Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Run this instance.
        /// </summary>
        public void Run()
            ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Starting Automated Sensor Check.");
            TimeSpan temp = new TimeSpan();

            while (!_Shutdown)
                    // check...
                    foreach (string SensorName in SensorCache.Keys)
                        temp = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks - SensorCache[SensorName].Ticks);

                        if (temp.TotalMinutes > hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.AutomatedSensorCheck_ResponseTimeWindow)
                            if (!SensorCheckIgnoreConfiguration.SensorCheckIgnoreList.Contains(SensorName))
                                ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("#WARNING# An outdated sensor was detected: " + SensorName);
                catch (Exception)

                Thread.Sleep(Properties.Settings.Default.SensorCheckIntervalSec * 1000);               // just check every 6 seconds...
Esempio n. 2
        private void PowerOn(ScriptingTimerElement ScriptingTimer)
            ScriptingTimer.LastTimeSwitchedOn  = DateTime.Now;
            ScriptingTimer.LastTimeSwitchedOff = DateTime.MinValue;

            // TODO: Power-On Code
            ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Power On " + ScriptingTimer.SwitchName + " by Timer " + ScriptingTimer.TimerName);
Esempio n. 3
        // this is the ELV MAX! Cube monitoring script
        public void Run()
            ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Starting up SolarLog data gathering...");
            while (running)
                SolarLogDataSet data = SolarLogDataHelper.UpdateSolarLog(URL, ConsoleOutputLogger);

                if (data != null)
                    if (LastDataSet == null)
                        LastDataSet = data;
                        bool QueueIt = false;

                        if (data.Pac != LastDataSet.Pac)
                            QueueIt = true;

                        if (data.aPdc != LastDataSet.aPdc)
                            QueueIt = true;

                        // if the last data set is older than 5 minutes, definitly queue this one...
                        TimeSpan Diff = DateTime.Now - LastDataSet.DateAndTime;
                        //if (Diff.TotalMinutes > Properties.Settings.Default.AutomatedSensorCheck_ResponseTimeWindow)
                        if (Diff.TotalMinutes > 5)
                            QueueIt = true;

                        if (QueueIt)
                            LastDataSet = data;

Esempio n. 4
        public static SolarLogDataSet UpdateSolarLog(String URL, ConsoleOutputLogger COL)
            SolarLogDataSet Output = new SolarLogDataSet();;

            // create a web client and get the data
            String fullURL = "http://" + URL + "/min_cur.js?nocache";

            WebClient client = new WebClient();

                String SolarLogValue = client.DownloadString(fullURL);

                // hurray, we got a string!
                // let's parse it!

                String[] LbL = SolarLogValue.Replace("\r", "").Split(new char[] { '\n' });

                foreach (String _line in LbL)
                    #region Pac
                    if (_line.StartsWith("var Pac="))
                        Output.Pac = Convert.ToInt32(_line.Replace("var Pac=", ""));

                    #region aPdc
                    if (_line.StartsWith("var aPdc="))
                        String firstpart_removed = _line.Replace("var aPdc=new Array(", "");
                        Output.aPdc = Convert.ToInt32(firstpart_removed.Remove(firstpart_removed.IndexOf(',')));
            catch (Exception e)
                COL.WriteLine("SolarLog Exception: " + e.Message);

Esempio n. 5
		public static SolarLogDataSet UpdateSolarLog(String URL, ConsoleOutputLogger COL)
			SolarLogDataSet Output = new SolarLogDataSet();;

			// create a web client and get the data
			String fullURL = "http://"+URL+"/min_cur.js?nocache";

			WebClient client = new WebClient ();

				String SolarLogValue = client.DownloadString(fullURL);

				// hurray, we got a string!
				// let's parse it!

				String[] LbL = SolarLogValue.Replace("\r","").Split(new char[] {'\n'});

				foreach(String _line in LbL)
					#region Pac
					if (_line.StartsWith("var Pac="))
						Output.Pac = Convert.ToInt32(_line.Replace("var Pac=",""));

					#region aPdc
					if (_line.StartsWith("var aPdc="))
						String firstpart_removed = _line.Replace("var aPdc=new Array(","");
						Output.aPdc = Convert.ToInt32( firstpart_removed.Remove(firstpart_removed.IndexOf(',')));
			catch(Exception e)
				COL.WriteLine("SolarLog Exception: "+e.Message);
				return null;

			return Output;
Esempio n. 6
        public void Run()
            // initialize XS1 Configuration
            XS1_Configuration = new XS1Configuration(ConfigurationCacheMinutes);
            MAXMonitoringThread      ELVMax   = null;
            SolarLogMonitoringThread SolarLog = null;
            // Start Sensor-Check Thread
            SensorCheck Sensorcheck       = new SensorCheck(ConsoleOutputLogger);
            Thread      SensorCheckThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Sensorcheck.Run));


            // Start Actor Re-Switching Thread
            ActorReswitching ActorReSwitch_      = new ActorReswitching(XS1_Configuration, ConsoleOutputLogger, TemporaryBlacklist, OnWaitOffLIst);
            Thread           ActorReswitchThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ActorReSwitch_.Run));


            // Start the SolarLog Thread (if enabled)
            // TODO: make it switchable / configurable
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.SolarLogEnabled)
                SolarLog = new SolarLogMonitoringThread(Properties.Settings.Default.SolarLogURLDomain, ConsoleOutputLogger, SolarLog_DataQueue, Properties.Settings.Default.SolarLogUpdateIntervalMsec);
                Thread SolarLogThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(SolarLog.Run));

            // Start the ELVMax Thread
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.ELVMAXEnabled)
                ELVMax = new MAXMonitoringThread(Properties.Settings.Default.ELVMAXIP, Properties.Settings.Default.ELVMAXPort, ConsoleOutputLogger, MAX_DataQueue, Properties.Settings.Default.ELVMAXUpdateIntervalMsec);
                Thread ELVMaxThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ELVMax.Run));

