public void ViewPage()
            int page = 1;
            int size = 30;
            CDynamicViewProduct Products = new CDynamicViewProduct();
            if (Request.QueryString["advance"] != null)
                if (Session["ssadvancesearchpro"] == null)
                    if (Request.QueryString["page"] != null)
                        page = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["page"].ToString());
                        if (page < 1)
                            page = 1;
                    if (Request.QueryString["size"] != null)
                        size = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["size"].ToString());
                        if (size > 40 || size < 10)
                            size = 30;

                Products = (CDynamicViewProduct)Session["ssadvancesearchpro"];
                string where = "";
                string location = "";
                string brand = "";
                float price1 = 0;
                float price2 = 0;
                string cpu = "";
                string hdd = "";
                string ram = "";
                string screen = "";
                string color = "";
                string txtsearch = "";
                string urlPage = Request.RawUrl;
                string proState = "";
                if (Request.QueryString["address"] != null)
                    location = Request.QueryString["address"].ToString();
                    if (location.Length > 0)
                        where += " and Id in (select ProductId from v_web_product_warehouse where WareHouseId in (" + location + ") Group By ProductId)";
                if (Request.QueryString["state"] != null)
                    proState = Request.QueryString["state"].ToString();
                    if (proState.Length > 0)
                        where += " and StateId in (" + proState + ")";
                if (Request.QueryString["brand"] != null)
                    brand = Request.QueryString["brand"].ToString();
                    if (brand.Length > 0)
                        where += " and idbrand=" + brand;
                if (Request.QueryString["price1"] != null)
                        price1 = float.Parse(Request.QueryString["price1"].ToString());
                        if (Application["currency"].Equals("VND") || Application["currency"].Equals("$"))
                            price1 = price1 * 1000000;
                            price1 = price1 / (float)Application["ratepromain"];

