public void FileRead(MpqFileStream stream, long offset)
     stream.Position = offset + 0;
     Field0 = new RequiredMessageHeader();
     Field0.FileRead(stream, stream.Position);
     stream.Position = offset + 8;
     ActorId = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 12;
     ActorSNO = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 16;
     WorldLocation = new WorldPlace();
     WorldLocation.FileRead(stream, stream.Position);
     stream.Position = offset + 32;
     // PlayerIndex: type DT_OPTIONAL[int] hasnt a deserializer implemented
     throw new Exception("some fields arent going to be decoded.");
     stream.Position = offset + 40;
     LevelAreaSNO = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 44;
     // : type DT_OPTIONAL[float] hasnt a deserializer implemented
     throw new Exception("some fields arent going to be decoded.");
     stream.Position = offset + 52;
     _Field7 = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 56;
     _Field8 = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 60;
     // : type DT_OPTIONAL[int] hasnt a deserializer implemented
     throw new Exception("some fields arent going to be decoded.");
     stream.Position = offset + 68;
     // MinimapTextureSNO: type DT_OPTIONAL[int] hasnt a deserializer implemented
     throw new Exception("some fields arent going to be decoded.");
     stream.Position = offset + 76;
     // : type DT_OPTIONAL[int] hasnt a deserializer implemented
     throw new Exception("some fields arent going to be decoded.");
     stream.Position = offset + 84;
     // : type DT_OPTIONAL[int] hasnt a deserializer implemented
     throw new Exception("some fields arent going to be decoded.");
     stream.Position = offset + 92;
     // StringListSNO: type DT_OPTIONAL[int] hasnt a deserializer implemented
     throw new Exception("some fields arent going to be decoded.");
     stream.Position = offset + 100;
     // : type DT_OPTIONAL[float] hasnt a deserializer implemented
     throw new Exception("some fields arent going to be decoded.");
     stream.Position = offset + 108;
     // : type DT_OPTIONAL[float] hasnt a deserializer implemented
     throw new Exception("some fields arent going to be decoded.");
     stream.Position = offset + 116;
     // : type DT_OPTIONAL[int] hasnt a deserializer implemented
     throw new Exception("some fields arent going to be decoded.");
 public void FileRead(MpqFileStream stream, long offset)
     stream.Position = offset + 0;
     Field0 = new RequiredMessageHeader();
     Field0.FileRead(stream, stream.Position);
     stream.Position = offset + 12;
     Field1 = stream.ReadString(512);
     stream.Position = offset + 8;
     _Field2 = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 524;
     Field3 = new WorldPlace();
     Field3.FileRead(stream, stream.Position);
     stream.Position = offset + 540;
     Field4 = stream.ReadValueS32();
 public void FileRead(MpqFileStream stream, long offset)
     stream.Position = offset + 0;
     Field0 = new RequiredMessageHeader();
     Field0.FileRead(stream, stream.Position);
     stream.Position = offset + 8;
     _Field1 = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 12;
     TargetID = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 16;
     Field3 = new WorldPlace();
     Field3.FileRead(stream, stream.Position);
     stream.Position = offset + 32;
     PowerSNO = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 36;
     Field5 = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 40;
     _Field6 = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 44;
     // : type DT_OPTIONAL[AnimPreplayData] hasnt a deserializer implemented
     throw new Exception("some fields arent going to be decoded.");
 public void FileRead(MpqFileStream stream, long offset)
     stream.Position = offset + 0;
     Field0 = new RequiredMessageHeader();
     Field0.FileRead(stream, stream.Position);
     stream.Position = offset + 8;
     Field1 = new WorldPlace();
     Field1.FileRead(stream, stream.Position);
     stream.Position = offset + 24;
     _Field2 = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 28;
     Field3 = stream.ReadValueS32();
 public void FileRead(MpqFileStream stream, long offset)
     stream.Position = offset + 0;
     Field0 = new RequiredMessageHeader();
     Field0.FileRead(stream, stream.Position);
     stream.Position = offset + 8;
     Field1 = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 12;
     Field2 = new WorldPlace();
     Field2.FileRead(stream, stream.Position);
     stream.Position = offset + 28;
     Field3 = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 36;
     m_snoStringList = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 40;
     Field5 = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 56;
     Field6 = stream.ReadValueF32();
     stream.Position = offset + 60;
     Field7 = stream.ReadValueF32();
     stream.Position = offset + 64;
     Field8 = stream.ReadValueF32();
     stream.Position = offset + 32;
     Field9 = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 44;
     Field10 = stream.ReadValueS32() == 1;
     stream.Position = offset + 48;
     Field11 = stream.ReadValueS32() == 1;
     stream.Position = offset + 52;
     Field12 = stream.ReadValueS32() == 1;
     stream.Position = offset + 68;
     Field13 = stream.ReadValueS32();
 public void FileRead(MpqFileStream stream, long offset)
     stream.Position = offset + 0;
     Field0 = new RequiredMessageHeader();
     Field0.FileRead(stream, stream.Position);
     stream.Position = offset + 8;
     UsedItem = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 12;
     _Field2 = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 16;
     UsedOnItem = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 20;
     Location = new WorldPlace();
     Location.FileRead(stream, stream.Position);
 public void FileRead(MpqFileStream stream, long offset)
     stream.Position = offset + 0;
     Field0 = new RequiredMessageHeader();
     Field0.FileRead(stream, stream.Position);
     stream.Position = offset + 8;
     Place = new WorldPlace();
     Place.FileRead(stream, stream.Position);
     stream.Position = offset + 24;
     Amount = stream.ReadValueS32();
     stream.Position = offset + 28;
     // OptionalGoldAmount: type DT_OPTIONAL[int] hasnt a deserializer implemented
     throw new Exception("some fields arent going to be decoded.");
     stream.Position = offset + 36;
     _Type = stream.ReadValueS32();