte[4];
            byte[] headIDBytes    = new byte[4];

            // Clothing
            byte[] shirtIDBytes     = new byte[4];
            byte[] pantsIDBytes     = new byte[4];
            byte[] outerwearIDBytes = new byte[4];
            byte[] hatIDBytes       = new byte[4];
            byte[] eyewearIDBytes   = new byte[4];
            byte[] footwearIDBytes  = new byte[4];
            byte[] glovesIDBytes    = new byte[4];
            //byte[] legginsIDBytes           = new byte[4];

            // RSI
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 3, skintoneBytes, 0, 2);        // Done!
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 7, bodyTypeIDByte, 0, 2);       // Done!
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 15, hairBytes, 0, 2);           // Done!
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 19, hairColorBytes, 0, 2);      // Done!
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 23, tatooBytes, 0, 2);          // Done!
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 27, headIDBytes, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 31, facialdetailBytes, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 35, facialdetailColorBytes, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 67, professionByte, 0, 2);

            UInt16 body       = 0;
            UInt16 gender     = 0;
            UInt32 bodyTypeId = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint32(bodyTypeIDByte, 1);

            UInt16 hairId            = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(hairBytes, 1);
            UInt16 haircolor         = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(hairColorBytes, 1);
            UInt16 tattoo            = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(tatooBytes, 1);
            UInt16 facialDetailColor = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(facialdetailColorBytes, 1);
            UInt16 skintone          = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(skintoneBytes, 1);
            UInt16 headID            = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(headIDBytes, 1);

            // Get Values by "NewRSI" IDs
            NewRSIItem hairItem = ItemLoader.getNewRSIItemByTypeAndID("HAIR", hairId);
            NewRSIItem bodyItem = ItemLoader.getNewRSIItemByTypeAndID("BODY", (ushort)bodyTypeId);
            NewRSIItem headItem = ItemLoader.getNewRSIItemByTypeAndID("HEAD", headID);

            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("body", bodyItem.internalId.ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("sex", bodyItem.gender.ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("face", headItem.internalId.ToString(), newCharID);              // ToDo:
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("hair", hairItem.internalId.ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("haircolor", haircolor.ToString(), newCharID);                   // ToDo: check if it is correct
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("tattoo", tattoo.ToString(), newCharID);                         // ToDo:
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("facialdetailcolor", facialDetailColor.ToString(), newCharID);   // ToDo:
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("skintone", skintone.ToString(), newCharID);
            // Clothing Items
            // ToDo: GLOVES ARE MISSING!
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 43, shirtIDBytes, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 47, glovesIDBytes, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 55, pantsIDBytes, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 51, outerwearIDBytes, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 34, hatIDBytes, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 39, eyewearIDBytes, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 63, footwearIDBytes, 0, 2);

            ClothingItem shirt     = ItemLoader.getItemValues(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(shirtIDBytes, 1));
            ClothingItem pants     = ItemLoader.getItemValues(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(pantsIDBytes, 1));
            ClothingItem outerwear = ItemLoader.getItemValues(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(outerwearIDBytes, 1));
            ClothingItem hat       = ItemLoader.getItemValues(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(hatIDBytes, 1));
            ClothingItem eyewear   = ItemLoader.getItemValues(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(eyewearIDBytes, 1));
            ClothingItem footwear  = ItemLoader.getItemValues(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(footwearIDBytes, 1));
            ClothingItem gloves    = ItemLoader.getItemValues(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(glovesIDBytes, 1));

            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("hat", hat.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("shirt", shirt.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("shirtcolor", shirt.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("coat", outerwear.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("coatcolor", outerwear.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("pants", pants.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("pantscolor", pants.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("shoes", pants.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("shoecolor", pants.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("glasses", pants.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("glassescolor", pants.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);

            // ToDO: Figre out the ITem Slots for "currentlyWearing" Items and add the ITems correctly to the Inventory

            // FirstName
            UInt16 currentOffset = 79;

            byte[] firstNameLenBytes = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, firstNameLenBytes, 0, 2);
            UInt16 firstNameLen = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(firstNameLenBytes, 1);

            currentOffset += 2;

            byte[] firstNameBytes = new byte[NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(firstNameLenBytes, 1) - 1];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, firstNameBytes, 0, firstNameLen - 1);
            string firstNameString = StringUtils.charBytesToString(firstNameBytes);

            currentOffset += firstNameLen;

