Esempio n. 1
 public service(@string name = default, reflect.Value rcvr = default, reflect.Type typ = default, map <@string, ptr <methodType> > method = default)
 {   = name;
     this.rcvr   = rcvr;
     this.typ    = typ;
     this.method = method;
Esempio n. 2
 public TagPathError(reflect.Type Struct = default, @string Field1 = default, @string Tag1 = default, @string Field2 = default, @string Tag2 = default)
     this.Struct = Struct;
     this.Field1 = Field1;
     this.Tag1   = Tag1;
     this.Field2 = Field2;
     this.Tag2   = Tag2;
Esempio n. 3
 public UnmarshalTypeError(@string Value = default, reflect.Type Type = default, long Offset = default, @string Struct = default, @string Field = default)
     this.Value  = Value;
     this.Type   = Type;
     this.Offset = Offset;
     this.Struct = Struct;
     this.Field  = Field;
Esempio n. 4
 public userTypeInfo(reflect.Type user = default, reflect.Type @base = default, long indir = default, long externalEnc = default, long externalDec = default, sbyte encIndir = default, sbyte decIndir = default)
     this.user        = user;
     this.@base       = @base;
     this.indir       = indir;
     this.externalEnc = externalEnc;
     this.externalDec = externalDec;
     this.encIndir    = encIndir;
     this.decIndir    = decIndir;
Esempio n. 5
            // Is this type exported or a builtin?
            private static bool isExportedOrBuiltinType(reflect.Type t)
                while (t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr)
                    t = t.Elem();
                // PkgPath will be non-empty even for an exported type,
                // so we need to check the type name as well.

                // PkgPath will be non-empty even for an exported type,
                // so we need to check the type name as well.
                return(token.IsExported(t.Name()) || t.PkgPath() == "");
Esempio n. 6
 public field(@string name = default, slice <byte> nameBytes = default, Func <slice <byte>, slice <byte>, bool> equalFold = default, @string nameNonEsc = default, @string nameEscHTML = default, bool tag = default, slice <long> index = default, reflect.Type typ = default, bool omitEmpty = default, bool quoted = default, encoderFunc encoder = default)
 {        = name;
     this.nameBytes   = nameBytes;
     this.equalFold   = equalFold;
     this.nameNonEsc  = nameNonEsc;
     this.nameEscHTML = nameEscHTML;
     this.tag         = tag;
     this.index       = index;
     this.typ         = typ;
     this.omitEmpty   = omitEmpty;
     this.quoted      = quoted;
     this.encoder     = encoder;
Esempio n. 7
 public key(ref ptr <types.Package> pkg = default, types.Object obj = default, reflect.Type t = default)
     this.pkg = pkg;
     this.obj = obj;
     this.t   = t;
Esempio n. 8
 // getTypeInfo returns the typeInfo structure with details necessary
 // for marshaling and unmarshaling typ.
 private static (ptr <typeInfo>, error) getTypeInfo(reflect.Type typ)
     ptr <typeInfo> _p0 = default !;
 public UnsupportedTypeError(reflect.Type Type = default)
     this.Type = Type;
Esempio n. 10
 public packageFactKey(ref ptr <types.Package> pkg = default, reflect.Type typ = default)
     this.pkg = pkg;
     this.typ = typ;
 public UnmarshalFieldError(@string Key = default, reflect.Type Type = default, reflect.StructField Field = default)
     this.Key   = Key;
     this.Type  = Type;
     this.Field = Field;
 public InvalidUnmarshalError(reflect.Type Type = default)
     this.Type = Type;
Esempio n. 13
 public MarshalerError(reflect.Type Type = default, error Err = default, @string sourceFunc = default)
     this.Type       = Type;
     this.Err        = Err;
     this.sourceFunc = sourceFunc;
Esempio n. 14
 public methodType(sync.Mutex Mutex = default, reflect.Method method = default, reflect.Type ArgType = default, reflect.Type ReplyType = default, ulong numCalls = default)
     this.m_MutexRef = new ptr <sync.Mutex>(Mutex);
     this.method     = method;
     this.ArgType    = ArgType;
     this.ReplyType  = ReplyType;
     this.numCalls   = numCalls;
Esempio n. 15
 public ColumnType(@string name = default, bool hasNullable = default, bool hasLength = default, bool hasPrecisionScale = default, bool nullable = default, long length = default, @string databaseType = default, long precision = default, long scale = default, reflect.Type scanType = default)
 {              = name;
     this.hasNullable       = hasNullable;
     this.hasLength         = hasLength;
     this.hasPrecisionScale = hasPrecisionScale;
     this.nullable          = nullable;
     this.length            = length;
     this.databaseType      = databaseType;
     this.precision         = precision;
     this.scale             = scale;
     this.scanType          = scanType;
Esempio n. 16
 public objectFactKey(types.Object obj = default, reflect.Type typ = default)
     this.obj = obj;
     this.typ = typ;