            XS1MonitoringThread XS1 = new XS1MonitoringThread(ServerName, ConsoleOutputLogger, UserName, Password, XS1_DataQueue);
            Thread XS1Thread        = new Thread(new ThreadStart(XS1.Run));


            // Start integrated HTTP Server
            HttpServer httpServer         = new HttpServer(Properties.Settings.Default.HTTPPort, Properties.Settings.Default.HTTPIP, Properties.Settings.Default.HTTPDocumentRoot, sensor_data_store, miataru_data_store, XS1_Configuration, ConsoleOutputLogger, ELVMax, Properties.Settings.Default.HTTPAuthEnabled, Properties.Settings.Default.HTTPAuthUsername, Properties.Settings.Default.HTTPAuthPassword, Properties.Settings.Default.HTTPAuthDisabledAdressStartsWith);
            Thread     http_server_thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(httpServer.listen));


            // Start Service Monitorng thread
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.NetworkMonitorEnabled)
                NetworkMonitoring monitor       = new NetworkMonitoring(ConsoleOutputLogger, NetworkMonitor_Queue, Properties.Settings.Default.NetworkMonitorUpdateIntervalMsec);
                Thread            monitorThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(monitor.Run));

            // Start Alarming thread
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.AlarmingEnabled)
                AlarmingThread alarmThread     = new AlarmingThread(ConsoleOutputLogger, Alarming_Queue, sensor_data_store, actor_data_store, miataru_data_store);
                Thread         alarming_thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(alarmThread.Run));

            // Start Miataru Thread
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.MiataruEnabled)
                MiataruThread miataruThread  = new MiataruThread(ConsoleOutputLogger, miataru_data_store, Properties.Settings.Default.MiataruUpdateTime);
                Thread        miataru_Thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(miataruThread.Run));

            // Start MQTT Thread
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.MQTTBindingEnabled)
                MQTT_Binding = new MQTT_Handling(ConsoleOutputLogger);
                Thread mqtt_Thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(MQTT_Binding.Run));

            while (!Shutdown)
                    #region Handle XS1 events
                    XS1_DataObject dataobject = null;
                    if (XS1_DataQueue.TryDequeue(out dataobject))
                        if (dataobject.Type == ObjectTypes.Actor)
                            // Write to Disk
                            lock (actor_data_store)

                            lock (KnownActorStates.KnownActorStatuses)
                                bool usethisactor = true;
                                // check if this actor is on temporary blacklist (like when it was handled)
                                lock (TemporaryBlacklist)
                                    if (TemporaryBlacklist.Contains(dataobject.Name))
                                        usethisactor = false;

                                if (usethisactor)
                                    // if Alarming is enabled, queue this XS1 Event up for alarming...
                                    if (Properties.Settings.Default.AlarmingEnabled)

                                    // this actor action did not result in any action hacs made - so we try to make the best out of it
                                    #region Scripting Handling
                                    // check if this sensor is something we should act uppon
                                    foreach (ScriptingActorElement Element in ScriptingActorConfiguration.ScriptingActorActions)
                                        if (dataobject.Name == Element.SensorToWatchName)
                                            if (dataobject.Value == Element.SensorValue)
                                                // obviously there is a ScriptingActorConfiguration entry
                                                // so we execute the actor preset

                                                set_state_actuator.set_state_actuator ssa = new set_state_actuator.set_state_actuator();
                                                ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLineToScreenOnly("detected actor scripting action on actor " + Element.SensorToWatchName + " - " + Element.ActorToSwitchName + " to " + Element.ActionToRunName);

                                                if (Element.isCurrentlyWithinStartEndHours())
                                                    #region Scripting Actor Actions
                                                    if (Element.ActionToRunName == actor_status.URL)
                                                        ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Scripting Actor URL");
                                                        // handle URLs -> the ActorToSwitch Name will be the URL to trigger

                                                            WebClient client = new WebClient();
                                                            client.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
                                                            String JSONInput = client.DownloadString(Element.ActorToSwitchName);

                                                            ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Doing HTTP GET on: " + Element.ActorToSwitchName);
                                                        catch (Exception e)
                                                            ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Exception on URL Actor Scripting: " + e.Message);

                                                    // check what action is going to happen now...
                                                    if (Element.ActionToRunName == actor_status.On)
                                                        ssa.SetStateActuatorPreset(hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.XS1, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Username, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Password, Element.ActorToSwitchName, "ON", XS1_Configuration);

                                                    if (Element.ActionToRunName == actor_status.Off)
                                                        ssa.SetStateActuatorPreset(hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.XS1, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Username, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Password, Element.ActorToSwitchName, "OFF", XS1_Configuration);

                                                        // remove from OnWaitOffList
                                                        lock (OnWaitOffLIst)
                                                            if (OnWaitOffLIst.Contains(Element.ActorToSwitchName))

                                                    if (Element.ActionToRunName == actor_status.OnOff)
                                                        // look for the current status in the known actors table
                                                        lock (KnownActorStates.KnownActorStatuses)
                                                            if (KnownActorStates.KnownActorStatuses.ContainsKey(Element.ActorToSwitchName))
                                                                current_actor_status Status = KnownActorStates.KnownActorStatuses[Element.ActorToSwitchName];
                                                                if (Status.Status == actor_status.On)
                                                                    ssa.SetStateActuatorPreset(hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.XS1, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Username, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Password, Element.ActorToSwitchName, "OFF", XS1_Configuration);
                                                                if (Status.Status == actor_status.Off)
                                                                    ssa.SetStateActuatorPreset(hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.XS1, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Username, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Password, Element.ActorToSwitchName, "ON", XS1_Configuration);
                                                                ssa.SetStateActuatorPreset(hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.XS1, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Username, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Password, Element.ActorToSwitchName, "ON", XS1_Configuration);
                                                    if (Element.ActionToRunName == actor_status.OnWaitOff)
                                                        lock (OnWaitOffLIst)
                                                            ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Adding " + Element.ActorToSwitchName + " to ActorReSwitching OnWaitOff List");
                                                        ssa.SetStateActuatorPreset(hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.XS1, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Username, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Password, Element.ActorToSwitchName, "ON_WAIT_OFF", XS1_Configuration);