            // LastName
            byte[] lastNameLenBytes = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, lastNameLenBytes, 0, 2);
            UInt16 lastNameLen = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(lastNameLenBytes, 1);

            currentOffset += 2;

            byte[] lastNameBytes = new byte[NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(lastNameLenBytes, 1) - 1];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, lastNameBytes, 0, lastNameLen - 1);
            string lastNameString = StringUtils.charBytesToString(lastNameBytes);

            currentOffset += lastNameLen;

            // Description
            byte[] descriptionLenBytes = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, descriptionLenBytes, 0, 2);
            UInt16 descriptionLen = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(descriptionLenBytes, 1);

            currentOffset += 2;

            byte[] descriptionBytes = new byte[NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(descriptionLenBytes, 1) - 1];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, descriptionBytes, 0, descriptionLen - 1);
            string descriptionString = StringUtils.charBytesToString(descriptionBytes);

            currentOffset += lastNameLen;

            // Update Characters values
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateCharacter(firstNameString, lastNameString, descriptionString, newCharID);

            // Add the Basic Abilitys...
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2147481600, 0, newCharID, 1, 1);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2147367936, 1, newCharID, 1, 1);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2147294208, 2, newCharID, 0, 1);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2147281920, 3, newCharID, 0, 0);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2147280896, 4, newCharID, 0, 0);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2147437568, 5, newCharID, 1, 1);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2147425280, 6, newCharID, 0, 0);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2147404800, 7, newCharID, 0, 0);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2147445760, 8, newCharID, 0, 0);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2146493440, 9, newCharID, 0, 0);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2146453504, 10, newCharID, 1, 0);

            // we have all created - lets load the charData
            loadCharacter(packet, client, this.newCharID);
Esempio n. 26
        public void sendSpawnStaticObject(WorldClient client, GameObject creationObjectData, UInt64 entityID)
            ClientView staticObjectView = client.viewMan.getViewForEntityAndGo(entityID, NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(creationObjectData.GetGoid(), 1));

            if (staticObjectView.viewCreated == false)
                PacketContent pak = new PacketContent();

                pak.addUint16(1, 1);
                pak.addByteArray(, 0x0000, client.playerData.assignSpawnIdCounter()).getBytes());
                pak.addUint16(staticObjectView.ViewID, 1);

                client.messageQueue.addObjectMessage(pak.returnFinalPacket(), false);
                staticObjectView.viewCreated = true;
Esempio n. 27
        private void createCharacterRSI(byte[] packet, NetworkStream client)
            // Instance the Data Loader
            DataLoader itemLoader = DataLoader.getInstance();

            isNewCreatedChar = true;
            string debugHexPacket = StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(packet);

            // ToDo: Replace all with Packet Reader Instance
            PacketReader reader = new PacketReader(packet);


            UInt16 body   = 0;
            UInt16 gender = 0;

            UInt16 skintone = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 bodyTypeId = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 hairId = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 haircolor = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 tattoo = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 headId = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 facialDetail = reader.readUInt16(1);

            // ToDo: it has a bug - figure out correct position
            UInt16 facialDetailColor = reader.readUInt16(1);

            // ToDo: Remove this when facialDetailColor is parsed properly
            facialDetailColor = 0;
            UInt16 profession = reader.readUInt16(1);

            // lets read the values
            // the IDs for the Appeareance is always uint16 goID
            // Extra Hint: there are no leggins in Char Creation Process
            UInt16 hatId = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 eyewearId = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 shirtId = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 glovesId = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 outerwearId = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 pantsId = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 footwearId = reader.readUInt16(1);

            // Get Values by "NewRSI" IDs
            NewRSIItem hairItem = itemLoader.getNewRSIItemByTypeAndID("HAIR", hairId);
            NewRSIItem bodyItem = itemLoader.getNewRSIItemByTypeAndID("BODY", (ushort)bodyTypeId);
            NewRSIItem headItem = itemLoader.getNewRSIItemByTypeAndID("HEAD", headId);

            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("body", bodyItem.internalId.ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("sex", bodyItem.gender.ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("face", headItem.internalId.ToString(), newCharID);              // ToDo:
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("hair", hairItem.internalId.ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("haircolor", haircolor.ToString(), newCharID);                   // ToDo: check if it is correct
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("tattoo", tattoo.ToString(), newCharID);                         // ToDo:
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("facialdetail", facialDetail.ToString(), newCharID);             // ToDo:
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("facialdetailcolor", facialDetailColor.ToString(), newCharID);   // ToDo:
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("skintone", skintone.ToString(), newCharID);

