Esempio n. 1
        static Stratum.Notification.NewJob MakeJob(ReplicationData.Job repl)
            var jobid        = "abcd";
            var cbHead       = HexHelp.DecodeHex(repl.cbHead);
            var cbTail       = HexHelp.DecodeHex(repl.cbTail);
            var parsedMerkle = DecodeMerkles(repl.merkles);
            var bver         = HexHelp.DecodeHex(repl.blockVersion);
            var ndiff        = HexHelp.DecodeHex(repl.networkDiff);
            var ntime        = HexHelp.DecodeHex(repl.networkTime);
            var res          = new Stratum.Notification.NewJob(jobid, bver, null, cbHead, cbTail, ndiff, ntime, true);

            HexHelp.DecodeInto(res.prevBlock.blob, repl.prevHash);
Esempio n. 2
        static public Notification.NewJob MiningNotify(object?evargs)
            if (null == evargs)
                throw new MissingRequiredException("mining.notify: no payload given");
            if (evargs is not JArray concrete)
                throw new MissingRequiredException("mining.notify: payload must be an array");
            if (concrete.Count != 9 && concrete.Count != 10)
                throw new BadParseException("mining.notify: element count mismatch, won't be able to parse");

            var getTrie = concrete.Count == 10;

            byte[]? trie = null;
            var index          = 0;
            var jobid          = concrete[index++].Value <string>();
            var prevHashHexstr = concrete[index++].Value <string>();

            if (getTrie)
                var triestr = concrete[index++].Value <string>();
                trie = HexHelp.DecodeHex(triestr);
            var coinbaseFirst  = concrete[index++].Value <string>();
            var coinBaseSecond = concrete[index++].Value <string>();
            var merkles        = concrete[index++] as JArray ?? throw new BadParseException("mining.notify: merkles must be an array");
            var version        = HexHelp.DecodeHex(concrete[index++].Value <string>());
            var nbits          = HexHelp.DecodeHex(concrete[index++].Value <string>());
            var ntime          = HexHelp.DecodeHex(concrete[index++].Value <string>());
            var flush          = concrete[index++].Value <bool>();

            var cbFirst = HexHelp.DecodeHex(coinbaseFirst);
            var cbTail  = HexHelp.DecodeHex(coinBaseSecond);
            var res     = new Notification.NewJob(jobid, version, trie, cbFirst, cbTail, nbits, ntime, flush);

            HexHelp.DecodeInto(res.prevBlock.blob, prevHashHexstr);
            var decodedMerkles = merkles.Select(el => AsMerkle(el));

Esempio n. 3
        public void NewJob(Notification.NewJob job)
            currently = job;
            nonce2Off = job.cbHead.Length + extraNonceOne.Length;
            var coinbase = MakeCoinbaseTemplate(job.cbHead, extraNonceOne, nonce2Off, nonce2.ByteCount, job.cbTail);

            StampNonce2(coinbase, nonce2Off, nonce2);
            var merkle = MakeNewMerkles(initialMerkle, job.merkles, coinbase);

            SwapUintBytes(merkle); // that's from stratum documentation
            var header = job.blockVer.Concat(job.prevBlock.blob).Concat(merkle);

            if (job.trie != null)
                header = header.Concat(job.trie);                   // not present in stratum v1 docs nor in M8M but sgminer has it (?)
            header      = header.Concat(job.ntime).Concat(job.networkDiff);
            header      = header.Concat(noncePad); // nonce to be tested
            header      = header.Concat(workPadding);
            this.header = header.ToArray();

            // But legacy miners have a quirk. They just zero out the whole thing (at least in the code I have checked).
            this.header[^ 45] = 0;
Esempio n. 4
 public NewJobReceivedEventArgs(Notification.NewJob newJob)
     this.newJob = newJob;