                                    #region MQTT Handling Actor
                                    if (Properties.Settings.Default.MQTTBindingEnabled)

                                    if (KnownActorStates.KnownActorStatuses.ContainsKey(dataobject.Name))
                                        // is contained
                                        if (dataobject.Value == 100)
                                            KnownActorStates.KnownActorStatuses[dataobject.Name] = new current_actor_status(dataobject.Name, actor_status.On);
                                            KnownActorStates.KnownActorStatuses[dataobject.Name] = new current_actor_status(dataobject.Name, actor_status.Off);
                                        if (dataobject.Value == 100)
                                            KnownActorStates.KnownActorStatuses.Add(dataobject.Name, new current_actor_status(dataobject.Name, actor_status.On));
                                            KnownActorStates.KnownActorStatuses.Add(dataobject.Name, new current_actor_status(dataobject.Name, actor_status.Off));
                                    ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Actor " + dataobject.Name + " is on the blacklist (ActorReSwitching) and therefore is ignored this time.");
                        if (dataobject.Type == ObjectTypes.Sensor)
                            lock (sensor_data_store)
                            // update the sensor in the sensor check

                            // if Alarming is enabled, queue this XS1 Event up for alarming...
                            if (Properties.Settings.Default.AlarmingEnabled)
                                if (!dataobject.IgnoreForAlarming)                                              // this if for those events which get re-queued as xs1 events despite being for example elvmax events

                            #region Scripting
                            // check if this sensor is something we should act uppon
                            foreach (ScriptingActorElement Element in ScriptingActorConfiguration.ScriptingActorActions)
                                if (dataobject.Name == Element.SensorToWatchName)
                                    if (dataobject.Value == Element.SensorValue)
                                        // obviously there is a ScriptingActorConfiguration entry
                                        // so we execute the actor preset

                                        set_state_actuator.set_state_actuator ssa = new set_state_actuator.set_state_actuator();
                                        ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLineToScreenOnly("detected actor scripting action on sensor " + Element.SensorToWatchName + " - " + Element.ActorToSwitchName + " to " + Element.ActionToRunName);
                                        if (Element.isCurrentlyWithinStartEndHours())
                                            #region Scripting Actor actions
                                            if (Element.ActionToRunName == actor_status.URL)
                                                ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Scripting Actor URL");
                                                // handle URLs -> the ActorToSwitch Name will be the URL to trigger

                                                    WebClient client = new WebClient();
                                                    client.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
                                                    String JSONInput = client.DownloadString(Element.ActorToSwitchName);

                                                    ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Doing HTTP GET on: " + Element.ActorToSwitchName);
                                                catch (Exception e)
                                                    ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Exception on URL Actor Scripting: " + e.Message);

                                            // check what action is going to happen now...
                                            if (Element.ActionToRunName == actor_status.On)
                                                ssa.SetStateActuatorPreset(hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.XS1, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Username, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Password, Element.ActorToSwitchName, "ON", XS1_Configuration);

                                            if (Element.ActionToRunName == actor_status.Off)
                                                ssa.SetStateActuatorPreset(hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.XS1, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Username, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Password, Element.ActorToSwitchName, "OFF", XS1_Configuration);

                                                // remove from OnWaitOffList
                                                lock (OnWaitOffLIst)
                                                    if (OnWaitOffLIst.Contains(Element.ActorToSwitchName))

                                            if (Element.ActionToRunName == actor_status.OnOff)
                                                // look for the current status in the known actors table
                                                lock (KnownActorStates.KnownActorStatuses)
                                                    if (KnownActorStates.KnownActorStatuses.ContainsKey(Element.ActorToSwitchName))
                                                        current_actor_status Status = KnownActorStates.KnownActorStatuses[Element.ActorToSwitchName];
                                                        if (Status.Status == actor_status.On)
                                                            ssa.SetStateActuatorPreset(hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.XS1, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Username, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Password, Element.ActorToSwitchName, "OFF", XS1_Configuration);
                                                        if (Status.Status == actor_status.Off)
                                                            ssa.SetStateActuatorPreset(hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.XS1, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Username, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Password, Element.ActorToSwitchName, "ON", XS1_Configuration);
                                                        ssa.SetStateActuatorPreset(hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.XS1, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Username, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Password, Element.ActorToSwitchName, "ON", XS1_Configuration);
                                            if (Element.ActionToRunName == actor_status.OnWaitOff)
                                                lock (OnWaitOffLIst)
                                                    ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Adding " + Element.ActorToSwitchName + " to ActorReSwitching OnWaitOff List");
                                                ssa.SetStateActuatorPreset(hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.XS1, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Username, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Password, Element.ActorToSwitchName, "ON_WAIT_OFF", XS1_Configuration);
                                            ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Actorswitching Action not triggered since it's out of timespan. (" + Element.StartHour + "-" + Element.EndHour + ")");

                            #region MQTT Handling Sensor
                            if (Properties.Settings.Default.MQTTBindingEnabled)
                        if (dataobject.Type == ObjectTypes.Unknown)

                        ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine(ServerName + " - " + dataobject.OriginalXS1Statement);

                    #region Handle MAX events
                    // the strategy for MAX events is quite easy: emulate XS1 events and stuff the XS1 queue with those faked events
                    // that takes care of the storage and the
                    if (Properties.Settings.Default.ELVMAXEnabled)
                        IDeviceDiffSet max_dataobject = null;

                        if (MAX_DataQueue.TryDequeue(out max_dataobject))
                            // if Alarming is enabled, queue this ELV MAX up for alarming...
                            if (Properties.Settings.Default.AlarmingEnabled)

                            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                            sb.Append("S\t" + max_dataobject.DeviceName + "\t" + max_dataobject.DeviceType);

                            if (max_dataobject.DeviceType == DeviceTypes.HeatingThermostat)
                                HeatingThermostatDiff _heating = (HeatingThermostatDiff)max_dataobject;