            // Clothing Items
            ClothingItem shirt     = itemLoader.getItemValues(shirtId);
            ClothingItem pants     = itemLoader.getItemValues(pantsId);
            ClothingItem outerwear = itemLoader.getItemValues(outerwearId);
            ClothingItem hat       = itemLoader.getItemValues(hatId);
            ClothingItem eyewear   = itemLoader.getItemValues(eyewearId);
            ClothingItem footwear  = itemLoader.getItemValues(footwearId);
            ClothingItem gloves    = itemLoader.getItemValues(glovesId);

            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("hat", hat.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("shirt", shirt.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("shirtcolor", shirt.getColorId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("coat", outerwear.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("coatcolor", outerwear.getColorId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("pants", pants.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("pantscolor", pants.getColorId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("shoes", footwear.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("shoecolor", footwear.getColorId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("glasses", eyewear.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("glassescolor", eyewear.getColorId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("gloves", gloves.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);

            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.AddItemToSlot(hatId, 0x61, newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.AddItemToSlot(eyewearId, 0x62, newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.AddItemToSlot(shirtId, 0x63, newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.AddItemToSlot(glovesId, 0x64, newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.AddItemToSlot(outerwearId, 0x65, newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.AddItemToSlot(pantsId, 0x66, newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.AddItemToSlot(footwearId, 0x68, newCharID);

            // FirstName
            UInt16 currentOffset = 79;

            byte[] firstNameLenBytes = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, firstNameLenBytes, 0, 2);
            UInt16 firstNameLen = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(firstNameLenBytes, 1);

            currentOffset += 2;

            byte[] firstNameBytes = new byte[NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(firstNameLenBytes, 1) - 1];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, firstNameBytes, 0, firstNameLen - 1);
            string firstNameString = StringUtils.charBytesToString(firstNameBytes);

            currentOffset += firstNameLen;

            // LastName
            byte[] lastNameLenBytes = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, lastNameLenBytes, 0, 2);
            UInt16 lastNameLen = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(lastNameLenBytes, 1);

            currentOffset += 2;

            byte[] lastNameBytes = new byte[NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(lastNameLenBytes, 1) - 1];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, lastNameBytes, 0, lastNameLen - 1);
            string lastNameString = StringUtils.charBytesToString(lastNameBytes);

            currentOffset += lastNameLen;

            // Description
            byte[] descriptionLenBytes = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, descriptionLenBytes, 0, 2);
            UInt16 descriptionLen = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(descriptionLenBytes, 1);

            currentOffset += 2;

            byte[] descriptionBytes = new byte[NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(descriptionLenBytes, 1) - 1];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, descriptionBytes, 0, descriptionLen - 1);
            string descriptionString = StringUtils.charBytesToString(descriptionBytes);

            currentOffset += lastNameLen;

            // Update Characters values
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateCharacter(firstNameString, lastNameString, descriptionString, newCharID);

            // Add the Basic Abilitys...

            // we have all created - lets load the charData
            loadCharacter(packet, client, this.newCharID);
Esempio n. 28
        public void ViewVisibleThread()
            Output.WriteLine("[WORLD SERVER]View Visible Thread started");
            while (true)
                ArrayList deadPlayers    = new ArrayList();
                ArrayList removeEntities = new ArrayList();

                // Clean
                lock (WorldSocket.Clients.SyncRoot)
                    foreach (string clientKey in WorldSocket.Clients.Keys)
                        // Collect dead players to arraylist
                        WorldClient thisclient = WorldSocket.Clients[clientKey] as WorldClient;

                        if (thisclient.Alive == false)
                            // Add dead Player to the List - we need later to clear them

                // Check for Player Views
                lock (WorldSocket.Clients.SyncRoot)
                    foreach (string clientKey in WorldSocket.Clients.Keys)
                        // get Current client
                        WorldClient currentClient = WorldSocket.Clients[clientKey] as WorldClient;
                        // Loop all Clients and check if we need to create a view for it
                        foreach (string clientOtherKey in WorldSocket.Clients.Keys)
                            WorldClient otherClient = WorldSocket.Clients[clientOtherKey] as WorldClient;
                            if (otherClient != currentClient)
                                ClientView clientView = currentClient.viewMan.getViewForEntityAndGo(otherClient.playerData.getEntityId(), NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(otherClient.playerInstance.GetGoid(), 1));

