Esempio n. 1
        // After we split an edge, we have created a new edge and a new vertex.
        // The edge needs to inherit the constraint on the other pre-existing edge that we kept.
        // In addition, if the edge vertices were both constrained, then we /might/
        // want to also constrain this new vertex, possibly project to constraint target.
        void update_after_split(int edgeID, int va, int vb, DMesh3.EdgeSplitInfo splitInfo)
            bool bPositionFixed = false;

            if (constraints != null && constraints.HasEdgeConstraint(edgeID))
                // inherit edge constraint
                constraints.SetOrUpdateEdgeConstraint(splitInfo.eNewBN, constraints.GetEdgeConstraint(edgeID));

                // [RMS] update vertex constraints. Note that there is some ambiguity here.
                //   Both verts being constrained doesn't inherently mean that the edge is on
                //   a constraint, that's why these checks are only applied if edge is constrained.
                //   But constrained edge doesn't necessarily mean we want to inherit vert constraints!!
                //   although, pretty safe to assume that we would at least disable flips
                //   if both vertices are constrained to same line/curve. So, maybe this makes sense...
                //   (perhaps edge constraint should be explicitly tagged to resolve this ambiguity??)

                // vert inherits Fixed if both orig edge verts Fixed, and both tagged with same SetID
                VertexConstraint ca = constraints.GetVertexConstraint(va);
                VertexConstraint cb = constraints.GetVertexConstraint(vb);
                if (ca.Fixed && cb.Fixed)
                    int nSetID = (ca.FixedSetID > 0 && ca.FixedSetID == cb.FixedSetID) ?
                                 ca.FixedSetID : VertexConstraint.InvalidSetID;
                                                            new VertexConstraint(true, nSetID));
                    bPositionFixed = true;

                // vert inherits Target if both source verts and edge have same Target
                if (ca.Target != null && ca.Target == cb.Target &&
                    constraints.GetEdgeConstraint(edgeID).Target == ca.Target)
                                                            new VertexConstraint(ca.Target));
                    project_vertex(splitInfo.vNew, ca.Target);
                    bPositionFixed = true;

            if (EnableInlineProjection && bPositionFixed == false && target != null)
                project_vertex(splitInfo.vNew, target);
Esempio n. 2
        // resolve vertex constraints for collapsing edge eid=[a,b]. Generally we would
        // collapse a to b, and set the new position as 0.5*(v_a+v_b). However if a *or* b
        // are constrained, then we want to keep that vertex and collapse to its position.
        // This vertex (a or b) will be returned in collapse_to, which is -1 otherwise.
        // If a *and* b are constrained, then things are complicated (and documented below).
        protected bool can_collapse_vtx(int eid, int a, int b, out int collapse_to)
            collapse_to = -1;
            if (constraints == null)
            VertexConstraint ca = constraints.GetVertexConstraint(a);
            VertexConstraint cb = constraints.GetVertexConstraint(b);

            // no constraint at all
            if (ca.Fixed == false && cb.Fixed == false && ca.Target == null && cb.Target == null)

            // handle a or b fixed
            if (ca.Fixed == true && cb.Fixed == false)
                collapse_to = a;
            if (cb.Fixed == true && ca.Fixed == false)
                collapse_to = b;
            // if both fixed, and options allow, treat this edge as unconstrained (eg collapse to midpoint)
            // [RMS] tried picking a or b here, but something weird happens, where
            //   eg cylinder cap will entirely erode away. Somehow edge lengths stay below threshold??
            if (AllowCollapseFixedVertsWithSameSetID &&
                ca.FixedSetID >= 0 &&
                ca.FixedSetID == cb.FixedSetID)

            // handle a or b w/ target
            if (ca.Target != null && cb.Target == null)
                collapse_to = a;
            if (cb.Target != null && ca.Target == null)
                collapse_to = b;
            // if both vertices are on the same target, and the edge is on that target,
            // then we can collapse to either and use the midpoint (which will be projected
            // to the target). *However*, if the edge is not on the same target, then we
            // cannot collapse because we would be changing the constraint topology!
            if (cb.Target != null && ca.Target != null && ca.Target == cb.Target)
                if (constraints.GetEdgeConstraint(eid).Target == ca.Target)