                                // this is what is different on the heating thermostats

                                // first the temperature data
                                XS1_DataObject maxdataobject = new XS1_DataObject(Properties.Settings.Default.ELVMAXIP, _heating.RoomName + "-" + _heating.DeviceName, ObjectTypes.Sensor, "heating_thermostat", DateTime.Now, _heating.RoomID, _heating.Temperature, _heating.ToString(), true);

                                // then the low battery if exists
                                if (_heating.LowBattery == BatteryStatus.lowbattery)
                                    XS1_DataObject lowbatteryobject = new XS1_DataObject(Properties.Settings.Default.ELVMAXIP, _heating.RoomName + "-" + _heating.DeviceName, ObjectTypes.Sensor, "low_battery", DateTime.Now, _heating.RoomID, _heating.Temperature, _heating.ToString() + ", LowBattery", true);

                                if (_heating.Mode == ThermostatModes.boost)
                                    XS1_DataObject boostmodeobject = new XS1_DataObject(Properties.Settings.Default.ELVMAXIP, _heating.RoomName + "-" + _heating.DeviceName, ObjectTypes.Sensor, "boost", DateTime.Now, _heating.RoomID, _heating.Temperature, _heating.ToString() + ", Boost", true);

                            if (max_dataobject.DeviceType == DeviceTypes.ShutterContact)
                                ShutterContactDiff _shutter = (ShutterContactDiff)max_dataobject;

                                // this is what is different on the ShutterContacts

                                // first the open/close status
                                if (_shutter.ShutterState ==
                                    XS1_DataObject maxdataobject = new XS1_DataObject(Properties.Settings.Default.ELVMAXIP, _shutter.RoomName + "-" + _shutter.DeviceName, ObjectTypes.Sensor, "shutter_contact", DateTime.Now, _shutter.RoomID, 1.0, _shutter.ToString(), true);
                                    XS1_DataObject maxdataobject = new XS1_DataObject(Properties.Settings.Default.ELVMAXIP, _shutter.RoomName + "-" + _shutter.DeviceName, ObjectTypes.Sensor, "shutter_contact", DateTime.Now, _shutter.RoomID, 0.0, _shutter.ToString(), true);

                                // then the low battery if exists
                                if (_shutter.LowBattery == BatteryStatus.lowbattery)
                                    if (_shutter.ShutterState ==
                                        XS1_DataObject lowbatteryobject = new XS1_DataObject(Properties.Settings.Default.ELVMAXIP, _shutter.RoomName + "-" + _shutter.DeviceName, ObjectTypes.Sensor, "low_battery", DateTime.Now, _shutter.RoomID, 1.0, _shutter.ToString() + ",LowBattery", true);
                                        XS1_DataObject lowbatteryobject = new XS1_DataObject(Properties.Settings.Default.ELVMAXIP, _shutter.RoomName + "-" + _shutter.DeviceName, ObjectTypes.Sensor, "low_battery", DateTime.Now, _shutter.RoomID, 0.0, _shutter.ToString() + ",LowBattery", true);

                    #region Handle SolarLog events
                    if (Properties.Settings.Default.SolarLogEnabled)
                        SolarLogDataSet solarlog_dataobject = null;

                        if (SolarLog_DataQueue.TryDequeue(out solarlog_dataobject))
                            // Pac
                            XS1_DataQueue.Enqueue(new XS1_DataObject(Properties.Settings.Default.SolarLogURLDomain, "Pac", ObjectTypes.Sensor, "Pac", solarlog_dataobject.DateAndTime, 1, solarlog_dataobject.Pac, "solarlog," + Properties.Settings.Default.SolarLogURLDomain + ",Pac," + solarlog_dataobject.Pac + "," + solarlog_dataobject.DateAndTime.Ticks, true));
                            // aPdc
                            XS1_DataQueue.Enqueue(new XS1_DataObject(Properties.Settings.Default.SolarLogURLDomain, "aPdc", ObjectTypes.Sensor, "aPdc", solarlog_dataobject.DateAndTime, 1, solarlog_dataobject.aPdc, "solarlog," + Properties.Settings.Default.SolarLogURLDomain + ",aPdc," + solarlog_dataobject.aPdc + "," + solarlog_dataobject.DateAndTime.Ticks, true));

                            // if Alarming is enabled, queue this SolarLog Event up for alarming...
                            if (Properties.Settings.Default.AlarmingEnabled)

                    #region Handle Network Monitor events
                    if (Properties.Settings.Default.NetworkMonitorEnabled)
                        NetworkMonitoringDataSet networkmonitor_dataobject = null;

                        if (NetworkMonitor_Queue.TryDequeue(out networkmonitor_dataobject))
                            if (networkmonitor_dataobject.Status == Org.Mentalis.Network.ICMP_Status.Success)
                                XS1_DataQueue.Enqueue(new XS1_DataObject(networkmonitor_dataobject.Descriptor, networkmonitor_dataobject.HostnameIP, ObjectTypes.Sensor, "Ping", networkmonitor_dataobject.TimeOfMeasurement, 2, 1, "OnlineCheck," + networkmonitor_dataobject.HostnameIP + "," + networkmonitor_dataobject.Descriptor + ",Online", true));
                                XS1_DataQueue.Enqueue(new XS1_DataObject(networkmonitor_dataobject.Descriptor, networkmonitor_dataobject.HostnameIP, ObjectTypes.Sensor, "Ping", networkmonitor_dataobject.TimeOfMeasurement, 2, 0, "OnlineCheck," + networkmonitor_dataobject.HostnameIP + "," + networkmonitor_dataobject.Descriptor + ",Offline", true));

                            // if Alarming is enabled, queue this Network Monitor Event up for alarming...
                            if (Properties.Settings.Default.AlarmingEnabled)
                catch (Exception)
                    AcceptingCommands = false;
            if (ELVMax != null)
                ELVMax.running = false;
            XS1.running = false;