                    if (price1 > 0)
                        where += " and SellingPrice>=" + price1;
                if (Request.QueryString["price2"] != null)
                        price2 = float.Parse(Request.QueryString["price2"].ToString());
                        if (Application["currency"].Equals("VND") || Application["currency"].Equals("$"))
                            price2 = price2 * 1000000;
                            price2 = price2 / (float)Application["ratepromain"];
                    { }
                    if (price2 > 0)
                        where += " and SellingPrice<=" + price2;
                if (Request.QueryString["cpu"] != null)
                    cpu = Request.QueryString["cpu"].ToString();
                    string[] arrvalue = cpu.Split(',');
                    int num = arrvalue.Length;
                    if (num > 7)
                        num = 7;
                    string sub = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < num - 1; i++)
                        if (arrvalue[i].Length > 0)
                            sub += "note like '%" + arrvalue[i] + " ghz%' or ";
                    if (arrvalue[num - 1].Length > 0)
                        sub += "note like '%" + arrvalue[num - 1] + " ghz%'";
                    if (sub.Length > 0)
                        where += " and (" + sub + ")";
                if (Request.QueryString["hdd"] != null)
                    hdd = Request.QueryString["hdd"].ToString();
                    string[] arrvalue = hdd.Split(',');
                    int num = arrvalue.Length;
                    if (num > 7)
                        num = 7;
                    string sub = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < num - 1; i++)
                        if (arrvalue[i].Length > 0)
                            sub += "note like '%" + arrvalue[i] + " gb%' or ";
                    if (arrvalue[num - 1].Length > 0)
                        sub += "note like '%" + arrvalue[num - 1] + " gb%'";
                    if (sub.Length > 0)
                        where += " and (" + sub + ")";
                if (Request.QueryString["ram"] != null)
                    ram = Request.QueryString["ram"].ToString();
                    string[] arrvalue = ram.Split(',');
                    int num = arrvalue.Length;
                    if (num > 7)
                        num = 7;
                    string sub = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < num - 1; i++)
                        if (arrvalue[i].Length > 0)
                            sub += "note like '%, " + arrvalue[i] + " mb%' or ";
                    if (arrvalue[num - 1].Length > 0)
                        sub += "note like '%, " + arrvalue[num - 1] + " mb%'";
                    if (sub.Length > 0)
                        where += " and (" + sub + ")";
                if (Request.QueryString["screen"] != null)
                    screen = Request.QueryString["screen"].ToString();
                    string[] arrvalue = screen.Split(',');
                    int num = arrvalue.Length;
                    if (num > 7)
                        num = 7;
                    string sub = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < num - 1; i++)
                        if (arrvalue[i].Length > 0)
                            sub += "note like '%" + arrvalue[i] + "\"%' or ";
                    if (arrvalue[num - 1].Length > 0)
                        sub += "note like '%" + arrvalue[num - 1] + "\"%'";
                    if (sub.Length > 0)
                        where += " and (" + sub + ")";
                if (Request.QueryString["color"] != null)
                    color = Request.QueryString["color"].ToString();
                    string[] arrvalue = color.Split(',');
                    int num = arrvalue.Length;
                    if (num > 7)
                        num = 7;
                    string sub = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < num - 1; i++)
                        if (arrvalue[i].Length > 0)
                            sub += "note like N'%" + arrvalue[i] + "%' or ";
                    if (arrvalue[num - 1].Length > 0)
                        sub += "note like N'%" + arrvalue[num - 1] + "%'";
                    if (sub.Length > 0)
                        where += " and (" + sub + ")";
                if (Request.QueryString["text"] != null)
                    txtsearch = Request.QueryString["text"].ToString();
                    txtsearch = txtsearch.Replace("\"", "");
                    txtsearch = txtsearch.Replace("'", "");
                    if (txtsearch.Length > 0)
                        if (brand.Length > 0)
                            where += " and (Name like N'%" + txtsearch + "%' or note like N'%" + txtsearch + "%')";
                            where += " and (Name like N'%" + txtsearch + "%' or brand like N'%" + txtsearch + "%' or note like N'%" + txtsearch + "%')";
                //strProduct = where;
                Session["ssadvancesearchpro"] = Products;
            blSearchPro = string.Format(blSearchPro, "<u>" + Products.GetNumberRecord() + "</u>");
            Product_data product = Products.ProductAdvanceSearchFromTo();
            DataTable table = product.Tables[Product_data._table];
            int numPro = table.Rows.Count;
            Boolean iseven = true;
            if (Products.GetPages() > 1)
                strpage1 = CreatePage(Products.GetCurrentPage(), Products.GetPages(), Products.GetPageSize(), 1);
                strpage2 = CreatePage(Products.GetCurrentPage(), Products.GetPages(), Products.GetPageSize(), 2);
            else if (Products.GetPages() == 1)
                strpage1 = ButtonCompare(true);
                strpage2 = ButtonCompare(false);
            strproduct = "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='100%'>";
            strproduct += "<tr height='5'><td colspan='3'></td></tr>";
            string id = "";
            string name = "";
            string url = "";
            string price = "";
            string warranty = "";
            Boolean istest = false;
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
            float rate = (float)Application["ratepromain"];
            float price11 = 1;
            string price22 = "";
            string substring = "";
            string madein = "";
            string isspec = "";
            if (Products.GetCurrentPage() == 1)
                istest = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < numPro; i++)
                id = table.Rows[i][Product_data._id].ToString();
                name = table.Rows[i][Product_data._name].ToString() + " " + table.Rows[i][Product_data._state].ToString();
                url = table.Rows[i][Product_data._urlImage].ToString();
                string namepro = table.Rows[i][Product_data._name].ToString();
                namepro = namepro.Replace("/", "");
                namepro = namepro.Replace("#", "");
                namepro = namepro.Replace(":", "");
                namepro = namepro.Replace("\"", "");
                if (url.Length > 0)
                    url = "image/img_pro/" + url;
                    url = "image/common/notimgpro.png";
                price22 = table.Rows[i][Product_data._price].ToString();
                price11 = float.Parse(table.Rows[i][Product_data._price].ToString());
                price11 = price11 * rate;
                price = price11.ToString("N").Split('.')[0];
                warranty = table.Rows[i][Product_data._WarrantyMonth].ToString();
                madein = table.Rows[i][Product_data._shortnote].ToString();
                isspec = table.Rows[i][Product_data._ispec].ToString();
                if (istest == true && price.Equals("0"))
                    substring = "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='100%'>";
                    substring += "<tr><td rowspan='2' width='88' align='center' valign='top'>";
                    if (table.Rows[i][Product_data._ispromotion].ToString().Length > 0)
                        substring += "<img src='image/common/khuyenmai.gif' style='cursor:pointer;' onmouseover='showDivMessage(2," + id + "," + i + ",event);' onmouseout='OnMOut(event)'/><br />";
                    substring += "<a href='" + namepro + "-dp-" + id + ".html'><img class='img1' onmouseover='showDivMessage(1," + id + "," + i + ",event);' onmouseout='OnMOut(event)' src='" + url + "'/></a></td>";
                    substring += "<td colspan='2' valign='top' class='text_title'><a href='" + namepro + "-dp-" + id + ".html' onmouseover='showDivMessage(1," + id + "," + i + ",event);' onmouseout='OnMOut(event)'>" + name + "</a></td></tr>";
                    substring += "<tr><td valign='middle' width='165' height='48'>" + tprice + ": <span class='price'>";
                    substring += tupdate + "</span><br />";
                    substring += twarranty + ": <span class='price'>" + warranty + " " + tmonth + "</span>";
                    //if (madein.Length > 0)
                    //    substring += "<br /><span class='text_title'>" + madein + "</span>";
                    substring += "</td><td width='25' align='right'><input type='checkbox' id='c" + id + "' name='cp'/></td></tr>";

