Esempio n. 1
        protected override void DrawInitialActualSpaceOverlays(GraphicsWrapper g, ChartSeries dateAssignedSeries)
            base.DrawInitialActualSpaceOverlays(g, dateAssignedSeries);

            if (_showMainChartSynchronizationImage && _masterSynchronizationImage != null)
                g.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(_masterSynchronizationImage, new Rectangle(4, (int)LabelsTopMargin, _masterSynchronizationImage.Width, _masterSynchronizationImage.Height));
        protected virtual void DrawInitialActualSpaceOverlays(GraphicsWrapper g, ChartSeries timeBasedSeries)
            {// X Axis labels.
                float totalItemWidth = _seriesItemWidth + _seriesItemMargin;
                float actualXSpacing = _xAxisLabelSpacing * totalItemWidth;
                if (_considerAxisLabelsSpacingScale)
                    int xScaling = Math.Abs((int)(1 / _graphicsWrapper.DrawingSpaceTransform.Elements[0]));
                    if (xScaling > 1)
                        actualXSpacing = actualXSpacing * xScaling;

                // Set starting to the closes compatible positionactualXSpacing
                // TODO : this can be optimized further by narrowing the range of xStart to end
                float xStart = (int)(_drawingSpaceDisplayLimit.X / actualXSpacing);
                xStart = xStart * actualXSpacing;

                for (float i = xStart; i < _drawingSpaceDisplayLimit.X + _drawingSpaceDisplayLimit.Width; i += actualXSpacing)
                    PointF point = GraphicsWrapper.DrawingSpaceToActualSpace(new PointF(i, 0), true);
                    if (point.X > _actualDrawingSpaceArea.X - 10
                        && point.X < _actualDrawingSpaceArea.X + _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Width)
                        int index = (int)(i / totalItemWidth);
                        string message = string.Empty;
                        if (timeBasedSeries != null)
                        {// If there is a leading dateAssignedSeries show labels based on its timing.
                            if (timeBasedSeries.MaximumIndex > index)
                                message = GeneralHelper.GetShortDateTime(timeBasedSeries.GetTimeAtIndex(index));

                            message = index.ToString(_xAxisLabelsFormat);

                        if (_axisLabelsFont != null && _xAxisLabelsFontBrush != null)
                            g.DrawString(message, _axisLabelsFont, _xAxisLabelsFontBrush, point.X, _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Y + _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Height);

                        // Draw the small line indicating where the string applies for.
                        g.DrawLine(_actualDrawingSpaceAreaBorderPen, point.X, _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Y + _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Height, point.X, _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Y + _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Height + 5);

            if (_axisLabelsFont != null && _xAxisLabelsFontBrush != null)
                _actualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginBottom = 20;
                _actualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginBottom = 8;

            {// Y Axis labels.

                int? yAxisLabelsWidth = null;

                float actualYSpacing = _yAxisLabelSpacing;
                if (_considerAxisLabelsSpacingScale)
                    int yScaling = Math.Abs((int)(1 / _graphicsWrapper.DrawingSpaceTransform.Elements[3]));
                    if (yScaling > 1)
                        actualYSpacing = actualYSpacing * yScaling;

                // Set starting to the closes compatible positionactualXSpacing
                int maxDecimalPlaces = actualYSpacing.ToString().Length - 1;
                float yStart = (int)(_drawingSpaceDisplayLimit.Y / actualYSpacing);
                yStart = yStart * actualYSpacing;
                // Round off to a fixed number of post decimal point digits, will only work for values under 1
                yStart = (float)Math.Round(yStart, maxDecimalPlaces);

                    //float minLabelValue = yStart;
                    //float maxLabelValue = _drawingSpaceDisplayLimit.Y + _drawingSpaceDisplayLimit.Height;
                    // Harry--Modified
                    // This must auto adjust to format the number properly and always fit in 6 spaces.

                    // Specify positive, negative and zero formats.

                        _yAxisLabelsFormat = " #0.#####;-#0.#####; Zero";

                    //_yAxisLabelsFormat = " #0.##;-#0.##; Zero";
                    // original
                    //_yAxisLabelsFormat = " #0.#####;-#0.#####; Zero";
                    //_yAxisLabelsFormat = " 0.000;-0.000;Zero";

                    // The default is 6 positions total for the y axis labels.
                    yAxisLabelsWidth = ((int)g.MeasureString("00.00000", _axisLabelsFont).Width);
                    //yAxisLabelsWidth = ((int)g.MeasureString("00.00", _axisLabelsFont).Width);

                if (yAxisLabelsWidth.HasValue)
                {// Calculate the current margin and confirm with any controling subscriber.
                    _actualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginLeft = yAxisLabelsWidth.Value + 5;
                    if (ActualDrawingSpaceMarginLeftUpdateEvent != null)
                        _actualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginLeft = ActualDrawingSpaceMarginLeftUpdateEvent(this, _actualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginLeft);

                // Pass 2 - actually draw the labels and label lines at the established and confirmed location.
                for (float i = yStart; i < _drawingSpaceDisplayLimit.Y + _drawingSpaceDisplayLimit.Height; i += actualYSpacing)
                    i = (float)Math.Round(i, maxDecimalPlaces);
                    PointF point = GraphicsWrapper.DrawingSpaceToActualSpace(new PointF(0, i), true);
                    if (point.Y > _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Y &&
                        point.Y < _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Y + _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Height)
                        if (_axisLabelsFont != null && _yAxisLabelsFontBrush != null)
                            g.DrawString((i).ToString(_yAxisLabelsFormat), _axisLabelsFont, _yAxisLabelsFontBrush, _actualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginLeft - yAxisLabelsWidth.Value - 3, point.Y);

                        // Draw the small line indicating where the string applies for.
                        g.DrawLine(_actualDrawingSpaceAreaBorderPen, _actualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginLeft - 5, point.Y, _actualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginLeft, point.Y);


            if (ShowSeriesLabels)
                _actualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginTop = 30;
                _actualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginTop = 5;


            // Actual space, drawing area, grid.
            _actualSpaceGrid.Draw(g, _actualDrawingSpaceArea, _actualDrawingSpaceArea, 1);

            if (ShowSeriesLabels)
                DrawGraphicSeriesLabels(g, _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Left);

            // Show
            if (_customObjectsManager.IsBuildingObject)
                g.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(_customObjectDrawingImage, new Rectangle(4, (int)LabelsTopMargin, _customObjectDrawingImage.Width, _customObjectDrawingImage.Height));