            Thread.Sleep(200);                  // ... msecs period to wait for new input...
Esempio n. 7
        public void Run()
            ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Miataru Thread started");

            miataruclient client = new miataruclient();

            while (!Shutdown)
                    foreach (MiataruAccount Account in MiataruConfiguration.MiataruAccountConfigFile.MiataruAccounts)
                        // retrieve new data for this account...
                        #region Retrieve Data
                        List <MiataruLocation> Locations = client.GetLastLocationForDevice(Account.MiataruDeviceID, Account.MiataruServerURL);

                        #region handle retrieved location data
                        if (Locations != null)
                            // create a MiataruDataObject out of the last known location
                            MiataruDataObject retrievedData = new MiataruDataObject(Account.Name, Locations[0].Device, Locations[0].Timestamp, Locations[0].Latitude, Locations[0].Longitude, Locations[0].HorizontalAccuracy);

                            if (CurrentLocations.ContainsKey(retrievedData.DeviceID))
                                // check if the coordinates have been updated...
                                MiataruDataObject alreadyStored = CurrentLocations[Account.MiataruDeviceID];

                                if ((alreadyStored.Latitude != retrievedData.Latitude) || (alreadyStored.Longitude != retrievedData.Longitude))
                                    CurrentLocations[Account.MiataruDeviceID] = retrievedData;
                                    // store to disk
                                    ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Miataru: " + retrievedData.AccountName + " - " + retrievedData.Latitude + "," + retrievedData.Longitude + "," + retrievedData.AccuracyInMeters);
                                // it's new! add it!
                                CurrentLocations.Add(retrievedData.DeviceID, retrievedData);
                                ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Miataru: " + retrievedData.AccountName + " - " + retrievedData.Latitude + "," + retrievedData.Longitude + "," + retrievedData.AccuracyInMeters);
                            ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Miataru returned NULL for " + Account.MiataruDeviceID + " on " + Account.MiataruServerURL);
                catch (Exception e)
                    ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine(e.Message + " - " + e.StackTrace);

Esempio n. 8
        public ProxyResponse Proxy(String URL)
            ProxyResponse proxy_Response = new ProxyResponse();

            ProxyElement p_element = null;

            // we need to find out what we need to replace
            foreach (ProxyElement element in HTTPProxyConfiguration.ProxyElements)
                if (URL.StartsWith(element.ActivationURL))
                    p_element = element;
                    // obviously we found a hit
            // /control?user=admin&pwd=xxx&callback=actuators&cmd=get_list_actuators
            ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Proxy: " + URL + " - " + URL.Replace(p_element.ActivationURL, p_element.OutgoingMappingURL));

            if (p_element != null)
                WebRequest wrGetURL = WebRequest.Create(URL.Replace(p_element.ActivationURL, p_element.OutgoingMappingURL));

                HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)wrGetURL.GetResponse();
                if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    proxy_Response.response = response;
                    proxy_Response.Content  = "Something wicked happened.";


                proxy_Response.response = response;
                // we will read data via the response stream
                proxy_Response.Content = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();

                #region Check for XS1 trigger URLs and if found and ELV MAX is active inject actors and sensors

                if (ELVMAX != null)
                    if (ELVMAX.theHouse != null)
                        // we've found a House, did we find a trigger here?
                        #region get_list_actuators
                        if (URL.Contains("cmd=get_list_actuators"))
                            proxy_Response.Content = VirtualXS1.Inject_get_list_actuators(proxy_Response.Content, ELVMAX.theHouse);

                        #region get_list_sensors
                        if (URL.Contains("cmd=get_list_sensors"))
                            proxy_Response.Content = VirtualXS1.Inject_get_list_sensors(proxy_Response.Content, ELVMAX.theHouse);


Esempio n. 9
        public void Run()
            ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Alarming Thread started");
            while (!Shutdown)
                    IAlarmingEvent dataobject = null;
                    if (Alarming_Queue.TryDequeue(out dataobject))
                        // we should get events from all sorts of devices here - let's take them and check if they
                        // are eventually matching the activators - if they do we check against the other
                        // data storages to follow up with the alarms...

                        // check if we find this in the alarms...
                        foreach (Alarm _alarm in AlarmingConfiguration.Alarms.Alarms)
                            foreach (Activator _activator in _alarm.activators)
                                // activator names are case sensitive!!!
                                if (dataobject.AlarmingName() ==
                                    // we got a positive activator match here!
                                    // now check further circumstances...
                                    #region XS1 Events
                                    if ((_activator.device.ToUpper() == "XS1") && (dataobject.AlarmingType() == AlarmingEventType.XS1Event))
                                        // now we got an alarm triggering this activator and device...
                                        // check if the type matches...
                                        XS1_DataObject xs1_data = (XS1_DataObject)dataobject;

                                        if (_activator.type.ToUpper() == xs1_data.TypeName.ToUpper())
                                            // for the value comparison convert the given value to a double...
                                            double comp_value = Convert.ToDouble(_activator.value);
                                            // it's the right typename...
                                            // now we gotta check for the right value there...
                                            Boolean alarm_activated = false;
                                            #region Activator Value Comparison
                                            switch (_activator.comparison)
                                            case "==":
                                                if (comp_value == xs1_data.Value)
                                                    // hurray, everything matches! Activate this event!!!
                                                    alarm_activated = true;

                                            case "<=":
                                                if (comp_value <= xs1_data.Value)
                                                    // hurray, everything matches! Activate this event!!!
                                                    alarm_activated = true;

                                            case ">=":
                                                if (comp_value >= xs1_data.Value)
                                                    // hurray, everything matches! Activate this event!!!
                                                    alarm_activated = true;

                                            #region do the sensor and actor checks...
                                            // TODO: this is very rough - needs to be worked out more later on...
                                            // for the moment it is just a actor check - MORE HERE !!!!!!!!
                                            if (alarm_activated)
                                                foreach (Actorcheck _actor in _alarm.actorchecks)
                                                    #region XS1 actors...
                                                    if (_actor.device.ToUpper() == "XS1")
                                                        if (KnownActorStates.KnownActorStatuses.ContainsKey(
                                                            // there's an actor...
                                                            current_actor_status status = (current_actor_status)KnownActorStates.KnownActorStatuses[];
                                                            // TODO: what about actor types!?