                    if (madein.Length > 0)
                        substring += "<tr><td colspan='3' class='text_title' align='center'>" + madein + "</td></tr>";
                    //strProMain += "<tr><td colspan='3' align='center' height='32'><div class='button3' onclick='AddCart(" + id + ",1);'>" + torder + "</div></td></tr>";
                    substring += "</table>";
                if (iseven)
                    if (isspec.Equals("1"))
                        strproduct += "<tr><td width='278' class='cl1'>";
                        strproduct += "<tr><td width='278'>";
                    strproduct += "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='100%'>";
                    strproduct += "<tr><td rowspan='2' width='88' align='center' valign='top'>";
                    if (table.Rows[i][Product_data._ispromotion].ToString().Length > 0)
                        strproduct += "<img src='image/common/khuyenmai.gif' style='cursor:pointer;' onmouseover='showDivMessage(2," + id + "," + i + ",event);' onmouseout='OnMOut(event)'/><br />";
                    strproduct += "<a href='" + namepro + "-dp-" + id + ".html'><img class='img1' onmouseover='showDivMessage(1," + id + "," + i + ",event);' onmouseout='OnMOut(event)' src='" + url + "'/></a></td>";
                    strproduct += "<td colspan='2' valign='top' class='text_title'><a href='" + namepro + "-dp-" + id + ".html' onmouseover='showDivMessage(1," + id + "," + i + ",event);' onmouseout='OnMOut(event)'>" + name + "</a></td></tr>";
                    strproduct += "<tr><td valign='middle' width='165' height='48'>" + tprice + ": <span class='price'>";
                    if (price.Equals("0"))
                        strproduct += tupdate + "</span><br />";
                        if (unitPrice.Equals("$"))
                            strproduct += price + " VND</span><br />";
                            strproduct += "<font color='#FFFFFF'>" + tprice + ": </font><span class='price'>" + price22 + "</span><br />";
                        else if (unitPrice.Equals("$$"))
                            strproduct += price + " VND</span><br />";
                            strproduct += "<font color='#FFFFFF'>" + tprice + ": </font><span class='price'>" + price22 + " USD</span><br />";
                            strproduct += price + " " + unitPrice + "</span><br />";
                    strproduct += "<span class='tvat'>" + strMVAT + "</span><br />";
                    strproduct += twarranty + ": <span class='price'>" + warranty + " " + tmonth + "</span>";
                    //if (madein.Length > 0)
                    //    strproduct += "<br /><span class='text_title'>" + madein + "</span>";
                    strproduct += "</td><td width='25' align='right'><input type='checkbox' id='c" + id + "' name='cp'/></td></tr>";
                    //strproduct += "<tr><td colspan='3' height='32' align='center'><div class='button3' onclick='AddCart(" + id + ",1);'>" + torder + "</div></td></tr>";
                    if (madein.Length > 0)
                        strproduct += "<tr><td colspan='3' class='text_title' align='center'>" + madein + "</td></tr>";

                    strproduct += "</table></td>";
                    strproduct += "<td class='bg_line4'></td>";
                    iseven = false;
                    if (i + 1 == numPro)