                                // Create
                                Maths  math           = new Maths();
                                double currentPlayerX = 0;
                                double currentPlayerY = 0;
                                double currentPlayerZ = 0;

                                double otherPlayerX = 0;
                                double otherPlayerY = 0;
                                double otherPlayerZ = 0;

                                NumericalUtils.LtVector3dToDoubles(currentClient.playerInstance.Position.getValue(), ref currentPlayerX, ref currentPlayerY, ref currentPlayerZ);
                                NumericalUtils.LtVector3dToDoubles(currentClient.playerInstance.Position.getValue(), ref otherPlayerX, ref otherPlayerY, ref otherPlayerZ);
                                Maths mathUtils        = new Maths();
                                bool  playerIsInCircle = mathUtils.IsInCircle((float)currentPlayerX, (float)currentPlayerZ, (float)otherPlayerX, (float)otherPlayerZ, 5000);
                                if (clientView.viewCreated == false && currentClient.playerData.getDistrictId() == otherClient.playerData.getDistrictId() && otherClient.playerData.getOnWorld() && currentClient.playerData.getOnWorld() && playerIsInCircle)
                                    // Spawn player
                                    ServerPackets pak = new ServerPackets();
                                    pak.sendSystemChatMessage(currentClient, "Player " + otherClient.playerInstance.GetName() + " with new View ID " + clientView.ViewID + " jacked in", "BROADCAST");
                                    pak.sendPlayerSpawn(currentClient, otherClient, clientView.ViewID);
                                    clientView.spawnId     = currentClient.playerData.spawnViewUpdateCounter;
                                    clientView.viewCreated = true;

                                if (clientView.viewCreated && !playerIsInCircle)
                                    // ToDo: delete mob
                                    ServerPackets packets = new ServerPackets();
                                    packets.sendSystemChatMessage(currentClient, "Player " + otherClient.playerInstance.GetName() + " with View ID " + clientView.ViewID + " jacked out!", "MODAL");
                                    packets.sendDeleteViewPacket(currentClient, clientView.ViewID);

                // Spawn/Update for mobs
                int npcCount = WorldSocket.npcs.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < npcCount; i++)
                    npc thismob = (npc)WorldSocket.npcs[i];

                    lock (WorldSocket.Clients.SyncRoot)
                        foreach (string clientKey in WorldSocket.Clients.Keys)
                            // Loop through all clients
                            WorldClient thisclient = WorldSocket.Clients[clientKey] as WorldClient;

                            if (thisclient.Alive == true)
                                // Check if

                                if (thisclient.playerData.getOnWorld() == true && thisclient.playerData.waitForRPCShutDown == false)
                                    Maths  math    = new Maths();
                                    double playerX = 0;
                                    double playerY = 0;
                                    double playerZ = 0;
                                    NumericalUtils.LtVector3dToDoubles(thisclient.playerInstance.Position.getValue(), ref playerX, ref playerY, ref playerZ);
                                    Maths mathUtils     = new Maths();
                                    bool  mobIsInCircle = mathUtils.IsInCircle((float)playerX, (float)playerZ, (float)thismob.getXPos(), (float)thismob.getZPos(), 5000);

                                    // ToDo: Check if mob is in circle of player (radian some value that is in a middle range for example 300m)
                                    // Create
                                    ClientView mobView = thisclient.viewMan.getViewForEntityAndGo(thismob.getEntityId(), NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(thismob.getGoId(), 1));
                                    if (mobView.viewCreated == false && thismob.getDistrict() == thisclient.playerData.getDistrictId() && thisclient.playerData.getOnWorld() && mobIsInCircle)
                                        ServerPackets pak = new ServerPackets();
                                        pak.sendSystemChatMessage(thisclient, "Mob with Name " + thismob.getName() + " with new View ID " + mobView.ViewID + " spawned", "BROADCAST");
                                        ServerPackets mobPak = new ServerPackets();
                                        mobPak.spawnMobView(thisclient, thismob, mobView);
                                        mobView.spawnId     = thisclient.playerData.spawnViewUpdateCounter;
                                        mobView.viewCreated = true;