                                                            if (_actor.value.ToUpper() == "ON")
                                                                // so it should be on...
                                                                if (status.Status != actor_status.On)
                                                                    alarm_activated = false;
                                                            if (_actor.value.ToUpper() == "OFF")
                                                                // so it should be off...
                                                                if (status.Status != actor_status.Off)
                                                                    alarm_activated = false;

                                            if (alarm_activated)
                                                ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("!!!! ALARM - " + + " - ALARM !!!!");

                                                // authenticate Telekom
                                                if (Properties.Settings.Default.UseTelekomSMSInsteadofSMS77)
                                                    TelekomSMSGateway = new TelekomSendSMSGateway(Properties.Settings.Default.TelekomSMSClientID, Properties.Settings.Default.TelekomSMSClientSecret);

                                                // send out the SMS...
                                                foreach (Smsrecipient recipient in _alarm.smsrecipients)
                                                    ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Sending Alarm SMS to " + recipient.number + " for alarm " +;

                                                        if (!Properties.Settings.Default.UseTelekomSMSInsteadofSMS77)
                                                            SMSGateway.SendSMS(recipient.number, _alarm.message, Properties.Settings.Default.AlarmingSMS77SenderNumber, false, false, SMSType.quality);
                                                            TelekomSMSGateway.Send(recipient.number, _alarm.message, Properties.Settings.Default.AlarmingSMS77SenderNumber);
                                                    catch (Exception e)
                                                        ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("SMS Sending Exception: " + e.Message);

                                    #region ELVMAX Events
                                    if ((_activator.device.ToUpper() == "ELVMAX") && (dataobject.AlarmingType() == AlarmingEventType.ELVMAXEvent))
                                        //ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("ELVMAX: " + _activator.device);

                                        // now we got an alarm triggering this activator and device...
                                        // check if the type matches...
                                        IDeviceDiffSet diffset = (IDeviceDiffSet)dataobject;

                                        //ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("ELVMAX: " + diffset.DeviceName);
                                        //ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("ELVMAX: " + diffset.RoomName);
                                        //ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("ELVMAX: " + _activator.type);
                                        //ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("ELVMAX: " +;

                                        // for now only shuttercontacts are interesting
                                        if ((_activator.type.ToUpper() == "SHUTTERCONTACT") && (diffset.DeviceType == DeviceTypes.ShutterContact) &&
                                            ( == diffset.DeviceName))
                                            //ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("ELVMAX Shuttercontact");

                                            ShutterContactDiff shutterdiff = (ShutterContactDiff)diffset;

                                            //ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("ELVMAX: "+shutterdiff.ToString());

                                            ShutterContactModes activatorstate  = ShutterContactModes.unchanged;
                                            Boolean             alarm_activated = false;

                                            if (_activator.value.ToUpper() == "OPEN")
                                                activatorstate =;

                                            if (_activator.value.ToUpper() == "CLOSED")
                                                activatorstate = ShutterContactModes.closed;

                                            if (activatorstate == shutterdiff.ShutterState)
                                                alarm_activated = true;

                                            #region do the sensor and actor checks...
                                            // TODO: this is very rough - needs to be worked out more later on...
                                            // for the moment it is just a actor check - MORE HERE !!!!!!!!
                                            if (alarm_activated)
                                                foreach (Actorcheck _actor in _alarm.actorchecks)
                                                    #region XS1 actors...
                                                    if (_actor.device.ToUpper() == "XS1")
                                                        if (KnownActorStates.KnownActorStatuses.ContainsKey(
                                                            // there's an actor...
                                                            current_actor_status status = (current_actor_status)KnownActorStates.KnownActorStatuses[];
                                                            // TODO: what about actor types!?

                                                            if (_actor.value.ToUpper() == "ON")
                                                                // so it should be on...
                                                                if (status.Status != actor_status.On)
                                                                    alarm_activated = false;
                                                            if (_actor.value.ToUpper() == "OFF")
                                                                // so it should be off...
                                                                if (status.Status != actor_status.Off)
                                                                    alarm_activated = false;

                                            if (alarm_activated)
                                                ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("!!!! ALARM - " + + " - ALARM !!!!");

                                                // authenticate Telekom
                                                if (Properties.Settings.Default.UseTelekomSMSInsteadofSMS77)
                                                    TelekomSMSGateway = new TelekomSendSMSGateway(Properties.Settings.Default.TelekomSMSClientID, Properties.Settings.Default.TelekomSMSClientSecret);

                                                // send out the SMS...
                                                foreach (Smsrecipient recipient in _alarm.smsrecipients)
                                                    ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Sending Alarm SMS to " + recipient.number + " for alarm " +;
                                                        if (!Properties.Settings.Default.UseTelekomSMSInsteadofSMS77)
                                                            SMSGateway.SendSMS(recipient.number, _alarm.message, Properties.Settings.Default.AlarmingSMS77SenderNumber, false, false, SMSType.quality);
                                                            TelekomSMSGateway.Send(recipient.number, _alarm.message, Properties.Settings.Default.AlarmingSMS77SenderNumber);
                                                    catch (Exception e)
                                                        ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("SMS Sending Exception: " + e.Message);
                                    // TODO: ------------------------------
                                    #region SolarLog Events
                                    if ((_activator.device.ToUpper() == "SOLARLOG") && (dataobject.AlarmingType() == AlarmingEventType.SolarLogEvent))
                                        // now we got an alarm triggering this activator and device...
                                    #region Network Monitor Events
                                    if ((_activator.device.ToUpper() == "NETWORKMONITOR") && (dataobject.AlarmingType() == AlarmingEventType.NetworkingEvent))
                                        // now we got an alarm triggering this activator and device...
                                    #region Google Latitude Events
                                    if ((_activator.device.ToUpper() == "GOOGLELATITUDE") && (dataobject.AlarmingType() == AlarmingEventType.GoogleLatitudeEvent))
                                        // now we got an alarm triggering this activator and device...
                catch (Exception e)
                    //Shutdown = true;
                    ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Alarming Exception: " + e.Message);
                    ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Stopping Alarming Execution!");