                        if (list.Count == 0)
                            strproduct += "<td width='278'>&nbsp;</td>";
                            strproduct += "</tr>";
                    if (isspec.Equals("1"))
                        strproduct += "<td width='278' class='cl1'>";
                        strproduct += "<td width='278'>";
                    strproduct += "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='100%'>";
                    strproduct += "<tr><td rowspan='2' width='88' align='center' valign='top'>";
                    if (table.Rows[i][Product_data._ispromotion].ToString().Length > 0)
                        strproduct += "<img src='image/common/khuyenmai.gif' style='cursor:pointer;' onmouseover='showDivMessage(2," + id + "," + i + ",event);' onmouseout='OnMOut(event)'/><br />";
                    strproduct += "<a href='" + namepro + "-dp-" + id + ".html'><img class='img1' onmouseover='showDivMessage(1," + id + "," + i + ",event);' onmouseout='OnMOut(event)' src='" + url + "'/></a></td>";
                    strproduct += "<td colspan='2' valign='top' class='text_title'><a href='" + namepro + "-dp-" + id + ".html' onmouseover='showDivMessage(1," + id + "," + i + ",event);' onmouseout='OnMOut(event)'>" + name + "</a></td></tr>";
                    strproduct += "<tr><td valign='middle' width='165' height='48'>" + tprice + ": <span class='price'>";
                    if (price.Equals("0"))
                        strproduct += tupdate + "</span><br />";
                        if (unitPrice.Equals("$"))
                            strproduct += price + " VND</span><br />";
                            strproduct += "<font color='#FFFFFF'>" + tprice + ": </font><span class='price'>" + price22 + "</span><br />";
                        else if (unitPrice.Equals("$$"))
                            strproduct += price + " VND</span><br />";
                            strproduct += "<font color='#FFFFFF'>" + tprice + ": </font><span class='price'>" + price22 + " USD</span><br />";
                            strproduct += price + " " + unitPrice + "</span><br />";
                    strproduct += "<span class='tvat'>" + strMVAT + "</span><br />";
                    strproduct += twarranty + ": <span class='price'>" + warranty + " " + tmonth + "</span>";
                    //if (madein.Length > 0)
                    //    strproduct += "<br /><span class='text_title'>" + madein + "</span>";
                    strproduct += "</td><td width='25' align='right'><input type='checkbox' id='c" + id + "' name='cp'/></td></tr>";
                    //strproduct += "<tr><td colspan='3' height='32' align='center'><div class='button3' onclick='AddCart(" + id + ",1);'>" + torder + "</div></td></tr>";

                    if (madein.Length > 0)
                        strproduct += "<tr><td colspan='3' class='text_title' align='center'>" + madein + "</td></tr>";

                    strproduct += "</table></td></tr>";
                    if (i + 1 < numPro)
                        strproduct += "<tr><td class='bg_line3'></td><td></td><td class='bg_line3'></td></tr>";
                    iseven = true;
            int numpro = list.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < numpro; i++)
                if (iseven)
                    strproduct += "<tr><td width='278'>";
                    strproduct += list[i].ToString();
                    strproduct += "</td><td class='bg_line4'></td>";
                    iseven = false;
                    if (i + 1 == numpro)
                        strproduct += "<td width='278'>&nbsp;</td>";
                        strproduct += "</tr>";
                    strproduct += "<td width='278'>";
                    strproduct += list[i].ToString();
                    strproduct += "</td></tr>";
                    if (i + 1 < numPro)
                        strproduct += "<tr><td class='bg_line3'></td><td></td><td class='bg_line3'></td></tr>";
                    iseven = true;
            strproduct += "<tr height='5'><td colspan='3'></td></tr>";
            strproduct += "</table>";