                                    // Update Mob
                                    if (mobView.viewCreated == true && thismob.getDistrict() == thisclient.playerData.getDistrictId() && thisclient.playerData.getOnWorld())
                                        // ToDo: We need to involve the Statuslist here and we need to move them finaly
                                        if (thismob.getIsDead() == false)
                                            updateMob(thisclient, ref thismob, mobView);

                                    // Mob moves outside - should delete it
                                    if (mobView.viewCreated == true &&
                                        !mobIsInCircle &&
                                        thismob.getDistrict() == thisclient.playerData.getDistrictId())
                                        // ToDo: delete mob
                                        ServerPackets packets = new ServerPackets();
                                        packets.sendDeleteViewPacket(thisclient, mobView.ViewID);
                                        packets.sendSystemChatMessage(thisclient, "MobView (" + thismob.getName() + " LVL: " + thismob.getLevel() + " ) with View ID " + mobView.ViewID + " is out of range and is deleted!", "MODAL");
                    thismob.updateClient = false;
Esempio n. 29
        public int parseAttributes(ref byte[] buffer, int _offset)
            byte flag = 0x00;

            flag = BufferHandler.readByte(ref buffer, ref _offset);

            byte[] stateData = new byte[buffer.Length - _offset + 2];
            ArrayUtils.copy(buffer, _offset - 2, stateData, 0, buffer.Length - _offset + 2);
            //Flag Bits{0,0,0,0,Vector3f Position Update,  Yaw Update,Animation Update, AttributesPacked Update?}

            double x = 0;
            double y = 0;
            double z = 0;

            switch (flag)
            case 0x02:
                Action.setValue(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref _offset, Action.getSize()));

            case 0x04:
                YawInterval.setValue(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref _offset, YawInterval.getSize()));

            case 0x08:
                x = (double)NumericalUtils.byteArrayToFloat(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref _offset, 4), 1);
                y = (double)NumericalUtils.byteArrayToFloat(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref _offset, 4), 1);
                z = (double)NumericalUtils.byteArrayToFloat(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref _offset, 4), 1);
                Position.setValue(NumericalUtils.doublesToLtVector3d(x, y, z));

            case 0x0a:
                YawInterval.setValue(BufferHandler.readByte(ref buffer, ref _offset));
                x = (double)NumericalUtils.byteArrayToFloat(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref _offset, 4), 1);
                y = (double)NumericalUtils.byteArrayToFloat(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref _offset, 4), 1);
                z = (double)NumericalUtils.byteArrayToFloat(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref _offset, 4), 1);
                Position.setValue(NumericalUtils.doublesToLtVector3d(x, y, z));

            case 0x0e:
                // UInt16 unknown + LtVector3f
                UInt16 unknown = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref _offset, 2), 1);
                x = NumericalUtils.byteArrayToFloat(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref _offset, 4), 1);
                y = NumericalUtils.byteArrayToFloat(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref _offset, 4), 1);
                z = NumericalUtils.byteArrayToFloat(BufferHandler.readBytes(ref buffer, ref _offset, 4), 1);
                Position.setValue(NumericalUtils.doublesToLtVector3d(x, y, z));

                // ToDo: we need a proper way to proove if there is a 00 00 04 somewhere (and if set the offset to it)

                // If this doesnt match we need to write this somewhere...
                string message = "RPCMAIN : Unknown Client 03 Request Packet \r\n" +
                                 "Flag: " + flag + "\r\n " +
                                 "Content: \n" +
                                 StringUtils.bytesToString(stateData) + "\r\n";

                // ...and we dont want to crash so we just say "offset is full packet"
                _offset = buffer.Length - 1;

            // TODO: update player attribute packets someday (announce it to my spawners)
  , Store.currentClient.playerData.getCharID(), NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(Store.currentClient.playerInstance.GetGoid(), 1), Store.currentClient.playerData.getEntityId());
Esempio n. 30
        public List <StaticWorldObject> findObjectsBySectorWorldRangeAndType(float x, float z, uint metrId,
                                                                             UInt16 typeId)
            IEnumerable <StaticWorldObject> staticWorldObjectsIenumerator = WorldObjectsDB.Where(w =>
                                                                                                 w.metrId == metrId && NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(w.type, 1) == typeId &&
                                                                                                 mathUtils.IsInCircle(x, z, (float)w.pos_x, (float)w.pos_z, 5000));
            List <StaticWorldObject> TempStaticWorldObjects = staticWorldObjectsIenumerator.ToList();