Esempio n. 10
        // this is the network monitoring script
        public void Run()
            ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Starting up the Network Monitoring...");
            ICMP pinger = new ICMP();

            while (running)
                foreach (NetworkMonitoringHost Host in NetworkMonitorConfiguration.NetworkHosts)
                    // start pinging around
                    ICMP_PingResult result = null;
                        result = pinger.Ping(Host.IPAdressOrHostname, 1, 500);
                    catch (Exception)
                        //ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("NetworkMonitor Exception: "+e.Message);
                        result        = new ICMP_PingResult();
                        result.Status = ICMP_Status.TimeOut;
                        result.hostIP = null;

                    // we got a result...
                    if (result != null)
                        // it's already in the list
                        if (OnOfflineList.ContainsKey(Host.IPAdressOrHostname))
                            if (OnOfflineList[Host.IPAdressOrHostname] == true)                             // this one was online before...
                                if (result.Status == ICMP_Status.TimeOut)
                                    // it's now offline...
                                    OnOfflineList[Host.IPAdressOrHostname] = false;

                                    NetworkMonitoringDataSet ds_result = new NetworkMonitoringDataSet();

                                    ds_result.AverageRoundtripMS = result.AverageRoundtripMS;
                                    ds_result.Descriptor         = Host.Descriptor;
                                    ds_result.HostnameIP         = Host.IPAdressOrHostname;
                                    ds_result.Status             = result.Status;
                                    ds_result.TimeOfMeasurement  = result.TimeOfMeasurement;

                                if (result.Status == ICMP_Status.Success)
                                    // it's now online...
                                    OnOfflineList[Host.IPAdressOrHostname] = true;

                                    NetworkMonitoringDataSet ds_result = new NetworkMonitoringDataSet();

                                    ds_result.AverageRoundtripMS = result.AverageRoundtripMS;
                                    ds_result.Descriptor         = Host.Descriptor;
                                    ds_result.HostnameIP         = Host.IPAdressOrHostname;
                                    ds_result.Status             = result.Status;
                                    ds_result.TimeOfMeasurement  = result.TimeOfMeasurement;

                            if (result.Status == ICMP_Status.Success)
                                OnOfflineList.Add(Host.IPAdressOrHostname, true);
                                OnOfflineList.Add(Host.IPAdressOrHostname, false);

                            // enqueue
                            NetworkMonitoringDataSet ds_result = new NetworkMonitoringDataSet();

                            ds_result.AverageRoundtripMS = result.AverageRoundtripMS;
                            ds_result.Descriptor         = Host.Descriptor;
                            ds_result.HostnameIP         = Host.IPAdressOrHostname;
                            ds_result.Status             = result.Status;
                            ds_result.TimeOfMeasurement  = result.TimeOfMeasurement;


Esempio n. 11
        // this is the ELV MAX! Cube monitoring script
        public void Run()
            while (running)
                TcpClient     client;
                NetworkStream stream;
                Dictionary <String, IMAXDevice> currentHouse = new Dictionary <string, IMAXDevice>();

                #region Update House
                    // now fill that with the initial handshake data...

                    #region Initial connect and retrieving everything we get from the cube
                    // network connect and first initialization
                    client = new TcpClient();
                    client.Connect(Hostname, Port);
                    stream = client.GetStream();

                    // the read buffer (chosen quite big)
                    byte[]        myReadBuffer = new byte[4096 * 8];
                    List <String> Messages     = new List <string>();

                    // to build the complete message
                    StringBuilder myCompleteMessage = new StringBuilder();
                    int           numberOfBytesRead = 0;

                    MAXEncodeDecode DecoderEncoder = new MAXEncodeDecode();
                    keepRunning = true;
                    // Incoming message may be larger than the buffer size.
                        myCompleteMessage  = new StringBuilder();
                        stream.ReadTimeout = 1000;
                            numberOfBytesRead = stream.Read(myReadBuffer, 0, myReadBuffer.Length);
                            myCompleteMessage.AppendFormat("{0}", Encoding.ASCII.GetString(myReadBuffer, 0, numberOfBytesRead));

                        catch (Exception)
                            previousHouse = null;
                            // everything to start
                            theHouse = new House();

                            keepRunning = false;

                    ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("ELV MAX Cube connected...");

                    #region preprocess
                    List <String> PreProcessedMessages = new List <string>();
                    foreach (String _Message in Messages)
                        if (_Message.Remove(_Message.Length - 2).Contains("\r\n"))
                            String[] PMessages = _Message.Remove(_Message.Length - 2).Split(new char[1] {
                            }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            foreach (String pmessage in PMessages)
                                PreProcessedMessages.Add(pmessage.Replace("\r", "") + "\r\n");

                    #region process
                    // Analyze and Output Messages, feed them to the decoder
                    foreach (String _Message in PreProcessedMessages)
                        //IMAXMessage Message = DecoderEncoder.ProcessMessage(_Message.ToString(), theHouse);
                        //							if (Message != null)
                        //							{
                        //								ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine(_Message.ToString());
                        //								ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine(Message.ToString());
                        //								ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("");
                        //							}

                        DecoderEncoder.ProcessMessage(_Message.ToString(), theHouse);

                    while (running)
                        // when we are here, we got a filled "theHouse" which does contain first hand L message information
                        previousHouse = theHouse.GetAllDevicesInADictionary();

                        #region send L: request and get all the feedback
                        System.Text.ASCIIEncoding enc = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
                        byte[] args_data_buffer       = enc.GetBytes("l:\r\n");
                        Messages    = new List <string>();
                        keepRunning = true;
                        // Incoming message may be larger than the buffer size.
                        stream.Write(args_data_buffer, 0, args_data_buffer.Length);
                            myCompleteMessage  = new StringBuilder();
                            stream.ReadTimeout = 1000;
                                numberOfBytesRead = stream.Read(myReadBuffer, 0, myReadBuffer.Length);
                                myCompleteMessage.AppendFormat("{0}", Encoding.ASCII.GetString(myReadBuffer, 0, numberOfBytesRead));

                            catch (Exception)
                                keepRunning = false;

                        #region preprocess
                        PreProcessedMessages = new List <string>();
                        foreach (String _Message in Messages)
                            if (_Message.Remove(_Message.Length - 2).Contains("\r\n"))
                                String[] PMessages = _Message.Remove(_Message.Length - 2).Split(new char[1] {
                                }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                foreach (String pmessage in PMessages)
                                    PreProcessedMessages.Add(pmessage.Replace("\r", "") + "\r\n");

                        #region process
                        // Analyze and Output Messages, feed them to the decoder
                        foreach (String _Message in PreProcessedMessages)
                            //IMAXMessage Message = DecoderEncoder.ProcessMessage(_Message.ToString(), theHouse);
                            //							if (Message != null)
                            //							{
                            //								ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine(_Message.ToString());
                            //								ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine(Message.ToString());
                            //								ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("");
                            //							}
                            currentHouse = new Dictionary <string, IMAXDevice>();
                            DecoderEncoder.ProcessLMessage(_Message.ToString(), theHouse, currentHouse);

                        #region Diff the house
                        if (previousHouse != null)
                            // only if we already got two houses in here...
                            List <IDeviceDiffSet> differences = DiffHouse.CalculateDifferences(previousHouse, currentHouse);
                            if (differences.Count != 0)
                                #region enqueue the difference-sets into the data queue
                                foreach (IDeviceDiffSet _difference in differences)

                        // update appropriate devices and in given intervals output non updated
                        TimeSpan _lastUpdate = DateTime.Now - LastReStoring;

                        // auto-update every n ... minutes
                        if (_lastUpdate.TotalSeconds > Properties.Settings.Default.ELVMAXSensorReStoringSec)
                            LastReStoring = DateTime.Now;

                            foreach (IMAXDevice _device in currentHouse.Values)
                                #region Heating Thermostat
                                if (_device.Type == DeviceTypes.HeatingThermostat)
                                    HeatingThermostat     _heating   = (HeatingThermostat)_device;
                                    HeatingThermostatDiff _queueable = new HeatingThermostatDiff(_device.Name, _device.AssociatedRoom.RoomID, _device.AssociatedRoom.RoomName);

                                    if (_heating.LowBattery)
                                        _queueable.LowBattery = BatteryStatus.lowbattery;
                                        _queueable.LowBattery = BatteryStatus.ok;

                                    _queueable.Mode        = _heating.Mode;
                                    _queueable.Temperature = _heating.Temperature;

                                    if (_queueable.Temperature != 0)

                                #region ShutterContact
                                if (_device.Type == DeviceTypes.ShutterContact)
                                    ShutterContact     _shutter   = (ShutterContact)_device;
                                    ShutterContactDiff _queueable = new ShutterContactDiff(_device.Name, _device.AssociatedRoom.RoomID, _device.AssociatedRoom.RoomName);

                                    if (_shutter.LowBattery)
                                        _queueable.LowBattery = BatteryStatus.lowbattery;
                                        _queueable.LowBattery = BatteryStatus.ok;

                                    _queueable.ShutterState = _shutter.ShutterState;
                catch (Exception e)

                    ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("ELV MAX Cube reconnect...");
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Run this instance.
        /// </summary>
        public void Run()
            ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Starting Actor Re-Switching.");
            DateTime LastCheckpoint      = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan SinceLastCheckpoint = new TimeSpan();

            while (!_Shutdown)
                // we start by
                // checking how much time passed since we were here the last time
                SinceLastCheckpoint = DateTime.Now - LastCheckpoint;
                // now we can do something every minute or so
                if (SinceLastCheckpoint.TotalMinutes >= hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.SwitchAgainCheckpointMinutes)
                    //ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Sensor Checkpoint");
                    LastCheckpoint = DateTime.Now;
                    #region Switch Actors again with same state
                    // go through all the known actor status codes and try to send
                    // them again to the actor one after another

                    // TODO: this try is just here to handle enum exceptions just in case, introduce locking!
                        foreach (current_actor_status status in KnownActorStates.KnownActorStatuses.Values)
                            // if this actor was switched within the last configured minutes we switch it again to the exact same
                            // state, just to make sure that they were successfully switched (just ON/OFF states)
                            if ((DateTime.Now - status.LastUpdate).TotalMinutes <= hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.SwitchAgainTimeWindowMinutes)
                                bool ignorethisone = false;
                                lock (OnWaitOffList)
                                    if (OnWaitOffList.Contains(status.ActorName))
                                        //Console.WriteLine(status.ActorName+" is on the ignorelist");
                                        ignorethisone = true;

                                if (!ignorethisone)
                                    ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Switching again actor " + status.ActorName + "(" + (DateTime.Now - status.LastUpdate).TotalMinutes + ")");
                                    // yes, within the last given number of minutes
                                    set_state_actuator.set_state_actuator ssa = new set_state_actuator.set_state_actuator();
                                    #region ON state
                                    if (status.Status == actor_status.On)
                                        // set on temporary blacklist
                                        lock (TemporaryBlacklist)
                                        ssa.SetStateActuatorPreset(hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.XS1, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Username, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Password, status.ActorName, "ON", XS1_Configuration);

                                    #region OFF state
                                    if (status.Status == actor_status.Off)
                                        // set on temporary blacklist
                                        lock (TemporaryBlacklist)
                                        ssa.SetStateActuatorPreset(hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.XS1, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Username, hacs.Properties.Settings.Default.Password, status.ActorName, "OFF", XS1_Configuration);
                    catch (Exception)

                Thread.Sleep(10000);                 // just check every 10 seconds...